487 resultados para Mystic Aquarium


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Small pumpkinseed sunfish ( Lepomis gibbosus), were found to be capable of removing the spine of Bythotrephes longimanus, an invasive cladoceran. Because fish consumption may be important in the dispersal or control of Bythotrephes, aquarium feeding experiments were conducted to 1) establish if the spine removal behavior of the pumpkinseeds was locally unique; 2) quantify how frequently pumpkinseeds exhibit the behavior; 3) determine if pumpkinseed handle Bythotrephes more quickly than other species of fish; and 4) verify if Bythotrephes' resting eggs pass through the digestive systems of pumpkinseeds in viable condition. The experiments revealed that pumpkinseeds (45-70 mm TL) from two geographic regions were more successful (100%) at removing Bythotrephes' spine, and handled Bythotrephes more quickly than yellow perch (Perca flavescens) (49-57 mm TL) and smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) (50-57mm TL) used in the study. Of 244 live Bythotrephes' resting eggs fed to the pumpkinseeds, 104 (42.6%) passed through their digestive systems. From those eggs, only 10 successfully hatched. Preliminary enclosure experiments were carried out and indicated that pumpkinseeds will consume Bythotrephes in natural settings. These findings provide new evidence that certain fish, with specialized morphology for prey manipulation, have the ability to influence the distribution and establishment of Bythotrephes.


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Scuticociliatosis is an economically important, frequently fatal disease of marine fish in aquaculture, caused by histophagous ciliated protozoa in the subclass Scuticociliatida of the phylum Ciliophora. A rapidly lethal systemic scuticociliate infection is described that affected aquarium-captive zebra sharks (Stegostoma fasciatum), Port Jackson sharks (Heterodontus portusjacksoni), and a Japanese horn shark (Heterodontus japonicus). Animals died unexpectedly or after a brief period of lethargy or behavioral abnormality. Gross findings included necrohemorrhagic hepatitis and increased volumes of celomic fluid. Histologically, 1 or more of a triad of necrotizing hepatitis, necrotizing meningoencephalitis, and thrombosing branchitis were seen in all cases, with necrotizing vasculitis or intravascular fibrinocellular thrombi. Lesions contained variably abundant invading ciliated protozoa. Molecular identification by polymerase chain reaction from formalin-fixed tissues identified these as the scuticociliate Philasterides dicentrarchi (syn. Miamiensis avidus), a novel and potentially emergent pathogen in sharks.


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We present a barium (Ba) isotope fractionation study of marine biogenic carbonates (aragonitic corals). The major aim is to provide first constraints on the Ba isotope fractionation between modern surface sea water and coral skele- ton. Mediterranean surface sea water was found to be enriched in the heavy Ba isotopes compared to previously reported values for marine open ocean authi- genic and terrestrial minerals. In aquarium experiments with a continuous sup- ply of Mediterranean surface water, the Ba isotopic composition of the bulk sample originating from cultured, aragonitic scleractinian corals (d137/134Ba between +0.16 +/- 0.12permil and +0.41 +/-0.12permil) were isotopically identical or lighter than that of the ambient Mediterranean surface sea water (d137/134Ba = +0.42 +/- 0.07permil, 2SD), which corresponds to an empirical maximum value of Ba isotope fractionation of D137/134Bacoral-seawater = -0.26 +/- 0.14permil at 25C. This maximum Ba isotope fractionation is close and identical in direction to previous results from inorganic precipitation experiments with aragonite- structured pure BaCO3 (witherite). The variability in measured Ba concentrations of the cultured corals is at odds with a uniform distribution coefficient, DBa/Ca, thus indicating stronger vital effects on isotope than element discrimination. This observation supports the hypothesis that the Ba isotopic compositions of these corals do not result from simple equilibrium between the skeleton and the bulk sea water. Complementary coral samples from natural settings (tropical shallow-water corals from the Bahamas and Florida and cold- water corals from the Norwegian continental shelf) show an even wider range in d137/134Ba values (+0.14 +/- 0.08permil and +0.77 +/- 0.11permil), most probably due to additional spatial and/or temporal sea water heterogeneity, as indicated by recent publications.


