976 resultados para Maxillectomy and midfacial defects
Impurity-interstitial dipoles in calcium fluoride solutions with Al3+, Yb3+ and La3+ fluorides were studied using the thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC) technique. The dipolar complexes are formed by substitutional trivalent ions in Ca2+ sites and interstitial fluorine in nearest neighbor sites. The relaxations observed at 150 K are assigned to dipoles nnR(S)(3+)- F-i(-) (R-S = La or Yb). The purpose of this work is to study the processes of energy storage in the fluorides following X-ray and gamma irradiation. Computer modelling techniques are used to obtain the formation energy of dipole defects. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We study the influence of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic bond defects on the ground-state energy of antiferromagnetic spin chains. In the absence of translational invariance, the energy spectrum of the full Hamiltonian is obtained numerically, by an iterative modi. cation of the power algorithm. In parallel, approximate analytical energies are obtained from a local-bond approximation, proposed here. This approximation results in significant improvement upon the mean-field approximation, at negligible extra computational effort. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Radial glial cells (RGCs) in the ventricular neuroepithelium of the dorsal telencephalon are the progenitor cells for neocortical projection neurons and astrocytes. Here we showthatthe adherens junction proteins afadin and CDH2 are criticalforthe control of cell proliferation in the dorsal telencephalon and for the formation of its normal laminar structure. Inactivation of afadin or CDH2 in the dorsal telenceph-alon leads to a phenotype resembling subcortical band heterotopia, also known as “double cortex,” a brain malformation in which heterotopic gray matter is interposed between zones of white matter. Adherens junctions between RGCs are disrupted in the mutants, progenitor cells are widely dispersed throughout the developing neocortex, and their proliferation is dramatically increased. Major subtypes of neocortical projection neurons are generated, but their integration into cell layers is disrupted. Our findings suggest that defects in adherens junctions components in mice massively affects progenitor cell proliferation and leads to a double cortex-like phenotype.
The nuclear poly(A)-binding protein 1 (PABPN1) is a ubiquitously expressed protein that plays a critical role in polyadenylation. Short expansions of the polyalanine tract in the N-terminus of PABPN1 lead to oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD), which is an adult onset disease characterized by eyelid drooping, difficulty in swallowing and weakness in the proximal limb muscles. Although significant data from in vitro biochemical assays define the function of PABPN1 in control of poly(A) tail length, little is known about the role of PABPN1 in mammalian cells. To assess the function of PABPN1 in mammalian cells and specifically in cells affected in OPMD, we examined the effects of PABPN1 depletion using siRNA in primary mouse myoblasts from extraocular, pharyngeal and limb muscles. PABPN1 knockdown significantly decreased cell proliferation and myoblast differentiation during myogenesis in vitro. At the molecular level, PABPN1 depletion in myoblasts led to a shortening of mRNA poly(A) tails, demonstrating the cellular function of PABPN1 in polyadenylation control in a mammalian cell. In addition, PABPN1 depletion caused nuclear accumulation of poly(A) RNA, revealing that PABPN1 is required for proper poly(A) RNA export from the nucleus. Together, these experiments demonstrate that PABPN1 plays an essential role in myoblast proliferation and differentiation, suggesting that it is required for muscle regeneration and maintenance in vivo.
Pkc1 acts through Zds1 and Gic1 to suppress growth and cell polarity defects of a yeast eIF5A mutant
eIF5A is a highly conserved putative eukaryotic translation initiation factor that has been implicated in translation initiation, nucleocytoplasmic transport, mRNA decay, and cell proliferation, but with no precise function assigned so far. We have previously shown that high-copy PKCI suppresses the phenotype of tif51A-1, a temperature-sensitive mutant of eIF5A in S. cerevisiae. Here, in an attempt to further understand how Pkc1 functionally interacts with eIF-5A, it was determined that PKCI suppression of tif51A-1 is independent of the cell integrity MAP kinase cascade. Furthermore, two new suppressor genes, ZDS1 and GIC1, were identified. We demonstrated that ZDS1 and ZDS2 are necessary for PKC1, but not for GIC1 suppression. Moreover, high-copy GIC1 also suppresses the growth defect of a PKCI mutant (stt1), suggesting the existence of a Pkc1-Zds1-Gic1 pathway. Consistent with the function of Gic1 in actin organization, the tif51A-1 strain shows an actin polarity defect that is partially recovered by overexpression of Pkc1 and Zds1 as well as Gic1. Additionally, PCL1 and BNI1, important regulators of yeast cell polarity, also suppress tif51A-1 temperature sensitiviiy Taken together, these data strongly Support the correlated involvement of Pkc1 and eIF5A in establishing actin polarity, which is essential for bud formation and G1/S transition in S. cerevisiae.
