999 resultados para Mol, Annemarie


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Objectives. The role of inorganic content on physical properties of resin composites is well known. However, its influence on polymerization stress development has not been established. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the influence of inorganic fraction on polymerization stress and its determinants, namely, volumetric shrinkage, elastic modulus and degree of conversion. Methods. Eight experimental composites containing 1:1 BisGMA (bisphenylglycidyl dimethacrylate): TEGDMA (triethylene glycol dimethacrylate) (in mol) and barium glass at increasing concentrations from 25 to 60 vol.% (5% increments) were tested. Stress was determined in a universal test machine using acrylic as bonding substrate. Nominal polymerization stress was obtained diving the maximum load by the cross-surface area. Shrinkage was measured using a water picnometer. Elastic modulus was obtained by three-point flexural test. Degree of conversion was determined by FT-Raman spectroscopy. Results. Polymerization stress and shrinkage showed inverse relationships with filler content (R(2) = 0.965 and R(2) = 0.966, respectively). Elastic modulus presented a direct correlation with inorganic content (R(2) = 0.984). Degree of conversion did not vary significantly. Polymerization stress showed a strong direct correlation with shrinkage (R(2) = 0.982) and inverse with elastic modulus (R(2) = 0.966). Significance. High inorganic contents were associated with low polymerization stress values, which can be explained by the reduced volumetric shrinkage presented by heavily filled composites. (C) 2010 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objectives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of monomer content on fracture toughness (K(Ic)) before and after ethanol solution storage, flexural properties and degree of conversion (DC) of bisphenol A glycidyl methacrylate (Bis-GMA) co-polymers. Methods. Five formulations were tested, containing Bis-GMA (B) combined with TEGDMA (T), UDMA (U) or Bis-EMA (E), as follows (in mol%): 30B:70T; 30B:35T:35U; 30B:70U; 30B:35T:35E; 30B:70E. Bimodal filler was introduced at 80 wt%. Single-edge notched beams for fracture toughness (FT, 25 mm x 5 mm x 2.5 mm, a/w = 0.5, n = 20) and 10 mm x 2 mm x 1 mm beams for flexural strength (FS) and modulus (FM) determination (10 mm x 2 mm x 1 mm, n = 10) were built and then stored in distilled water for 24 h at 37 degrees C. All FS/FM beams and half of the FT specimens were immediately submitted to three-point bending test. The remaining FT specimens were stored in a 75%ethanol/25%water (v/v) solution for 3 months prior to testing. DC was determined with FT-Raman spectroscopy in fragments of both FT and FS/FM specimens at 24 h. Data were submitted to one-way ANOVA/Tukey test (alpha = 5%). Results. The 30B:70T composite presented the highest K(Ic) value (in MPa m(1/2)) at 24 h (1.3 +/- 0.4), statistically similar to 30B:35T:35U and 30B:70U, while 30B:70E presented the lowest value (0.5 +/- 0.1). After ethanol storage, reductions in K(Ic) ranged from 33 to 72%. The 30B:70E material presented the lowest reduction in FT and 30B:70U, the highest. DC was similar among groups (69-73%), except for 30B:70U (52 +/- 4%, p < 0.001). 30B:70U and 30B:35T:35U presented the highest FS (125 +/- 21 and 122 +/- 14 MPa, respectively), statistically different from 30B:70T or 30B:70E (92 +/- 20 and 94 +/- 16 MPa, respectively). Composites containing UDMA or Bis-EMA associated with Bis-GMA presented similar FM, statistically lower than 30B:35T:35U. Significance. Composites formulated with Bis-GMA:TEGDMA:UDMA presented the best compromise between conversion and mechanical properties. (C) 2009 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Different monomer structures lead to different physical and mechanical properties for both the monomers and the polymers. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of the bisphenylglycidyl dimethacrylate (BisGMA) concentration (33, 50 or 66 mol%) and the co-monomer content [triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA), ethoxylated bisphenol-A dimethacrylate (BisEMA), or both in equal parts] on viscosity (eta), degree of conversion (DC), and flexural strength (FS). eta was measured using a viscometer, DC was obtained by Fourier transfer Raman (FT-Raman) spectroscopy, and FS was determined by three-point bending. At 50 and 66% BisGMA, increases in eta were observed following the partial and total substitution of TEGDMA by BisEMA. For 33% BisGMA, eta increased significantly only when no TEGDMA was present. The DC was influenced by BisGMA content and co-monomer type. Mixtures containing 66% BisGMA showed a lower DC compared with mixtures containing other concentrations of BisGMA. The BisEMA mixtures had a lower DC compared with the TEGDMA mixtures. The FS was influenced by co-monomer content only. BisEMA mixtures presented a statistically lower FS, followed by TEGDMA + BisEMA mixtures, and then by TEGDMA mixtures. Partial or total replacement of TEGDMA by BisEMA increased eta, which was associated with the observed decreases in DC and FS. Although the BisGMA content influenced the DC, it did not affect the FS results.


