571 resultados para Miniconto de terror
This paper evaluates the US’ perception of and response to al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) operating in Yemen. It evaluates the empirical evidence on which the present understanding of the group is based, the implications of the socio-political context in which it operates, and the uneasy position of the Yemeni government in the war against terror as it has been affected by US policy from the early 1990s to the present. In the contested Yemeni state, AQAP is competing for political legitimacy and is increasingly dependent on public support. The US’ kill-or-capture response, the “on-off” nature of its support that has made Yemen vulnerable to the influence of al-Qaeda in the past, and the actions of the Yemeni government itself, which depends on the continued existence of the threat to secure financial support vital for political survival, means that none of the measures being taken has the potential to defeat AQAP.
This book is highly topical considering the recent resurgence of violence by the PKK, the incursions into Northern Iraq by the Turkish army and security forces and Turkey’s EU accession negotiations. Turkey has become an increasingly important player in Middle Eastern geopolitics. More than two decades of serious conflict in Turkey are proving to be a barrier to improved relations between Turkey and the EU. This book is the first study to address fully the legal and political dimensions of the conflict, and their impact on mechanisms for conflict resolution in the region, offering a scholarly exploration of a debate that is often politically and emotionally highly charged. Kerim Yildiz and Susan Breau look at the practical application of the law of armed conflicts to the ongoing situation in Turkey and Northern Iraq. The application of the law in this region also means addressing larger questions in international law, global politics and conflict resolution. Examples include belligerency in international law, whether the ‘war on terror’ has resulted in changes to the law of armed conflict and terrorism and conflict resolution. The Kurdish Conflict explores the practical possibilities of conflict resolution in the region, examining the political dynamics of the region, and suggesting where lessons can be drawn from other peace processes, such as in Northern Ireland. This book will be of great value to policy-makers, regional experts, and others interested in international humanitarian law and conflict resolution.
Terrorism can strengthen or weaken electoral support for ruling governments. We show in a simple model of coalition formation that, regardless of the direction of a public opinion shock, the impact of terrorism on cabinet duration is ambiguous. However, in an analysis of a data set including 2,400 cabinets in over 150 countries in the period 1970–2002, we find that terrorism, on average, shortens cabinet duration. This result is robust for a range of alternative terror measures and is present in both democratic as well as autocratic political regimes.
What are the main causes of international terrorism? Despite the meticulous examination of various candidate explanations, existing estimates still diverge in sign, size, and significance. This article puts forward a novel explanation and supporting evidence. We argue that domestic political instability provides the learning environment needed to successfully execute international terror attacks. Using a yearly panel of 123 countries over 1973–2003, we find that the occurrence of civil wars increases fatalities and the number of international terrorist acts by 45%. These results hold for alternative indicators of political instability, estimators, subsamples, subperiods, and accounting for competing explanations.
We examine the relationship between terrorism and electoral accountability. We find that terror has a robust positive effect on the probability that the incumbent government is replaced. The magnitude of the effect increases with the severity of the terrorist attack.
Can 'constructive engagement' provide a bridge between the pursuit of national interest and concern for human rights? This book explores the experience of Chester Crocker, Reagan's Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, and his policy of 'constructive engagement' with Pretoria during apartheid. It is argued that the policy was, in part, a Cold War-driven attempt to maintain strategically important ties with the South African government, and it explores the repercussions of this. The book also explores the linkage of Namibian independence and Cuban troop withdrawal from Angola. The analysis of this policy has important relevance to the foreign policy dilemmas of today. Abuse of human rights can render some disenfranchised groups vulnerable to terrorist recruitment, and it is argued that Reagan's myopic globalism is being repeated in America's 'War on Terror'. The policy of 'constructive engagement' is once again being used as a diplomatic fig leaf for realpolitik, rather than as a vital tool of diplomacy.
This paper aims to encourage critical reflection on what are key and pressing social and political issues surrounding the Paralympics Games. The focus of the paper is personal narratives of six current elite Paralympic athletes who have participated in at least one Paralympic Games. In response to critical stimuli presented in the form of five ‘unfinished stories’, the self-reflexive, personal, compelling narrative reflections of these individuals were (re)presented for each of the stories as a composite narrative. The stories expose questions over fear, despair, freedom, hope, love, oppression, hatred, hurt, terror, (in)equality, peace, performance and impairment. To really learn from London and reflect for Rio, we need academic work that can understand sport, sporting bodies and physical activity as important ‘sites’ through which social forces, discourses, institutions and processes congregate, congeal and are contested in a manner that contributes to the shaping of human relations, subjectivities, and experiences in particular, contextually contingent ways.
