990 resultados para Numerical Weather Prediction


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Groundwater systems of different densities are often mathematically modeled to understand and predict environmental behavior such as seawater intrusion or submarine groundwater discharge. Additional data collection may be justified if it will cost-effectively aid in reducing the uncertainty of a model's prediction. The collection of salinity, as well as, temperature data could aid in reducing predictive uncertainty in a variable-density model. However, before numerical models can be created, rigorous testing of the modeling code needs to be completed. This research documents the benchmark testing of a new modeling code, SEAWAT Version 4. The benchmark problems include various combinations of density-dependent flow resulting from variations in concentration and temperature. The verified code, SEAWAT, was then applied to two different hydrological analyses to explore the capacity of a variable-density model to guide data collection. ^ The first analysis tested a linear method to guide data collection by quantifying the contribution of different data types and locations toward reducing predictive uncertainty in a nonlinear variable-density flow and transport model. The relative contributions of temperature and concentration measurements, at different locations within a simulated carbonate platform, for predicting movement of the saltwater interface were assessed. Results from the method showed that concentration data had greater worth than temperature data in reducing predictive uncertainty in this case. Results also indicated that a linear method could be used to quantify data worth in a nonlinear model. ^ The second hydrological analysis utilized a model to identify the transient response of the salinity, temperature, age, and amount of submarine groundwater discharge to changes in tidal ocean stage, seasonal temperature variations, and different types of geology. The model was compared to multiple kinds of data to (1) calibrate and verify the model, and (2) explore the potential for the model to be used to guide the collection of data using techniques such as electromagnetic resistivity, thermal imagery, and seepage meters. Results indicated that the model can be used to give insight to submarine groundwater discharge and be used to guide data collection. ^


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Lo scopo di questo studio è la comprensione della dinamica dello strato limite urbano per città dell’Emilia Romagna tramite simulazioni numeriche. In particolare, l’attenzione è posta sull’ effetto isola di calore, ovvero sulla differenza di temperatura dell’aria in prossimità del suolo fra zone rurali e urbane dovuta all’urbanizzazione. Le simulazioni sono state effettuate con il modello alla mesoscala "Weather Research and Forecasting" (WRF), accoppiato con le parametrizzazioni urbane "Building Effect Parametrization" (BEP) e "Building Energy Model" (BEM), che agiscono a vari livelli verticali urbani. Il periodo di studio riguarda sei giorni caldi e senza copertura nuvolosa durante un periodo di heat wave dell’anno 2015. La copertura urbana è stata definita con il "World Urban Databes and Access Portal Tools" (WUDAPT), un metodo che permette di classificare le aree urbane in dieci "urban climate zones" (UCZ), attraverso l’uso combinato di immagini satellitari e "training areas" manualmente definite con il software Google Earth. Sono state svolte diverse simulazioni a domini innestati, con risoluzione per il dominio più piccolo di 500 m, centrato sulla città di Bologna. Le differenze fra le simulazioni riguardano la presenza o l’assenza delle strutture urbane, il metodo di innesto e tipo di vegetazione rurale. Inoltre, è stato valutato l’effetto dovuto alla presenza di pannelli fotovoltaici sopra i tetti di ogni edificio e le variazioni che i pannelli esercitano sullo strato limite urbano. Per verificare la bontà del modello, i dati provenienti dalle simulazioni sono stati confrontati con misure provenienti da 41 stazioni all’interno dell’area di studio. Le variabili confrontate sono: temperatura, umidità relativa, velocità e direzione del vento. Le simulazioni sono in accordo con i dati osservativi e riescono a riprodurre l’effetto isola di calore: la differenza di temperatura fra città e zone rurali circostanti è nulla durante il giorno; al contrario, durante la notte l’isola di calore è presente, e in media raggiunge il massimo valore di 4°C alle 1:00. La presenza dei pannelli fotovoltaici abbassa la temperatura a 2 metri dell’aria al massimo di 0.8°C durante la notte, e l’altezza dello strato limite urbano dell’ordine 200mrispetto al caso senza pannelli. I risultati mostrano come l’uso di pannelli fotovoltaici all’interno del contesto urbano ha molteplici benefici: infatti, i pannelli fotovoltaici riescono a ridurre la temperatura durante un periodo di heat wave, e allo stesso tempo possono parzialmente sopperire all’alto consumo energetico, con una conseguente riduzione del consumo di combustibili fossili.