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Urine is an ideal source of materials to search for potential disease-related biomarkers as it is produced by the affected tissues and can be easily obtained by noninvasive methods. 2-DE-based proteomic approach was used to better understand the molecular mechanisms of injury induced by fluoride (F(-)) and define potential biomarkers of dental fluorosis. Three groups of weanling male Wistar rats were treated with drinking water containing 0 (control), 5, or 50 ppm F(-) for 60 days (n = 15/group). During the experimental period, the animals were kept individually in metabolic cages, to analyze the water and food consumption, as well as fecal and urinary F excretion. Urinary proteome profiles were examined using 2-DE and Colloidal Coomassie Brilliant Blue staining. A dose-response regarding F(-) intake and excretion was detected. Quantitative intensity analysis revealed 8, 11, and 8 significantly altered proteins between control vs. 5 ppm F(-), control vs. 50 ppm F(-) and 5 ppm F(-) vs. 50 ppm F(-) groups, respectively. Two proteins regulated by androgens (androgen-regulated 20-KDa protein and 0c-2,1-globulin) and one related to detoxification (aflatoxin-Bl-aldehyde-reductase) were identified by MALDI-TOF-TOF MS/MS. Thus, proteomic analysis can help to better understand the mechanisms underlying F(-) toxicity, even in low doses. 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biochem Mol Toxicol 25:8-14, 2011; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com. DOI 10:1002/jbt.20353


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This study investigated the variations in human plasma fluoride concentrations ([F]) and sought to determine the causes. Five subjects (27-33 years old) received a low-F diet during the 5 days of the study. Plasma samples and urine were collected every 3 h from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. F, PTH, Ca and P were analyzed with the electrode, by chemiluminescence, AAS and colorimetry, respectively. A trend for the plasma [F] was found. The peak [F], 0.55 +/- 0.11 mu mol L(-1), occurred at 11 a.m. and the lowest [F], 0.50 +/- 0.06 mu mol L(-1) occurred between 5 and 8 p.m. Plasma [F] were positively correlated with urinary F excretion rates and with serum PTH levels, but not with the Ca or P levels. Serum PTH levels were positively correlated with urinary F excretion rates and negatively correlated with plasma Ca. The results suggest that the renal system seems to control the daily fluctuations in plasma [F]. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective. To evaluate the effect of two additives, aldehyde or diketone, on the wear, roughness and hardness of bis-GMA-based composites/copolymers containing TEGDMA, propoxylated bis-GMA (CH(3)bis-GMA) or propoxylated fluorinated bis-GMA (CF(3)bis-GMA). Methods. Fifteen experimental composites and 15 corresponding copolymers were prepared combining bis-GMA and TEGDMA, CH3bis-GMA or CF3bis-GMA, with aldehyde (24mol% and 32 mol%) or diketone (24 mol% and 32 mol%) totaling 30 groups. For composites, hybrid treated filler (barium aluminosilicate glass/pyrogenic silica; 60 wt%) was added to monomer mixtures. Photopolymerization was affected by 0.2 wt% each of camphorquinone and N,N-dimethyl-p-toluidine. Wear (W) test was conducted in a toothbrushing abrasion machine (n = 6) and quantified using a profilometer. Surface roughness (R) changes, before and after abrasion test, were determined using a rugosimeter. Microhardness (H) measurements were performed for dry and wet samples using a Knoop microindenter (n = 6). Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey`s test (alpha = 0.05). Results. Incorporation of additives led to improved W and H values for bis-GMA/TEGDMA and bis-GMA/CH(3)bis-GMA systems. Additives had no significant effect on the W and H changes of bis-GMA/CF(3)bis-GMA. With regard to R changes, additives produced decreased values for bis-GMA/CH3bis-GMA and bis-GMA/CF3bis-GMA composites. Bis-GMA/TEGDMA and bis-GMA/CH(3)bis-GMA copolymers with additives became smoother after abrasion test. Significance. The findings correlate with additives ability to improve degree of conversion of some composites/copolymers thereby enhancing mechanical properties. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Academy of Dental Materials


