918 resultados para Micro-structural characterization
Low-energy laser-heating techniques are widely used in engineering applications such as, thinfilm deposition, surface treatment, metal forming and micro-structural pattern formation. In this paper,under the conditions of ignoring the thermo-mechanical coupling, a numerical simulation on the spatialand temporal temperature distribution in a sheet metal produced by the laser beam scanning in virtue of thefinite element method is presented. Both the three-dimensional transient temperature field and thetemperature evolution as a function of heat penetrating depth in the metal sheet are calculated. Thetemperature dependence of material properties was taken into account. It was shown that, after taking thetemperature dependence of the material absorbance effect into consideration, the temperature change ratealong the scanning direction and the temperature maximum were both increased.
This dissertation covers progress with bimetallic polymerization catalysts. The complexes we have designed were aimed at expanding the capabilities of homogeneous polymerization catalysts by taking advantage of multimetallic effects. Such effects were examined in group 4 and group 10 bimetallic complexes; proximity and steric repulsion were determined to be major factors in the effects observed.
Chapters 2 and 3 introduce the rigid p-terphenyl dinucleating framework utilized in most of this thesis. The permethylation of the central arene allows for the separation of syn and anti atropisomers of the terphenyl compounds. Kinetic studies were carried out to examine the isomerization of the dinucleating bis(salicylaldimine) ligand precursors. Metallation of the syn and anti bis(salicylaldimine)s using Ni(Me)2(tmeda) and excess pyridine afforded dinickel bisphenoxyiminato complexes with a methyl and a pyridyl ligand on each nickel. The syn and anti atropisomers of the dinickel complexes were structurally characterized and utilized in ethylene and ethylene/α-olefin polymerizations. Monometallic analogues were also synthesized and tested for polymerization activity. Ethylene polymerizations were performed in the presence of primary, secondary, and tertiary amines – additives that generally deactivate nickel polymerization catalysts. Inhibition of this deactivation was observed with the syn atropisomer of the bimetallic species, but not with the anti or monometallic analogues. A mechanism was proposed wherein steric repulsion of the substituents on proximal nickel centers disfavors simultaneous ligation of base to both of the metal centers. The bimetallic effect has been explored with respect to size and binding ability of the added base.
Chapter 4 presents the optimization of the bisphenoxyimine ligand synthesis and synthesis of syn and anti m-terphenyl analogues. Metallation with NiClMe(PMe3)2 yielded phosphine-ligated dinickel complexes, which have been structurally characterized. Ethylene/1-hexene copolymerizations in the presence of amines using Ni(COD)2 as a phosphine scavenger showed significantly improved activity relative to the pyridine-ligated analogues. Incorporation of amino olefins in copolymerizations with ethylene was accomplished, and a mechanism was proposed based on proximal effects. Copolymerization trials with a variety of amino olefins and ethylene/1-hexene/amino olefin terpolymerizations were completed.
Early transition metal complexes based on the rigid p-terphenyl framework were designed with a variety of donor sets (Chapter 5 and Appendix B). Chapter 5 details the use of syn dizirconium di[amine bis(phenolate)] complexes for isoselective 1-hexene and propylene homopolymerizations. Ligand variation and monometallic complexes were studied to determine the origin of tacticity control. A mechanistic proposal was presented based on the symmetry at zirconium and the steric effects of the proximal metal center. Appendix B covers additional studies of bimetallic early transition metal complexes based on the p-terphenyl. Dititanium, dizirconium, and asymmetric complexes with bisphenoxyiminato ligands and derivatives thereof were targeted. Progress toward the synthesis of these complexes is described along with preliminary polymerization data. 1-hexene/diene copolymerizations and attempted polymerizations in the presence of ethers and esters with the syn dizirconium di[amine bis(phenolate)] complexes demonstrate the potential for further applications of this system in catalysis.
Appendix A includes work toward palladium catalysts for insertion polymerization of polar monomers. These complexes were based on dioxime and diimine frameworks with the intent of binding Lewis acidic metals at the oxime oxygens, at pendant phenolic donors, or at pendant aminediol moieties. The synthesis and structural characterization of a number of palladium and Lewis acid complexes is presented. Due to the instability of the desired species, efforts toward isolation of the desired complexes proved unsuccessful, though preliminary ethylene/methyl acrylate copolymerizations using in situ activation of the palladium species were attempted.
