1000 resultados para Núcleos de significación motriz


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A imagem por ressonância magnética (IRM) é o método de diagnóstico por imagem não invasivo mais sensível para avaliar as partes moles, particularmente o encéfalo, porém trata-se de uma técnica onerosa. O método fundamenta-se no fenômeno da ressonância magnética nuclear que ocorre quando núcleos atômicos com propriedades magnéticas presentes no corpo são submetidos a um campo magnético intenso, sendo posteriormente excitados por energia de radiofrequência e gerando, por sua vez, um sinal de onda de radiofrequência capaz de ser captado por uma antena receptora, passando por um processo matemático, chamado Transformada de Fourier, para posterior formação da imagem. Esse estudo objetivou realizar 10 exames completos da cabeça em cadáveres de cães normais à IRM e confeccionar um Atlas com as estruturas identificadas. As imagens foram adquiridas em um aparelho de ressonância magnética Gyroscan S15/HP Philips com campo magnético de 1,5Tesla. Os cadáveres foram posicionados com a cabeça no interior de uma bobina de cabeça humana e foram submetidos a cortes iniciais sagitais a partir de onde se planejou os cortes transversais e dorsais nas sequências de pulso spin-eco T1, T2 e DP. Em T1 utilizou-se TR=400ms e TE=30ms, T2 utilizou-se TR=2000ms e TE=80ms e na DP utilizou-se TR=2000ms e TE=30ms. A espessura do corte foi de 4mm, o número de médias foi igual a 2, a matriz foi de 256x256, o fator foi igual a 1,0 e o campo de visão foi de 14cm. A duração do exame completo da cabeça foi de 74,5minutos. As imagens obtidas com as sequências utilizadas e com a bobina de cabeça humana foram de boa qualidade. Em T1 a gordura tornou-se hiperintensa e o líquido hipointenso. Em T2 a gordura ficou menos hiperintensa e o líquido hiperintenso. A cortical óssea e o ar foram hipointensos em todas as sequências utilizadas devido a baixa densidade de prótons. A sequência DP mostrou o melhor contraste entre a substância branca e cinzenta quando comparada a T2 e a T1. T2 evidenciou o líquido cefalorraquidiano tornando possível a distinção dos sulcos e giros cerebrais. Através do exame de IRM foi possível, pelo contraste, identificar as estruturas ósseas componentes da arquitetura da região, músculos, grandes vasos venosos e arteriais e estruturas do sistema nervoso central, além de elementos do sistema digestório, respiratório e estruturas dos olhos entre outras. Nesse estudo as IRM adquiridas nas sequências T1, DP e T2 foram complementares para o estudo dos aspectos anatômicos da cabeça de cães demonstrando-os com riqueza de detalhes. O tempo requerido para o exame completo da cabeça é compátivel para uso em animais vivos desde que devidamente anestesiados e controlados. Os resultados obtidos por esse trabalho abrem caminho em nosso meio, para o estudo de animais vivos e para o início da investigação de doenças, principalmente as de origem neurológica, visto ser esta técnica excelente para a visibilização do encéfalo.


