602 resultados para Nuptial Coloration
The objective of this paper was to verify the ideal moment of application of desiccants on the soybeans crop, to obtain seeds with maximum physiological and sanitary quality. The cultivar IAC-15 was sowed at the experimental area of FE/UNESP - Campus of Ilha Solteira, located in the district of Selvíria, State of Mato Grosso do Sul (20° 22′S, 51° 22′W at approximately 335 m of altitude). The experimental design was a randomized block, with treatments in a factorial scheme of 3×3 and 4×4 (dessicant x application time), in 1996/97 and 1997/98, respectively. The desiccants applied during the season agricultural year 1996/97 were: paraquat, diquat, paraquat+diquat mix at the doses 400; 300; 200+150 e 400 g a.i.ha -1, respectively. In 1997/98 the same desiccants were used, at the same doses, with additional treatment application of ammonium glufosinate at the dose of 400 g a.i.ha -1. The desiccants were applied three times in 1996/97 and four times in 1997/98 with 5 days intervals starting at the R 6 stage. According to the environmental conditions of this research the best desiccation time was when soybean plants had 80% to 90% of pods with yellow and brown coloration and seeds with 45% to 60% of water content. There were no effects of any of the desiccants tested in the physiological and sanitary potential required for commercialization of the seeds.
Ipê amarelo Tabebuia chrysotricha (Mart. Ex DC.) Standl. is a native forest species that presents heavy and durable wood: it is common to be used for urban arborization. The species is latte secondary and heliophyta. Occurs from Espirito Santo State until Santa Catarina in the Pluvial Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlântica). The seedling production is hard because their seeds have short longevity after dispersion, and so due to the difficulty to harvest winged seeds that are quickly dispersed by the wind. The present study was carried out to evaluate the physiological maturity of Ipê Amarelo seeds, to establish the best moment to harvest them. The study was to accompany the maturation of 100 fruits in just beginning development, from eleven different trees. Morphological characteristic measures were made weekly, with fruits still on trees, starting from the second week development when fruits presented the following averages: 6.3 cm length, 0.71 cm thickness, and 0.82 cm width. From the sixth week of fruit development we harvest them to proceed the germination test, water content rate, and electric conductivity test. The germination has begun by the seventh week development with 28% of germinated seedlings. The highest germination rate happened by the eighth week development, with 74.5% of germinated seedlings and on the ninth week the rate decrease to 65.5%, when the seeds were already in dispersion. Through the electric conductivity test the highest value obtained was 378.06 μS.g -1.cm -1 on the seventh week development and the lowest one was 183.28 μpS.g -1.cm -1 on eighth week. These results support those obtained in the germination test, because as higher is the electric conductivity of seeds, as higher is their deterioration level. Finally, the study allows concluding that the physiological maturation of ipê amarelo seeds has occurred before dispersion close to the eighth week development when fruits presented the following averages: 22.2 cm length, 1.37 cm width, and 1.05 cm thickness; water content rate was 61.8% and electric conductivity was 183.28 μS.g -1.cm -1. In that moment, the fruits presented greened brown coloration and started to show fissures.
Adult males of Eidmanacris corumbatai Garcia have reduced tegmina without stridulatory apparatus. For this reason, they developed other means of intra-specific communication. During courtship, the males use a combination of foreleg drumming and waving of the antennae, in addition to chemical signaling through pheromones. The females become receptive to copulation when the males expose their metanotal gland. This gland, located on the male metanotum, is also a source of substances on which females feed before receiving the spermatophore. During copulation, the female destroys the apex of the metanotal gland to gain access to the secretion released by this structure.
The objective of this work was to verify the effect in the skin of male swines gel (G) containing hyaluronidase (H) associated or not to ultrasound (US). In different areas was applied G; G+US; G+H; G+H+US and mesotherapy (M). Skin fragment was processed in paraffin. To evidence hyaluronic acid (HA) coloration with Alcian Blue (AB) was used and coloration with Hematoxilin/Eosin for morphometry. It was observed that G+H and G+H+US did not reduce coloration for the AB nor presented significant differences for the morphometry. When H was applied mesoteraphycally coloration for the AB diminished. Then, the use of H associated or with US did not seem efficient in the HA reduction.
