897 resultados para North East Brazilian
A Produção do Flagelo : a re-produção do espaço social da seca na cidade de Mossoró (1877-1903-1915)
The great droughts re- produced spaces in the city of Mossoró / RN in the end of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century. Its dimension exceeds the climatic effects becoming social locus when advances over the political and economic sectors, social and cultural of the North / Northeast Brazilian societies during that period. This way, analyzing the re-production of social space in episodes of Mossoró‟s droughts is our toil. So try to reveal each segment, route and aspect of production of space in its size and interface between the perceived, conceived and lived, and subjects related to it - refugees, population and authorities - during the droughts of 1877, 1903 and 1915 within Mossoró city. Therefore, issues such as the constitution and representation of the city and social space in the terrifying experience of the drought of 1877, the production of fixed objects and flows of the urban web through of migrant labor, attempts to control, discipline and spatial planning and ways to resistance to these charges in daily sphere are key issues addressed in this work. For this we use diverse sources as minutes of the city council, reports from provincial presidents, media, memory books and others that sustain us in building our narrative and problematic. This way, the spatial production of Mossoró‟s droughts reveals itself in the field of relations and political-economic transformations and sociocultural, inextricably, that shapes and mobilizes your own social space
Seasonal variation in growth and yield of cultured brown mussels Perna perna was studied in Ubatuba, south-east Brazilian coastline. Young mussels were transplanted (seeded) into four groups of 16 polyethylene net tubes 2 m long, suspended from a wooden raft (18 m 2). The first group was set out in April (autumn), the next in July (winter), the next in October (spring) 1984 and the final group in January (summer) 1985. One net tube of each group was sampled monthly and biometric data were collected. Growth was initially faster for the spring group, but at the end of the culture period length and weight were not statistically different between groups. L(∞) and W(∞) were 73.9, 71.3, 72.7 and 73.8 mm and 26.3, 23.9, 25.7 and 25.7 g for the autumn, winter, spring and summer groups, respectively. Maximum yield was attained 9 months after seeding for groups of autumn, winter and spring (7.2, 5.2 and 6.3 kg x m -1, respectively) and after 10 months for the summer group (6.9 kg X m -1). The conclusion of this study is that, growth and yield were unaffected by the season of seeding at the study site and that it is not commercially worthwhile to farm mussels more than 9 months, due to yield decrease.
The boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis Boheman, 1843) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is a pest that limits the production of cotton, especially in the North East of Brazil. The present study aimed to estimate the infestation index and natural mortality of boll weevil at Caraibas County, located in the semi-arid of the Southwest ofBahia. The experiment was performed using the cultivar BSR Aroeira, at Fazenda Lagoa Seca, in 2006. Weekly evaluations were performed, in five sampling areas 25m2, collecting blossoms fallen on the ground. The infestation was estimated by counting the oviposition punctures and /or the feeding on blossoms, and also by the presence of one of the phases of the boll weevil in the inside. Mortality factors were studied through the dissection of blossoms, estimating predation, parasitism, dissection and disease. The results obtained allowed to conclude that the boll weevil determines high infestation levels in the region. Parasitism, dissection and predation, following this order, determine high rates of real mortality of the pest. Catolaccus grandis Burks, 1954 (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) and Bracon sp.(Hymenoptera: Braconidae) are parasitoids of boll weevil reported in sothwestern Bahia, being the first one the predominant species. © 2009, Sociedad Venezolana de Entomología.
Exceptionally abundant specimens of Conularia aff. desiderata Hall occur in multiple marine obrution deposits, in a single sixth-order parasequence composed of argillaceous and silty very fine sandstone, in the Otsego Member of the Mount Marion Formation (Middle Devonian, Givetian) in eastern New York State, USA. Associated fossils consist mostly of rhynchonelliform brachiopods but also include bivalve molluscs, orthoconic nautiloids, linguliform brachiopods and gastropods. Many of the brachiopods, bivalve molluscs and conulariids have been buried in situ. Conulariids buried in situ are oriented with their aperture facing obliquely upward and with their long axis inclined at up to 87degree to bedding. Most specimens are solitary, but some occur in V-like pairs or in radial clusters consisting of three specimens, with the component specimens being about equally long or (less frequently) substantially different in length. The compacted apical end of Conularia buried in situ generally rests upon argillaceous sandstone. With one possible exception, none of the examined specimens terminates in a schott (apical wall), and internal schotts appear to be absent. The apical ends of specimens in V-like pairs and radial clusters show no direct evidence of interconnection of their periderms. The apical, middle or apertural region of some inclined specimens abuts or is in close lateral proximity to a recumbent conulariid or to one or more spiriferid brachiopods, some of which have been buried in their original life orientation. The azimuthal bearings of Conularia and nautiloid long axes and the directions in which conulariids open are nonrandom, with conulariids being preferentially aligned between 350 and 50degree and with their apertural end facing north-east, and nautiloids being preferentially aligned between 30 and 70degree. Otsego Member Conularia were erect or semi-erect, epifaunal or partially infaunal animals, the apical end of which rested upon very fine bottom sediment. The origin of V-like pairs and radial clusters remains enigmatic, but it is probable that production of schotts was not a regular feature of this animal's life history. Finally, conulariids and associated fauna were occasionally smothered by distal storm deposits, under the influence of relatively weak bottom currents. © The Palaeontological Association.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Includes bibliography.
