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The production of medicinal plants as raw material for industry must associate quality with biomass formation and, with this purpose, the application of plant growth regulators has been studied in these crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a biostimulant on growth, inflorescence production and flavonoid content in marigold. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse and the treatments consisted of increasing doses of the biostimulant (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 mL L-1) applied by foliar spraying in ten consecutive applications. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design, with six treatments and ten repetitions. The number of leaves and flowerheads and dry matter of roots increased linearly with increasing doses of the growth promoter, with 20%, 36.97% and 97.28% increases, respectively, compared with the control. The total dry mass and shoot dry mass showed maximum values at the highest dose tested of 15 mL L-1 (with increases of 40.09% and 46.30%, respectively). Plant height and flavonoid content reached the highest values at a dose of 6 mL L-1. The biostimulant promoted the development of marigold and positively influenced the synthesis of the secondary compound of medicinal interest. Among the tested doses, the application of rates between 6 and 9 mL L-1 of the biostimulant is recommended for more efficient large-scale production of marigold.
Light and soil water availability may limit carbon uptake of trees in tropical rainforests. The objective of this work was to determine how photosynthetic traits of juvenile trees respond to variations in rainfall seasonality, leaf nutrient content, and opening of the forest canopy. The correlation between leaf nutrient content and annual growth rate of saplings was also assessed. In a terra firme rainforest of the central Amazon, leaf nutrient content and gas exchange parameters were measured in five sapling tree species in the dry and rainy season of 2008. Sapling growth was measured in 2008 and 2009. Rainfall seasonality led to variations in soil water content, but it did not affect leaf gas exchange parameters. Subtle changes in the canopy opening affected CO2 saturated photosynthesis (A pot, p = 0.04). Although A pot was affected by leaf nutrient content (as follows: P > Mg > Ca > N > K), the relative growth rate of saplings correlated solely with leaf P content (r = 0.52, p = 0.003). At present, reduction in soil water content during the dry season does not seem to be strong enough to cause any effect on photosynthesis of saplings in central Amazonia. This study shows that leaf P content is positively correlated with sapling growth in the central Amazon. Therefore, the positive effect of atmospheric CO2 fertilization on long-term tree growth will depend on the ability of trees to absorb additional amount of P
A autora, após sintetizar algumas das vertentes de estudo e conceitos atuais na temática da inter-relação trabalho-saúde mental, apresenta um estudo de caso individual. Trata-se do caso de um mecânico industrial do setor siderúrgico que desenvolveu um quadro psicopatol6gico. A evolução de manifestações de fadiga crônica e desencadeamento de uma crise mental aguda são examinadas em suas correlações ao hist6rico de vida e trabalho e a dinâmicas referidas às condições e à organização do trabalho no emprego atual.
Partiendo del principio de la imposibilidad de separar la salud mental de la salud en general, podemos afirmar que más del 75% de los psicólogos españoles se declaran enmarcados en el llamado modelo cognitivo-conductual de evaluación e intervención en el campo de la psicología clínica Sin embargo, a la luz de la expansión en la aplicación de la psicología y a los nuevos retos que ello plantea, en estas líneas nos ha parecido más interesante definir las funciones y enmarcar los ámbitos de actuación de los psicólogos que trabajan en el campo de la salud mental en particular y de la salud en general.
RESUMO: Este trabalho é realizado com o objectivo de contribuir para uma melhor compreensão da Esquizofrenia e a sua relação com a criminalidade e a melhor forma de intervir psicológica e socialmente com o intuito de reabilitar o doente mental e reinseri-lo na sociedade, evitando fenómenos de estigma e exclusão social. Sendo este tema muito abrangente e complexo, o que se pretende, de forma descritiva, é abordar noções, segundo uma perspectiva psicológica forense, que permitam a reflexão sobre o estatuto de inimputável e a medida a aplicar a estes sujeitos (criminosos ou doentes mentais?) com características muito peculiares. Torna-se evidente a necessidade de desenvolver esforços no sentido de prevenir e reabilitar clínica e socialmente os indivíduos que sofrem de doença mental e que por razão desta cometeram um crime, nomeadamente através da criação de programas de intervenção adequados à casuística. Nesse sentido, neste trabalho é proposto um modelo de intervenção psicossocial, aqui elaborado sob a forma de programa de intervenção comunitário, tendo como principais objectivos, a reabilitação clínica e a reinserção social do utente na comunidade local, a prevenção da recidiva da doença e a reincidência no crime, a redução do estigma e exclusão social associado à doença mental e a promoção do acesso aos direitos e à igualdade de oportunidades.