Biography of Josephine Bonaparte. The incredible rise and unbelievable fall of Josephine, a mistress, courtesan and Revolutionary heroine whose energy and ambition has often been overshadowed by Napoleon’s military might. Historian Kate Williams, author of Becoming Queen, tells Josephine’s searing story of sexual obsession, politics and surviving as a woman in a man’s world. Abandoned in Paris by her aristocratic husband, Josephine's future did not look promising. But while her friends and contemporaries were sent to the guillotine during the Terror that followed the Revolution, she survived prison and emerged as the doyenne of a wildly debauched party scene, surprising everybody when she encouraged the advances of a short, marginalised Corsican soldier, six years her junior. Josephine, the fabulous hostess and skilled diplomat, was the perfect consort to the ambitious but obnoxious Napoleon. With her by his side, he became the greatest man in Europe, the Supreme Emperor; and she amassed a jewellery box with more diamonds than Marie Antoinette’s. But as his fame grew, Napoleon became increasingly obsessed with his need for an heir and irritated with Josephine’s extravagant spending. The woman who had enchanted France became desperate and jealous. Until, a divorcee aged forty-seven, she was forced to watch from the sidelines as Napoleon and his young bride produced a child.
The reestablishment of democracy in Chile has seen an intense debate about the events of the recent past, especially on the issue of human rights. From the very beginning, the Concertacion Government has been determined to discover the truth of the repression carried out by the national security forces with a series of commissions that have gathered the testimonies of victims and their relatives. These efforts have been resisted by conservative sectors linked to the dictatorship and the Armed Forces. There has been intense conflict in the media during the past 20 years about events that occurred during the rule of Salvador Allende and the Military Regime. In this regard, a great diversity of information has been produced which, together with the debate evoked, has enabled historians not only to rigorously and thoroughly reconstruct the operation of the state terror but also to explain how a significant sector of Chile’s civil society allowed that situation. This article presents, on one hand, different methodological tools in order to study the recent past and, on the other hand, the social discussion on how to do it.
Enacting the apocalypse: zombie metaphors in contemporary disaster preparedness Since the turn of the millennium, enactment of possible emergencies and catastrophes has become a most common way of producing knowledge about events yet to occur. Preparedness exercises are frequently performed by public authorities at local and regional levels. Collaborative approaches among relevant actors are enhanced and evaluated through simulated accidents and acts of terror as well as school shootings and epidemic outbreaks. Due to the incalculability of many modern threats, enactment is employed as a method for rendering potential future events available as empirical phenomena. However, sometimes these potential futures are represented in ways that correspond only to imagined and fictional worlds. The aim of this article is to explore the enactment of unreal possibilities in contemporary preparedness exercises. The empirical material employed for this purpose consists of crisis plans and exercise guides used in public and official institutions in the United States as well as qualitative interviews with municipal safety coordinators in Sweden.
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar e problematizar os significados produzidos sobre Matemática nos cartuns. Não se trata de propor uma utilização pedagógica, mas de fazer uma tentativa de mostrar o que eles ensinam com os saberes que inventam sobre Matemática. Para isso, analiso as representações de Matemática presentes nos discursos dos cartuns, entendendo-os como artefatos da cultura que produzem narrativas que põem em circulação significados na arena de uma política cultural. Como referencial teórico, utilizo-me do campo dos Estudos Culturais em suas versões contemporâneas inspiradas no pós-modernismo e no pós-estruturalismo. Autores e autoras como Stuart Hall, Michel Foucault, Valerie Walkerdine, Kathryn Woodward, Alfredo Veiga-Neto, Guacira Lopes Louro, Marisa Vorraber Costa, Rosa Hessel Silveira, Tomaz Tadeu da Silva, entre outros/as, a partir de suas produções nesse campo, contribuem para as análises de cartuns que circulam em nosso meio nos jornais, revistas, gibis e sites da Internet. Os significados sobre Matemática produzidos nos cartuns foram agrupados, para fins de análise, em três focos: a metanarrativa da onisciência, onde abordo aqueles significados que conferem ao conhecimento matemático um caráter diabólico, complexo, inacessível, transcendental, que apresentam a crença de que o mundo é matematizado segundo leis divinas; o gênero da Matemática, relativo àqueles que opondo as mulheres aos homens, colocando estes num pólo privilegiado de raciocínio e aquelas num pólo oposto, deficitário, generificam a área da Matemática como sendo masculina, assim como se generifica o trabalho docente como feminino; e o terror das provas, apresentando aqueles que mostram os momentos de avaliação nas aulas de Matemática sempre povoados por sentimentos de desespero, pavor e sofrimento.