A presente pesquisa está vinculada ao projeto AMPER-NORTE (Atlas Multimídia Prosódico do Norte do Brasil), que faz parte do AMPER-POR (Atlas Multimídia Prosódico do Português). Este estudo contribuirá com a formação do Atlas Multimídia Prosódico do Norte do Brasil e tem como objetivo principal caracterizar a variedade dialetal prosódica do português falado na zona urbana do município de Baião (PA). Todos os procedimentos metodológicos adotados seguem as orientações estabelecidas pela coordenação geral do Projeto AMPER - POR. O corpus é formado com seis informantes e 66 frases, estruturadas sintaticamente em SVC (sujeito + verbo + complemento) e suas expansões (sintagma adjetival e sintagma preposicional), obedecendo as mesmas restrições fonéticas e sintáticas e mantendo o padrão dos corpora constituídos por variedades do português do projeto AMPER –POR. As sentenças do corpus têm 10, 13 e 14 vogais e todas as frases foram repetidas seis vezes por cada informante formando um corpus total de 396 frases. Os dados foram coletados com três homens e três mulheres, dos níveis de escolaridade fundamental, médio e superior, com idade entre 35 a 75 anos. O corpus selecionado é constituído de 42 frases – 21 declarativas e 21 interrogativas – que contemplam as três pautas acentuais do português. Em todas as sentenças foram analisadas as modalidades declarativas e interrogativas, e as análises acústicas das vogais foram feitas em seis etapas. Os parâmetros acústicos analisados foram: Frequência Fundamental (semitons), duração (ms) e intensidade (dB). Os resultados desse estudo demonstraram que o parâmetro acústico de F0 é o mais relevante na distinção entre enunciados declarativos e interrogativos. Observou-se, tanto nos sintagmas nominais finais simples quanto nos compostos, um contorno entoacional em formato de “pinça” no último sintagma nominal final dos vocábulos, e esse movimento mostra que a F0 é descendente para as modalidades declarativas e ascendente para as frases interrogativas. A duração (ms) complementa a F0 na distinção das duas modalidades frasais. Já a intensidade (dB) não se mostrou um parâmetro relevante para distinguir as sentenças declarativas e interrogativas na variedade falada em Baião (PA).
The carbonatic rocks have great importance in petroleum geology, since most hydrocarbons reservoirs in the world are associated to this kind of rock. The new giant petroleum fields discovered in the Brazilian southeast Atlantic margin are directly connected to calcareous rocks, which are subjacent to the Aptian evaporite pack. This demand an increase in the number of geologists able to study such deposits. The Aptian carbonatic platform is completely exposed only in the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin. Therefore, it works as a natural laboratory to the study and understanding of this kind of rock. The Sergipe Basin is situated in the east Brazilian coast, and has its evolutional history is intimately related to the formation of the South Atlantic Ocean, through the break-up of the Gondwana supercontinent. The marine sequence of the Brazilian marginal basins is of Albian age and is marked by the development of carbonatic platforms. In doing so, this paper aims to analyze the Albian limestones from Riachuelo Formation of the Sergipe Basin. The project gave to the student the opportunity to increase his knowledge in carbonates, due to the laboratory and outdoor activities. The studied deposits, within a regional outline, were petrografically described, allowing interpretations about the evolution of the former South Atlantic Ocean. Ten points were visited where samples were collected for making of thin sheets. In this work several carbonatic facies were identified totaling 116 laminates described.
