385 resultados para Monroe
The Florida International University Drama students present a reading of "Collaborators: Elia Kazan, Arthur Miller, and Marilyn Monroe" by Dr Richard Schwartz. This play touches upon events that surrounded the Cold War and the House of Un-American Activities Committee in the 1950s. Event was held at the Black Box at the Wertheim Performing Arts Center on March 31, 2014.
The Florida International University Drama students present a reading of "Collaborators: Elia Kazan, Arthur Miller, and Marilyn Monroe" by Dr Richard Schwartz. This play touches upon events that surrounded the Cold War and the House of Un-American Activities Committee in the 1950s. Event was held at the Black Box at the Wertheim Performing Arts Center on March 31, 2014.
The purpose of this study was to examine job satisfaction of dietitians in South Florida and to identify significant differences in job satisfaction between dietitians working in traditional versus non-traditional settings. A job satisfaction questionnaire was developed, validated, and mailed to dietitians in Palm Beach, Broward, Dade, and Monroe counties. Out of 600 questionnaires mailed, 203 surveys were returned and 187 were valid and analyzed statistically. Seventy three percent of subjects practiced in traditional and 17% in non-traditional settings. Eighteen percent of 187 subjects surveyed reported feeling dissatisfied with their jobs and 59% reported feeling satisfied. There was no significant difference in satisfaction due to practice settings (traditional versus non-traditional). The subjects reported satisfaction with co-workers and supervisors. The two major areas where dissatisfaction was reported were compensation and professional recognition. The results showed that the majority of dietitians in South Florida are, in general, satisfied with their jobs. Although dietitians' salaries have increased by approximately 80% since 1982, compensation was still viewed as inadequate by 48% of the subjects, given dietitians' education, skills and experience. Because legislation to approve reimbursement of medical nutrition therapy is pending, increase in dietitians' knowledge of reimbursement issues is recommended. Dietitians must also promote assertively their valuable contribution to wellness, health, and the treatment of disease.
This article considers the opportunities of civilians to peacefully resist violent conflicts or civil wars. The argument developed here is based on a field-based research on the peace community San José de Apartadó in Colombia. The analytical and theoretical framework, which delimits the use of the term ‘resistance’ in this article, builds on the conceptual considerations of Hollander and Einwohner (2004) and on the theoretical concept of ‘rightful resistance’ developed by O’Brien (1996). Beginning with a conflict-analytical classification of the case study, we will describe the long-term socio-historical processes and the organizational experiences of the civilian population, which favoured the emergence of this resistance initiative. The analytical approach to the dimensions and aims of the resistance of this peace community leads to the differentiation of O`Brian’s concept of ‘rightful resistance’.
La música puede afectar al individuo en todos sus niveles –físico, mental y espiritual–. El presente artículo se centra en el papel que ésta desempeña en el desarrollo de la vida espiritual y trascendental. Para ello, realizaremos un repaso histórico de su evolución estética y social, abordaremos dicho fenómeno a nivel fisiológico y presentaremos sus aplicaciones clínicas y sociales. Seguidamente y a modo de ejemplo de las concepciones de pensamiento occidental y oriental, trataremos la forma en que el cristianismo y el budismo conciben la música dentro de su doctrina. Finalizaremos con algunas reflexiones sobre el tema.
The Kππ enhancement at 1780 MeV (the "L meson") is copiously produced in our K+p experiment at 12 GeV/c. We show that this "meson" can be explained as a threshold enhancement in the KN(1420)π system. We see no evidence for this enhancement in channels other than KN(1420)π. © 1969 The American Physical Society.
While fault-tolerant quantum computation might still be years away, analog quantum simulators offer a way to leverage current quantum technologies to study classically intractable quantum systems. Cutting edge quantum simulators such as those utilizing ultracold atoms are beginning to study physics which surpass what is classically tractable. As the system sizes of these quantum simulators increase, there are also concurrent gains in the complexity and types of Hamiltonians which can be simulated. In this work, I describe advances toward the realization of an adaptable, tunable quantum simulator capable of surpassing classical computation. We simulate long-ranged Ising and XY spin models which can have global arbitrary transverse and longitudinal fields in addition to individual transverse fields using a linear chain of up to 24 Yb+ 171 ions confined in a linear rf Paul trap. Each qubit is encoded in the ground state hyperfine levels of an ion. Spin-spin interactions are engineered by the application of spin-dependent forces from laser fields, coupling spin to motion. Each spin can be read independently using state-dependent fluorescence. The results here add yet more tools to an ever growing quantum simulation toolbox. One of many challenges has been the coherent manipulation of individual qubits. By using a surprisingly large fourth-order Stark shifts in a clock-state qubit, we demonstrate an ability to individually manipulate spins and apply independent Hamiltonian terms, greatly increasing the range of quantum simulations which can be implemented. As quantum systems grow beyond the capability of classical numerics, a constant question is how to verify a quantum simulation. Here, I present measurements which may provide useful metrics for large system sizes and demonstrate them in a system of up to 24 ions during a classically intractable simulation. The observed values are consistent with extremely large entangled states, as much as ~95% of the system entangled. Finally, we use many of these techniques in order to generate a spin Hamiltonian which fails to thermalize during experimental time scales due to a meta-stable state which is often called prethermal. The observed prethermal state is a new form of prethermalization which arises due to long-range interactions and open boundary conditions, even in the thermodynamic limit. This prethermalization is observed in a system of up to 22 spins. We expect that system sizes can be extended up to 30 spins with only minor upgrades to the current apparatus. These results emphasize that as the technology improves, the techniques and tools developed here can potentially be used to perform simulations which will surpass the capability of even the most sophisticated classical techniques, enabling the study of a whole new regime of quantum many-body physics.