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar as práticas de polícia política empregadas pelo Departamento de Ordem Política e Social do Rio Grande do Sul (DOPS/RS) durante o período compreendido entre os anos 1964 a 1982 – da instauração da ditadura civil-militar de segurança nacional brasileira até a extinção do órgão – como evidências de práticas de terrorismo de Estado. Pretende-se, desta forma, estabelecer a relação entre a ação policial do DOPS/RS e as práticas de terror aplicadas sistematicamente por este órgão, ou seja, considerar as ações de polícia política como “práticas de terror”. A partir dessa compreensão, têm-se indícios de que, durante o período da ditadura brasileira, houve a montagem de um Estado de Segurança Nacional no qual o terror foi uma das formas de dominação política utilizadas, sendo importante lembrar que o terrorismo de Estado não se caracteriza somente pelas práticas repressivas – terror físico, ideológico e psicológico – mas também abrange outras esferas tais como as comunicações e a educação. Para o cumprimento de tais objetivos, este estudo está dividido em três capítulos, os quais apresentam um histórico do DOPS/RS, as mudanças efetivadas no órgão após o golpe contra-insurgente civil-militar de 31 de março de 1964 e as práticas a ele atribuídas, a fim de analisar como, a partir dessa data, começou um processo de militarização da burocracia policial – indício da própria militarização do Estado. Em seguida, analisam-se as práticas de polícia política aplicadas pelo departamento, tais como o seqüestro, o amaciamento, a tortura física e psicológica, o terror ideológico, a rentabilidade do sistema, o aniquilamento físico como política (as mortes diretamente relacionadas à ação do DOPS/RS) e as instituições de ensino como alvo essencial de repressão. Por fim, apresentam-se as redes internacionais de colaboração e cooperação entre o aparato repressivo da ditadura brasileira e o DOPS/RS com os demais regimes de segurança nacional do Cone Sul.
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Lucrèce, penseur latin du siècle I, avant J.C., écrire que le peur de la mort imputé par la religion et la superstition, nourrit le souhait à la richesse, l'ambition du pouvoir et les actes insensés, dont les conséquences se reflètent dans les maladies de l'âme. La terreur qui s'installe chez l'homme, à l'être confronté au décès, est aussi un obstacle à la liberté et à la vie équilibrée. Les craintes sans fondement seulement seraient surmonter, avec la compréhension de la nature et du mouvement de l'âme, en percevant leur génération, corporéité et finitude. Pour cela, la compréhension des atomes et du vide, les éléments primordiaux de la nature se basent tout la connaissance de l'âme. L'objectif de ce travail est enquêter la nature de l'âme dans Lucrèce, en présentant une réflexion sur les craintes sans fondement et la peur de la mort, comme une manière de percevoir le mouvement de la vie elle-même, et de que manière sa philosophie affronte à la crainte de la mort.
The fear related to dental procedures can be acquired through disturbing experiences and/or negative cultural influences related in experiences of previous generations. Such influences may be present in diverse forms of cultural expression: in the cinema, plastic arts, music, literature, and diverse vehicles of printed and visual media. This research aimed investigates the images of fear related to the dental service and dentist in motion pictures. The study has qualitative approach, which used the documentary analysis of movies. The data collection was accomplished through research in the Internet by means of the Google tool (http://www.google.com.br), using the describing words filme and dentista . A total of 44 films were found. Of these, after selective criterion for films with scenes showing interaction between dentist and patient in the execution of clinical procedure, only 24 films were enclosed. Then, these were registered in data base created for this research. After second selective criterion of inclusion (scenes with suggestion of dental anxiety), 15 films remained. As regards cinematographic gender, the films with scenes showing "dental anxiety" varied between comedy (8), horror (3), drama (2), thriller (1) and childish (1). Of these films, scenes with images of situations that suggest fear of the dentist and his job were selected and described. The images were categorized by the identification of negative characteristics that incite "dental anxiety". Then, the classification of the categories was proceeded detaching the most recurrent characteristics in the scenes: situation of fear in the waiting-room; pain; instrument coarse/rudimentary; coarseness of the dentist; torture; and low qualification technique. The waiting-room was observed as a place of great tension, due to the noises coming from the dental attendance. The pain related to the Dentistry was the predominant subject in the majority of films (14), associated to others negative characteristics. The rudimentary aspects of procedures and instruments, and the coarse attitudes of the professional could be observed too. The dentist was characterized as confused, sadist, violent, insensitive, incompetent person and disturbed. Such results suggest that, despite the technological advances of the profession, the image of the dentist and his job is still transmitted in a negative way aspect and reinforces the dental anxiety