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Mazama gouazoubira, o veado-catingueiro, é uma espécie de cervídeo de porte pequeno, que pode ser encontrado na América do Sul, desde o sul do Uruguai até o norte de Mato Grosso, no Brasil. Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever as membranas fetais e a placenta de M. gouazoubira no terço inicial de gestação. As amostras coletadas foram analisadas macroscopicamente e microscopicamente. O exame do útero demonstrou uma gestação univitelina e um embrião com crown-rump de 13mm. Na análise do embrião pode ser observado o olho pigmentado, as saliências auriculares, o mesonefro e e metanefro em desenvolvimento, o fígado e sua proeminência externa, o estômago, os membros torácicos e os brotos dos membros pélvicos. A placenta apresentou-se oligocotiledonária e no útero puderam ser observadas nove carúnculas. O saco gestacional mediu 15cm de comprimento e, como observado no início da gestação dos ruminantes domésticos, os cotilédones não puderam ser identificados macroscopicamente. Uma fraca adesão foi observada entre as carúnculas e a membrana corioalantóica (cotilédones) que formavam os placentônios. A membrana corioalantóica demonstrou um alantóide bem vascularizado composto por uma fina camada de células de núcleos e citoplasmas alongados. Na outra face da membrana, o cório foi composto por células cúbicas, de citoplasmas escassos e núcleos grandes e arredondados, características de células trofoblásticas. Envolvendo o embrião visualizou-se o saco amniótico constituído de duas camadas passíveis de separação mecânica, que apresentaram morfologia similar, sendo formadas por um epitélio pavimentoso avascular. Não foi observado saco vitelino no estágio gestacional do espécime estudado. Conclui-se que a placenta de M. gouazoubira é oligocotiledonária, como observado em outros cervídeos, e que as membranas fetais apresentam semelhanças com a de outros ruminantes, incluindo as características citológicas. Estudos adicionais são necessários para determinar a presença do saco vitelino e quando ocorre sua regressão.


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A ressonância magnética é a propriedade física exibida por núcleos de determinados elementos que, quando submetidos a um campo magnético forte e excitados por ondas de rádio em determinada freqüência (Freqüência de Larmor), emitem rádio sinal, o qual pode ser captado por uma antena e transformado em imagem. A imagem por ressonância magnética (IRM) é o método de diagnóstico por imagem não-invasivo mais sensível para avaliar partes moles, particularmente o encéfalo, porém trata-se de uma técnica onerosa. Ela apresenta grande potencial diagnóstico, poucos efeitos deletérios e muitos benefícios a serem obtidos com o seu uso. Além disso, a IRM fornece informações anatômicas acuradas, imagens em qualquer plano do corpo, bom contraste e resolução espacial e por si só pode sugerir um diagnóstico. Porém, não permite um diagnóstico histológico específico e deve ser interpretada em contexto com outros achados clínicos e patológicos. Esta revisão teve como objetivos mostrar as bases físicas da ressonância magnética e propiciar mais conhecimento aos veterinários.


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Descreve-se um surto de disenteria de inverno que afetou 10 vacas leiteiras de uma propriedade localizada em Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul. O quadro clínico caracterizou-se por uma diarréia inicialmente líquida esverdeada com estrias de sangue e muco, evoluindo, em alguns animais, para uma diarréia de coloração marrom escura à sanguinolenta, que persistiu, em média, cinco dias. Drástica diminuição na produção de leite e no consumo de alimentos, além de graus variados de depressão também foram observados. Apenas um dos 10 animais afetados morreu. Durante a necropsia, observaram-se mucosas pálidas, conteúdo sanguinolento com presença de grande quantidade de coágulos, principalmente no cólon espiral e petéquias na mucosa do cólon. Os principais achados histológicos foram encontradas no cólon espiral, onde havia criptas dilatadas, sem epitélio de revestimento ou revestidas por epitélio pavimentoso e/ou cuboidal, por vezes com núcleos grandes e nucléolos proeminentes. Algumas criptas eram preenchidas por debris necróticos e polimorfonucleares. Na imuno-histoquímica com anticorpo monoclonal para coronavírus bovino (8F2) em cortes do cólon espiral, havia marcações positivas no citoplasma de enterócitos das criptas, nos debris necróticos destas e em macrófagos na lâmina própria.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the inflammatory response kinetics after experimental inoculation with BCG in the primitive Arius sp. fish. The BCG was applied through the intramuscular injection in the caudal peduncular region, and the samples were collected for the analyses at days 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 33 post-injection. Acute phase inflammatory infiltrate was characterized by the predominant mononuclear cells, intersticial edema, and muscular tissue necrosis. As the inflammatory response evolved, a large number of multinuclear giant cells were formed containing the BCG. These giant cells were positive for the S100 protein at the histochemical analysis, which demonstrate the macrofage activity, confirmed by the ultra-structural analysis showing the lack of the cytoplasmic membrane enveloping the many nuclei within the giant cell. These results led to the conclusion that Arius sp. fish injected with the BCG showed a difuse inflammatory response characterized by a large number of mononuclear cells, absence of granuloma formation, and predominant giant cells.