Manguezais são ecossistemas marinhos costeiros que ocorrem nas regiões tropicais e subtropicais do globo. A associação desses ambientes a formações recifais é restrita, particularmente no Brasil, onde se destaca a ilha de Tinharé, na costa sul do estado da Bahia, não só pela ocorrência desse sistema manguezal-recifes, mas também pelo desenvolvimento estrutural da floresta e pela atividade produtiva de mariscagem exercida pela população do povoado de Garapuá. Apesar da proximidade de Morro de São Paulo, atrator turístico internacional, este povoado experimentava certo isolamento socioeconômico até a chegada da indústria do petróleo que, em função de suas potencialidades e riscos, tensionou a vida da comunidade local. Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar a vulnerabilidade socioambiental dos manguezais adjacentes à Garapuá, Cairu-BA, frente a inserção da indústria petrolífera na região, a partir da caracterização estrutural das florestas de mangue e da caracterização social do povoado de Garapuá e, particularmente, das marisqueiras usuárias deste ecossistema. As abordagens metodológicas utilizadas podem ser classificadas como pesquisas quantitativas, empregadas no levantamento fitossociológico, e qualitativas, utilizadas a partir de observações de campo e entrevistas, além de levantamentos bibliográficos, para elaboração das análises sociais. Os resultados indicam florestas de mangue de porte variável, em bom estado de conservação, com altura média das dez árvores mais altas entre 2,40,2 metros (estação 7) e 22,71,1 metros (estação 29), geralmente dominadas por Rhizophora mangle (38 das 52 estações de amostragem). A partir da caracterização estrutural foi realizado teste estatístico de agrupamento que, aliado a aspectos da arquitetura das árvores, permitiu a classificação das florestas em 12 Tipos Estruturais. As análises relativas à vulnerabilidade ambiental fundamentaram-se nos aspectos de sensibilidade e na posição fisiográfica ocupada por cada Tipo de floresta e identificaram níveis distintos de vulnerabilidade a derramamentos de óleo. Com relação aos aspectos sociais, as informações sobre os sistemas socioeconômicos e culturais relacionados à saúde, à educação, às práticas produtivas e à geração de renda, ao transporte, à religião e à organização social, como um todo, evidenciaram vulnerabilidades frente à inserção da indústria do petróleo, apontando as marisqueiras como o segmento mais suscetível a vivenciar os riscos e os impactos desse empreendimento no local. A inserção da indústria do petróleo neste contexto socioambiental representa aumento de riscos e, consequentemente, de vulnerabilidade socioambiental, na medida em que o diálogo estabelecido entre empreendedor e população se apresenta de forma assimétrica, dificultando a participação da população local, sobretudo dos mais excluídos que, nesse caso, são representados pelos usuários dos manguezais.
To study working mechanism of super-resolution near-field structure (super-RENS) optical disk from a far-field optics view is very necessary because of the actual far-field writing/readout process in the optical disk system. A Gaussian diffraction model based on Fresnel-Kirchhoff diffraction theory of PtOx-type super-RENS has been set up in this Letter. The relationship between micro-structural deformation (change of bubble structure and refractive index profile) with far-field optical response of PtOx thin film has been studied with it in detail. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental results reported in literatures with a designed configuration. These results may provide more quantitative information for better understanding of the working mechanism of metal-oxide-type super-RENS. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi a investigação das propriedades ópticas e estruturais de materiais isolantes contendo metais de transição do grupo do ferro como impurezas substitucionais. As técnicas usadas para o estudo de amostras MgGa2O4, MgGa2O4 + B- Ga2O3 e ZnGa2O4 dopadas com Cr3+e Fe3+ foram: fotoluminescência, excitação, difração de raios-X, espalhamento de nêutrons, método de Rietveld para o refinamento da estrutura e espectroscopia fotoacústica. Estas técnicas permitem a determinação da coordenação do sítio impureza, a atribuição das transições de energia, o cálculo dos parâmetros de energia e a determinação de propriedades cristalográficas. As amostras apresentam largas bandas de energia nas regiões do visível e do infravermelho. Estas transições indicam a relevância deste estudo pelo interesse tecnológico na obtenção de novos materais com bandas sintonizáveis. No primeiro capítulo apresentamos uma introdução à teoria de campo cristalino. No segundo capítulo apresentamos medidas de fotoluminescência e excitação do MgGa2O4 dopado com 0,1, 0,5, 1,0 e 5,0 % de Cr3+ a 77 K e temperatura ambiente. No terceiro capítulo usamos fotoluminescência, excitação, espalhamento de nêutrons, difração de raios X, fotoacústica e método de refino de Rietveld para analisar o sistema MgGa2O4 + B-Ga2O3 contendo 0,1, 0,5, 1,0 e 5,0 % de Cr3+. No quarto capítulo mostramos resultados de fotoacústica para o ZnGa2O4 dopado com 5% e 10% de Fe3+.