The genus Stryphnodendron (S.) belongs to the family Leguminosae, subfamily Mimosoideae, which includes mostly trees of tropical and subtropical South America. Extracts of the stem bark are used traditionally by the local population to treat leucorrhoea and diarrhoea, as anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents (antimicrobial) and to promote blood clotting and wound healing, and in a few cases of gastric ulcers. A review of the literature presented a previous morpho-anatomical study only for S. adstringens (Mart.) Coville. The aim of the present work is to compare morpho-anatomically the stem bark and leaves of three species of Stryphnodendron, known popularly as barbatimão: S. adstringens, S. polyphyllum and S. obovatum, in order to help botanical identification and contribute to quality control. Macro- and microscopical evaluation of the stem barks revealed no significant differences among the species. Morphological analyses of the leaves revealed differences in size, coloration, and pubescence. The leaves of S. adstringens are the largest, glabrous, and concolor. The leaves of S. polyphyllum are smaller, pubescent, and discolor; whereas the leaves of S. obovatum are the same size as those of S. polyphyllum, however, they are glabrous, and discolor.
The morphology of the ovaries in Uca rapax (Smith, 1870) was described based on macroscopic and microscopic analysis. Females were collected in Itamambuca mangrove, Ubatuba, state of São Paulo, Brazil. In the laboratory, 18 females had their ovaries removed and prepared for histology. Each gonad developmental stage was previously determined based on external and macroscopic morphology and afterwards each stage was microscopically described. The ovaries of U. rapax showed a pronounced macroscopic differentiation in size and coloration with the maturation of the gonad, with six ovarian developmental stages: immature, rudimentary, developing, developed, advanced and spent. During the vitellogenesis, the amount of oocytes in secondary stage increases in the ovary, resulting in a change in coloration of the gonad. Oogonias, primary oocytes, secondary oocytes and follicular cells were histologically described and measured. In female's ovaries of U. rapax the modifications observed in the oocytes during the process of gonad maturation are similar to descriptions of gonads of other females of brachyuran crustaceans. The similarities are specially found in the morphological changes in the reproductive cells, and also in the presence and arrange of follicle cells during the process of ovary maturation. When external morphological characteristics of the gonads were compared to histological descriptions, it was possible to observe modifications that characterize the process in different developmental stages throughout the ovarian cycle and, consequently, the macroscopic classification of gonad stages agree with the modifications of the reproductive cells.
Calathea louisae is an herbaceous ornamental plant native of Brazil whose cut foliage has potential to be used as a new product for the local ornamental market, as well as the international market, due to its decorative dark green leaves with greenish white splotches along midrib, and purple undersides. The objective of this study was to evaluate pulse treatments of benzyladenine and gibberellic acid for maintaining quality and extending keepability of foliage. The experiment was conducted in a complete randomized design with three replications (three stems in each vase) and seven treatments: distilled water (control) and pulsing cut petioles in benzyladenine or gibberellic acid for 4 h at 100, 250 and 500 mg L-1. The senescence symptoms were characterized by leaf rolling and a decrease in the angle formed between leaf and petiole as a response to water stress. Gibberellic acid or benzyladenine pulse treatments (250 and 500 mg L-1) significantly extended the longevity of cut foliage compared to the control. Gibberellic acid pulse (250 and 500 mg L-1) maintained leaves' green coloration and brightness for a longer time compared to control and benzyladenine pulse. Pulsing with gibberellic acid or benzyladenine (at all tested concentrations) maintained upright leaves for a longer time, showing a significantly higher angle between leaf and petiole compared to control. Foliage pulsed with gibberellic acid (500 mg L-1) showed a significantly higher leaf relative water content, a significantly smaller loss of accumulated fresh mass percentage compared to control and other gibbberellic acid and benzyladenine treatments.
