966 resultados para Not angels, but Anglicans : a history of Christianity in the British Isles
by Frederic W. Madden
by Samuel H. Goldenson
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is an S-shaped or curved gram-negative bacterium that is mostly found in the human stomach. H. pylori causes gastritis in adults and children, which can lead to gastric ulcers or risk of cancer. Transmission of this bacterial infection remains to be unknown but is mostly acquired during childhood. Little is known about the effect H. pylori has on growth in children. Although some studies have reported that H. pylori is associated with subnormal growth, the association of H. pylori with growth retardation and malnutrition is poorly described. Data from this study comes from The Pasitos Cohort Study which draws its population from three border communities which include Socorro and San Elizario in Texas, as well as Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico. Birth documentation was obtained for 803 infants and 472 entered follow-up. This cohort study allowed us to assess the growth of children from 6 months to the seventh anniversary, and describe the prevalence of underweight, short stature and overweight in the study population. We also tested the hypothesis that children in the Pasitos Cohort Study who were ever infected with H. pylori show an increased risk of growth retardation or malnutrition at 66 months of age. Using the 2000 CDC Growth Reference, we found that the mean BMI of the study population increased as children grew older, while the mean of their height for age decreased slightly. The proportion of children who were classified as of short stature was under 5%, while those considered underweight were less than 10% at selected six-months of age intervals. Using the subset of children who were 66 months of age we found that the risk of underweight was higher among those who ever tested positive for H. pylori infection using the urea breath test; however, due to small numbers of children with 'wasting' this difference was not statistically significant. Moreover, since the six cases of under weight occurred among children of low socio-economic status we could not rule out potential confounding. The risk of developing short stature was not different among those ever infected and those who never tested positive for H. pylori infection. ^
Lymphocyte development requires the assembly of diversified antigen receptor complexes generated by the genetically programmed V(D)J recombination event. Because germline DNA is cut, introducing potentially dangerous double-stranded breaks (DSBs) and rearranged prior to repair, its activity is limited to the non-cycling stages of the cell cycle, G0/G1. The potential involvement of a key mediator, Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated or ATM, in the DNA damage response (DDR) and cell cycle checkpoints has been implicated in recombination, but its role is not fully understood. Thymic lymphomas from ATM deficient mice contain clonal chromosomal translocations involving the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR). A previous report found ATM and its downstream target p53 associated with V(D)J intermediates, suggesting the DDR senses recombination. In this study, we sought to understand the role of ATM in V(D)J recombination. Developing thymocytes from ATM deficient mice were analyzed according to the cell cycle to detect V(D)J intermediates. Examination of all TCR loci in the non-cycling (G0/G1) and cycling (S/G2/M) fractions revealed the persistence of intermediates in ATM deficient thymocytes, contrary to the wild-type in which intermediates are found only during G0/G1. Further analysis found no defect in end-joining of intermediates, nor were they detected in developed T-cells. Based upon the presence of persisting intermediates, the recombination initiating nuclease Rag-2 was examined; strict regulation limits it to G 0/G1. Rag-2 regulation was not affected by an ATM deficiency as Rag-2 expression remained contained within G0/G 1, indicating recombination is not continuous. To determine if an ATM deficiency affects recognition of V(D)J breaks, sites of recombination identified by a TCR locus or Rag expression were analyzed according to co-localization with a DDR factor phosphorylated immediately after DNA damage, phosphorylated H2AX (γH2AX). No differences in co-localization were found between the wild-type and ATM deficiency, demonstrating ATM deficient lymphocytes retain the ability to recognize DSBs. Together, these results suggest ATM is necessary in the cell cycle regulation of recombination but not essential for the identification of V(D)J breaks. ATM ensures the containment of intermediates within G0/G1 and maintains genomic stability of developing lymphocytes, emphasizing its fundamental role in preventing tumorigenesis.^
