945 resultados para Municipal management policies


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Abstract OBJECTIVE Developing continuing education guidelines for the development of nursing management competencies along with the members of the Center of Nursing Continuing Education of Parana. METHOD A qualitative research outlined by the action research method, with a sample consisting of 16 nurses. Data collection was carried out in three stages and data were analyzed according to the thematic analysis technique. RESULTS It was possible to discuss the demands and difficulties in developing nursing management competencies in hospital organizations and to collectively design a guideline. CONCLUSION The action research contributed to the production of knowledge, confirming the need and the importance of changing the educational processes and evaluations, based on methodologies and instruments for professional development in accordance with human resource policies and contemporary organizational policies.


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Welfare is a rather vague term whose meaning depends on ideology, values andjudgments. Material resources are just means to enhance people s well-being, butgrowth of the Gross Domestic Production is still the standard measure of thesuccess of a society. Fortunately, recent advances in measuring social performanceinclude health, education and other social outcomes. Because what we measureaffects what we do it is hoped that social policies will change. The movementHealth in all policies and its associated Health Impact Assessment methodologywill contribute to it. The task consists of designing transversal policies thatconsider health and other welfare goals, the short term and long-term implicationsand intergenerational redistributions of resources. As long as marginalproductivity on health outside the healthcare system is higher than inside it,efficiency needs cross-sectoral policies. And fairness needs them even more,because in order to reduce social inequalities in health, a wide social and politicalresponse is needed.Unless we reduce the well-documented inefficiencies in our current health caresystems the welfare states will fail to consolidate and the overall economic wellbeingcould be in serious trouble. In this article we sketched some policy solutionssuch as pricing according to net benefits of innovation and public encouragementof radical innovation besides the small type incremental and market-ledinnovation. We proposed an independent agency, the National Institute forWelfare Enhancement to guarantee long term fair and efficient social policies inwhich health plays a central role.


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O contexto atual que premeia o mundo das organizações exige muitas mudanças nos processos administrativos, principalmente, ao planeamento e controlo das operações económico-financeiras, de modo que os padrões de eficiência e eficácia garantem a sobrevivência organizacional. A auditoria interna tem-se demonstrado a sua real importância, destacando-se como uma eficiente ferramenta de apoio à administração, para verificação da eficiência e eficácia das atividades e a identificação de todos os procedimentos internos e das políticas definidas pela organização. No domínio das organizações públicas, particularmente as Autarquias Locais, as entidades reconhecem a importante necessidade de implementar uma Auditoria Interna que permitem que estas atuam de forma eficiente e eficaz. É neste contexto, que o presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral demonstrar em termos teóricos e práticos a importância da implementação da Auditoria Interna num Município e a sua contribuição para a melhoria da eficiência na gestão do município em estudo, assim como os objetivos específicos. A fundamentação teórica assenta-se na luz das contribuições teóricas de uma análise exploratória dos documentos, revisão bibliográfica, artigos, diretivas e monografias, bem como análise de recursos da internet, pesquisas de diferentes sites relacionados com o tema, visando a aquisição de um bom nível de conhecimento. O estudo de caso foi realizado na Câmara Municipal do Porto Novo, onde foi-me concedido um estágio profissional que permitiu uma melhor interação com o objeto de estudo por forma a apresentar uma melhor proposta. The current context that rewards the world organizations requires many changes in administrative procedures, especially the planning and control of economic-financial operations, so that the standards of efficiency and effectiveness to ensure organizational survival. Internal audit has demonstrated its real importance, especially as an effective tool to support the management, to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of activities and identification of all internal procedures and policies defined by the organization. In the field of public organizations, particularly the Local Government, companies recognize the necessity of implementing a Municipal Internal Auditing, so that they could operate efficiently and effectively. In this context, the present work aims to demonstrate in general, in theoretical and practical terms the importance of the implementation of Internal Audit in a municipality and its contribution in the improvement of efficiency in the management of the municipality under study, as well as the specific objectives. The theoretical support is based on the light of the theoretical contributions of an exploratory analysis of documents, literature review, articles, monographs and policies, as well as analysis of Internet resources, research different sites related to the subject, aimed of acquiring a good level of knowledge. The case study was conducted in the Municipality of Porto Novo, where I was awarded an internship that allowed me to have much interaction with the organization so I could present better suggestions.