This study develops a theoretical model that explains the effectiveness of the balanced scorecard approach by means of a system dynamics and feedback learning perspective. Presumably, the balanced scorecard leads to a better understanding of context, allowing managers to externalize and improve their mental models. We present a set of hypotheses about the influence of the balanced scorecard approach on mental models and performance. A test based on a simulation experiment that uses a system dynamics model is performed. The experiment included three types of parameters: financial indicators; balanced scorecard indicators; and balanced scorecard indicators with the aid of a strategy map review. Two out of the three hypotheses were confirmed. It was concluded that a strategy map review positively influences mental model similarity, and mental model similarity positively influences performance.
This study aims to be a contribution to a theoretical model that explains the effectiveness of the learning and decision-making processes by means of a feedback and mental models perspective. With appropriate mental models, managers should be able to improve their capacity to deal with dynamically complex contexts, in order to achieve long-term success. We present a set of hypotheses about the influence of feedback information and systems thinking facilitation on mental models and management performance. We explore, under controlled conditions, the role of mental models in terms of structure and behaviour. A test based on a simulation experiment with a system dynamics model was performed. Three out of the four hypotheses were confirmed. Causal diagramming positively influences mental model structure similarity, mental model structure similarity positively influences mental model behaviour similarity, and mental model behaviour similarity positively influences the quality of the decision.
This study aims to be a contribution to a theoretical model that explains the effectiveness of the learning and decision-making processes by means of a feedback and mental models perspective. With appropriate mental models, managers should be able to improve their capacity to deal with dynamically complex contexts, in order to achieve long-term success. We present a set of hypotheses about the influence of feedback information and systems thinking facilitation on mental models and management performance. We explore, under controlled conditions, the role of mental models in terms of structure and behaviour. A test based on a simulation experiment with a system dynamics model was performed. Three out of the four hypotheses were confirmed. Causal diagramming positively influences mental model structure similarity, mental model structure similarity positively influences mental model behaviour similarity, and mental model behaviour similarity positively influences the quality of the decision
É apresentado o programa de Saúde Mental decorrente de convênio estabelecido pela Secretaria da Saúde do Estado de São Paulo com a Universidade de São Paulo, através da Faculdade de Saúde Pública. Este convênio tem por finalidade a realização de estudos na área de Saúde Mental, tais como assistência psiquiátrica preventiva e pesquisas visando a medir transtornos mentais através de casos de óbito e na população da cidade e de cursos e atividades curriculares e extra-curriculares.
A Escala da Maturidade Mental Colúmbia (EMMC) foi aplicada a 93 crianças pré-escolares de 4 a 6 anos, da cidade de Leme, SP (Brasil). Estas crianças eram originárias de famílias de baixo nível sócio-econômico e não freqüentavam nenhum tipo de creche ou pré-escola. Os dados obtidos mostraram que a EMMC apresentou diversas limitações, entre elas, uma diminuição sistemática nos valores do QI de razão, em função do aumento da idade da criança. A ocorrência generalizada de seqüências de respostas com perseveração de posição sugeriu que a situação de teste pode induzir uma queda na motivação e atenção da criança. Dessa forma, os baixos resultados obtidos com a EMMC podem não refletir necessariamente "deficiências cognitivas", mas um baixo interesse da criança em relação às tarefas exigidas pelo teste.
