922 resultados para Mineral neoformation
Selostus: Typen ja fosforin kulkeutuminen pinta- ja salaojavalunnassa lietelannalla ja NKP-lannoitteella lannoitetulta nurmelta
The application of animal manure to soil can increase phosphorus availability to plants and enhance transfer of the nutrient solution drained from the soil surface or leached into the soil profile. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of successive applications of organic and mineral nutrient sources on the available content, surface runoff and leaching of P forms in a Typic Hapludalf in no-tillage systems. Experiment 1 was set up in 2004 in the experimental area of UFSM, in Santa Maria (RS, Brazil). The treatments consisted of: control (without nutrient application) and application of pig slurry (PS), pig deep-litter (PL), cattle slurry (CS), and mineral fertilizers (NPK). The rates were determined to meet the N crop requirements of no-tillage black oat and maize, grown in the 2010/2011 growing season. The soil solution was collected after each event (rain + runoff or leaching) and the soluble, particulate and total P contents were measured. In November 2008, soil was collected in 2 cm intervals to a depth of 20 cm, in 5 cm intervals to a depth of 40 cm, and in 10 cm intervals to a depth of 70 cm. The soil was dried and ground, and P determined after extraction by anion exchange resin (AER). In experiment 2, samples collected from the Typic Hapludalf near experiment 1 were incubated for 20, 35, 58, 73 and 123 days after applying the following treatments: soil, soil + PS, soil + PL, soil + CS and soil + NPK. Thereafter, the soil was sampled and P was analyzed by AER. The applications of nutrient sources over the years led to an increase in available P and its migration in the soil profile. This led to P transfer via surface runoff and leaching, with the largest transfer being observed in PS and PL treatments, in which most P was applied. The soil available P and P transfer via surface runoff were correlated with the amounts applied, regardless of the P source. However, P transfer by leaching was not correlated with the applied nutrient amount, but rather with the solution amount leached in the soil profile.
A disponibilidade de nutrientes durante o ano pode influenciar o desempenho da nogueira-macadâmia (Macadamia integrifolia). Contudo, não existem informações sobre a resposta dessa cultura ao parcelamento da adubação nas condições brasileiras. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do parcelamento da adubação mineral na nutrição, produtividade e qualidade de frutos da nogueira-macadâmia. O experimento foi conduzido, durante três anos agrícolas, num Latossolo Vermelho, em Jaboticabal, SP. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados, com cinco repetições. O experimento foi constituído por quatro formas de parcelamento da adubação NPK (T1 - uma única aplicação, em outubro; T2 - duas aplicações, em outubro e dezembro; T3 - três aplicações, em outubro, dezembro e fevereiro; e T4 - quatro aplicações, em outubro, dezembro, fevereiro e abril). O parcelamento da adubação NPK proporcionou maiores teores de N nas folhas que a aplicação em dose única, mas não interferiu nos teores dos demais nutrientes. A produtividade da nogueira-macadâmia foi incrementada de forma similar com o parcelamento da adubação NPK em duas, três ou quatro vezes, entre outubro e abril, em comparação à aplicação única em outubro. A taxa de recuperação de amêndoas não foi interferida pelo parcelamento da adubação NPK.
Animal manure is applied to the soil as a nutrient source, especially of nitrogen, to plants. However, manure application rates can be reduced with the use of N fertilizer in topdressing. The aim of this study was to evaluate crop responses to different application rates of animal manure sources, used alone and supplemented with mineral N topdressing, in a no-tillage system. The study was carried out from 2005 to 2008 on a Hapludalf soil. The treatments consisted of rates of 10, 20 and 30 m³ ha-1 of pig slurry (PS), and of 1 and 2 t ha-1 of turkey manure (TM), applied alone and supplemented with topdressed N fertilizer (TNF), as well as two controls, mineral fertilization (NPK) and one control without fertilizer application. Grain yield in common bean and maize, and dry matter yield and nutrient accumulation in common bean, maize and black oat crops were evaluated. Nitrogen application in topdressing in maize and common bean, especially when PS was used at rates of 20 and 30 m³ ha-1, and TM, at 2 t ha-1, proved effective in increasing the crop grain yields, showing the viability of the combined use of organic and industrialized mineral sources. Nitrogen accumulation in maize and common bean tissues was the indicator most strongly related to grain yield, in contrast with the apparent nutrient recovery, which was not related to the N, P and K quantities applied in the organic sources. No clear residual effect of N topdressing of maize and common bean was observed on the dry matter yield of black oat grown in succession to the main crops with PS and TM applications.