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Nicotine plays a role in smoking-associated cardiovascular diseases, and may upregulate matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and MMP-9. We examined whether nicotine induces the release of MMP-2 and MMP-9 by rat smooth muscle cells (SMC), and whether doxycycline (non-selective MMP inhibitor) inhibits the vascular effects produced by nicotine. SMC were incubated with nicotine 0, 50, and 150 nM for 48 h. MMP-2 and MMP-9 levels in the cell supernatants were determined by gelatin zymography. The acute changes in mean arterial pressure caused by nicotine 2 mu mol/kg (or saline) were assessed in rats pretreated with doxycycline (or saline). We also examined whether doxcycline (30 mg/Kg, i.p., daily) modifies the effects of nicotine (10 mg/kg/day; 4 weeks) on the endothelium-dependent relaxations of rat aortic rings. Aortic MMP-2 levels were assessed by gelatin zymography. Aortic gelatinolytic activity was assessed using a gelatinolytic activity kit. MMP-2 and MMP-9 levels increased in the supernatant of SMC cells incubated with nicotine 150 nM (P<0.05) but not with 50 nM. Nicotine (2 mu mol/kg) produced lower increases in the mean arterial pressure in rats pretreated with doxycycline than those found in rats pretreated with saline (26 +/- 4 vs. 37 +/- 4 mmHg, respectively; P<0.05). Nicotine impaired of the endothelium-dependent responses to acetylcholine, and treatment with doxycycline increased the potency (pD2) by approximately 25% (P<0.05). While we found no significant differences in aortic MMP-2 levels, nicotine significantly increased gelatinolytic activity (P<0.05). These findings suggest that nicotine produces cardiovascular effects involving MMPs. It is possible that MMPs inhibition may counteract the effects produced by nicotine. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: The diagnosis of acute pulmonary thromboembolism (APT) and its severity is challenging. No previous study has examined whether there is a linear relation between plasma DNA concentrations and the severity of APT. We examined this hypothesis in anesthetized dogs. We also examined the changes in plasma DNA concentrations in microspheres lung embolization and whether the therapy of APT with nitrite could modify APT-induced changes in plasma DNA concentrations. In vitro DNA release from blood clots was also studied. Methods: APT was induced with autologous blood clots (saline, 1, 3, or 5 ml/kg) injected into the right atrium. A group of dogs received 300 pm microspheres into the inferior vena cava to produce similar pulmonary hypertension. Another group of dogs received 6.75 mu mol/kg nitrite after APT with blood clots of 5 ml/kg. Hemodynamic evaluations were carried out for 120 min. DNA was extracted from plasma samples using QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit and quantified using Quant-iT (TM) PicoGreen (R) dsDNA detection kit at baseline and 120 min after APT. Results: APT produced dose-dependent increases in plasma DNA concentrations. which correlated positively with pulmonary vascular resistance (P=0.002, r=0.897) and with mean pulmonary arterial pressure (P=0.006, r=0.856). Conversely, lung embolization with microspheres produced no significant changes in plasma DNA concentrations. While nitrite attenuated APT-induced pulmonary hypertension, it produced no changes in plasma DNA concentrations. Blood clots released dose-dependent amounts of DNA in vitro. Conclusions: Cell-free DNA concentrations increase in proportion to the severity of APT, probably as a result of increasing amounts of thrombi obstructing the pulmonary vessels. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Solid-state C-13 NMR spectroscopy was used to investigate the three-dimensional structure of melittin as lyophilized powder and in ditetradecylphosphatidylcholine (DTPC) membranes. The distance between specifically labeled carbons in analogs [1-C-13]Gly3-[2-C-13]Ala4, [1-C-13]Gly3-[2-C-13]Leu6, [1-C-13]Leu13-[2-C-13]Ala15, [2-C-13]Leu13-[1-C-13]Ala15, and [1-C-13]Leu13-[2-C-13]Leu16 was measured by rotational resonance. As expected, the internuclear distances measured in [1-C-13]Gly3-[2-C-13]Ala4 and [1-C-13]Gly3-[2-C-13]Leu6 were consistent with alpha -helical structure in the N-terminus irrespective of environment. The Internuclear distances measured in [1-C-13]Leu13-[2-C-13]Ala15, [2-C-13]Leu13-[1-C-13]Ala15, and [1-C-13]Leu13-[2-C-13]Leu16 revealed, via molecular modeling, some dependence upon environment for conformation in the region of the bend in helical structure induced by Pro14. A slightly larger interhelical angle between the N- and C-terminal helices was indicated for peptide in dry or hydrated gel state DTPC (139 degrees -145 degrees) than in lyophilized powder (121 degrees -139 degrees) or crystals (129 degrees). The angle, however, is not as great as deduced for melittin in aligned bilayers of DTPC in the liquid-crystalline state (similar to 160 degrees) (R. Smith, F. Separovic, T. J. Milne, A. Whittaker, F. M. Bennett, B. A. Cornell, and A. Makriyannis, 1994, J. Mol, Biol 241:456-466). The study illustrates the utility of rotational resonance in determining local structure within peptide-lipid complexes.


