950 resultados para Magnetoacoustic emission
The photoluminescence features and the energy transfer processes of Nd3+-based siloxanepoly(oxyethylene) hybrids are reported. The host matrix of these materials, classed as di-ureasils, is formed by a siloxane backbone covalently bonded to polyether chains of two molecular weights by means of urea cross-links. The room-temperature photoluminescence spectra of these xerogels show a wide broad purple-blue-green band (350-570 nm), associated with the emitting centres of the di-ureasil host, and the typical near infrared emission of Nd3+ (700-1400 nm), assigned to the 4F3/2 → 4I9/2,11/2,13/2 transitions. Self-absorptions in the visible range, resonant with intra-4f3 transitions, indicate the existence of an energy conversion mechanism of visible di-ureasil emission into near infrared Nd3+ luminescence. The existence of energy transfer between the di-ureasil's emitting centres and the Nd3+ ions is demonstrated calculating the lifetimes of these emitting centres. The efficiency of that energy transfer changes both with the polymer molecular weight and the Nd3+ concentration.
Composites made of calcium modified lead titanate ceramic powder and poly (ether-ether-ketone) high performance polymer matrix were prepared in the film form using a hot press. The acoustic and electromechanical properties of the composites have been determined using the ultrasonic immersion technique and piezoelectric spectroscopy, respectively. The composite film with 60 - 40 vol.% PTCa/PEEK was tested as acoustic emission detector. Preliminary results shown that the piezo composite can be used as sensor to evaluate the behavior of materials.
This work aims to investigate the efficiency of digital signal processing tools of acoustic emission signals in order to detect thermal damages in grinding processes. To accomplish such a goal, an experimental work was carried out for 15 runs in a surface grinding machine operating with an aluminum oxide grinding wheel and ABNT 1045 Steel as work material. The acoustic emission signals were acquired from a fixed sensor placed on the workpiece holder. A high sampling rate data acquisition system working at 2.5 MHz was used to collect the raw acoustic emission instead of the root mean square value usually employed. Many statistical analyses have shown to be effective to detect burn, such as the root mean square (RMS), correlation of the AE, constant false alarm rate (CFAR), ratio of power (ROP) and mean-value deviance (MVD). However, the CFAR, ROP, Kurtosis and correlation of the AE have been presented more sensitive than the RMS. Copyright © 2006 by ABCM.
Effects of lattice-QCD-inspired equations of state and continuous emission on some observables are discussed, by solving a 3D hydrodynamics. The particle multiplicity as well ν 2 are found to increase in the mid-rapidity. We also discuss the effects of the initial-condition fluctuations. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.
Composites made of Calcium-modified lead titanate (PTCa) and poly (ether-etherketone) (PEEK) high performance polymer matrix were prepared in the film form using a hot press. The ceramic volume fraction reaches up to 60 percent providing a composite with 0-3 and 1-3 mixed connectivities due to the high ceramic content and the resulting materials could be considered PEEK-bonded PTCa particulate composite. The composites were characterized using piezoelectric spectroscopy and ultrasonic immersion techniques. Values up to 38.5 pC/N were obtained for the longitudinal d33 piezoelectric coefficient. The composite was surface-mounted on a carbon fiber plate-like specimen and the ability of the PTCa/PEEK composite to detect acoustic emission (AE) is reported. © 2006 IEEE.
Study of consumption rate and gaseous pollutant emission from engine tests simulating real work conditions, using spark point manually controlled and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) in diverse proportion levels. The objective of this work is to re-examine the potential of the EGR conception, a well-known method of combustion control, employed together electronic fuel injection and three-way catalytic converter closed-loop control at a spark ignition engine, verifying the performance characteristics and technical availability of this conception to improve pollution control, fuel economy at low torque drive condition and to improve the engine exhaust components useful life. The pollutant emissions and consumption levels under operational conditions simulations were analysed and compared with the expected by concerning theory and real tests performed by EGR equipped engines by factory. Copyright © 2006 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
The continuous technological advances require materials with properties that conventional material cannot display. Material property combinations are being the focus to the development of composite materials, which are considered a multiphase material that exhibits properties of the constituent phases. One interesting material to be studied as sensing material is the composite made of ferroelectric ceramic and polymeric matrix as a two-phases composite material. In that case, the combinations properties intended are the high piezo and pyroelectric activities of the dense ceramic with the impact resistance, flexibility, formability and low densities of the polymer. Using the piezoelectric property of the composite film, it can be used to detect acoustic emission (AE), which is a transient elastic wave generated by sudden deformation in materials under stress. AE can be applied for evaluating the health of structures in a nondestructive way and without any lapse of time. The preliminary result indicates that the composite Pz34/PEEK can be used as sensing material for nondestructive evaluation. ©2009 IEEE.