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The aim of the present study was to compare and correlate training impulse (TRIMP) estimates proposed by Banister (TRIMP(Banister)), Stagno (TRIMP(Stagno)) and Manzi (TRIMP(Manzi)). The subjects were submitted to an incremental test on cycle ergometer with heart rate and blood lactate concentration measurements. In the second occasion, they performed 30 min. of exercise at the intensity corresponding to maximal lactate steady state, and TRIMP(Banister), TRIMP(Stagno) and TRIMP(Manzi) were calculated. The mean values of TRIMP(Banister) (56.5 +/- 8.2 u.a.) and TRIMP(Stagno) (51.2 +/- 12.4 u.a.) were not different (P > 0.05) and were highly correlated (r = 0.90). Besides this, they presented a good agreement level, which means low bias and relatively narrow limits of agreement. On the other hand, despite highly correlated (r = 0.93), TRIMP(Stagno) and TRIMP(Manzi) (73.4 +/- 17.6 u.a.) were different (P < 0.05), with low agreement level. The TRIMP(Banister) e TRIMP(Manzi) estimates were not different (P = 0.06) and were highly correlated (r = 0.82), but showed low agreement level. Thus, we concluded that the investigated TRIMP methods are not equivalent. In practical terms, it seems prudent monitor the training process assuming only one of the estimates.


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Since the beginning of Physical Education entrance in the brazilin public schools, the game has been frequently used as content, and in the course of time that practice seems to be intensified. In spite of many approaches of different purposes to justify its pedagogic usefulness, the game has been used as an indiscriminate way due to the fascination that it provides to the students. The present study searches for a description and analysis of children`s (10-12 years old) attitudes behaviors in games, on Physical Education classes, inside a public school. The study was accomplished with the researcher also attending as a teacher (action research). For the accomplishment of the study 55 children were filmed in four different games, of different kinds (exposed, transformed, and spontaneous). The classes` description and analysis were focused in the attitude axis and it was defined four topics for the discussion: Conflicts, Respect of rules, Expressiveness, and Competitiveness. The relationship between the individual with the game and its culture were pointed as the main characteristics in the configuration of the ludicrous activity atmosphere. It was also possible to observe specific situations of this relationship, once the games were limited to the social games (Piaget category), in a school atmosphere where children have students roles. Due to the obtained results, the study proposes a reflexive practice in which the students notice their own attitudes and try to adapt the game to their needs and not he other way around. In this perspective, the teacher has an important mediator roll, once he will be responsible to point out the students` difficulties and promote discussions in favor to provide teamwork.


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This study has as objective identifies the necessary competences to the physical education teachers of the basic education, in the teachers` of the public network of teaching of the Sao Paulo state perspective, licentiates and exits of the Physical Education School and Sport of the Sao Paulo University starting from 1995. It is a qualitative research, of nature no experimental, consisting of two studies (diagnostic and deepening). As instruments, questionnaire and semi-structured interview were used. It happened what the teachers judge importantly mobilize determined knowledges placed in a hierarchy or associated during the teaching practice, such as: knowledges pedagogic-educational, technical knowledges and cultural luggage, inserted in the current context and considering the cultural, social, political, economical and education transformations occurred along the history. There was shown up in this study the relevance of the formation continued for the teachers of Physical Education, who found her essential and basic added to the initial formation.


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The present study had as objective to verify the production of fight, martial arts and combat sports in articles published in the main Physical Education academic journals available in Brazil after the establishment of the CONFEF, as well as analyze the subjects studied in these articles. The subject classification followed Tani (1996)`s proposition concerning an academic structure to Kinesiology, Physical Education and Sport. When considering the 2561 articles published on these journals only 75 (2.93%) were related to Fight/Martial Arts/Combat Sports. It was verified a predominance of studies conducted in the Biodynamic area (40%), followed by Human Movement Socio-cultural Studies (32%) and Motor Behavior (8%). The applied studies were divided as: Human Movement Pedagogy (10.7%), Sports Training (8%), Sports Administration (1.3%) and Adapted Human Movement (none study published). These data indicate: (1) a reduced number of publications concerning these activities, especially those of applied nature; (2) a need to promote inter and multidisciplinary research about this subject.