For the past three years the New Jersey Department of Agriculture, in coop¬eration with the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, has conducted field evaluations on the effects of reproductive suppressants on wild populations of red-winged blackbirds. These studies have been performed in conjunction with the North East 49 (a Federally sponsored regional project which presently has nine states in the North East and Ohio cooperating to develop means to combat bird damage to agricultural crops) regional project on control of bird depredations. Field evaluations in 1968 and 1969 centered around the effects of TEM (tri-ethylene melamine) on the reproductive rates of red-winged blackbirds. At the close of the 1969 season further field testing of the chemical was discontinued because of the material's apparent lack of effectiveness as a reproductive inhibitor. In 1970 the field evaluations were conducted to determine the effects of Orni-trol (20, 25-diazocholesterol dihydrochloride, supplied by G. D. Searle and Company, Chicago, Illinois) on the reproductive rates of red-winged blackbirds. A small colony of common grackles was also studied during this same investigation.
The genus Osmundea is a strongly supported monophyletic group within the Laurencia complex and shows a disjunct distribution occurring in the North-East and South-West Pacific, the Indian and Atlantic oceans and the Mediterranean Sea. Its phenotypic plasticity on the Canary Islands may be the result of the high ecological variability partially due to the particular oceanographic characteristics in this region. The combination of molecular analyses based on the comparison of the chloroplast-encoded rbcL sequences and morphological data allowed us to delimit three distinct taxa from the coasts of the Canarian Archipelago: Osmundea pinnatifida, Osmundea truncata and an unidentified species, Osmundea sp. Moreover, the high value of genetic divergence between Osmundea sp. and the rest of the Osmundea species suggests that this taxon should be assigned to a new species within the Osmundea genus. Occurrence of O. hybrida and O. oederi (synonym: O. ramosissima) has not been confirmed. Our results also suggest a possibly questionable record of the taxa O. hybrida and O. oederi on the Canary Islands.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant activity of honey from different entomological sources which were harvested in the dry season of 2008-2009 from distinct mesoregions of the State of Alagoas in the North East of Brazil. Honey produced by five different species of bees, even from the same region and season, showed a statistically significant difference (p <0.05) in the content of phenols, flavonoids and antioxidants, with higher levels of these compounds found in honey produced by Plebeia spp. and A. mellifera. Honey from stingless bees was quite different from that of A. mellifera, especially from the Plebeia spp. A dendrogram of the five species of bees showed the formation of 3 groups, one being formed by Apis mellifera, one by the genus Melipona (M. subnitida, M. quadrifasciata and M. scutellaris) and another formed by Plebeia spp.
Máster en Oceanografía
La città medievale di Leopoli-Cencelle (fondata da Papa Leone IV nell‘854 d.C. non lontano da Civitavecchia) è stata oggetto di studio e di periodiche campagne di scavo a partire dal 1994. Le stratigrafie investigate con metodi tradizionali, hanno portato alla luce le numerose trasformazioni che la città ha subìto nel corso della sua esistenza in vita. Case, torri, botteghe e strati di vissuto, sono stati interpretati sin dall’inizio dello scavo basandosi sulla documentazione tradizionale e bi-dimensionale, legata al dato cartaceo e al disegno. Il presente lavoro intende re-interpretare i dati di scavo con l’ausilio delle tecnologie digitali. Per il progetto sono stati utilizzati un laser scanner, tecniche di Computer Vision e modellazione 3D. I tre metodi sono stati combinati in modo da poter visualizzare tridimensionalmente gli edifici abitativi scavati, con la possibilità di sovrapporre semplici modelli 3D che permettano di formulare ipotesi differenti sulla forma e sull’uso degli spazi. Modellare spazio e tempo offrendo varie possibilità di scelta, permette di combinare i dati reali tridimensionali, acquisiti con un laser scanner, con semplici modelli filologici in 3D e offre l’opportunità di valutare diverse possibili interpretazioni delle caratteristiche dell’edificio in base agli spazi, ai materiali, alle tecniche costruttive. Lo scopo del progetto è andare oltre la Realtà Virtuale, con la possibilità di analizzare i resti e di re-interpretare la funzione di un edificio, sia in fase di scavo che a scavo concluso. Dal punto di vista della ricerca, la possibilità di visualizzare le ipotesi sul campo favorisce una comprensione più profonda del contesto archeologico. Un secondo obiettivo è la comunicazione a un pubblico di “non-archeologi”. Si vuole offrire a normali visitatori la possibilità di comprendere e sperimentare il processo interpretativo, fornendo loro qualcosa in più rispetto a una sola ipotesi definitiva.