Background: Since sugarcane areas have increased rapidly in Brazil, the contribution of the sugarcane production, and, especially, of the sugarcane harvest system to the greenhouse gas emissions of the country is an issue of national concern. Here we analyze some data characterizing various activities of two sugarcane mills during the harvest period of 2006-2007 and quantify the carbon footprint of sugar production.Results: According to our calculations, 241 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent were released to the atmosphere per a ton of sugar produced (2406 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent per a hectare of the cropped area, and 26.5 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent per a ton of sugarcane processed). The major part of the total emission (44%) resulted from residues burning; about 20% resulted from the use of synthetic fertilizers, and about 18% from fossil fuel combustion.Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that the most important reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from sugarcane areas could be achieved by switching to a green harvest system, that is, to harvesting without burning. © 2010 de Figueiredo et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
This paper proposes a method to determine the output of all online units with minimum total cost when the amount of emission is reasonable. A joint economic and emission dispatch is proposed in order to get a significant compromise between costs and emission such that real power supply-demand equilibrium is satisfied. In order to have a meaningful compromise between costs and emission in the problem formulation, two variables are used, weighting factor and price penalty factor. A case study comprising of a 3-unit power system is employed, where various demand is used. Results for the test system indicate the fastness and effectiveness of proposed method. © 2011 IEEE.
The emission of ultraweak light from cells is a phenomenon associated with the oxidation of biomolecules by reactive oxygen species. The indole moiety present in tryptophan, serotonin and melatonin is frequently associated with the emission of light during the oxidation of these metabolites. This study presents results for hypobromous acid (HOBr) oxidation of tryptophan as a putative endogenous source of ultraweak light emission. We found that chemiluminescence elicited by the oxidation of tryptophan by HOBr was significantly higher than by hypochlorous acid (HOCl). This difference was related to secondary oxidation reactions, which were more intense using HOBr. The products identified during oxidation by HOCl, but depleted by using HOBr, were N-formylkynurenine, kynurenine, 1,2,3,3a,8,8a-hexahydro-3a-hydroxypyrrolo[2,3-b]-indole-2-carboxylic acid, oxindolylalanine and dioxindolylalanine. The emission of light is dependent on the free α-amino group of tryptophan, and hence, the indole of serotonin and melatonin, although efficiently oxidized, did not produce chemiluminescence. The emission of light was even greater using taurine monobromamine and dibromamine as the oxidant compared to HOBr. A mechanism based on bromine radical intermediates is suggested for the higher efficiency in light emission. Altogether, the experimental evidence described in the present study indicates that the oxidation of free tryptophan or tryptophan residues in proteins is an important source of ultraweak cellular emission of light. This light emission is increased in the presence of taurine, an amino acid present in large amounts in leukocytes, where this putative source of ultraweak light emission is even more relevant.