Partiendo fundamental pero no exclusivamente de las formas de lectura crítica y de los métodos de análisis textual propuestos por el movimiento crítico denominado Nuevo Historicismo, este estudio tiene por objeto analizar aspectos esenciales de la paulatina modelación y construcción textual o discursiva de Sylvia Plath, poeta icónica de la literatura contemporánea de los EE.UU. La elección de Plath como objeto de estudio se basa en los siguientes motivos: 1) Su ubicación en el canon poético contemporáneo como autora de culto, situación que no se repite en ningún otro poeta coetáneo. Plath ha sido y es identificada como un “mito” o una “leyenda” a la altura de otros iconos de la cultura contemporánea popular proveniente de Norteamérica. 2) La polémica ha rodeado siempre la biografía de esta autora, desde su suicidio a una edad temprana hasta el presente. Dicha polémica surge de forma más señalada alrededor de dos aspectos fundamentales: por un lado, la de su personalidad poética entendida como esencialmente autobiográfica o confesional, cuestión a menudo disputada; y por otro lado su estatus como figura icónica de la cultura norteamericana (y no solo en el ámbito de las letras). Como icono de la cultura norteamericana, Plath ha sido etiquetada en algunos ámbitos como “la Marilyn Monroe de los literatos”, es decir, una joven artista, con una prometedora carrera, desaparecida demasiado pronto y congelada de ese modo en el inconsciente colectivo. 3) La situación particular en torno a lo que podemos convenir en denominar su “yo textual”. Esta situación cobra una especial relevancia en el mundo de las letras y la cultura. Sylvia Plath estaba casada en el momento de su suicidio en 1963 con el joven poeta inglés Ted Hughes, de carrera prometedora, y futura figura central de las instituciones británicas como Poeta Laureado que fue desde 1984 hasta su muerte en 1998. A la muerte de Plath, los permisos de publicación de todos sus escritos y materiales quedaron en manos de Ted Hughes, que a lo largo de las décadas, y pese a que en 1963 la pareja vivía separada como consecuencia de una crisis producto de una infidelidad de Hughes, publicó los escritos de Plath siempre de acuerdo con su criterio personal. Las desavenencias entre la pareja, la posesión de Hughes de los derechos de autor de Plath, la publicación idiosincrática que Hughes hizo de los textos de Plath (fragmentaria, poco planificada, aunque siempre informada y matizada por sus propios prefacios, notas e introducciones) le granjearon poca empatía, cuando no manifiesta hostilidad, por parte de sectores del público y la crítica, en especial el feminismo...
Introducción Los planificadores de la política exterior de Estados Unidos siempre le han presentado gran interés a la estratégica región centroamericana. Los europeos habían invertido intensamente en la región y Estados Unidos comprendía que, a menos que asumiera la responsabilidad por la estabilidad económica y política de los estados centroamericanos, los gobiernos de Europa ignorarían la Doctrina Monroe cuando se tratase e proteger los intereses del exterior, Estados Unidos deberá mantener el orden, per la abierta intervención militar era costosa y era generadora de mala voluntad en todo el hemisferio. En consecuencia, el gobierno de Wilson buscó otros medios para promover la estabilidad y la hegemonía estadunidense. La Primera Guerra Mundial produjo una coyuntura de especiales oportunidades, así como de particulares riesgos.
This thesis aims to propose a gender analysis of the bimbo, that is the stereotype of a sexually attractive yet stupid woman. The presence of this cultural phenomenon in a number of aspects of mainstream pop culture gives rise to interesting research that deals with linguistics, the notion of prejudice, truth, and morality. Starting from notable bimbo figures like Marilyn Monroe, going through Anna Nicole Smith, and ending with the rising Gen Z Bimbo TikTok, this work reads the bimbo as a gender performance of femininity thanks to the lens provided by philosophers Judith Butler and Jean Baudrillard. The bimbo’s link to cosmetic surgery makes it possible to trace a brief outline of the feminist theory in relation to the understanding of the body as a political site. Ultimately, the subtle borders between the reenactment of the male gaze and a conscious reappropriation will be discussed. Because of the contingent nature of the bimbo, the purpose of this work is not necessarily to rewrite her as a feminist, but to present and embrace the at times contradicting multitudes of this pop culture trope.