Background. There is currently a push to increase the number of minorities in cancer clinical trials in an effort to reduce cancer health disparities. Overcoming barriers to clinical trial research for minorities is necessary if we are to achieve the goals of Healthy People 2010. To understand the unexpectedly high rate of attrition in the A NULIFE study, the research team examined the perceived barriers to participation among minority women. The purpose of this study was to determine if either personal or study-related factors influenced healthy pre-menopausal women aged 25-45 years to terminate their participation in the A NULIFE Study. We hypothesized that personal factors were the driving forces for attrition rates in the prevention trial.^ Methods. The target population consisted of eligible women who consented to the A NULIFE study but withdrew prior to being randomized (N= 46), as well as eligible women who completed the informed consent process for the A NULIFE study and withdrew after randomization (N= 42). Examination of attrition rates in this study occurred at a time point when 10 out of 12 participant groups had completed the A NULIFE study. Data involving the 2 groups that were actively engaged in study activities were not used in this analysis. A survey instrument was designed to query the personal and study-related factors that were believed to have contributed to the decision to terminate participation in the A NULIFE study.^ Results. Overall, the highest ranked personal reason that influenced withdrawal from the study was being “too busy” with other obligations. The second highest ranked factor for withdrawal was work obligations. Whereas, more than half of all participants agreed that they were well-informed about the study and considered the study personnel to be approachable, 54% of participants would have been inclined to remain in the study if it were located at a local community center.^ Conclusions. Time commitment was likely a major factor for withdrawal from the A NULIFE study. Future investigators should implement trials within participant communities where possible. Also, focus group settings may provide detailed insight into factors that contribute to the attrition of minorities in cancer clinical trials.^
Involvement of HMGB1 in the repair of DNA adducts and the responses to DNA damage in mammalian cells
High mobility group protein B1 (HMGB1) is a multifunctional protein with roles in chromatin structure, transcription, V(D)J recombination, and inflammation. HMGB1 also binds to and bends damaged DNA, but the biological consequence of this interaction is not clearly understood. We have shown previously that HMGB1 binds cooperatively with nucleotide excision repair (NER) damage recognition proteins XPA and RPA to triplex-directed psoralen DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICLs). Based on this we hypothesized that HMGB1 is enhancing the repair of DNA lesions, and through this role, is affecting DNA damage-induced mutagenesis and cell survival. Because HMGB1 is also a chromatin protein, we further hypothesized that it is acting to facilitate chromatin remodeling at the site of the DNA damage, to allow access of the repair machinery to the DNA lesion. We demonstrated here that HMGB1 could bind to triplex-directed psoralen ICLs in a complex with NER proteins XPC-RAD23B, XPA and RPA, which occurred in the presence or absence of DNA. Supporting these findings, we demonstrated that HMGB1 enhanced repair of triplex-directed psoralen ICLs (by nucleotide incorporation), as well as removal of UVC irradiation-induced DNA lesions from the genome (by radioimmunoassay). We also explored HMGB1's role in chromatin remodeling upon DNA damage. Immunoblotting demonstrated that, in contrast to HMGB1 proficient cells, cells lacking HMGB1 showed no increase in histone acetylation after UVC irradiation. Additionally, purified HMGB1 protein enhanced chromatin formation in an in vitro chromatin assembly system. However, HMGB1 also has a role in DNA repair in the absence of chromatin, as shown by measuring UVC-induced nucleotide incorporation on a naked substrate. Upon exploration of HMGB1's effect on several cellular outcomes of DNA damage, we found that mammalian cells lacking HMGB1 were hypersensitive to DNA damage induced by psoralen plus UVA irradiation or UVC radiation, showing less survival and increased mutagenesis. These results reveal a new role for HMGB1 in the error-free repair of DNA lesions in a chromosomal context. As strategies targeting HMGB1 are currently in development for treatment of sepsis and rheumatoid arthritis, our findings draw attention to potential adverse side effects of anti-HMGB1 therapy in patients with inflammatory diseases. ^