Sugarcane is an important crop for the Brazilian economy and roughly 50% of its production is used to produce ethanol. However, the common practice of pre-harvest burning of sugarcane straw emits particulate material, greenhouse gases, and tropospheric ozone precursors to the atmosphere. Even with policies to eliminate the practice of pre-harvest sugarcane burning in the near future, there is still significant environmental damage. Thus, the generation of reliable inventories of emissions due to this activity is crucial in order to assess their environmental impact. Nevertheless, the official Brazilian emissions inventory does not presently include the contribution from pre-harvest sugarcane burning. In this context, this work aims to determine sugarcane straw burning emission factors for some trace gases and particulate material smaller than 2.5μm in the laboratory. Excess mixing ratios for CO2, CO, NOX, UHC (unburned hydrocarbons), and PM2.5 were measured, allowing the estimation of their respective emission factors. Average estimated values for emission factors (g kg-1 of burned dry biomass) were 1,303 ± 218 for CO2, 65 ± 14 for CO, 1.5 ± 0.4 for NOX, 16 ± 6 for UHC, and 2.6 ± 1.6 for PM2.5. These emission factors can be used to generate more realistic emission inventories and therefore improve the results of air quality models. © 2012 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This paper reports on the sol-gel preparation and structural and optical characterization of new Er3+-doped SiO2-Nb 2O5 nanocomposite planar waveguides. Erbium-doped (100-x)SiO2-xNb2O5 waveguides were deposited on silica-on-silicon substrates and Si(1 0 0) by the dip-coating technique. The waveguides exhibited uniform refractive index distribution across the thickness, efficient light injection at 1538 nm, and low losses at 632 and 1538 nm. The band-gap values lied between 4.12 eV and 3.55 eV for W1-W5, respectively, showing an excellent transparency in the visible and near infrared region for the waveguides. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy analysis evidenced SiO2-Nb2O5 nanocomposite formation with controlled phase separation in the films. The HRTEM and XRD analyses revealed Nb2O5 orthorhombic T-phase nanocrystals dispersed in a silica-based host. Photoluminescence (PL) analysis showed a broad band emission at 1531 nm, assigned to the 4I13/2 → 4I15/2 transition of the Er3+ ions present in the nanocomposite, with a full-width at half medium of 48-68 nm, depending on the niobium content and annealing. Hence, these waveguides are excellent candidates for application in integrated optics, especially in EDWA and WDM devices. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We synthesize and study the properties of praseodymium doped fluoroindate glasses. Glass compositions with praseodymium molar concentrations up to 5% were obtained with good optical quality. Thermal, optical, and luminescence properties are investigated. Judd-Ofelt analysis is used to determine radiative lifetime and emission cross-section of the orange transition originating from the 3P0 level. We find that these glasses are good candidates for the realization of blue diode laser pumped orange lasers for quantum information processing applications. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Erbium Er3+ and ytterbium Yb3+ codoped fluoro-phosphate glasses belonging to the system NaPO3-YF 3-BaF2-CaF2 have been prepared by the classical melt-quenching technique. Glasses containing up to 10 wt% of erbium and ytterbium fluorides have been obtained and characterized using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and UV-visible and near-infrared spectroscopy. Transparent and homogeneous glass-ceramics have been then reproducibly synthetized by appropriate heat treatment above glass transition temperature of a selected parent glass. Structural investigations of the crystallization performed through X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) have evidenced the formation of fluorite-type cubic crystals based during the devitrification process. Finally, infrared to visible up-conversion emission upon excitation at 975 nm has been studied on the Er3+ and Yb 3+ codoped glass-ceramics as a function of thermal treatment time. A large enhancement of intensity of the up-conversion emissions-about 150 times- has been observed in the glass-ceramics if compared to the parent glass one, suggesting an incorporation of the rare-earth ions (REI) into the crystalline phase. © 2012 The American Ceramic Society.
A study was undertaken about the structural and photoluminescent properties at room temperature of CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) powders synthesized by a soft chemical method and heat treated between 300 and 800 °C. The decomposition of precursor powder was followed by thermogravimetric analysis (TG-DTA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), Fourier transform Raman (FT-Raman) and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. XRD analyses revealed that the powders annealed at 800 °C are becoming ordered and crystallize in the cubic structure. The most intense PL emission was obtained for the sample calcined at 700 °C, which is not highly disordered (300-500 °C) and neither completely ordered (800 °C). From the spectrum it is clearly visible that the lowest wavelength peak is placed around 480 nm and the highest wavelength peak at about 590 nm. The UV/vis absorption spectroscopy measurements showed the presence of intermediate energy levels in the band gap of structurally disordered powders. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.