Cover plants are essential for the sustainability of no-tillage systems in tropical regions. However, information on the effects of these plants and N fertilization on soil organic matter fractions is still scarce. This study evaluated the effect of cover crops with different chemical composition and of N topdressing on the labile and humified organic matter fractions of an Oxisol of the Cerrado (savanna-like vegetation). The study in a randomized complete block design was arranged in split-plots with three replications. Four cover species were tested in the plots and the presence or absence of N topdressing in the subplot. The following cover species were planted in succession to corn for eight years: Urochloa ruziziensis; Canavalia brasiliensis M. ex Benth; Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp; and Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. In general, the cultivation of U. ruziziensis increased soil C levels, particularly of C in the humic acid and particulate organic C fractions, which are quality indicators of soil organic matter. The C in humic substances and mineral organic C accounted for the highest proportions of total organic C, demonstrating the strong interaction between organic matter, Fe and Al oxides and kaolinite, which are predominant in these weathered soils of the Cerrado.
Alternative copper (Cu) sources could be used in fertilizer production, although the bioavailability of copper in these materials is unknown. The objective of this study was to evaluate the extractants neutral ammonium citrate (NAC), 2 % citric acid, 1 % acetic acid, 10 % HCl, 10 % H2SO4, buffer solution pH 6.0, DTPA, EDTA, water, and hot water in the quantification of available Cu content in several sources, relating them to the relative agronomic efficiency (RAE) of wheat grown in a clayey Latossolo Vermelho eutrófico (Oxisol) and Neossolo Quartzarênico (Typic Quartzipsamment). Copper was applied at the rate of 1.5 mg kg-1 as scrap slag, brass slag, Cu ore, granulated copper, and copper sulfate. The extractants 10 % HCl, 10 % H2SO4, and NAC extracted higher Cu concentrations. The RAE values of brass slag and Cu ore were similar to or higher than those of Cu sulfate and granulated Cu. Solubility in the 2nd NAC extractant, officially required for mineral fertilizers with Cu, was lower than 60 % for the scrap slag, Cu ore, and granulated copper sources. This fact indicates that adoption of the NAC extractant may be ineffective for industrial by-products, although no extractant was more efficient in predicting Cu availability for wheat fertilized with the Cu sources tested.
O feijoeiro comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) pode se beneficiar da fixação biológica de N2, mas respostas inconsistentes da cultura à inoculação com rizóbio indicam a necessidade de aplicação de N mineral complementar. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a resposta do feijoeiro à inoculação com rizóbio, associada à suplementação com N mineral, nos biomas Cerrado e Mata Atlântica. Foram conduzidos quatro experimentos de campo, dois em Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO, um em Valença, RJ e um em Macaé, RJ, onde a inoculação com estirpes comerciais de rizóbio foi comparada à inoculação com a estirpe BR 923 de Sinorhizobium sp., à adubação com N mineral e à suplementação com N na semeadura e em cobertura. A avaliação da população nativa de rizóbio indicou 105 células g-1 no solo na área experimental em Goiás, anteriormente cultivada com feijão, e 102células g-1 em Valença, anteriormente mantida com pastagem. Nos dois experimentos em Goiás, o rendimento de grãos, da ordem de 2.100 kg ha-1, não diferiu entre os tratamentos testemunha absoluta, inoculação com rizóbio ou aplicação de 120 kg ha-1 de N. Em Valença, a inoculação com estirpes comerciais forneceu rendimentos da cultivar Ouro Negro superiores à testemunha absoluta, na ausência de adubação de cobertura; na presença de 40 kg ha-1 de N em cobertura, a inoculação com rizóbio proporcionou rendimento de 3.420 kg ha-1, superior aos demais tratamentos. Na média das diferentes fontes de N na semeadura, a adubação de cobertura aumentou a produção de grãos de 2.367 para 2.542 kg ha-1. Em Macaé, em solo com alto teor de matéria orgânica, os maiores rendimentos foram obtidos com inoculação das estirpes comerciais associada a 40 kg ha-1 de N em cobertura, com efeito deletério da adubação de 80 kg ha-1 de N no plantio. Concluiu-se que em áreas sem cultivo prévio de feijão, a inoculação com estirpes comerciais de rizóbio aumentou o rendimento de grãos, em particular quando associada à adubação de cobertura com N.
