944 resultados para Lineweaver-Burk plot


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Estimates of terrestrial biomass depend critically on reliable information about the specific gravity of the wood of forest trees. The study reported on here was carried out in the southern Peruvian Amazon and involved collection of wood samples from trees (70 spp.) in intact forest stands. Results demonstrate the high degree of variability in specific gravity (ovendry weight/green volume) in trees at single locations. Three forest types (swamp, high terrace forest with alluvial soil, and sandy-soil forest) had values close to the average reported for tropical forest woods (.69). Two early successional forest types, which make up as much as 12% of the total vegetated area in this part of the Amazon, had values significantly lower (.40). An increase in specific gravity with increasing age of the tree, which has been reported in some spe cies of tropical-forest woods, is seen in a positive relationship between specific gravity and di ameter for a species prevalent in one plot. Increases in specific gravity with tree and forest age may be significant in estimating changes in carbon stores over time.


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Gender ideologies in Cape Verde are shifting. Individuals find themselves caught between changing tides, pushed and pulled in opposite directions by divergent gendered expectations. The article examines the different ways in which young women and men take recourse to tactics in response to the tensions that arise as they deal with changing gender ascriptions in the midst of their relations with community and kin. Women, in particular, are unevenly affected by traditional demands and expectations whilst they cross the boundaries of traditional gender roles in their pursuit of enhanced education and more sexual freedom. Yet, their actions are not characterized by an outright rejection of traditional gender ideologies, but rather by piecemeal tactical manoeuvres to plot a route through the centrifugal forces at play. keywords


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This paper analyzes the safety, environmental and occupational health of workers in the small construction industry in Brazil. In this sector there are still many unsafe practices, which are very common in small work sites. We used a qualitative approach to understand these problems by long interviews with people who work directly in small construction sites, including occupational physicians, civil engineers, safety engineers, safety technicians, general foremen, construction workers, labor unionists and auditors. This paper aims to demonstrate that the "invisibility" of the small sites workers makes them less safe and therefore more prone to accidents, also weakening their health. The results show that small constructions workers are less visible to society and supervision because of their short periods of work. Therefore, they are also uncovered to the rigorous applicability of principles of safety and accident prevention. Thus, it has been seen in this field of work a precarious application of NR - 18, which was specifically made for the construction sites and it needs simplification to meet normative characteristics of small construction sites. In the State of Rio de Janeiro, some laws on small sites were recently created and implemented. This study concludes that the rules to work are not being taken as seriously as the legislation determinates, remaining practically unknown by many professionals, from the plot command, supervisors, engineers, architects and technicians who work on construction sites. This ignorance creates space for the lack of safety and consequently to accidents, leading to by weakness in the workers health. Therefore, the work process needs to be modified, the safety regulation must be disseminated through safer practices, promoting employee health and ensure that the work of small sites can be visible, especially ensuring the construction workers health and safety.


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Modeling clays have been used in several ecological experiments and have proved to be an important tool to variables control. The objective of our study was to determine if fruit color in isolated and grouped displays influences the fruit selection by birds in the field using artificial fruits. Data were collected in six plots distributed homogeneously in 3 km long trails with a minimum distance of 0.5 km. We used a paired experimental design to establish our experiments, so that all treatments were available to the local bird community in each plot. Overall, red was more pecked than brown and white. Isolated red and brown displays were significantly more pecked than others display. Even though our study was conducted in small spatial scales, artificial fruits appeared to be efficient in register fruit consumption attempts by bird. Although inconclusive about selective forces that sharp the dynamics of fruit color polymorphisms and choice by frugivorous birds, our findings corroborate recent studies wherein birds showed preferences by high- over low-contrast fruit signals.