The Epiponini is a group of social wasps living in polygynic societies. The caste dimorphism varies from incipient to well distinct. Morphometric analyses on twelve body parts and ovarian development of Polybia emaciata Lucas 1879, were used to estimate the level of caste differentiation in seven colonies. Physiologic differences were found. Among queens the ovaries were inseminated and presented as highly developed; in intermediate females, ovaries were slightly developed and uninseminated, and for the workers the ovaries were not developed or inseminated. In addition, the coloration of the mesosoma and metasoma were darker in workers and intermediates. Morphometric analysis evidenced slight morphological differences. Even though body proportions were not enough to discriminate castes, the fifth sternite of the gaster had important characters that were able to differentiate queens from workers and intermediates. We propose that P. emaciata presents a case of pre-imaginal caste determination, which is not strictly based on size.
Marantaceae leaves have a contrasting color pattern and a decorative design which are interesting traits for its use as cut foliage. No postharvest research has been carried out on the potential as cut foliage for species of Ctenanthe, a member of the Marantaceae. Grey-maranta (Ctenathe setosa) is an herbaceous ornamental plant native of Brazil whose cut foliage has potential to be used as new crop product for local and international ornamental markets. The objective of this study was to evaluate pulse treatments to extend the longevity of foliage. The experiment was conducted in a complete randomized design with three replications and eight treatments: distilled water; pulsing cut petioles-ends in citric acid (pH = 2.8/1h); 2% sucrose (4h); 1% sucrose plus 200 mg L-1 citric acid (4h); 0.01% Tween® 20 (4h); 100 mg L -1 benzyladenine plus 0.01% Tween® 20 (4h); 100 mg L-1 gibberellic acid plus 0.01% Tween® 20 (4h); and maintenance of cut petiole in holding solution with commercial sodium hypochlorite (0.5 mL L-1). The senescence symptoms were mainly characterized by leaf rolling and by a decrease in the angle formed between leaf and petiole as a response to water deficit stress. Gibberellic acid or benzyladenine pulse treatments significantly extended longevity (6 days compared to control) and maintained leaves' green coloration and brightness for a longer time compared to control. However, only the benzyladenine plus Tween® 20 pulse maintained leaves in an erect form for a longer time, showing a significantly higher angle between leaf and petiole compared to control. Also, foliage pulsed with benzyladenine plus Tween® 20 showed a significant smallest loss of accumulated fresh mass percentage compared to control by the T test as to parallelism of treatments lines.
Anurans may be brightly colored or completely cryptic. Generally, in the former situation, we are dealing with aposematism, and the latter is an example of camouflage. However, these are only simple views of what such colorations really mean and which defensive strategy is implied. For instance, a brightly colored frog may be part of a mimicry ring, which could be either Batesian, Müllerian, or Browerian. These are only examples of the diversity of color-usage systems as defensive strategies. Unfortunately, reports on the use of colors as defensive mechanisms are widespread in the available literature, and the possible functions are rarely mentioned. Therefore, we reviewed the literature and added new data to this subject. Then, we the use of colors (as defensive mechanism) into categories. Mimicry was divided into the subcategories camouflage, homotypy, and nondeceitful homotypy, and these groups were also subcategorized. Dissuasive coloration was divided into behavioral display of colors, polymorphism, and polyphenism. Aposematism was treated apart, but aposematic colorations may be present in other defensive strategies. Finally, we propose functions and forms of evolution for some color systems in post-metamorphic anurans and hope that this review can be the basis for future research, even on other animal groups. © 2009 L. F. Toledo and C. F. B. Haddad.
Color patterns are strongly related to defensive strategies in anurans. Some anurans present more than one morphotype. Leptodactylus fuscus, for example, present two morphotypes (with and without vertebral white line). The proportion of each pattern in nature is different, whereby there are always more individuals without stripes. Therefore, we speculated if this difference in the observed color pattern is due to unequal predation pressures (i.e. stronger over the striped morphotype), and/or if there is a genetic component related to autossomic heritage. To test the selective predation over the morphotypes, we prepared plasticine models of L. fuscus with both phenotypes and placed them in the field. We did not find evidence of predation selection and as we found significant relationships between the proportions of the phenotypes and Mendelian proportions, we suggest that the phenotypes observed in this species are genetically determined (involving dominant and recessive alleles) and may not have a defensive function.
