997 resultados para Liver-microsomes


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Overexpression of Hoxb4 in bone marrow cells promotes expansion of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) populations in vivo and in vitro, indicating that this homeoprotein can activate the genetic program that determines self-renewal. However, this function cannot be solely attributed to Hoxb4 because Hoxb4(-/-) mice are viable and have an apparently normal HSC number. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis showed that Hoxb4(-/-) c-Kit(+) fetal liver cells expressed moderately higher levels of several Hoxb cluster genes than control cells, raising the possibility that normal HSC activity in Hoxb4(-/-) mice is due to a compensatory up-regulation of other Hoxb genes. In this study, we investigated the competitive repopulation potential of HSCs lacking Hoxb4 alone, or in conjunction with 8 other Hoxb genes. Our results show that Hoxb4(-/-) and Hoxb1-b9(-/-) fetal liver cells retain full competitive repopulation potential and the ability to regenerate all myeloid and lymphoid lineages. Quantitative Hox gene expression profiling in purified c-KIt(+) Hoxb1-bg(-/-) fetal liver cells revealed an interaction between the Hoxa, b, and c clusters with variation in expression levels of Hoxa4, -a11, and -c4. Together, these studies show a complex network of genetic interactions between several Hox genes in primitive hematopoietic cells and demonstrate that HSCs lacking up to 30% of the active Hox genes remain fully competent.


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Phosphoinositide 3-kinases produce 3'-phosphorylated phosphoinositides that act as second messengers to recruit other signalling proteins to the membrane(1). Pi3ks are activated by many extracellular stimuli and have been implicated in a variety of cellular responses(1). The Pi3k gene family is complex and the physiological roles of different classes and isoforms are not clear. The gene Pik3r1 encodes three proteins (p85 alpha, p55 alpha and p50 alpha) that serve as regulatory subunits of class I-A Pi3ks (ref. 2). Mice lacking only the p85a isoform are viable but display hypoglycaemia and increased insulin sensitivity correlating with upregulation of the p55 alpha and p50 alpha variants(3). Here we report that loss of all protein products of Pik3r1 results in perinatal lethality. We observed, among other abnormalities, extensive hepatocyte necrosis and chylous ascites, We also noted enlarged skeletal muscle fibres, brown fat necrosis and calcification of cardiac tissue. In liver and muscle, loss of the major regulatory isoform caused a great decrease in expression and activity of class I-A Pi3k catalytic subunits: nevertheless, homozygous mice still displayed hypoglycaemia, lower insulin levels and increased glucose tolerance. Our findings reveal that p55 alpha and/or p50 alpha are required for survival, but not for development of hypoglycaemia, in mice lacking p85 alpha.


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Background: A transcription regulatory complex (TRC) that includes Ets1, Ets2, PEA3 and ß-catenin/T-cell factors regulates osteopontin (OPN) that is implicated in colorectal cancer (CRC) dissemination. The consistency of OPN transcriptional control between primary CRC and metastases is unclear. This study investigates expression and prognostic significance of the OPN–TRC in primary human CRC and associated colorectal liver metastases (CRLM).

Methods: Osteopontin–TRC factors were assayed by digital microscopy in 38 primary CRCs and matched CRLM specimens and assessed against clinical prognosis.

Results: In primary CRC, OPN expression intensity correlated with that of its co-activators, PEA3 (r=0.600; P<0.01), Ets1 (r=0.552; P<0.01), Ets2 (r=0.521; P<0.01) and had prognostic significance. Osteopontin intensity in primary CRC inversely correlated with the interval between diagnosis and resection of CRLM. Overall OPN intensity was lower in CRLM than primary CRC and correlations with co-activators were weaker, for example, Ets1 (P=0.047), PEA3 (P=0.022) or nonsignificant (Ets2). The ratio of OPN expression in CRLM vs primary CRC had prognostic significance.

Conclusion: This study supports transcriptional control of OPN by known coregulators in both primary and secondary CRC. Weaker associations in CRLM suggest involvement of other unknown factors possibly from the liver microenvironment or resulting from additional genetic or epigenetic changes that drive tumour metastatic capability in OPN transcriptional control.


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Importance of the field: Tacrolimus is the most commonly used immunosuppressive agent following solid-organ transplantation in children. Its clinical use, however, is complicated by side effects (mainly nephrotoxicity), narrow therapeutic index and pharmacokinetic variability which can result in an increased risk of treatment failure or toxicity. Studies examining inter-individual differences in the expression of the ABCB1 (ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, member 1) gene (which encodes the drug transporter, P-gp) and its genetic polymorphisms have attempted to elucidate variations in tacrolimus response and disposition in children.


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An evaluation of the genetic diversity within Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke) may provide an insight into its potential to respond to environmental changes, such as anthelmintic use or climate change. In this study, we determined the mitochondrial DNA haplotypes of >400 flukes from 29 individual cattle, from 2 farms in the Netherlands, as an exemplar of fasciolosis in a European context. Analysis of this dataset has provided us with a measure of the genetic variation within infrapopulations (individual hosts) and the diversity between infrapopulations within a herd of cattle. Temporal sampling from one farm allowed for the measurement of the stability of genetic variation at a single location, whilst the comparison between the two farms provided information on the variation in relation to distance and previous anthelmintic regimes. We showed that the liver fluke population in this region is predominantly linked to 2 distinct clades. Individual infrapopulations contain a leptokurtic distribution of genetically diverse flukes. The haplotypes present on a farm have been shown to change significantly over a relatively short time-period.