Novos protótipos de fármacos estão constantemente a ser sintetizados e muitas estruturas cristalinas de outros ainda são desconhecidas. Tão importante quanto o planejamento e síntese de novos fármacos é a sua caracterização estrutural, uma vez que a sua estrutura (conformação) pode estar diretamente relacionada com a ação terapêutica. O uso da difração de raios X tem sido muito importante na determinação estrutural dos novos compostos sintetizados. Neste trabalho foi feita a determinação da estrutura de LASSBio-1755 com os dados de difração de raios X por policristais. Este composto foi sintetizado no Laboratório de Avaliação e Síntese de Substâncias Bioativas (LASSBio) da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. O composto LASSBio-1755 pertence a uma nova série de compostos cicloalquil-N-acilidrazônicos planejados para o desenvolvimento de protótipos com atividades antinociceptiva e anti-inflamatórios. Este composto cristalizou-se num sistema triclínico com grupo espacial (P ), com parâmetros de cela unitária a = 4,86647(9) Å, b = 9,3108(2) Å, c = 11,3402(2) Å, α = 106,649(1), β = 101,958(1), γ = 82,629(2) e V = 480,30(2) Å3. A estrutura cristalina de LASSBio-1755 consiste em duas fórmulas unitárias por cela unitária (Z = 2), acomodando uma molécula na unidade assimétrica (Z' = 1). O Método de Rietveld foi utilizado para refinar a estrutura cristalina e o indicador de qualidade do ajuste, bem como os fatores R foram, respectivamente: χ2 = 1,131, RBragg = 0,856%, Rwp =4,174% e o Rexp= 3,692%. As técnicas de calorimetria exploratória diferencial, termogravimetria e espectroscopia no infravermelho por transformada de Fourier também foram utilizadas para análise do composto LASSBio-1755 e os seus resultados corroboraram com os obtidos através da técnica de difração de raios X por policristais.
陆地样带是国际地圈——生物圈计划(IGBP)研究中最引入注目的创新之一。目前,国际上已经设立了15条陆地样带,研究内容涉及环境梯度分析、气候变化对植被初级生产力的影响及环境变化、土地利用等与植被变化的对应关系等。沿该陆地样带分布较广的关键种生理适应性等方面对影响其生理功能形态结构的研究较少,特别是茎、叶等组织功能研究较少。 中国东北样带(NECT)是全球陆地样带的重要组成部分,多年来已开展了大量深入系统的研究工作,已成为我国生态学、地学等学科的重要研究平台。本研究以中国东北样带中西段广泛分布的重要关键种——羊草(Leymus chinensis)为研究对象,分析了羊草茎、叶显微结构的生态可塑性及其与水分利用效率的关系,进而阐述了羊草适应不同生境条件,特别是适应水分变化的机制,为揭示羊草及其种群、群落乃至以羊草为优势种或建群种的草地生态系统在全球变化背景下的发展趋势提供理论依据。 基于2001年7~8月第3次中国东北样带考察资料,采用高精度Olympus显微镜及C同位素分析技术(δ13C判别值),结合在野外取样过程中测定的样地土壤含水量和海拔高度,以及近十年各样地年降水量和年均温度气象资料,分析了羊草茎、叶显微结构和水分利用变化与环境因子的关系,以及以羊草为建群种或共建种的无牧和放牧样地群落生物量、物种多样性和植物功能型组成变化与环境因子的关系。 结果表明:羊草叶片表面及内部主要显微结构特征参数各样地间有不同程度的差异,其中气孔密度与降水量呈线性正相关。代表气孔开张程度的气孔长度和宽度变化与土壤含水量呈线性相关。叶表面角质层厚度与海拔高度变化关系较大,并以上表面角质层厚度变化最为明显,主要受海拔高度升高引起的紫外线照射增强的影响。运动细胞带宽度占叶面积比虽然与各环境因子关系不很密切,但温度变化的影响较突出,这一显微结构调整与气孔变化构成干旱——高温调节机制。叶片表面毛茸的变化也是非常显著的,但与各环境因子关系密切程度均不大,可以肯定的是在土壤水分状况较好的生境下羊草叶片表面毛茸密度及长度明显增加,而一些干旱生境中常表现为毛茸较少、较短,个别样地基本没有发育较好的毛茸。总体上看,羊草叶片对干旱化的形态结构调整以气孔密度和开张程度的变化最大,是羊草叶片调节水分利用效率的重要适应性生态可塑性调整。 与叶片相比,羊草茎横切面结构特征的变化与各环境因子关系的显著性不是很强,但各样地间的差异是比较显著的,许多结构调整可能与土壤养分条件的变化有一定关系,如茎秆粗度变化、基本薄壁组织厚度和中央空腔(髓腔)直径的变化等,但本研究未能涉及这方面内容,有待于进一步研究。 羊草水分利用效率与降水量和土壤含水量呈显著的负相关关系,即随降水量和土壤含水量增大羊草水分利用效率明显降低,蒸腾耗水增大,这一生理变化与显微结构的调整关系密切,特别是气孔密度与气孔宽度在水分较差生境中明显减小,从而有利于适应干旱环境,减少耗水量。表现比较突出的是非地带性林西样地,其降水量处于10个样地的中等偏低水平,但其δ13C判别值较低,达-26.063‰,与降水量较大的长岭、双辽样地几乎相当,并比相邻的林东和克旗样地明显低,其气孔密度、开张程度及叶脉后生导管直径均较高(大),但其土壤水分状况是最好的样地之一,尽管取样时不幸遇到雨天,但从其群落类型——羊草杂类草草甸,并伴生许多中、湿生种类上看,其生境的湿润程度是毋庸置疑的。这一非地带性样地中羊草结构的变化从另一侧面反映了羊草显微结构调整对水分环境的适应。δ13C判别值是一个非常敏感的参数,在分析植物水分利用效率及其相关领域的研究中应深入利用。 群落植物功能群组成与环境因子及群落初级生产力关系研究结果表明,丛生禾草生长型功能群、旱生和中旱生植物水分生态类型功能群具有明显的地带性变化规律,并与群落生物量变化关系密切,变异性较低,占群落生物量比例较大,可考虑作为植物功能型组合对无牧样地植被变化进行评估和预测。在放牧影响下,C4植物光合类型功能群呈现明显的地带性变化,并在群落中所起的作用明显增强,亦可考虑作为评估和预测植被变化的植物功能型组合。无牧样地与放牧样地研究结果均表明,按Raunkiaer划分的地面芽、地下芽、地上芽和一年生植物生活型功能群,其地带性变化不明显,或变异率高,或占群落生物量比例小,不宜作植物功能群组合对植被变化进行评估和预测。