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The microwave and thermal cure processes for the epoxy-amine systems N,N,N',N'-tetraglycidyl-4,4'-diaminodiphenyl methane (TGDDM) with diaminodiphenyl sulfone (DDS) and diaminodiphenyl methane (DDM) have been investigated. The DDS system was studied at a single cure temperature of 433 K and a single stoichiometry of 27 wt% and the DDM system was studied at two stoichiometries, 19 and 32 wt%, and a range temperatures between 373 and 413 K. The best values the kinetic rate parameters for the consumption of amines have been determined by a least squares curve Ft to a model for epoxy-amine cure. The activation energies for the rate parameters for the MY721/DDM system were determined as was the overall activation energy for the cure reaction which was found to be 62 kJ mol(-1). No evidence was found for any specific effect of the microwave radiation on the rate parameters, and the systems were both found to be characterized by a negative substitution effect. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Poly(tetrafluoroethylene-co-perfluoropropyl vinyl ether) (PFA) with 2 mol% perfluoropropyl vinyl ether (PPVE) was exposed to gamma -irradiation in vacuum at both 77 K and room temperature and the ESR spectra recorded. Both the main chain, similar to CF2-(CF)-F-.-CF(2)similar to, and end chain, similar to (CF2CF2)-F-. radicals were identified at both temperatures and their thermal stabilities measured, No radicals unique to the radiolytic cleavage at the PPVE units were observed at room temperature, either due to the low concentration of the comonomer or beta -scission to form a chain end radical and a nonradical species. G-values for radical formation at room temperature and 77 K were found to be 0.93 and 0.16, respectively. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The internal flexibility of the central seven-membered ring of a series of tricyclic antidepressant drugs (TCAs), imipramine {l}, amitriptyline {2}, doxepin {3}, and dothiepin {4}, has been investigated by H-1 and C-13 nuclear magnetic (NMR) techniques. Two dynamic processes were examined: ring inversion and bridge flexing. H-1 NMR lineshape analysis was used to obtain ring inversion barriers for 2-4. These studies yielded energy barriers of 14.3, 16.7, and 15.7 +/- 0.6 kcal/mol for the hydrochloride salts of doxepin, dothiepin, and amitriptyline, respectively. The barriers for the corresponding free bases were lower by 0.6 kcal/mol on average. (CT1)-C-13 relaxation measurements were used to determine the degree of bridge flexing associated with the central seven-membered ring for all four compounds. By fitting the T-1 data to a two-state jump model, lifetimes and amplitudes of rapid bridge flexing motions were determined. The results show that imipramine has the fastest rate of bridge flexing, followed by amitriptyline, doxepin, and dothiepin. The pharmacological profiles of the TCAs are complex and they interact with many receptor sites, resulting in numerous side effects and a general lack of understanding of their precise mode of action in different anxiety-related disorders. They all have similar three-dimensional structures, which makes it difficult to rationalize their differing relative potency in different assays/clinical settings. However, the clear finding here that there are significantly different degrees of internal mobility suggests that molecular dynamics should be an additional factor considered when trying to understand the mode of action of this clinically important family of molecules. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmaceutical Association J Pharm Sci 90:713-721, 2001.