O presente trabalho tem como principal objectivo tentar conhecer e compreender as concepções educativas de um Centro de Actividades Ocupacionais face ao seu público-alvo em particular, as suas dimensões mais relevantes, os factores que as condicionam e os contextos que as limitam ou facilitam. Procurou-se conhecer as concepções e práticas dos actores educativos que intervêm na formação/educação junto de pessoas portadoras de deficiência mental adultas, clientes de um Centro de Actividades Ocupacionais, geograficamente situado em Lisboa. Para tal, elaborou-se um Estudo de Caso utilizando entrevistas semi estruturadas a sete profissionais do centro como técnica de recolha de dados, sendo estes posteriormente tratados através da análise de conteúdo. Assim, definiram-se como objectivos específicos do estudo: caracterizar as finalidades educativas do Centro de Actividades Ocupacionais; caracterizar as práticas de desenvolvimento para os adultos deficientes mentais; caracterizar o modo de participação dos clientes nas actividades: aspectos facilitadores e constrangimentos; identificar as dificuldades dos funcionários do Centro de Actividades Ocupacionais no atendimento aos clientes; caracterizar as iniciativas da instituição face à actualização profissional dos seus funcionários no sentido de fornecer respostas mais adequadas às necessidades dos clientes e, ainda, caracterizar de acordo com o ponto de vista dos actores educativos, a participação das famílias no processo de desenvolvimento dos clientes. Os resultados do estudo evidenciam que as actividades desenvolvidas no Centro de Actividades Ocupacionais se dividem entre as consideradas como socialmente úteis, como a montagem de material eléctrico, por exemplo, e as estritamente ocupacionais. Embora um dos objectivos do Centro de Actividades Ocupacionais seja a inserção do cliente na comunidade, da análise de dados ressalta que não existem muitas actividades que divulguem para o exterior o trabalho desenvolvido pelos adultos portadores de deficiência mental, promovendo pouca interacção dos indivíduos com a comunidade. As profissionais que participaram no estudo revelam motivação para trabalhar junto dos clientes e preocupação em melhorar o seu desempenho profissional, daí sentirem necessidade em adquirir formação contínua e partilhar experiências com outros profissionais. As famílias dos clientes são consideradas pelas participantes do estudo como sendo participativas no quotidiano do seu familiar, contudo existem factores que condicionam essa participação, como o envelhecimento dos progenitores. Abstract The present work aims to know and understand the educational conceptions of an Occupational Activities Center taking into consideration its target audience, particularly, its most relevant dimensions, the conditioning factors and its respective restrictive or facilitating contexts. The objective was to understand the concepts and daily practices of the educational actors that participate in the training/education of the mentally disabled adults who attend an Occupational Activities Center located in Lisbon. In that light, a Case Study was conducted using as the data collection technique semistructured interviews made to seven employees from the Center. This data was later on processed through content analysis. Thus, the following was defined as the study’s specific goals. To: characterize the educational purposes of the Occupational Activities Center; characterize development practices for the mentally disabled adults; characterize the clients’ participation process in the activities and the respective enabling and restrictive aspects; identify the Occupational Activities Center employees’ problems regarding client assistance; characterize the institution’s initiatives regarding the professional update of its employees in order to provide more adequate answers to its clients’ needs and, finally to identify from the educational actors’ perspective the participative role families’ take on when it comes to the clients’ development processes. The study results determine that the activities developed in the Occupational Activities Center are distinguished between the ones considered socially useful, such as the assembly of electric material, and the strictly occupational activities. Although one of the Occupational Activities Center goals is the insertion of the client within the community itself, the data analysis shows that there aren’t many activities that promote to the outside world the work performed by these mentally disabled adults, not advertising enough the individuals’ interaction with the community. The professional women who participated in the study show determination and motivation in working with the clients and also a concern in improving their professional performances, from this derives their need to attend continuous training and to share experiences with other professionals. The study's participants find the clients’ families involved in the daily routines of their relatives. Nonetheless, there are some factors that condition that involvement, such as the parents’ aging.