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When on 26 May 1662 the founding first stone was laid for a new church on the island Nordstrand at the coast of Schleswig, relics of Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) and of the Dutch Carmelite abbess Maria Margaretha ab Angelis (1605-1658) were inserted. This church was built for Dutch dyke builders who were called to reconstruct the island after its destruction by flood in 1634; coming from a Catholic background and from the Dutch Republic which was at war with Spain at that time, the dyke builders and their families were guaranteed religious freedom in the Lutheran duchy of Holstein. In this paper, the reasons for the choice for the Spanish mystic Teresa of Avila and for the Dutch Carmelite abbess Maria Margaretha are discussed. The latter patroness was never beatified but had died in the smell of holiness; after her death several miracles were ascribed to her. It is understandable that migrants brought relics of their appreciated holy persons who would remind them of their homeland. The paper will first shortly introduce the two patronesses of the church. In the second part, the reasons for this choice will be discussed. Behind this translation of relics not only spiritual reasons played a role. The function of the translation of the saints was first to keep up geographical and political connections with the old country (both Spain and the Netherlands), secondly to perpetuate personal-familial relationships (esp. with Maria Margaretha), thirdly to strengthen the confessional identity in a non-Catholic environment. Fourthly the transfer brought a certain model of Christian life and reform to the new place of living, which in the second part of the 17th century became marked as Jansenist. The paper shows the transformation of the island into an enclave of Dutch Catholic culture.


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The first part of this paper will give a brief introduction to maritime missiology, the second section will trace the beginnings of the Boston Seamans Friend Society in the nineteenth century and the third will focus on the Vineyard Haven branch of that work well into the twentieth century. Using source material from the American Seamens Friend Society - there is a 5,000 document collection of the ASFS papers in the G.W. Blunt White Library at Mystic Seaport, the Boston Seamans Friend Society - whose papers are mostly in the Congregational House on Beacon Hill in Boston, and other secondary works from the nineteenth and twentieth century. I am especially indebted to George Wisemans book, They Kept the Lower Lights Burning, Wiseman was the pastor of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church in Oak Bluff during WWII and the son-in-law of Austin Tower. This presentation will look at the many facets that made up religious work among seafarers.


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El objeto de este trabajo es discutir algunas interpretaciones que, sobre la produccin de Walter Benjamin, circulan en el espacio acadmico. Desde mi perspectiva las ltimas lecturas han asignado a la obra benjaminiana una significacin prxima a la de la teora de la deconstruccin. Desde mi punto de vista estas interpretaciones se hallan bastante lejos de las preocupaciones que alientan en la produccin del autor. La inocultable tensin entre una forma de escritura que puede ser leda sin dudas como potica y la crtica benjaminiana de la estetizacin fascista de la poltica, entre un lenguaje que asemeja en muchos casos el de los msticos judos en el tiempo de la espera tensa del advenimiento del Mesas y el acontecimiento profano de cuya irrupcin luminosa Benjamin aguarda la emancipacin: la revolucin social ha incitado intentos recurrentes de hacer jugar a Benjamin en el terreno de la moda. El modesto propsito de este escrito es el de esbozar apenas una aproximacin a Benjamin, una suerte de lectura benjaminiana de Benjamin en una poca que a la vez que rinde tributo a su produccin (se han multiplicado las ediciones, traducciones, publicaciones, seminarios, cursos) tiende a obliterar en l la dimensin poltica.


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La presente tesis pretende mostrar cmo lo mstico se vertebra en la filosofa siendo lo antropolgico lo que opera dicha vertebracin tomando como referente la tensin hacia lo absoluto que hay en cada ser humano. La propuesta se disea en dos grandes bloques: el primero despeja la raigambre del elemento mstico en contrapunto con la historia de la racionalidad, repartido en cuatro captulos que analizan la fenomenologa del hecho mstico desde la noticia histrico-discursiva y su necesaria hermenutica, desarrollo que conduce a dos instancias cruciales: el aparente dilema racionalidad-misticismo y la consecuente validacin epistemolgica del anlisis relacional situado en el umbral mstica-filosofa. El segundo bloque consta de cinco captulos que parten de una breve relevamiento del manantial mstico que oper de fuente en que abrevaron los cuatro filsofos seleccionados Unamuno, Bergson, Stein y Mounier para poder as desarrollar adecuadamente sus propuestas insistiendo en el ngulo cognitivo que nos aboca. Ambos bloques convergen finalmente en las consideraciones ltimas que recogen en cuatro ejes temticos las instancias decisivas a que nos ha conducido el proceso integral de nuestra indagatoria, proceso donde se hace patente la intrnseca co-referencialidad entre el fenmeno mstica y el fenmeno hombre vertidos en la discursividad filosfica.