A joint use of experimental and theoretical techniques allows us to understand the key role of intermediate- and short-range defects in the structural and electronic properties of ZnO single crystals obtained by means of both conventional hydrothermal and microwave-hydrothermal synthesis methods. X-ray diffraction, Raman spectra, photoluminescence, scanning electronic and transmission electron microscopies were used to characterize the thermal properties, crystalline and optical features of the obtained nano and microwires ZnO structures. In addition, these properties were further investigated by means of two periodic models, crystalline and disordered ZnO wurtzite structure, and first principles calculations based on density functional theory at the B3LYP level. The theoretical results indicate that the key factor controlling the electronic behavior can be associated with a symmetry breaking process, creating localized electronic levels above the valence band.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The purpose of this study was to analyze histologically the influence of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) coagulated with two different activators on bone healing in surgically created critical-size defects (CSD) in rat calvaria.Forty-eight rats were divided into three groups: C, PRP-C and PRP-T. An 8 mm diameter CSD was created in the calvarium of each animal. In group C, the defect was filled by a blood clot only. In groups PRP-C and PRP-T, the defect was filled with PRP activated with either calcium chloride or thromboplastin solution, respectively. Each group was divided into two subgroups (n = 8 per subgroup) and killed at either 4 or 12 weeks postoperatively. Histologic and histometric analyses were performed. The amount of new bone formed was calculated as a percentage of the total area of the original defect. Percentage data were transformed into arccosine for statistical analysis (analysis of variance, Tukey's post hoc test, p < 0.05).No defect completely regenerated with bone. Group PRP-C had a statistically greater amount of bone formation than groups C and PRP-T at both time points of analysis. No statistically significant differences were observed between groups C and PRP-T.It can be concluded that the type of activator used to initiate PRP clot formation influences its biological effect on bone healing in CSD in rat calvaria.
Extensive bone defects in maxillofacial region can be corrected with autogenous grafts; otherwise, the disadvantages of the therapeutics modality take the research for new bone substitutes. The aim of the study was to evaluate and compare the osteoconductive properties of 3 commercial available biomaterials. A total of 30 calvarial defects (5-mm diameter) were randomly divided into 5 treatment groups, with a total of 6 defects per treatment group (n = 6). The treatment groups were as follows: 500 to 1000 Km beta-tricalcium phosphate (beta-TCP), polylactic and polyglycolic acid (PL/PG) gel, calcium phosphate cement, untreated control, and autograft control. The evaluations were based on histomorphometric analysis at 60 postoperative days. The results have shown that beta-TCP and autograft control supported bone formation at 60 postoperative days. beta-Tricalcium phosphate showed the highest amount of mineralized area per total area and statistically significant compared with PL/PG, calcium phosphate cement, and untreated control groups. The PL/PG gel does not have osteoconductive properties and performed similar to empty control. Calcium phosphate cement showed higher number of multinucleated giant cells around the sites of the biomaterial and showed newly formed bone only at the edges of the biomaterial, without bone formation within the biomaterial. The findings presented herein indicate that bone formation reached a maximum level when rat calvarial defects were filled with beta-TCP at 60 postoperative days. Further studies should be conducted with beta-TCP to understand the potential of this biomaterial in bone regeneration.