Aim: To evaluate the effect of photochemical activation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) bleaching gel with different wavelengths. Methods: In the study, 80 bovine incisors were used, which were stained in 25% soluble coffee and divided in 4 groups. The initial color was measured with the Easy Shade spectrophotometer by CIE Lab. An experimental 35% H2O2 bleaching gel was used, either with or without the presence of titanium dioxide (TiO2) pigment, associated with two light sources: G1 - Transparent Gel (TG) and no activation; G2 - Gel with TiO2 and activation with blue LED (l=470nm)\laser (Easy Bleach) appliance; G3 - Gel with TiO2 and activation with ultraviolet (l=345nm - UV); G4 - TG and activation with UV. Three applications of the gels were made for 10 min, and in each, 3 activations of 3 min, with interval of 30 s between them. The coloration was evaluated again and the variation in color perception (DE) was calculated. The data were submitted to one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. Results: There were significant differences between G1 and G4. The greatest E value was observed in G4 (13.37). There was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) between the groups 2, 3 and 4. Conclusions: The presence of TiO2 particules in the bleaching gel did not interfere at the bleaching results.
This research aimed to standardize the tetrazolium test for evaluation of viability of Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. and Schizolobium parahyba Vell. Blake seeds. It evaluated the following methodologies: seeds scarificated mechanically and soaked up by 24 and 48 hours, with posterior seed coat removal and immersed in tetrazolium solution at 0.075; 0.10 and 0.20% for 2, 3 and 4 hours, 35 °C, the dark one. The evaluated methodologies that had been efficient in the attainment of satisfactory coloration, allowing the differentiation of tissues, and in the evaluation of the physiological quality of the seeds when compared with the germination test, had been: for the species Copaifera langsdorffii, seeds scarificated and soaked up by 24 hours, 35 °C, with posterior seed coat removal, submitted to the tetrazolium solution 0.20% for 4 hours, 35 °C, in the dark one, and for the species guapuruvu, seeds scarificated and soaked up by 48 hours, 35 °C, with posterior seed coat removal, submitted to the tetrazolium solution 0.10% for 4 hours, 35 °C, in the dark one.
Making an artificial iris with an aesthetically acceptable color is an important aspect of ocular rehabilitation. This work evaluated the influence of different disinfecting solutions on changes to the color of artificial irises used in ocular prostheses. Fifty samples simulating ocular prostheses were produced with cobalt blue artificial irises and divided (n = 10) according to the disinfectant used: neutral soap, Opti-free, Efferdent, 1% hypochlorite, and 4% chlorhexidine. The samples were disinfected for 120 days and subjected to a color readings by spectrophotometry, using the CIE L*a*b* system, before the disinfection period (B), after 60 days of disinfectant exposure (T 1), and after 120 days of disinfectant exposure (T 2). Color differences (ΔE) were calculated for the intervals between T 1 and B (T 1B), and between T 2 and B (T 2B). The data were evaluated by analysis of variance and the Tukey Honestly Significantly Different (α = 0.05). All disinfectant groups exhibited color changes. The mean color change observed for all groups overall during T 2B (ΔE = 3.51) was significantly greater than that observed during T 1B (ΔE = 2.10). All groups exhibited greater color change for the b* values when compared to the a* and L* values. There were no significant differences between the disinfectant groups. It can be concluded that the time period of disinfection and storage significantly affected the stability of artificial iris color, independent of the disinfectant used. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Oncidium varicosum is a species of orchid that is prevalent in South America. This species produces yellow flowers, which are commonly named golden shower, ballet dancer and Anita's flower. The study of the post-harvest physiology of flowers involves examination of factors related to quality loss of cut flowers, which is related not only to several physiological processes but also to interactions between the floral components and qualitative factors. In this context, our research involved the study of physiological aspects of the post-harvest physiology of cut inflorescences of Oncidium varicosum ('Samurai') after treatment with pulsing solutions containing silver salts, 8-HQC and sucrose. A reduction of relative water content of Oncidium flowers treated with pulsing STS (2 mM) was observed. The soluble carbohydrates and reducing sugars content decreased, and higher contents were measured in flowers treated with STS (2 mM). All parameters related to flower coloration were reduced in all treatments. Similar results were obtained for carotenoid content, except for the STS treatment (2 mM), which differed significantly from the other treatments on the 8th and 12th days of vase life. The inflorescences' longevity varied from 12 days (distilled water) to 15 days (STS 2 mM).