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El objetivo de este artculo es mostrar la imposibilidad de separar la relacin existente entre teologa y experiencia mstica en la obra de Orgenes. Bsicamente esta cuestin es analizada a travs de dos grandes temas: las bases teolgicas del sistema de Orgenes y la comunicabilidad de Dios-Padre y del Logos al alma humana, a travs de la exgesis de la Fuente de Agua Viva. En el primer apartado se plantea el problema acerca del tipo de trascendencia que Dios-Padre tiene con respecto al Hijo, mostrando que no existe subordinacin ontolgica entre ellos. La nocin de agape es utilizada por Orgenes como puente ontolgico" entre Dios-Padre y su Logos. A continuacin se analiza el Libro XIII del Comentario al Evangelio de Juan y las Homilas XII y XIII sobre el Gnesis, profundizando la cuestin de la Fuente de Agua Viva. A travs de la bella exgesis que el maestro alejandrino realiza es posible advertir la inseparable relacin entre el marco doctrinal propuesto por el alejandrino, con el camino que lleva al encuentro con lo divino. Tambin se insiste en que Orgenes ha sido uno de los grandes maestros en la historia del cristianismo, que ha logrado conciliar a travs del ejemplo de su propia vida, una inmensa profundidad teolgica con la experiencia directa de unin con lo divino.


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Luis de Len es una de las figuras ms importantes de la llamada Escolstica salmantina. En su obra, que marca el culmen de la escuela agustina del siglo XVI, se renen los ms diversos oficios (jurista, prosista, telogo, poeta, etc.) y las ms distintas tradiciones de pensamiento (tomismo, nominalismo, humanismo, etc.). Su trabajo como terico del derecho, que es el que aqu se procura destacar, se ha visto ensombrecido, aparentemente, por su renombre como literato y mstico. Esto, sin embargo, no significa que su reflexin iusfilosfica sea de poca entidad. Todo lo contrario, las ideas jurdicas del pensador espaol representan una de las piezas ms importantes de la Escuela teolgica de Salamanca


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Luis de Len es una de las figuras ms importantes de la llamada Escolstica salmantina. En su obra, que marca el culmen de la escuela agustina del siglo XVI, se renen los ms diversos oficios (jurista, prosista, telogo, poeta, etc.) y las ms distintas tradiciones de pensamiento (tomismo, nominalismo, humanismo, etc.). Su trabajo como terico del derecho, que es el que aqu se procura destacar, se ha visto ensombrecido, aparentemente, por su renombre como literato y mstico. Esto, sin embargo, no significa que su reflexin iusfilosfica sea de poca entidad. Todo lo contrario, las ideas jurdicas del pensador espaol representan una de las piezas ms importantes de la Escuela teolgica de Salamanca


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B Body wet weight and mantle length of juvenile Sepia officinalis were monitored over a peroid of five weeks. The animals had hatched in our aquarium system in Bremerhaven, Germany at 16C and were descendants of individuals collected in the Oosterschelde estuary, Netherlands. Animals were kept in natural sea water at 10 or 17C and fed small live shrimp (Palaemonetes varians) ad libitum daily. At the end of the experiment some animals kept at 17C were sacrificed using ethanol. Haemolymph was withdrawn from the head vein using syringe and needle. Haemolymph samples were stored at -20C until Na+, Cl-, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+ and SO42- concentrations were determined using ion chromatography. Mean body weight more that tripled at 17C during the investigation period, while growth was impared by exposue to 10C. Haemolymph ion concentrations were similar to those in sea water, except for sulphate. The concentration of this ion in the haemolymph was more that ten times lower than in sea water.