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Hurricane Sandy was the largest storm on historical record in the Atlantic Ocean basin with extensive coastal damage caused by large waves and high storm surge. The primary objectives of this thesis are to compare and evaluate three different spatially-varying surface wind fields of Hurricane Sandy to investigate the impact of the differences between the complex wind fields on predictions of the sea surface evolution, and to evaluate the impact of the storm on the hydrodynamics in Great South Bay (GSB) and the discharge of ocean water into the back-barrier bay from overwash over Fire Island. Three different spatially-varying surface wind fields were evaluated and compared to wind observations, including the parametric Holland (1980) model (H80), the parametric Generalized Asymmetric Holland Model (GAHM), and results from the WeatherFlow Regional Atmospheric Modelling System (WRAMS). The winds were used to drive the coupled Delft3D-SWAN hydrodynamic and ocean wave models on a regional grid. The results indicate that the WRAMS wind field produces wave model predictions in the best agreement with significant wave height observations, followed by the GAHM and H80 wind fields and that a regional atmospheric wind model is best for hindcasting hurricane waves and water levels when detailed observations are available, while a parametric vortex model is best for forecasting hurricane sea surface conditions. Using a series of four connected Delft3D-SWAN grids to achieve finer resolution over Fire Island and GSB, a higher resolution WRAMS was used to predict waves and storm surge. The results indicate that strong local winds have the largest influence on water level fluctuations in GSB. Three numerical solutions were conducted with varying extents of barrier island overwash. The simulations allowing for minor and major overwash indicated good agreement with observations in the east end of GSB and suggest that island overwash provided a significant contribution of ocean water to GSB during the storm. Limiting the overwash in the numerical model directly impacts the total discharge into GSB from the ocean through existing inlets. The results of this study indicate that barrier island overwash had a significant impact on the water levels in eastern GSB.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07


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As the formative agents of cloud droplets, aerosols play an undeniably important role in the development of clouds and precipitation. Few meteorological models have been developed or adapted to simulate aerosols and their contribution to cloud and precipitation processes. The Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) has recently been coupled with an atmospheric chemistry suite and is jointly referred to as WRF-Chem, allowing atmospheric chemistry and meteorology to influence each other’s evolution within a mesoscale modeling framework. Provided that the model physics are robust, this framework allows the feedbacks between aerosol chemistry, cloud physics, and dynamics to be investigated. This study focuses on the effects of aerosols on meteorology, specifically, the interaction of aerosol chemical species with microphysical processes represented within the framework of the WRF-Chem. Aerosols are represented by eight size bins using the Model for Simulating Aerosol Interactions and Chemistry (MOSAIC) sectional parameterization, which is linked to the Purdue Lin bulk microphysics scheme. The aim of this study is to examine the sensitivity of deep convective precipitation modeled by the 2D WRF-Chem to varying aerosol number concentration and aerosol type. A systematic study has been performed regarding the effects of aerosols on parameters such as total precipitation, updraft/downdraft speed, distribution of hydrometeor species, and organizational features, within idealized maritime and continental thermodynamic environments. Initial results were obtained using WRFv3.0.1, and a second series of tests were run using WRFv3.2 after several changes to the activation, autoconversion, and Lin et al. microphysics schemes added by the WRF community, as well as the implementation of prescribed vertical levels by the author. The results of WRFv3.2 runs contrasted starkly with WRFv3.0.1 runs. The WRFv3.0.1 runs produced a propagating system resembling a developing squall line, whereas the WRFv3.2 runs did not. The response of total precipitation, updraft/downdraft speeds, and system organization to increasing aerosol concentrations were opposite between runs with different versions of WRF. Results of the WRFv3.2 runs, however, were in better agreement in timing and magnitude of vertical velocity and hydrometeor content with a WRFv3.0.1 run using single-moment Lin et al. microphysics, than WRFv3.0.1 runs with chemistry. One result consistent throughout all simulations was an inhibition in warm-rain processes due to enhanced aerosol concentrations, which resulted in a delay of precipitation onset that ranged from 2-3 minutes in WRFv3.2 runs, and up to 15 minutes in WRFv.3.0.1 runs. This result was not observed in a previous study by Ntelekos et al. (2009) using the WRF-Chem, perhaps due to their use of coarser horizontal and vertical resolution within their experiment. The changes to microphysical processes such as activation and autoconversion from WRFv3.0.1 to WRFv3.2, along with changes in the packing of vertical levels, had more impact than the varying aerosol concentrations even though the range of aerosol tested was greater than that observed in field studies. In order to take full advantage of the input of aerosols now offered by the chemistry module in WRF, the author recommends that a fully double-moment microphysics scheme be linked, rather than the limited double-moment Lin et al. scheme that currently exists. With this modification, the WRF-Chem will be a powerful tool for studying aerosol-cloud interactions and allow comparison of results with other studies using more modern and complex microphysical parameterizations.