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Gender relations put men and women in different areas of the hierarchy, for instance in the case of soccer. This work analyzed the news articles from the Beijing 2008 section of the Newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo to identify the space attributed to news articles about female and male soccer, and to qualitatively evaluate what is said to its readers. The result shows that the percentage of words addressing women was higher compared to other surveys and the area for pictures was similar for both genders, however this only happened on account of the influence of the event. The news allowed for an analysis of women in soccer: the entities that perpetuate the hierarchical difference between the genders when they don`t support them; the raising of issues regarding aesthetics which explains why these athletes are not erotized by the media as is the case in other modalities; as soccer is considered to be a male area the media demanded better results from the men.


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Use of peripheral vision to organize and reorganize an interceptive action was investigated in young adults. Temporal errors and kinematic variables were evaluated in the interception of a virtual moving target, in situations in which its initial velocity was kept unchanged or was unexpectedly decreased. Observation of target approach was made through continuous visual pursuit (focal vision) or keeping visual focus at the origin of the trajectory or at the contact spot (peripheral vision). Results showed that visual focus at the contact spot led to temporal errors similar to focal vision, although showing a distinct kinematic profile, while focus at the origin led to an impoverished performance


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The present study is a piece of the main project entitled ""Diagnosis of the Artistic Gymnastics Developing Program in Brazil"". Among many issues included in the main study, we analyzed and discussed the coach`s objectives who are coaching incoming gymnasts who are potential to be representative at the national teams. We interviewed 46 coaches from 29 sports institutions in Brazil. As data collection we used a semi-structured interview, and as data treatment we used the content analysis proposed by Bardin ( 2004). We could evidence that many coaches` objectives is focused on the competition and the highest level, and that the institutions` emphasis on the results in all levels of categories.


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The current study is a piece from the original project entitled ""Diagnosis of the Developing Program of Artistic Gymnastics in Brazil"". Among other issues discussed in this main project, our objective was to investigate the development of the gymnast who are entering the intensive training and are potential to be representative to national teams. We interviewed 46 coaches from 29 sports institutions in Brazil. Regarding methodology, we used a semi-structured interview and for data treatment we adopted the content analysis proposed by Bardin (2004). We could evidence that coaches have concern regarding many aspects of the children development, and have been trying to equate sports demands with gymnasts characteristics and needs.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the association between nutritional status and blood pressure in adolescents from a private school. Were recruited 316 young of both gender with age raging from 11 to 15 years old. Were measured body mass, stature, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. The statistic procedures were composed by median, interquartile range, chi-square test and Poisson regression. The prevalence of overweight and high blood pressure was significantly higher in boys (38% and 24%, respectively) when compared to girls (19.3% and 14.4%, respectively). Overweight adolescents presented a higher risk (about 2-fold) to develop high blood pressure. In conclusion, overweight seems to be associate with high blood pressure in adolescents.


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This study analyzed inter-individual variability of the temporal structure applied in basketball throwing. Ten experienced male athletes in basketball throwing were filmed and a number of kinematic movement parameters analyzed. A biomechanical model provided the relative timing of the shoulder, elbow and wrist joint movements. Inter-individual variability was analyzed using sequencing and relative timing of tem phases of the throw. To compare the variability of the movement phases between subjects a discriminant analysis and an ANOVA were applied. The Tukey test was applied to determine where differences occurred. The significance level was p = 0.05. Inter-individual variability was explained by three concomitant factors: (a) a precision control strategy, (b) a velocity control strategy and (c) intrinsic characteristics of the subjects. Therefore, despite the fact that some actions are common to the basketball throwing pattern each performed demonstrated particular and individual characteristics.