The purpose of this study was to histologically analyze the influence of bioactive glass and/or acellular dermal matrix on bone healing in surgically created defects in the tibiae of 64 rats (Rattus norvegicus, albinus, Wistar). Materials and Methods: A 4-mm X 3-mm unicortical defect was created on the anterolateral surface of the tibia. Animals were divided into 4 groups: C, control; BG, the defect was filled with bioactive glass; ADM, the defect was covered with acellular dermal matrix; and BG/ADM, the defect was filled with bioactive glass and covered with acellular dermal matrix. Animals were sacrificed at 10 or 30 days postoperatively, and the specimens were removed for histologic processing. The formation of new bone in the cortical area of the defect was evaluated histomorphometrically. Results: At 10 and 30 days postoperatively, groups C (39.65% +/- 5.63% / 63.34% +/- 5.22%) and ADM (38.12% +/- 5.53 / 58.96% +/- 7.05%) presented a larger amount of bone formation compared to the other groups (P<.05). In the same periods, groups BG (13.10% +/- 6.29% / 29.5% +/- 5.56%) and BG/ADM (20.72% +/- 8.31% / 24.19% +/- 6.69%) exhibited statistically similar new bone formation. However, unlike the other groups, group BG/ADM did not present a significant increase in bone formation between the 2 time points. Conclusion: Based on these results, it can be concluded that all of the materials used in this study delayed bone healing in non-critical-size defects. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2008;23:811-817
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Objective. The objective of this study was to histologically analyze the influence of the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on bone healing in surgically created critical-size defects (CSD) in the calvaria of diabetic rats.Study design. A total of 20 diabetic rats were divided into 2 groups: C (control) and PRP. A 5-mm diameter CSD was created in the calvarium of each animal. In Group C, the defect was filled by blood clot only. In Group PRP, 0.35 mL of PRP was placed in the defects. All animals were humanely killed 30 days postoperatively. Histometric and histologic analyses were performed. Data were statistically analyzed (t test, P < .05).Results. No defect completely regenerated with bone. Group PRP had a statistically greater amount of bone formation than Group C (37.22% +/- 6.00% and 21.68% +/- 11.35%, respectively).Conclusion. PRP placed in the defects significantly enhanced bone healing in CSD in the calvaria of diabetic rats both qualitatively and quantitatively. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 109: 72-78)
Objectives: The aim of the present investigation was to histologically analyze the effect of using lyophilized bovine bone (GenOx (R) organic matrix) with (or without) guided tissue regeneration (using a decalcified cortical osseous membrane [GenDerm (R)]) on bone healing in surgically created critical-size defects created in rat tibia.Material and methods: Surgical critical-size bone defects were created in 64 animals that were randomly divided into four groups: group I (control); group II (defect filled with GenOx (R)); group III (defect covered by GenDerm (R)); group IV (defect filled with GenOx (R) and covered by GenDerm (R)). Animals were killed at 30 or 90 days post-surgery. The specimens were embedded in paraffin, serially cut, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for analysis under light microscopy. The formation of new bone in the cortical area of the defect was histomorphometrically evaluated.Results: All experimental groups demonstrated superior bone healing compared with the control group. However, group IV samples showed evidence of more advanced healing at both 30 and 90 days post-surgery as compared with the other experimental groups.Conclusions: The bovine organic bone graft GenOx (R) associated with GenDerm (R) this produced the best treatment results in the case of critical-size defects in rat tibia.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate histologically, in dogs, the periodontal healing of 1-walled intraosseous defects in teeth that were subjected to orthodontic movement toward the defects. The defects were surgically created bilaterally at the mesial aspects of the maxillary second premolars and distal aspects of the mandibular second premolars of 4 mongrel dogs. One week after creating the defects, an orthodontic appliance was installed, and the teeth were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatment groups: those in the test group received a titanium-molybdenum alloy rectangular wire spring that performed a controlled tipping root movement, and those in the control group received a passive stainless steel wire. Active orthodontic movement of the test teeth lasted 2 months and was followed by a stabilization period of another 2 months, after which the animals were killed. Throughout the study, routine daily plaque control was performed on the dogs with a topical application of a 2% chlorhexicline gel. The results showed no difference between the groups, with some regularization of the defects and periodontal regeneration limited to the apical portion of the defects. Histometric analysis showed a significant difference in bone height; on average, it was 0.53 mm smaller in the test group. It was concluded that orthodontic movement does not interfere with the healing of 1-walled intraosseous defects, with the exception of the linear extent of new bone apposition.