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By proposing a numerical based method on PCA-ANFIS(Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System), this paper is focusing on solving the problem of uncertain cycle of water injection in the oilfield. As the dimension of original data is reduced by PCA, ANFIS can be applied for training and testing the new data proposed by this paper. The correctness of PCA-ANFIS models are verified by the injection statistics data collected from 116 wells inside an oilfield, the average absolute error of testing is 1.80 months. With comparison by non-PCA based models which average error is 4.33 months largely ahead of PCA-ANFIS based models, it shows that the testing accuracy has been greatly enhanced by our approach. With the conclusion of the above testing, the PCA-ANFIS method is robust in predicting the effectiveness cycle of water injection which helps oilfield developers to design the water injection scheme.


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In order to solve the problem of uncertain cycle of water injection in the oilfield, this paper proposed a numerical method based on PCA-FNN, so that it can forecast the effective cycle of water injection. PCA is used to reduce the dimension of original data, while FNN is applied to train and test the new data. The correctness of PCA-FNN model is verified by the real injection statistics data from 116 wells of an oilfield, the result shows that the average absolute error and relative error of the test are 1.97 months and 10.75% respectively. The testing accuracy has been greatly improved by PCA-FNN model compare with the FNN which has not been processed by PCA and multiple liner regression method. Therefore, PCA-FNN method is reliable to forecast the effectiveness cycle of water injection and it can be used as an decision-making reference method for the engineers.


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This thesis focuses on experimental and numerical studies of the hydrodynamic interaction between two vessels in close proximity in waves. In the model tests, two identical box-like models with round corners were used. Regular waves with the same wave steepness and different wave frequencies were generated. Six degrees of freedom body motions and wave elevations between bodies were measured in a head sea condition. Three initial gap widths were examined. In the numerical computations, a panel-free method based seakeeping program, MAPS0, and a panel method based program, WAMIT, were used for the prediction of body motions and wave elevations. The computed body motions and wave elevations were compared with experimental data.


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In the presented thesis work, meshfree method with distance fields is applied to create a novel computational approach which enables inclusion of the realistic geometric models of the microstructure and liberates Finite Element Analysis(FEA) from thedependance on and limitations of meshing of fine microstructural feature such as splats and porosity.Manufacturing processes of ceramics produce materials with complex porosity microstructure.Geometry of pores, their size and location substantially affect macro scale physical properties of the material. Complex structure and geometry of the pores severely limit application of modern Finite Element Analysis methods because they require construction of spatial grids (meshes) that conform to the geometric shape of the structure. As a result, there are virtually no effective tools available for predicting overall mechanical and thermal properties of porous materials based on their microstructure. This thesis is a separate handling and controls of geometric and physical computational models that are seamlessly combined at solution run time. Using the proposedapproach we will determine the effective thermal conductivity tensor of real porous ceramic materials featuring both isotropic and anisotropic thermal properties. This work involved development and implementation of numerical algorithms, data structure, and software.