A integração de métodos químicos de extração e a difração de raios-X podem ampliar o entendimento das formas de reserva de K+ nas frações do solo e o seu potencial de liberação para as plantas. Os objetivos deste estudo foram empregar os métodos de extração química para estimar a reserva mineral de K+ das frações areia, silte e argila de solos subtropicais, associar os mecanismos de extração com as formas liberadas do nutriente e acompanhar a dinâmica dessa liberação em estudo de cinética. As frações areia, silte e argila dos horizontes A e Bt de três Argissolos subtropicais foram submetidas à extração de formas não trocáveis e estruturais de K+pelos métodos: ácido oxálico 0,01 mol L-1 (cinética de liberação até o tempo acumulado de 2.889 h); HNO3 1 mol L-1 fervente; NaHSO4 na forma de cristais; e HNO3/HF/H2SO4 concentrados (teores totais). A fração argila também foi submetida a tratamento com NaOH 5 mol L-1. As esmectitas dioctaedrais na fração argila foram consideradas importantes na dinâmica de liberação de formas de reserva de K+. A maior e menor liberação de formas não trocáveis e estruturais de K+ foram pela extração com NaHSO4 e pelo ataque ácido com HNO3, respectivamente. Com os dados da cinética de liberação de K+ é possível concluir que as plantas cultivadas, nos Argissolos estudados, no longo dos anos nos solos estariam bem nutridas a partir de formas não trocáveis e estruturais de K+.
A utilização de bactérias diazotróficas pode auxiliar a alcançar maiores produtividades e reduzir os impactos ambientais decorrentes da utilização de fertilizantes nitrogenados. Este trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do tratamento de sementes com bactérias do gêneroAzospirillum e da aplicação de doses de N mineral sobre o desempenho agronômico do milho em diferentes níveis de manejo. O experimento foi conduzido no campo, na cidade de Lages, SC, durante os anos agrícolas de 2011/2012 e 2012/2013. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso dispostos em parcelas subsubdivididas. Na parcela principal, foram testados dois níveis de manejo, o médio, expectativa de produtividade de 8.000 kg ha-1; e o alto, expectativa de produtividade de 18.000 kg ha-1. Nas subparcelas, testaram-se quatro doses de N, equivalentes a 0; 0,5; 1; e 1,5 vez a dose recomendada pela Comissão Sul Brasileira de Química e Fertilidade do Solo para atingir a expectativa de produtividade prevista em cada nível de manejo. Nas subsubparcelas, avaliou-se o efeito do tratamento de sementes com Azospirillumsp. O rendimento de grãos variou de 8.344 a 16.947 kg ha-1 no nível de manejo alto e aumentou quadraticamente com o aumento das doses de N, tanto nas parcelas inoculadas quanto nas não inoculadas. No nível de manejo médio, os rendimentos oscilaram entre 5.986 e 9.684 kg ha-1, aumentaram linearmente com o incremento na dose de N nos tratamentos inoculados e não foram influenciados pela aplicação de N mineral nos tratamentos sem inoculação. Nos dois sistemas de manejo, a eficiência de uso do N diminuiu com o incremento na dose de N, tanto nas parcelas inoculadas quanto nas não inoculadas. Não houve diferenças significativas no rendimento de grãos dos tratamentos com e sem inoculação, independentemente do sistema de manejo e da dose de N. Portanto, o tratamento de sementes com Azospirillumsp. não melhorou o desempenho agronômico do milho.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate linkage to chromosome 1q and 11q region for lumbar spine, femoral neck and total body BMD and volumetric BMD in Brazilian sister adolescents aged 10-20-year-old and 57 mothers. METHODS: We evaluated 161 sister pairs (n=329) aged 10-20 years old and 57 of their mothers in this study. Physical traits and lifestyle factors were collected as covariates for lumbar spine (LS), femoral neck (FN) and total body (TB) BMD and bone mineral apparent density (BMAD). We selected nine microsatellite markers in chromosome 1q region (spanning nearly 33cM) and eight in chromosome 11q region (spanning nearly 34cM) to perform linkage analysis. RESULTS: The highest LOD score values obtained from our data were in sister pairs LS BMAD analysis. Their values were: 1.32 (P<0.006), 2.61 (P<0.0002) and 2.44 (P<0.0004) in D1S218, D1S2640 and D1S2623 markers, respectively. No significant LOD score was found with LS and FN BMD/BMAD in chromosome 11q region. Only TB BMD showed significant linkage higher than 1.0 for chromosome 11q region in the markers D11S4191 and D11S937. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS: Our results provided suggestive linkage for LS BMAD at D1S2640 marker in adolescent sister pairs and suggest a possible candidate gene (LHX4) related to adolescent LS BMAD in this region. These results reinforce chromosome 1q21-23 as a candidate region to harbor one or more bone formation/maintenance gene. In the other hand, it did not repeat for chromosome 11q12-13 in our population.