Following the global stringent legislations regulating the wastes generated from the drilling process of oil exploration and production activities, the management of hazardous drill cuttings has become one of the pressing needs confronting the petroleum industry. Most of the prevalent treatment techniques adopted by oil companies are extremely expensive and/or the treated product has to be landfilled without any potential end-use; thereby rendering these solutions unsustainable. The technique of stabilisation/solidification is being investigated in this research to treat drill cuttings prior to landfilling or for potential re-use in construction products. Two case studies were explored namely North Sea and Red Sea. Given the known difficulties with stabilising/solidifying oils and chlorides, this research made use of model drill cutting mixes based on typical drill cutting from the two case studies, which contained 4.2% and 10.95% average concentrations of hydrocarbons; and 2.03% and 2.13% of chlorides, by weight respectively. A number of different binders, including a range of conventional viz. Portland cement (PC) as well as less-conventional viz. zeolite, or waste binders viz. cement kiln dust (CKD), fly ash and compost were tested to assess their ability to treat the North Sea and Red Sea model drill cuttings. The dry binder content by weight was 10%, 20% and 30%. In addition, raw drill cuttings from one of the North Sea offshore rigs were stabilised/solidified using 30% PC. The characteristics of the final stabilised/solidified product were finally compared to those of thermally treated cuttings. The effectiveness of the treatment using the different binder systems was compared in the light of the aforementioned two contaminants only. A set of physical tests (unconfined compressive strength (UCS)), chemical tests (NRA leachability) and micro-structural examinations (using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD)) were used to evaluate the relative performance of the different binder mixes in treating the drill cuttings. The results showed that the observed UCS covered a wide range of values indicating various feasible end-use scenarios for the treated cuttings within the construction industry. The teachability results showed the reduction of the model drill cuttings to a stable non-reactive hazardous waste, compliant with the UK acceptance criteria for non-hazardous landfills: (a) by most of the 30% and 20% binders for chloride concentrations, and (b) by the 20% and 30% of compost-PC and CKD-PC binders for the Red Sea cuttings. The 20% and 30% compost-PC and CKD-PC binders successfully reduced the leached oil concentration of the North Sea cuttings to inert levels. Copyright 2007, Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Two solar cells based on an InGaN/GaN p-i-n hetero-junction, but having different dislocation densities, were fabricated and characterized. The structures were grown on c-plane (0001) GaN-on-sapphire