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Abstract : Recently, there is a great interest to study the flow characteristics of suspensions in different environmental and industrial applications, such as snow avalanches, debris flows, hydrotransport systems, and material casting processes. Regarding rheological aspects, the majority of these suspensions, such as fresh concrete, behave mostly as non-Newtonian fluids. Concrete is the most widely used construction material in the world. Due to the limitations that exist in terms of workability and formwork filling abilities of normal concrete, a new class of concrete that is able to flow under its own weight, especially through narrow gaps in the congested areas of the formwork was developed. Accordingly, self-consolidating concrete (SCC) is a novel construction material that is gaining market acceptance in various applications. Higher fluidity characteristics of SCC enable it to be used in a number of special applications, such as densely reinforced sections. However, higher flowability of SCC makes it more sensitive to segregation of coarse particles during flow (i.e., dynamic segregation) and thereafter at rest (i.e., static segregation). Dynamic segregation can increase when SCC flows over a long distance or in the presence of obstacles. Therefore, there is always a need to establish a trade-off between the flowability, passing ability, and stability properties of SCC suspensions. This should be taken into consideration to design the casting process and the mixture proportioning of SCC. This is called “workability design” of SCC. An efficient and non-expensive workability design approach consists of the prediction and optimization of the workability of the concrete mixtures for the selected construction processes, such as transportation, pumping, casting, compaction, and finishing. Indeed, the mixture proportioning of SCC should ensure the construction quality demands, such as demanded levels of flowability, passing ability, filling ability, and stability (dynamic and static). This is necessary to develop some theoretical tools to assess under what conditions the construction quality demands are satisfied. Accordingly, this thesis is dedicated to carry out analytical and numerical simulations to predict flow performance of SCC under different casting processes, such as pumping and tremie applications, or casting using buckets. The L-Box and T-Box set-ups can evaluate flow performance properties of SCC (e.g., flowability, passing ability, filling ability, shear-induced and gravitational dynamic segregation) in casting process of wall and beam elements. The specific objective of the study consists of relating numerical results of flow simulation of SCC in L-Box and T-Box test set-ups, reported in this thesis, to the flow performance properties of SCC during casting. Accordingly, the SCC is modeled as a heterogeneous material. Furthermore, an analytical model is proposed to predict flow performance of SCC in L-Box set-up using the Dam Break Theory. On the other hand, results of the numerical simulation of SCC casting in a reinforced beam are verified by experimental free surface profiles. The results of numerical simulations of SCC casting (modeled as a single homogeneous fluid), are used to determine the critical zones corresponding to the higher risks of segregation and blocking. The effects of rheological parameters, density, particle contents, distribution of reinforcing bars, and particle-bar interactions on flow performance of SCC are evaluated using CFD simulations of SCC flow in L-Box and T-box test set-ups (modeled as a heterogeneous material). Two new approaches are proposed to classify the SCC mixtures based on filling ability and performability properties, as a contribution of flowability, passing ability, and dynamic stability of SCC.


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The microstructure of 6XXX aluminum alloys deeply affects mechanical, crash, corrosion and aesthetic properties of extruded profiles. Unfortunately, grain structure evolution during manufacturing processes is a complex phenomenon because several process and material parameters such as alloy chemical composition, temperature, extrusion speed, tools geometries, quenching and thermal treatment parameters affect the grain evolution during the manufacturing process. The aim of the present PhD thesis was the analysis of the recrystallization kinetics during the hot extrusion of 6XXX aluminum alloys and the development of reliable recrystallization models to be used in FEM codes for the microstructure prediction at a die design stage. Experimental activities have been carried out in order to acquire data for the recrystallization models development, validation and also to investigate the effect of process parameters and die design on the microstructure of the final component. The experimental campaign reported in this thesis involved the extrusion of AA6063, AA6060 and AA6082 profiles with different process parameters in order to provide a reliable amount of data for the models validation. A particular focus was made to investigate the PCG defect evolution during the extrusion of medium-strength alloys such as AA6082. Several die designs and process conditions were analysed in order to understand the influence of each of them on the recrystallization behaviour of the investigated alloy. From the numerical point of view, innovative models for the microstructure prediction were developed and validated over the extrusion of industrial-scale profiles with complex geometries, showing a good matching in terms of the grain size and surface recrystallization prediction. The achieved results suggest the reliability of the developed models and their application in the industrial field for process and material properties optimization at a die-design stage.