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In this paper we analyze sanctioning policies in international law. We develop a model of international military conflict where the conflicting countries can be a target of international sanctions. These sanctions constitute an equilibrium outcome of an international political market for sanctions, where different countries trade political influence. We show that the level of sanctions in equilibrium is strictly positive but limited, in the sense that higher sanctions would exacerbate the military conflict, not reduce it. We then propose an alternative interpretation to the perceived lack of effectiveness of international sanctions, by showing that the problem might not be one of undersanctioning but of oversanctioning.


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Geological and geomorphological mapping at scale 1:10.000 besides from being an important source of scientific information it is also a necessary tool for municipal organs in order to make proper decisions when dealing with geo-environmental problems concerning integral territorial development. In this work, detailed information is given on the contents of such maps, their social and economical application, and a balance of the investment and gains that derives from them


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The purpose of this manual is to guide operation of the Case Management Program for Frail Elders. After Background, Program Administration, Definitions, Consumer Eligibility, and Program Standards, the order follows the flow of a consumer entering the pro-gram from referral through ongoing case activities. The manual is written assuming the reader is the Case Manager. The effective date will appear in the bottom left hand corner of each page. This manual will be updated as needed via Iowa Aging Program Instructions (IAPI). This manual is used in conjunction with the Department of Human Services’ manuals which provide more detail about policies and procedures within the Medicaid elderly waiver program.


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The objective of this study is to analyse the technical or productive efficiency ofthe refuse collection services in 75 municipalities located in the Spanish regionof Catalonia. The analysis has been carried out using various techniques. Firstly we have calculated a deterministic parametric frontier, then a stochastic parametric frontier, and finally, various non-parametric approaches (DEA and FDH). Concerning the results, these naturally differ according to the technique used to approach the frontier. Nevertheless, they have an appearance of solidity, at least with regard to the ordinal concordance among the indices of efficiency obtained by the different approaches, as is demonstrated by the statistical tests used. Finally, we have attempted to search for any relation existing between efficiency and the method (public or private) of managing the services. No significant relation was found between the type of management and efficiencyindices


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The objective of this study is to analyse the technical or productive efficiency ofthe refuse collection services in 75 municipalities located in the Spanish regionof Catalonia. The analysis has been carried out using various techniques. Firstly we have calculated a deterministic parametric frontier, then a stochastic parametric frontier, and finally, various non-parametric approaches (DEA and FDH). Concerning the results, these naturally differ according to the technique used to approach the frontier. Nevertheless, they have an appearance of solidity, at least with regard to the ordinal concordance among the indices of efficiency obtained by the different approaches, as is demonstrated by the statistical tests used. Finally, we have attempted to search for any relation existing between efficiency and the method (public or private) of managing the services. No significant relation was found between the type of management and efficiencyindices


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In 1980 the World Health Organization declared that smallpox was eradicated from the world, and routine smallpox vaccination was discontinued. Nevertheless, samples of the smallpox virus (variola virus) were retained for research purposes, not least because of fears that terrorist groups or rogue states might also have kept samples in order to develop a bioweapon. Variola virus represents an effective bioweapon because it is associated with high morbidity and mortality and is highly contagious. Since September 11, 2001, countries around the world have begun to develop policies and preparedness programs to deal with a bioterror attack, including stockpiling of smallpox vaccine. Smallpox vaccine itself may be associated with a number of serious adverse events, which can often be managed with vaccinia immune globulin (VIG). VIG may also be needed as prophylaxis in patients for whom pre-exposure smallpox vaccine is contraindicated (such as those with eczema or pregnant women), although it is currently not licensed in these cases. Two intravenous formulations of VIG (VIGIV Cangene and VIGIV Dynport) have been licensed by the FDA for the management of patients with progressive vaccinia, eczema vaccinatum, severe generalized vaccinia, and extensive body surface involvement or periocular implantation following inadvertent inoculation.


