932 resultados para Medizinische Modelle
Cytogenic analysis of leukemic cells has proven to be a mandatory part of the diagnosis of malignant hemopathies. Recurring clonal cytogenetic abnormalities may be divided into those exclusively associated with myeloid disorders, those uniquely observed in lymphoid diseases, and those detected in both myeloid and lymphoid hemopathies. Several of the common defects are characteristic of specific FAB types or subtypes and are associated with specific clinico pathologic syndromes and clinical complications. Cytogenetic abnormalities have served to define relatively homogeneous subsets of malignant hemopathies which are not evident from morphological and other available markers. Cytogenetic findings have been demonstrated to be powerful indicators in predicting clinical course and outcome in patients and in guiding their management. Given the significant progress made in the treatment of malignant hemopathies, it is very important to identify parameters which may be used to predict whether patients will respond favorably to standard therapies or if they are unlikely to do so and require alternative strategies, such as bone marrow transplantation. Cytogenetic studies have also provided important insights into the understanding of malignant transformation processes. In a number of recurring chromosome translocations characteristic of leukemias and lymphomas the genes that are located at the breakpoints have been identified. Molecular analysis has revealed that alteration in expression of these genes or in the properties of the encoded proteins resulting from the rearrangements plays an integral part in malignant transformation. Studies of clonality have suggested that several chromosome abnormalities may arise in pluripotent hemopoietic stem cells, whereas others may originate in cells of more restricted lineage. The author focuses first on the implications of the karyotype in the diagnosis and the prognosis of myeloproliferative syndromes, acute leukemias and myelodysplastic syndromes, then on the interest of describing new clinical-cytogenetic associations. Finally, some of the recent results obtained in a cytogenetic study of myelodysplastic syndromes are discussed.
The measurement of rigidity and perseveration respectively gets increasing importance in clinical psychodiagnostics. Recently we have developed a computer-assisted technique which allows to get information about inadequate persisting in psychic processes and behaviour within shortest time and to differentiate between psychopathological groups. 257 patients of both sexes who came for elucidation of their disorders to the department of clinical psychodiagnostics were investigated. The most significant differences between the groups were found in redundance of second degree (the patient has to press 10 buttons indiscriminately according to the beat of a metronom--standard condition) and in personal speed (the patient has to press 10 buttons as fast as possible--speed condition). Furthermore the psychopathological groups were ranged in the particular variables of rigidity according to their mean values and their average ranges the schizophrenics and effective psychoses were characterized by a high tendency of perseveration while the neurotics, patients with organic brain syndrome and alcohol and drug dependents showed more flexibility.
37 insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetics answered a multiple-choice questionnaire during inpatient educational sessions. 12 dietetic and 12 pathophysiologic questions had to be answered. Statistical analysis of factors influencing the number of errors can be summed up as follows: there is a direct correlation between age of the patient and number of errors; the older the patient, the greater the number of errors. However, insulin-dependent diabetics committed fewer errors than non-insulin-dependent subjects of the same age, which suggests greater motivation in the first group due to their treatment. The test likewise affords the patients an opportunity of reviewing unclear topics and enables the educational team to adapt their teaching to the patients.
The prevalence of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in cystic fibrosis patients ranges from 2 to 8% and glucose intolerance up to 15%. In recent years, lung transplantation has helped to prolong life expectancy of cystic fibrosis patients and represents 10 to 30% of all indications for lung transplantation. The postoperative need for immunosuppressive therapy using diabetogenic agents has decompensatory effects on glucose regulation and will probably increase the number of insulin-dependent cystic fibrosis patients. We report the case of an insulin-dependent cystic fibrosis patient transplanted with a combined islet-lung allograft. The pre-transplantation C-peptide level was below 0.04 nmol/l and preoperative insulin requirement was some 100 U per day. A sequential bipulmonary lung transplantation was performed and, using the pancreas of the same donor, we isolated and purified the islets of Langerhans by a modified automated method. We obtained 232,200 islets equivalent, which were injected into the liver by portal embolization. The postoperative course was uncomplicated, the insulin requirement decreased to 50% of the preoperative need and the C-peptide value increased to normal values and remained with the normal range during a follow-up period of 15 months. In conclusion, we believe that, besides type I diabetic patients, insulin-dependent cystic fibrosis patients with a negative C-peptide value could also be good candidates for combined islet-lung allotransplantation.