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The effect of the active sulphoxide metabolite of the anthelmintic triclabendazole (TCBZ-SX, 15-50 mu g ml(-1)) on the incorporation of radioactively labelled [C-14] leucine by adult Fasciola hepatica tissue slices was measured by liquid scintillation counting. In addition, the ability of the microfilament-disrupting drug, cytochalasin B, and the microtubule-disrupting drug, tubulozole-C, to inhibit protein synthesis, was assessed by similar methods and compared with TCBZ-SX. The established protein synthesis inhibitors, cycloheximide and actinomycin D were used as positive controls. All the drugs showed a significant inhibition of protein synthesis, albeit to different extents; however, TCBZ-SX was the most potent, with no significant difference between its effect and that of cycloheximide or actinomycin D. Moreover, the concentration of TCBZ-SX, above 15 mu g ml(-1), had little further influence on incorporation of [C-14] leucine. This investigation demonstrates the inhibitory effect of TCBZ-SX, cytochalasin B and tubulozole-C on protein synthesis in F. hepatica and confirms the qualitative observations made in several previous ultrastructural studies.


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The liver fluke remains an economically significant parasite of livestock and is emerging as an important zoonotic infection of humans. The incidence of the disease has increased in the last few years, as a possible consequence of changes to the World's climate. Future predictions suggest that this trend is likely to continue. Allied to the changing pattern of disease, reports of resistance to triclabendazole (TCBZ) have appeared in the literature, although they do not all represent genuine cases of resistance. Nevertheless, any reports of resistance are a concern, because triclabendazole is the only drug that has high activity against the migratory and damaging juvenile stages of infection. How to deal with the twin problems (of increasing incidence and drug resistance) is the overall theme of the session on “Trematodes: Fasciola hepatica epidemiology and control” and of this review to introduce the session.

Greater knowledge of fluke epidemiology and population genetics will highlight those regions where surveillance is most required and indicate how quickly resistant populations of fluke may arise. Models of disease risk are becoming increasingly sophisticated and precise, with more refined data analysis programmes and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data. Recent improvements have been made in our understanding of the action of triclabendazole and the ways in which flukes have become resistant to it. While microtubules are the most likely target for drug action, tubulin mutations do not seem to be involved in the resistance mechanism. Rather, upregulation of drug uptake and metabolism processes appear to be more important and the data relating to them will be discussed. The information may help in the design of new treatment strategies or pinpoint potential molecular markers for monitoring fluke populations. Advances in the identification of novel targets for drugs and vaccines will be made by the various “-omics” technologies that are now being applied to Fasciola. A major area of concern in the current control of fasciolosis is the lack of reliable tests for the diagnosis of drug (TCBZ) resistance. This has led to inaccurate reports of resistance, which is hindering successful disease management, as farmers may be encouraged to switch to less effective drugs. Progress with the development of a number of new diagnostic tests will be reviewed.


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Opisthorchis viverrini is an important helminth pathogen of humans that is endemic in Thailand and Laos. Adult flukes reside within host bile ducts and feed on epithelial tissue and blood cells. Chronic opisthorchiasis is associated with severe hepatobiliary diseases such as cholangiocarcinoma. Here we report that adult O. viverrini secrete two major cysteine proteases: cathepsin F (Ov-CF-1) and cathepsin B1 (Ov-CB-1). Ov-CF-1 is secreted as an inactive zymogen that autocatalytically processes and activates to a mature enzyme at pH 4.5 via an intermolecular cleavage at the prosegment-mature domain junction. Ov-CB-1 is also secreted as a zymogen but, in contrast to Ov-CF-1, is fully active against peptide and macromolecular substrates despite retaining the N-terminal prosegment. The active Ov-CB-1 zymogen was capable of trans-activating Ov-CF-1 by proteolytic removal of its prosegment at pH 5.5, a pH at which the Ov-CF-1 zymogen cannot autocatalytically activate. Both cathepsins hydrolyse human haemoglobin but their combined action more efficiently degrades haemoglobin to smaller peptides than each enzyme alone. Ov-CF-1 degraded extracellular matrix proteins more effectively than Ov-CB-1 at physiological pH. We propose that Ov-CB-1 regulates Ov-CF-1 activity and that both enzymes work together to degrade host tissue contributing to the development of liver fluke-associated cholangiocarcinoma.


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An automated immunoassay for the detection of nicarbazin residues in poultry eggs and liver was developed. The assay was based on a novel all-in-one dry chemistry concept and time-resolved fluorometry. The analyte specific antibody was immobilized into a single microtiter well and covered with an insulation layer, on top of which the label was dried in a small volume. The extracted sample was added automatically to the dry microtiter well, and the result was available within 18 min. Due to the rapidity and simplicity, the quantitative immunoassay could also be used as a high throughput screening method. The analytical limit of detection for the assay was calculated as 0.1 ng mL(-1) (n = 12) and the functional limit of detection as 3.2 ng g(-1) for egg (n = 6) and 11.3 ng g(-1) for liver (n = 6) samples. The sample recovery varied from 97.3 to 115.6%. Typically, the intra-assay variations were less than 10%, and interassay variations ranged between 8.1 and 13.6%.


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A method is described for the quantitative confirmation of halofuginone (HFG) residues in chicken liver and eggs. This method is based on LC coupled to positive ion electrospray MS-MS of the tissue extracts, prepared by trypsin digestion of the tissues followed by liquid-liquid extraction and final clean-up using Solid Phase Extraction (SPE). The [M+H](+) ion at m/z 416 is monitored along with four transitions at m/z 398, 138, 120 and 100. The method has been validated according to the draft EU criteria for the analysis of veterinary drug residues at 15, 30 and 45 mug kg (-1) in liver and 5, 15 and 50 mug kg (-1) in eggs. The new analytical limits, CCalpha and CCbeta were calculated for liver and were 35.4 and 43.6 mug kg (-1), respectively. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.