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Objective: To examine the effects of iron deficiency and its treatment by iron supplementation or a high iron diet on fatigue and general health measures in women of childbearing age. Design: Randomised controlled trial to compare supplement and dietary treatment of iron deficiency. Subjects: 44 iron deficient (serum ferritin < 15 mug/L or serum ferritin 15-20 mug/L, plus two of the following: serum iron < 10 mu mol/L, total iron binding capacity > 68 mu mol/L or transferrin saturation < 15%) and 22 iron replete (hemoglobin greater than or equal to 120 g/L and serum ferritin > 20 mug/L) women 18 to 50 years of age were matched for age and parity. Interventions: Iron deficient women were randomly allocated to either iron supplementation or a high iron diet for 12 weeks. Measures of Outcome: Iron deficient and iron replete participants had iron studies performed and completed the Piper Fatigue Scale (PFS) and the SF-36 general health and well-being questionnaire at baseline (TO), following the 12 week intervention (TI) and again after a six-month non-intervention phase (T2). The SF-36 includes measures of physical (PCS) and mental (MCS) health and vitality (VT). Results: MCS and VT scores were lower and PFS scores were higher for iron deficient women (diet and supplement groups) than iron replete women at baseline. Both intervention groups showed similar improvements in MCS, VT and PFS scores during the intervention phase, but mean increases in serum ferritin were greater in the supplement than the diet group. PCS scores were not related to iron status. Conclusions: Treatment of iron deficiency with either supplementation or a high iron diet results in improved mental health and decreased fatigue among women of childbearing age.


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Background: The Australian Iron Status Advisory Panel advocates dietary intervention as the first treatment option for mild iron deficiency [serum ferritin (SF) = 10-15 mug/L]. However, there appear to be no studies on the efficacy of dietary treatment for iron deficiency. Objective: We compared the effects of iron supplementation and of a high-iron diet on serum ferritin (SF) and hemoglobin in iron-deficient women of childbearing age. Design: Forty-four iron-deficient women (SF < 15 mug/L or SF = 15-20 mug/L plus serum iron < 10 mu mol/L and total-iron-binding capacity > 68 mu mol/L) and 22 iron-replete women (hemoglobin greater than or equal to 120 g/L and SF > 20 mug/L) matched for age and parity categories were enrolled and completed 7-d weighed food records at baseline. The iron-deficient women were randomly allocated to receive iron supplementation (105 mg/d; supplement group) or a high-iron diet (recommended intake of absorbable iron: 2.25 mg/d; diet group) for 12 wk. Hematologic and dietary assessments were repeated at the end of the intervention and again after a 6-mo follow-up. Results: Mean SF in the supplement group increased from 9.0 +/- 3.9 mug/L at baseline to 24.8 +/- 10.0 mug/L after the intervention and remained stable during follow-up (24.2 +/- 9.8 mug/L whereas the diet group had smaller increases during the intervention (8.9 +/- 3.1 to 11.0 +/- 5.9 mug/L) but continued to improve during follow-up (to 15.2 +/- 9.5 mug/L). Mean hemoglobin tended to improve in both intervention groups, but the change was only significant in the supplement group. Conclusions: In iron-deficient women of childbearing age, a high-iron diet produced smaller increases in SF than did iron supplementation but resulted in continued improvements in iron status during a 6-mo follow-up.


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DCC (deleted in colon cancer), Neogenin and UNC-5 are all members of the immunoglobulin superfamily of transmembrane receptors which are believed to play a role in axon guidance by binding to their ligands, the Netrin/UNC-40 family of secreted molecules (Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 56 (1999) 62; Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 7 (1997) 87). Although zebrafish homologues of the Netrin family of secreted molecules have been reported, to date there has been no published description of zebrafish DCC homologues (Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 9 (1997) 293., Mol. Cell. Neurosci. I I ( 1998) 194; Mech. Dev. 62 (1997) 147). We report here the expression pattern of a zebrafish dcc (zdcc) homologue during the initial period of neurogenesis and axon tract formation within the developing central nervous system. Between 12 and 33 h post-fertilisation zdcc is expressed in a dynamic spatiotemporal pattern in all major subdivisions of the central nervous system. Double-labelling for zdcc and the post-mitotic neuronal marker HNK-1 revealed that subpopulations of neurons within the first nuclei of the zebrafish brain express zdcc. These results support our previous observation that patterning of neuronal clusters in the zebrafish brain occurs early in development (Dev. Bioi, 229 (2001) 271). (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.