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Sufficient evidence was not discovered in this brief search to alter the general opinion that the Serviceability (Present Serviceability Index-PSI) - Performance Concepts developed by the AASHO Road Test provides the optimum engineering basis for pavement management. Use of these concepts in Iowa has the additional advantage in that we have a reasonable quantity of historical data over a period of time on the change in pavement condition as measured by PSI's. Some additional benefits would be the ability to better assess our needs with respect to those being recommended to Congress by AASHTO Committees. These concepts have been the basis used for developing policies on dimensions and weight of vehicles and highway needs which the AASHTO Transport Committees have recommended to the United States House Committee on Ways and Means. The first recommendation based on these concepts was made in the mid 1960's. Iowa's participation in the evaluation for this recommendation was under the direction of our present Director of Transportation, Mr. Raymond Kassel. PSI Indexes had to be derived from subjective surface ratings at that time. The most recent recommendation to Congress was made in November of 1977. Based on the rationale expressed above, a pilot study of the major part of the rural interstate system was conducted. The Objective of the study was to measure pavement performance through the use of the Present Serviceability Index (PSI) - Pavement Performance concepts as developed by the AASHO Road Test and to explore the usefulness of this type of data as a pavement management tool. Projects in the vicinity of the major urban centers were not included in this study due to the extra time that would be required to isolate accurate traffic data in these areas. Projects consisting of asphalt surface courses on crushed stone base sections were not included.


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The objective of this project has been to identify best practices and approaches to Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) program planning for the Iowa Department of Transportation. Information is primarily based on existing state MS4 programs as examples and references for use as an agency-based MS4 program is developed.


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The 2015 Corridor Management Plan for the Iowa Great River Road is modeled after similar plans for other National Scenic Byways: it is a dynamic, written document that describes the broad range of goals, objectives, policies, programs, projects and activities which can assist with protecting the intrinsic resources of a byway; interpreting the engaging stories of the byway; and promoting and presenting the byway with services and amenities to meet the needs and expectations of the traveling public.


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Es presenta un sistema de gestió d'emergències dins d'un àmbit municipal on es pretén donar una resposta eficaç a les emergències que es puguin donar en un determinat municipi com, en el nostre cas, Barcelona.


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BACKGROUND: In Switzerland, health policies are decided at the local level, but little is known regarding their impact on the screening and management of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRFs). We thus aimed at assessing geographical levels of CVRFs in Switzerland.¦METHODS: Swiss Health Survey for 2007 (N = 17,879). Seven administrative regions were defined: West (Leman), West-Central (Mittelland), Zurich, South (Ticino), North-West, East and Central Switzerland. Obesity, smoking, hypertension, dyslipidemia and diabetes prevalence, treatment and screening within the last 12 months were assessed by interview.¦RESULTS: After multivariate adjustment for age, gender, educational level, marital status and Swiss citizenship, no significant differences were found between regions regarding prevalence of obesity or current smoking. Similarly, no differences were found regarding hypertension screening and prevalence. Two thirds of subjects who had been told they had high blood pressure were treated, the lowest treatment rates being found in East Switzerland: odds-ratio and [95% confidence interval] 0.65 [0.50-0.85]. Screening for hypercholesterolemia was more frequently reported in French (Leman) and Italian (Ticino) speaking regions. Four out of ten participants who had been told they had high cholesterol levels were treated and the lowest treatment rates were found in German-speaking regions. Screening for diabetes was higher in Ticino (1.24 [1.09 - 1.42]). Six out of ten participants who had been told they had diabetes were treated, the lowest treatment rates were found for German-speaking regions.¦CONCLUSIONS: In Switzerland, cardiovascular risk factor screening and management differ between regions and these differences cannot be accounted for by differences in populations' characteristics. Management of most cardiovascular risk factors could be improved.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation Office of Research & Analytics has created this Guide to help researchers and contractors of the Iowa DOT attain compliance with Federal and Iowa DOT Public Access Policies for transportation-related research publications and datasets. This guide provides direction for filling out the data management plan template (also attached to this record) that will help satisfy Iowa DOT and U.S. DOT requirements.