Savary's ulcer is a rare and little known peptic ulcer situated just above Barrett's esophagus. It is predominant in elderly women, bleeds less than Barrett's ulcer and is almost always associated with peptic stenosis. It is, like Barrett's and Wolf's ulcers, a complication of gastroesophageal reflux and not of Barrett's esophagus.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: To compare the delineations and interpretations of target volumes by physicians in different radio-oncology centers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eleven Swiss radio-oncology centers delineated volumes according to ICRU 50 recommendations for one prostate and one head and neck case. In order to evaluate the consistency of the volume delineations, the following parameters were determined: 1) the target volumes (GTV, CTV and manually expanded PTV) and their extensions in the three main axes and 2) the correlation of the volume delineated by each pair of centers using the ratio of the intersection to the union (called proximity index). RESULTS: The delineated prostate volume was 105+/-55cm(3) for the CTV and 218+/-44cm(3) for the PTV. The delineated head and neck volume was 46+/-15cm(3) for the GTV, 327+/-154cm(3) for the CTV and 528+/-106cm(3) for the PTV. The mean proximity index for the prostate case was 0.50+/-0.13 for the CTV and 0.57+/-0.11 for the PTV. The proximity index for the head and neck case was 0.45+/-0.09 for the GTV, 0.42+/-0.13 for the CTV and 0.59+/-0.06 for the PTV. CONCLUSIONS: Large discrepancies between all the delineated target volumes were observed. There was an inverse relationship between the CTV volume and the margin between CTV and PTV, leading to less discrepancies in the PTV than is the CTV delineations. There was more spread in the sagittal and frontal planes due to CT pixel anisotropy, which suggests that radiation oncologists should delineate the target volumes not only in the transverse plane, but also in the sagittal and frontal planes to improve the delineation by allowing a consistency check.
This paper explains the divergent behavior of European an US unemploymentrates using a job market matching model of the labor market with aninteraction between shocks an institutions. It shows that a reduction inTF growth rates, an increase in real interest rates, and an increase intax rates leads to a permanent increase in unemployment rates when thereplacement rates or initial tax rates are high, while no increase inunemployment occurs when institutions are "employment friendly". The paperalso shows that an increase in turbulence, modelle as an increase probabilityof skill loss, is not a robust explanation for the European unemploymentpuzzle in the context of a matching model with both endogenous job creationand job estruction.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: A pregnant woman was referred for post-operative radiotherapy of a malignant schwannoma in the head and neck region. A best-treatment plan was devised in order to minimize the fetal dose. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The fetal dose resulting from radiological examinations was determined according to international protocols, that resulting from radiotherapy was calculated according to Recommendation 36 of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Task Group. Pre-treatment dosimetry was performed with an anthropomorphic phantom. Several alternative treatment plans were evaluated. The use of a multileaf collimator (MLC) and a virtual wedge (VW) was compared to cerrobend blocks (CB) and physical wedge (PW). In-vivo dosimetry was performed using a vaginal probe containing thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD). RESULTS: The total fetal dose resulting from diagnostic and radiotherapy procedures was estimated to be 36 mGy. The technique based on MLC and VW was elected for patient treatment. Measurements for this configuration resulted in afetal dose reduction of 82%. The shielding of the patient's abdomen further reduced the fetal dose by 42%. CONCLUSION: The use of VW and MLC for the treatment of a pregnant woman is highly recommended. Each case should be individually studied with pre-treatment and in-vivo dosimetry.
Haemorrhagic shock and encephalopathy syndrome (HSES) is a devastating disorder affecting infants. So far no cases have been reported in Switzerland. It is characterised by the abrupt onset of hyperpyrexia, shock, encephalopathy, diarrhoea, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and renal and hepatic failure in previously healthy infants. Severe hypoglycaemia has been repeatedly reported in association with HSES. However, the pathophysiology of the hypoglycaemia is not clear. We report on two infants (2 and 7 months old) with typical HSES, both of whom were presented with nonketotic hypoglycaemia. In the first case, plasma insulin was 23 pmol/l at the time of hypoglycaemia (0.1 mmol/l). In the second case, increased values for interleukin-6 (IL-6) (319 pg/ml) and IL-8 (1382 pg/ml) were found 24 hours after admission, whereas IL-1 and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) were not measurable. Alpha-1-antitrypsin was decreased (0.6 g/l). In hyperpyrexic, unconscious and shocked infants, HSES should be considered and hypoglycaemia should be specifically looked for. Hypoglycaemia is not caused by hyperinsulinism but may be secondary to the release of cytokines.
The antihypertensive effect of debrisoquine (20 mg/day), methyldopa (100 mg/day) and propranolol (160 mg/day) was compared to that obtained with a placebo in a controlled trial carried out by a group of 14 internists. Forty-eight patients with uncomplicated essential hypertension were included. Mefruside (25 mg/day) was first given alone for 6 weeks ("open phase" of the trial) and to this diuretic was then added in double-blind fashion and randomized sequence a placebo or an active drug. Each of the 4 blind phases lasted 4 weeks. At the end of the "open phase", blood pressure in seated position averaged 168/111 +/- 19.6/13.5 mm Hg (mean +/- SD). A significant blood pressure decrease was observed after 4 weeks of treatment with the placebo as well as with the investigated compounds. With the placebo blood pressure was reduced to 158/102 +/- 19.6/13.5 mm Hg (p less than 0.001). The magnitude of the additional blood pressure decrease induced by the active drugs was relatively small and varied from 4 (debrisoquine) to 10 mm Hg (methyldopa, p less than 0.01) for the systolic and from 3 (debrisoquine, p less than 0.05) to 5 mm Hg (propranolol, p less than 0.05) for the diastolic. The percentage of patients with systolic pressure of less than or equal to 140 mm Hg and with diastolic pressure of less than 90 mm Hg during administration of either drug was not greater than 40 to 20% respectively. Propranolol appeared to be better tolerated than the other antihypertensive agents. These rather disappointing blood pressure results suggest that the efficacy of antihypertensive agents in private practice cannot be extrapolated from studies carried out in specialized hypertension clinics.