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Natural regeneration and structure and their relationship to environmental variables were studied in three sections of a gallery forest, in Eastern Mato Grosso, Brazil (14º43′S and 52º21′W). The assumption was that natural regeneration is constrained by environmental determinants at all stages of development of the tree community. The objective was to analyse the forest structure and to verify the relationship between species distribution and abundance at different stages of regeneration and environmental variables. In each section, 47 contiguous (10x10m) permanent plots were established to sample trees (gbh≥15cm), following a systematic design. Seedlings (0.01 to 1m height), saplings (1.01 to 2m) and poles (from 2.01m height to gbh<15cm) were sampled in sub-plots of 1x1m, 2x2m and 5x5m, respectively. In each plot, soil properties, gaps projection, bamboos, rocky cover, declivity and depth of ground watertable were determined. The relationships between the environmental variables with trees and seedling communities were assessed by canonical correspondence analysis. In spite of the sections being near to each other, they presented large differences in floristics, structure and site conditions. The forest soil presented a low cation exchange capacity and a high level of Al saturation. The occurrence of bamboos and gaps and the depth of ground watertable limited the occurrence of poles and trees. The high degree of structural heterogeneity for each regeneration category was related primarily to a humidity gradient; but soil fertility (Ca+Mg) was also a determinant of seedling and sapling communities.


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ABSTRACT The analysis of changes in species composition and vegetation structure in chronosequences improves knowledge on the regeneration patterns following land abandonment in the Amazon. Here, the objective was to perform floristic-structural analysis in mature forests (with/without timber exploitation) and secondary successions (initial, intermediate and advanced vegetation regrowth) in the Tapajós region. The regrowth age and plot locations were determined using Landsat-5/Thematic Mapper images (1984-2012). For floristic analysis, we determined the sample sufficiency and the Shannon-Weaver (H'), Pielou evenness (J), Value of Importance (VI) and Fisher's alpha (α) indices. We applied the Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) for similarity ordination. For structural analysis, the diameter at the breast height (DBH), total tree height (Ht), basal area (BA) and the aboveground biomass (AGB) were obtained. We inspected the differences in floristic-structural attributes using Tukey and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. The results showed an increase in the H', J and α indices from initial regrowth to mature forests of the order of 47%, 33% and 91%, respectively. The advanced regrowth had more species in common with the intermediate stage than with the mature forest. Statistically significant differences between initial and intermediate stages (p<0.05) were observed for DBH, BA and Ht. The recovery of carbon stocks showed an AGB variation from 14.97 t ha-1 (initial regrowth) to 321.47 t ha-1 (mature forests). In addition to AGB, Ht was also important to discriminate the typologies.