templates with different threading dislocation (TD) densities of 5×108 and 5×109 cm-2. Structural characterization revealed the presence of V-defects in the InGaN epilayer. Since each V-defect was associated with a TD, the structural as well as the optical properties worsened with a higher TD density in the GaN/sapphire template. It was also found that additional dislocations were generated in the p-GaN layer over the V-defects in the InGaN layer. Because of its superior structural quality, the peak external quantum efficiency (EQE) of the low TD density sample was three times higher than that of the high TD density sample. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Avalanches, debris flows, and landslides are geophysical hazards, which involve rapid mass movement of granular solids, water and air as a single-phase system. The dynamics of a granular flow involve at least three distinct scales: the micro-scale, meso-scale, and the macro-scale. This study aims to understand the ability of continuum models to capture the micro-mechanics of dry granular collapse. Material Point Method (MPM), a hybrid Lagrangian and Eulerian approach, with Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion is used to describe the continuum behaviour of granular column collapse, while the micromechanics is captured using Discrete Element Method (DEM) with tangential contact force model. The run-out profile predicted by the continuum simulations matches with DEM simulations for columns with small aspect ratios ('h/r' < 2), however MPM predicts larger run-out distances for columns with higher aspect ratios ('h/r' > 2). Energy evolution studies in DEM simulations reveal higher collisional dissipation in the initial free-fall regime for tall columns. The lack of a collisional energy dissipation mechanism in MPM simulations results in larger run-out distances. Micro-structural effects, such as shear band formations, were observed both in DEM and MPM simulations. A sliding flow regime is observed above the distinct passive zone at the core of the column. Velocity profiles obtained from both the scales are compared to understand the reason for a slow flow run-out mobilization in MPM simulations. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.
Si-based nanomaterials are some new photoeletronic and informational materials developed rapidly in recent years, and they have potential applications in the light emitting devices, e. g. Si light emitting diode, Si laser and integrated Si-based photoelectronics. Among them are nano-scale porous silicon (ps), Si nanocrystalline embedded SiO2 (SiOx, x < 2.0) matrices, Si nanoquantum dot and Si/SiO2 superlattice, etc. At present, there are various indications that if these materials can achieve efficient and stable luminescence, which are photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminescence (EL), it is possible for them to lead to a new informational revolution in the early days of the 21st century. In this article, we will mainly review the progress of study on Si-based nanomaterials in the past ten years. The involved contents are the fabricated methods, structural characterizations and light emitting properties. Finally, we predicate the developed tendency of this field in the following ten years.