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The scope of the thesis is to broaden the knowledge about axially loaded pipe piles, that can play as foundations for offshore wind turbines based on jacket structures. The goal of the work was pursued by interpreting experimental data on large-scale model piles and by developing numerical tools for the prediction of their monotonic response to tensile and compressive loads to failure. The availability of experimental results on large scale model piles produced in two different campaigns at Fraunhofer IWES (Hannover, Germany) represented the reference for the whole work. Data from CPTs, blow counts during installation and load-displacement curves allowed to develop considerations on the experimental results and comparison with empirical methods from literature, such as CPT-based methods and Load Transfer methods. The understanding of soil-structure interaction mechanisms has been involved in the study in order to better assess the mechanical response of the sand with the scope to help in developing predictive tools of the experiments. A lack of information on the response of Rohsand 3152 when in contact with steel was highlighted, so the necessity of better assessing its response was fulfilled with a comprehensive campaign of interface shear test. It was found how the response of the sand to ultimate conditions evolve with the roughness of the steel, which is a precious information to take account of when attempting the prediction of a pile capacity. Parallel to this topic, the work has developed a numerical modelling procedure that was validated on the available large-scale model piles at IWES. The modelling strategy is intended to build a FE model whose mechanical properties of the sand come from an interpretation of commonly available geotechnical tests. The results of the FE model were compared with other predictive tools currently used in the engineering practice.


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The current environmental crisis is forcing the automotive industry to face tough challenges for the Internal Combustion Engines development in order to reduce the emissions of pollutants and Greenhouse gases. In this context, in the last decades, the main technological solutions adopted by the manufacturers have been the direct injection and the engine downsizing, which led to the rising of new concerns related to the fuel-cylinder walls physical interaction. The fuel spray possibly impacts the cylinder liner wall, which is wetted by the lubricant oil thus causing the derating of the lubricant properties, increasing the oil consumption, and contaminating the lubricant oil in the crankcase. Also, concerning hydrogen fuelled internal combustion engines, it is likely that the high near-wall temperature, which is typical of the hydrogen flame, results in the evaporation of a portion of the lubricant oil, increasing its consumption. With regards on the innovative combustion systems and their control strategies, optical accessible engines are fundamental tools for experimental investigations on such combustion systems. Though, due to the optical measurement line, optical engines suffer from a high level of blow-by, which must be accounted for. In light of the above, this thesis work aims to develop numerical methodologies with the aim to build useful tools for supporting the design of modern engines. In particular, a one-dimensional modelling of the lubricant oil-fuel dilution and oil evaporation has been performed and coupled with an optimization algorithm to achieve a lubricant oil surrogate. Then, a quasi-dimensional blow-by model has been developed and validated against experimental data. Such model, has been coupled with CFD 3D simulations and directly implemented in CFD 3D. Finally, CFD 3D simulations coupled with the VOF method have been performed in order to validate a methodology for studying the impact of a liquid droplet on a solid surface.


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New DNA-based predictive tests for physical characteristics and inference of ancestry are highly informative tools that are being increasingly used in forensic genetic analysis. Two eye colour prediction models: a Bayesian classifier - Snipper and a multinomial logistic regression (MLR) system for the Irisplex assay, have been described for the analysis of unadmixed European populations. Since multiple SNPs in combination contribute in varying degrees to eye colour predictability in Europeans, it is likely that these predictive tests will perform in different ways amongst admixed populations that have European co-ancestry, compared to unadmixed Europeans. In this study we examined 99 individuals from two admixed South American populations comparing eye colour versus ancestry in order to reveal a direct correlation of light eye colour phenotypes with European co-ancestry in admixed individuals. Additionally, eye colour prediction following six prediction models, using varying numbers of SNPs and based on Snipper and MLR, were applied to the study populations. Furthermore, patterns of eye colour prediction have been inferred for a set of publicly available admixed and globally distributed populations from the HGDP-CEPH panel and 1000 Genomes databases with a special emphasis on admixed American populations similar to those of the study samples.