1000 resultados para Maailman tila 2009 : lämpenevään maailmaan
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
Guidelines for the management of patients with invasive candidiasis and mucosal candidiasis were prepared by an Expert Panel of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. These updated guidelines replace the previous guidelines published in the 15 January 2004 issue of Clinical Infectious Diseases and are intended for use by health care providers who care for patients who either have or are at risk of these infections. Since 2004, several new antifungal agents have become available, and several new studies have been published relating to the treatment of candidemia, other forms of invasive candidiasis, and mucosal disease, including oropharyngeal and esophageal candidiasis. There are also recent prospective data on the prevention of invasive candidiasis in high-risk neonates and adults and on the empiric treatment of suspected invasive candidiasis in adults. This new information is incorporated into this revised document.
Trabajo realizado con cargo al proyecto HUM 2007-62203 de la Secretaría de Estado e Investigación (Dirección General de Investigación. Gestión Nacional del Plan Nacional de I+D+i) del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales / Ciudadanía / Quiénes somos / Planes y Estrategias)
The aim of this study was to describe the clinical characteristics of pandemic influenza A H1N1 infection. A retrospective study was performed in pediatric patients with solid organ transplantation and confirmed influenza A H1N1/2009 infection from June to December 2009, diagnosed in two Spanish teaching. Forty-nine patients were included. Pneumonia was diagnosed in 4 patients (8.2%), and 3 of them required respiratory support. There were no related deaths. Antiviral treatment within 48 hours was associated with a lower likelihood of pneumonia (0/38, 0%) than treatment started after 48 hours (4/11, 36.3%) (p&0.01).
BACKGROUND: Inherited ichthyoses belong to a large, clinically and etiologically heterogeneous group of mendelian disorders of cornification, typically involving the entire integument. Over the recent years, much progress has been made defining their molecular causes. However, there is no internationally accepted classification and terminology. OBJECTIVE: We sought to establish a consensus for the nomenclature and classification of inherited ichthyoses. METHODS: The classification project started at the First World Conference on Ichthyosis in 2007. A large international network of expert clinicians, skin pathologists, and geneticists entertained an interactive dialogue over 2 years, eventually leading to the First Ichthyosis Consensus Conference held in Sorèze, France, on January 23 and 24, 2009, where subcommittees on different issues proposed terminology that was debated until consensus was reached. RESULTS: It was agreed that currently the nosology should remain clinically based. "Syndromic" versus "nonsyndromic" forms provide a useful major subdivision. Several clinical terms and controversial disease names have been redefined: eg, the group caused by keratin mutations is referred to by the umbrella term, "keratinopathic ichthyosis"-under which are included epidermolytic ichthyosis, superficial epidermolytic ichthyosis, and ichthyosis Curth-Macklin. "Autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis" is proposed as an umbrella term for the harlequin ichthyosis, lamellar ichthyosis, and the congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma group. LIMITATIONS: As more becomes known about these diseases in the future, modifications will be needed. CONCLUSION: We have achieved an international consensus for the classification of inherited ichthyosis that should be useful for all clinicians and can serve as reference point for future research.
Aquest working paper és la versió espanyola del capítulo escrit per les autores sobre la política Europea de Espanya per a un anuari alemany sobre construcció europea (W. Weidenfeld i W. Wessels (Hrsg.). Jahrbuchder Europäischen Integration 2009/10, Institut furEuropäische Politik. Europa Union Verlag, en premsa). Esther Barbé escriu aquest capítol per al Jahrbuchregularmente des de l'any 1990.
Oseltamivir is the ester-type prodrug of the neuraminidase inhibitor oseltamivir carboxylate. It has been shown to be an effective treatment for both seasonal influenza and the recent pandemic 2009 A/H1N1 influenza, reducing both the duration and severity of the illness. It is also effective when used preventively. This review aims to describe the current knowledge of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characteristics of this agent, and to address the issue of possible therapeutic drug monitoring. According to the currently available literature, the pharmacokinetics of oseltamivir carboxylate after oral administration of oseltamivir are characterized by mean ± SD bioavailability of 79 ± 12%, apparent clearance of 25.3 ± 7.0 L/h, an elimination half-life of 7.4 ± 2.5 hours and an apparent terminal volume of distribution of 267 ± 122 L. A maximum plasma concentration of 342 ± 83 μg/L, a time to reach the maximum plasma concentration of 4.2 ± 1.1 hours, a trough plasma concentration of 168 ± 32 μg/L and an area under the plasma concentration-time curve from 0 to 24 hours of 6110 ± 1330 μg · h/L for a 75 mg twice-daily regimen were derived from literature data. The apparent clearance is highly correlated with renal function, hence the dosage needs to be adjusted in proportion to the glomerular filtration rate. Interpatient variability is moderate (28% in apparent clearance and 46% in the apparent central volume of distribution); there is no indication of significant erratic or limited absorption in given patient subgroups. The in vitro pharmacodynamics of oseltamivir carboxylate reveal wide variation in the concentration producing 50% inhibition of influenza A and B strains (range 0.17-44 μg/L). A formal correlation between systemic exposure to oseltamivir carboxylate and clinical antiviral activity or tolerance in influenza patients has not yet been demonstrated; thus no formal therapeutic or toxic range can be proposed. The pharmacokinetic parameters of oseltamivir carboxylate after oseltamivir administration (bioavailability, apparent clearance and the volume of distribution) are fairly predictable in healthy subjects, with little interpatient variability outside the effect of renal function in all patients and bodyweight in children. Thus oseltamivir carboxylate exposure can probably be controlled with sufficient accuracy by thorough dosage adjustment according to patient characteristics. However, there is a lack of clinical study data on naturally infected patients. In addition, the therapeutic margin of oseltamivir carboxylate is poorly defined. The usefulness of systematic therapeutic drug monitoring in patients therefore appears to be questionable; however, studies are still needed to extend the knowledge to particular subgroups of patients or dosage regimens.
Background Euromelanoma is a skin cancer education and prevention campaign that started in 1999 in Belgium as 'Melanoma day'. Since 2000, it is active in a large and growing number of European countries under the name Euromelanoma. Objective To evaluate results of Euromelanoma in 2009 and 2010 in 20 countries, describing characteristics of screenees, rates of clinically suspicious lesions for skin cancer and detection rates of melanomas. Methods Euromelanoma questionnaires were used by 20 countries providing their data in a standardized database (Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, FYRO Macedonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldavia, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Ukraine). Results In total, 59 858 subjects were screened in 20 countries. Most screenees were female (64%), median ages were 43 (female) and 46 (male) and 33% had phototype I or II. The suspicion rates ranged from 1.1% to 19.4% for melanoma (average 2.8%), from 0.0% to 10.7% for basal cell carcinoma (average 3.1%) and from 0.0% to 1.8% for squamous cell carcinoma (average 0.4%). The overall positive predictive value of countries where (estimation of) positive predictive value could be determined was 13.0%, melanoma detection rates varied from 0.1% to 1.9%. Dermoscopy was used in 78% of examinations with clinically suspected melanoma; full body skin examination was performed in 72% of the screenees. Conclusion Although the population screened during Euromelanoma was relatively young, high rates of clinically suspected melanoma were found. The efficacy of Euromelanoma could be improved by targeting high-risk populations and by better use of dermoscopy and full body skin examination.
En el presente trabajo se recopilan y extienden diversas series históricas de los principales agregados nacionales de la Encuesta de Población Activa (EPA) y se construyen nuevas series anuales homogéneas de las mismas variables para el período 1964-2009 corrigiendo algunas de las rupturas que persisten en las series históricas más recientes del INE.