The present status and future prospects of functional information materials, mainly focusing on semiconductor microstructural materials, are introduced first in this paper. Then a brief discussion how to enhance the academic level and innovation capability of research and development of functional information materials in China are made. Finally the main problems concerning the studies of materials science and technology are analyzed, and possible measures for promoting its development are proposed.
TCNQ电荷转移配合物作为一种新型有机材料具有很多特殊的物理、化学性质,由于它在材料研究方面的特殊贡献而成为研究热点。本论文在此领域的主要研究内容如下: 1. C18TCNQ和TMB电荷转移配合物LB膜的制备和表征 利用LB技术制备了TMB•C18TCNQ LB膜,与LB-Doping法相比省略了电子给体的液相掺杂步骤,简单、易行。研究结果表明,与TMB•C18TCNQ LB-Doping膜比较,LB膜的结构和表面形貌都发生了很大变化,LB膜中TMB和C18TCNQ的环面分别垂直于基底表面,脂肪烃链有向垂直于基底表面方向变化的趋势,5层LB膜的表面形貌是由许多堆积在一起的六边形片状微晶组成。所以,通过选择制备方法获得具有不同结构的配合物薄膜是可能的。 2. TMB•TCNQ和硬脂酸混合LB膜的制备和表征 利用LB技术组装了TMB•TCNQ和硬脂酸的混合LB膜。研究发现:本身没有两亲性的TMB•TCNQ可以通过硬脂酸的夹带作用转移到基底上。混合LB膜中硬脂酸与TMB•TCNQ是物理混合,很容易被除去,而且,可以根据实际应用需要来决定混合LB膜中硬脂酸的比例。 3. TMB•TCNQ和硬脂酸混合LB膜的热稳定性研究 利用变温红外光谱研究TMB•TCNQ和硬脂酸的混合LB膜的热稳定性。结果显示,混合LB膜中硬脂酸相变发生70-72 oC,TMB•TCNQ在142-144 oC发生反掺杂(分解)。 4. TCNQ和TMB电荷转移配合物自组装膜的制备和表征 利用layer-by-layer法制备了TMB•TCNQ自组装膜。结果表明,通过三氯锗丙酸的中介作用成功地将TMB和TCNQ组装到基底上并形成电荷转移配合物,电荷转移度约为0.48。 5. 利用红外光谱研究硬脂酸镉LB膜的亚晶胞堆积类型 利用红外光谱研究了沉积在CaF2基底上的1,3,5,7-层硬脂酸镉(CdSt)LB膜的亚晶胞堆积形式,以及交替沉积LB膜中氘代硬脂酸镉(d-CdSt)LB膜对1,2,3-层硬脂酸镉LB膜的亚晶胞堆积的影响。结果表明:1-层CdSt LB膜的亚晶胞是六方堆积,而厚度超过3层的CdSt LB膜的亚晶胞是正交堆积。只有相同种类的CdSt LB膜层与层之间的相互作用才会影响碳氢长链的堆积形式,而不同种类的CdSt LB膜和d-CdSt LB膜之间的相互作用不会影响碳氢长链的堆积形式,不论这种作用是亲水头基之间的还是疏水长链之间的。 6. 近红外光谱分辨率对定量分析的影响 利用近红外光谱分析方法建立了多组分混合物中对乙酰氨基苯酚和乙水杨胺的定量分析模型。研究发现,光谱分辨率对定量分析模型有重要影响,针对具体样品的特定组分,需要选择合适的光谱分辨率,进而获得最佳的定量分析结果。
In this study, silicon nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 matrix were formed by conventional plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) followed by high temperature annealing. The formation of silicon nanocrystals (nc-Si), their optical and micro-structural properties were studied using various experimental techniques, including Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, micro-Raman spectra, high resolution transmission electron microscopy and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Very strong red light emission from silicon nanocrystals at room temperature (RT) was observed. It was found that there is a strong correlation between the PL intensity and the substrate temperature, the oxygen content and the annealing temperature. When the substrate temperature decreases from 250degreesC to RT, the PL intensity increases by two orders of magnitude.