Sepsis is a significant cause for multiple organ failure and death in the burn patient, yet identification in this population is confounded by chronic hypermetabolism and impaired immune function. The purpose of this study was twofold: 1) determine the ability of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and American Burn Association (ABA) criteria to predict sepsis in the burn patient; and 2) develop a model representing the best combination of clinical predictors associated with sepsis in the same population. A retrospective, case-controlled, within-patient comparison of burn patients admitted to a single intensive care unit (ICU) was conducted for the period January 2005 to September 2010. Blood culture results were paired with clinical condition: "positive-sick"; "negative-sick", and "screening-not sick". Data were collected for the 72 hours prior to each blood culture. The most significant predictors were evaluated using logistic regression, Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) and ROC area under the curve (AUC) analyses to assess model predictive ability. Bootstrapping methods were employed to evaluate potential model over-fitting. Fifty-nine subjects were included, representing 177 culture periods. SIRS criteria were not found to be associated with culture type, with an average of 98% of subjects meeting criteria in the 3 days prior. ABA sepsis criteria were significantly different among culture type only on the day prior (p = 0.004). The variables identified for the model included: heart rate>130 beats/min, mean blood pressure<60 mmHg, base deficit<-6 mEq/L, temperature>36°C, use of vasoactive medications, and glucose>150 mg/d1. The model was significant in predicting "positive culture-sick" and sepsis state, with AUC of 0.775 (p < 0.001) and 0.714 (p < .001), respectively; comparatively, the ABA criteria AUC was 0.619 (p = 0.028) and 0.597 (p = .035), respectively. SIRS criteria are not appropriate for identifying sepsis in the burn population. The ABA criteria perform better, but only for the day prior to positive blood culture results. The time period useful to diagnose sepsis using clinical criteria may be limited to 24 hours. A combination of predictors is superior to individual variable trends, yet algorithms or computer support will be necessary for the clinician to find such models useful. ^
Evaluation of the impact of a disease on life expectancy is an important part of public health. Potential gains in life expectancy (PGLE) that can properly take into account the competing risks are an effective indicator for measuring the impact of the multiple causes of death. This study aimed to measure the PGLEs from reducing/eliminating the major causes of death in the USA from 2001 to 2008. To calculate the PGLEs due to the elimination of specific causes of death, the age-specific mortality rates for heart disease, malignant neoplasms, Alzheimer disease, kidney diseases and HIV/AIDS and life table constructing data were obtained from the National Center for Health Statistics, and the multiple decremental life tables were constructed. The PGLEs by elimination of heart disease, malignant neoplasms or HIV/AIDS continued decreasing from 2001 to 2008, but the PGLE by elimination of Alzheimer's disease or kidney diseases revealed increased trends. The PGLEs (by years) for all race, male, female, white, white male, white female, black, black male and black female at birth by complete elimination of heart disease 2001–2008 were 0.336–0.299, 0.327–0.301, 0.344–0.295, 0.360–0.315, 0.349–0.317, 0.371–0.316,0.278–0.251, 0.272–0.255, and 0.282–0.246 respectively. Similarly, the PGLEs (by years) for all race, male, female, white, white male, white female, black, black male and black female at birth by complete elimination of malignant neoplasms, Alzheimer's disease, kidney disease or HIV/AIDS 2001–2008 were also uncovered, respectively. Most diseases affect specific population, such as, HIV/AIDS tends to have a greater impact on people of working age, heart disease and malignant neoplasms have a greater impact on people over 65 years of age, but Alzheimer's disease and kidney diseases have a greater impact on people over 75 years of age. To measure the impact of these diseases on life expectancy in people of working age, partial multiple decremental life tables were constructed and the PGLEs were computed by partial or complete elimination of various causes of death during the working years. Thus, the results of the study outlined a picture of how each single disease could affect the life expectancy in age-, race-, or sex-specific population in USA. Therefore, the findings would not only assist to evaluate current public health improvements, but also provide useful information for future research and disease control programs.^
The History of Pathology in Texas is the study of the changes of disease in Texas from the frontier days to the 1990s. Marilyn Miller Baker wrote the book for the Texas Society of Pathologists. The book was published in 1996 with a forward by Vernie A. Stembridge, MD, the Ashbel Smith Professor and Chairman Emeritus of Pathology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. The book covers the story of pathology from the "performance of crude autopsies" on the frontier through the emergence of bacteriology and immunology and beyond.
Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is a rare but very aggressive form of locally advanced breast cancer (1-6% of total breast cancer patients in United States), with a 5-year overall survival rate of only 40.5%, compared with 85% of the non-IBC patients. So far, a unique molecular signature for IBC able to explain the dramatic differences in the tumor biology between IBC and non-IBC has not been identified. As immune cells in the tumor microenvironment plays an important role in regulating tumor progression, we hypothesized that tumor-associated dendritic cells (TADC) may be responsible for regulating the development of the aggressive characteristics of IBC. MiRNAs can be released into the extracellular space and mediate the intercellular communication by regulating target gene expression beyond their cells of origin. We hypothesized that miRNAs released by IBC cells can induce an increased activation status, secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and migration ability of TADC. In an in vitro model of IBC tumor microenvironment, we found that the co-cultured of the IBC cell line SUM-149 with immature dendritic cells (iDCSUM-149) induced a higher degree of activation and maturation of iDCSUM-149 upon stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) compared with iDCs co-cultured with the non-IBC cell line SUM-159 (iDCSUM-159), resulting in: increased expression of the costimulatory and activation markers; higher production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-a, IL-6); and 3) higher migratory ability. These differences were due to the exosome-mediated transfer of miR-19a and miR-146a from SUM-149 and SUM-159, respectively, to iDCs, causing the downregulation of the miR-19a target genes PTEN, SOCS-1 and the miR-146a target genes IRAK1, TRAF6. PTEN, SOCS-1 and IRAK1, TRAF6 are important negative and positive regulator of cytokine- and TLR-mediated activation/maturation signaling pathway in DCs. Increased levels of IL-6 induced the upregulation of miR-19a synthesis in SUM-149 cells that was associated with the induction of CD44+CD24-ALDH1+ cancer stem cells (CSCs) with epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) characteristics. In conclusion, in IBC tumor microenvironment IL-6/miR-19a axis can represent a self-sustaining loop able to maintain a pro-inflammatory status of DCs, leading to the development of tumor cells with high metastatic potential (EMT CSCs) responsible of the poor prognosis in IBC patients.
At stations to 1530 m depth in the Mozambique Channel and on the Saya-de-Malha and Walters banks seston biomass 2 m above the bottom was lower than at 30 m. Above the Walters shoal this difference was 13.2 mg/m**3 and was not equal to zero for P < 0.001. These results contradict previous ideas of biomass increase in benthic layers. The most likely cause of the observed impoverishment of plankton may be predominant consumption of living zooplankton component of seston by bottom and near-bottom predators. In the area of the Walters shoal this consumption is estimated as being about 300 mg/m**2 per day. Animals inhabiting this area live mainly on plankton brought in by horizontal advection, so that existence of faunal assemblages even on shallow-water submarine elevations is supported not mainly by local photosynthesis, but by primary production of surrounding waters.
The study aimed at investigating effects of three differently acting biocides; the insecticide esfenvalerate, the fungicide picoxystrobin and the bactericide triclosan, applied individually and as a mixture, on an earthworm community in the field. A concentration-response design was chosen and results were analyzed using univariate and multivariate approaches. Effects on juvenile proportions were less pronounced and more variable than effects on abundance, but effects in general were species- and chemical-specific, and temporal variations distinct. Esfenvalerate and picoxystrobin appeared to elicit stronger effects than triclosan at laboratory-based ECx values, which is in accordance with our previous laboratory study on Eisenia fetida. The mixture affected abundance and juvenile proportions, but the latter only at high mixture concentrations. Esfenvalerate and picoxystrobin appeared to be the main drivers for the mixture's toxicity. Species-specific toxicity patterns question the reliability of mixture toxicity predictions derived on E. fetida for field earthworms. Biocide concentrations equaling EC50s (reproduction) for E. fetida provoked effects on the field earthworms mainly exceeding 50%, indicating effect intensification from the laboratory to field as well as the influence of indirect effects produced by species interactions. The differing results of the present field study and the previous laboratory study imply that lower- and higher-tier studies may not be mutually exclusive, but to be used in complementary.