Red clays from Cenozoic palaeosols of the Eastern Alps record periods of stagnating uplift and decrease of relief. Tropical to sub-tropical weathering of a crystalline substratum formed dominant or abundant kaolinite, reflecting Paleogene and Early Miocene conditions, respectively. Abundant illite and chlorite, but a lack of kaolinite in red clays on the plateaus of the Northern Calcareous Alps reflects feldspar-poor compositons of the Cenozoic siliciclastic cover. The presence of high Ba/Sr and Rb/Sr ratios and vermiculite in these red clays indicates high precipitation and temperate weathering conditions, respectively, during the Late Miocene and Early Pilocene on the uplifting plateaus of the Northern Calcareous Alps.
Except for the first 2 years since July 29, 1968, Arenal volcano has continuously erupted compositionally monotonous and phenocryst-rich (similar to35%) basaltic andesites composed of plagioclase (plag), orthopyroxene (opx), clinopyroxene (cpx), spinel olivine. Detailed textural and compositional analyses of phenocrysts, mineral inclusions, and microlites reveal comparable complexities in any given sample and identify mineral components that require a minimum of four crystallization environments. We suggest three distinct crystallization environments crystallized low Mg# (<78) silicate phases from andesitic magma but at different physical conditions, such as variable pressure of crystallization and water conditions. The dominant environment, i.e., the one which accounts for the majority of minerals and overprinted all other assemblages near rims of phenocrysts, cocrystallized clinopyroxene (Mg# similar to71-78), orthopyroxene (Mg# similar to71-78), titanomagnetite and plagioclase (An(60) to An(85)). The second environment cocrystallized clinopyroxene (Mg# 71-78), olivine (<Fo(78)), titanomagnetite, and very high An (similar to90) plagioclase, while the third cocrystallized clinopyroxene (Mg# 71-78) with high (>7) Al/Ti and high (>4 wt.%) Al2O3, titanomagnetite with considerable Al2O3 (10-18 wt.%) and possibly olivine but appears to lack plagioclase. A fourth crystallization environment is characterized by clinopyroxene (e.g., Mg#=similar to78-85; Cr2O3=0.15-0.7 wt.%), Al-, Cr-rich spinel olivine (similar toFo(80)), and in some circumstances high-An (>80) plagioclase. This assemblage seems to record mafic inputs into the Arenal system and crystallization at high to low pressures. Single crystals cannot be completely classified as xenocrysts, antecrysts (cognate crystals), or phenocrysts, because they often contain different parts each representing a different crystallization environment and thus belong to different categories. Bulk compositions are mostly too mafic to have crystallized the bulk of ferromagnesian minerals and thus likely do not represent liquid compositions. On the other hand, they are the cumulative products of multiple mixing events assembling melts and minerals from a variety of sources. The driving force for this multistage mixing evolution to generate erupting basaltic andesites is thought to be the ascent of mafic magma from lower crustal levels to subvolcanic depths which at the same time may also go through compositional modification by fractionation and assimilation of country rocks. Thus, mafic magmas become basaltic andesite through mixing, fractionation and assimilation by the time they arrive at subvolcanic depths. We infer new increments of basaltic andesite are supplied nearly continuously to the subvolcanic reservoir concurrently to the current eruption and that these new increments are blended into the residing, subvolcanic magma. Thus, the compositional monotony is mostly the product of repetitious production of very similar basaltic andesite. Furthermore, we propose that this quasi-constant supply of small increments of magma is the fundamental cause for small-scale, decade-long continuous volcanic activity; that is, the current eruption of Arenal is flux-controlled by inputs of mantle magmas. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
FRAX(®) is a fracture risk assessment algorithm developed by the World Health Organization in cooperation with other medical organizations and societies. Using easily available clinical information and femoral neck bone mineral density (BMD) measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), when available, FRAX(®) is used to predict the 10-year probability of hip fracture and major osteoporotic fracture. These values may be included in country specific guidelines to aid clinicians in determining when fracture risk is sufficiently high that the patient is likely to benefit from pharmacological therapy to reduce that risk. Since the introduction of FRAX(®) into clinical practice, many practical clinical questions have arisen regarding its use. To address such questions, the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) and International Osteoporosis Foundations (IOF) assigned task forces to review the best available medical evidence and make recommendations for optimal use of FRAX(®) in clinical practice. Questions were identified and divided into three general categories. A task force was assigned to investigating the medical evidence in each category and developing clinically useful recommendations. The BMD Task Force addressed issues that included the potential use of skeletal sites other than the femoral neck, the use of technologies other than DXA, and the deletion or addition of clinical data for FRAX(®) input. The evidence and recommendations were presented to a panel of experts at the ISCD-IOF FRAX(®) Position Development Conference, resulting in the development of ISCD-IOF Official Positions addressing FRAX(®)-related issues.