Biochemical composition of sedimentary organic matter (OM), vertical fluxes and bacterial distribution were studied at 15 stations (95-2270 m depth) in the Aegean Sea during spring and summer. Downward fluxes of labile OM were significantly higher in the northern than in the southern part and were higher in summer than in spring. Primary inputs of OM were not related to sedimentary OM concentrations, which had highest values in summer. Sedimentary chlorophyll-a concentrations were similar in the northern and southern parts. Carbohydrates, the main component of sedimentary OM, were about 1.2 times higher in the southern part than in the northern, without significant temporal changes. Total proteins were higher in summer and about double in the northern part. Sedimentary proteins appeared more dependent upon the downward flux of phytopigment than of proteins. Sedimentary OM was characterised by a relatively large fraction of soluble compounds and showed better quality in the northern part. The lack of a depth-related pattern in sedimentary OM and the similar concentrations in the two areas suggest that differences in sedimentary OM quality in the Aegean basin are dependent on system productivity; the bulk of sedimentary OM is largely conservative. Sedimentary bacterial density was about double in the northern part and higher in spring than in summer, but bacterial size was about three times higher in summer, resulting in a larger bacterial biomass in summer. Bacterial density was coupled with total and protein fluxes, indicating a rapid bacterial response to pelagic production. Bacterial biomass was significantly correlated with sedimentary protein and phytopigment concentrations, indicating a clear response to accumulation of labile OM in the sediments. In all cases bacteria accounted for <5% of the organic C and N pools. The efficiency of benthic bacteria in exploiting protein pools, estimated as amounts of protein available per unit bacterial biomass, indicates a constant ratio of about 70 µg proteins/µg C. This suggests a similar bacterial efficiency all over the area studied, unaffected by different trophic conditions.
In recent years a global increase in jellyfish (i.e. Cnidarians and Ctenophores) abundance and a rise in the recurrence of jellyfish outbreak events have been largely debated, but a general consensus on this matter has not been achieved yet. Within this debate, it has been generally recognised that there is a lack of reliable data that could be analysed and compared to clarify whether indeed jellyfish are increasing throughout the world ocean as a consequence of anthropogenic impact and hydroclimatic variability. Here we describe different jellyfish data sets produced within the EU program EUROBASIN, which have been assembled with the aim of presenting an up to date overview on the diversity and standing stocks of North Atlantic jellyfish. Abundance and species composition were determined in samples collected in the epipelagic layer (0- 200m), using a net well adapted to quantitatively catching gelatinous zooplankton. The samples were collected in spring-summer (April-August) 2010-2013, in inshore and offshore North Atlantic waters, between 59-68LatN and 62W-5ELong. Jellyfish were also identified and counted in samples opportunistically collected by other sampling gears in the same region and in two coastal stations in the Bay of Biscay and in the Gulf of Cadiz. Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) samples collected in 2009-2012 were re-analysed with the aim of identifying the time and location of jellyfish blooms across the North Atlantic basin.
This study of sediments from the Cap Timiris Canyon demonstrates that geochemical data can provide reliable age-depth correlation even of highly turbiditic cores and attempts to improve our understanding of how turbidite emplacement is linked to climatic-related sea-level changes. The canyon incises the continental margin off NW Africa and is an active conduit for turbidity currents. In sediment cores from levee and intrachannel sites turbidites make up 6-42% of sediment columns. Age models were fitted to all studied cores by correlating downcore element data to dated reference cores, once turbidite beds had been removed from the dataset. These age models enabled us to determine turbidite emplacement times. The Cap Timiris Canyon has been active at least over the last 245 kyr, with turbidite deposition seemingly linked to stage boundaries and glacial stages. The highly turbiditic core from the intrachannel site postdates to ~15 kyr and comprises Holocene and late Pleistocene sediments. Turbidite deposition at this site was associated especially with the rapid sea-level rise at the Pleistocene/Holocene transition. During the Holocene, turbidity current activity decreased but did not cease.