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Las actividades agropecuarias ejercen diferentes presiones sobre los recursos naturales. Esto ha llevado, en algunas áreas, a un deterioro del suelo que provoca un impacto sobre la sustentabilidad en los sistemas agropecuarios. Para evaluar la degradación del suelo se han propuesto listas de indicadores, sin embargo, se carece de una herramienta metodológica robusta, adaptada a las condiciones edafoclimáticas regionales. Además, existe una demanda de productores e instituciones interesados en orientar acciones para preservar el suelo. El objetivo de este proyecto es evaluar la degradación física, química y biológica de los suelos en agroecosistemas del centro-sur de Córdoba. Por ello se propone desarrollar una herramienta metodológica que consiste en un set de indicadores físicos, químicos y biológicos, con valores umbrales, integrados en índices de degradación, que asistan a los agentes tomadores de decisiones y productores, en la toma de decisiones respecto de la degradación del suelo. El área de trabajo será una región agrícola del centro-sur de Córdoba con más de 100 años de agricultura. La metodología comienza con la caracterización del uso del territorio y sistemas de manejo, su clasificación y la obtención de mapas base de usos y manejos, mediante sensores remotos y encuestas. Se seleccionarán sitios de muestreo mediante una metodología semi-dirigida usando un SIG, asegurando un mínimo de un punto de muestreo por unidad de mapeo. Se elegirán sitios de referencia lo más cercano a una condición natural. Los indicadores a evaluar surgen de listas propuestas en trabajos previos del grupo, seleccionados en base a criterios internacionales y a adecuados a suelos de la región. Se usarán indicadores núcleo y complementarios. Para la obtención de umbrales, se usarán por un lado valores provenientes de la bibliografía y por otro, umbrales generados a partir de la distribución estadística del indicador en suelos de referencia. Para estandarizar cada indicador se definirá una función de transformación. Luego serán ponderarán mediante análisis estadísticos mulivariados e integrados en índices de degradación física, química y biológica, y un índice general de degradación. El abordaje concluirá con el desarrollo de dos instrumentos para la toma de decisiones: uno a escala regional, que consistirá en mapas de degradación en base a unidades cartográficas ambientales, de uso del territorio y de sistemas de manejo y otro a escala predial que informará sobre la degradación del suelo de un lote en particular, en comparación con suelos de referencia. Los actores interesados contarán con herramientas robustas para la toma de decisiones respecto de la degradación del suelo tanto a escala regional como local. Agricultural activities exert different pressures on natural resources. In some areas this has led to soil degradation and has an impact on agricultural sustainability. To assess soil degradation a robust methodological tool, adapted to regional soil and climatic conditions, is lacking. In addition, there is a demand from farmers and institutions interested in direct actions to preserve the soil. The objective of this project is to assess physical, chemical and biological soil degradation in agroecosystems of Córdoba. We propose to develop a tool that consists of a set of physical, chemical and biological indicators, with threshold values, integrated in soil degradation indices. The study area is a region with more than 100 years of agriculture. The methodology begins with the characterization of land use and management systems and the obtaining of base maps by means of remote sensing and survey. Sampling sites will be selected through a semi-directed methodology using GIS, ensuring at least one sampling point by mapping unit. Reference sites will be chosen as close to a natural condition. The proposed indicators emerge from previous works of the group, selected based on international standards and appropriate for the local soils. To obtain the thresholds, we will use, by one side, values from the literature, and by the other, values generated from the statistical distribution of the indicator in the reference soils. To standardize indicators transformation functions will be defined. Indicators will be weighted by mans of multivariate analysis and integrated in soil degradation indices. The approach concluded with the development of two instruments for decision making: a regional scale one, consisting in degradation maps based on environmental, land use and management systems mapping units; and an instrument at a plot level which will report on soil degradation of a particular plot compared to reference soils.


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The age, growth, maturity and population dynamics of lemon sole (Microstomus kitt), captured off the west coast of Ireland (ICES division Vllb), were determined for the period November 2000 to February 2002. The maximum age recorded was 14 years. Males of the population were dominated by 4 year olds, while females were dominated by 5 year olds. Females dominated the sex ratio in the overall sample, each month sampled, at each age and from 22cm in total length onwards (when N > 20). Possible reasons for the dominance of females in the sex ratio are discussed. Three models were used to obtain the parameters of the von Bertalanfly growth equation. These were the Ford-Walford plot (Beverton and Holt 1957), the Gulland and Holt plot (1959) and the Rafail (1973) method. Results of the fitted von Bertalanffy growth curves showed that female lemon sole o f f the west coast of Ireland grew faster than males and attained a greater size. Male and female lemon sole mature from 2 years of age onwards. There is evidence in the population o f a smaller asymptotic length (L«, = 34.47cm), faster growth rate (K = 0.1955) and younger age at first maturity, all of which are indicative o f a decrease in population size, when present results are compared to data collected in the same area 22 years earlier. Results of the yield per recruit curve indicate that lemon sole are currently being over-fished o f f the west coast of Ireland. Problems of selectivity within the sampling method, particularly at the discarding stage, may have influenced the outcome of results of the models used in the assessment of this stock. Therefore, additional/future work on this species should include catch data which incorporates discards and not landings data alone.


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Aughinish Alumina Limited (AAL) have an obligation by terms of their Integrated Pollution Control Licence (IPCL) and Planning Permission to establish vegetation on the red mud stack at their plant at Aughinish, Co. Limerick. High pH and high exchangeable sodium percentage are the main known factors limiting the establishment of vegetation on red mud. Gypsum addition has been known to assist in alleviating these problems in other countries. However, there is no experience or published information on red mud rehabilitation under Irish conditions. Red mud with organic and inorganic waste-derived ameliorants as well as selected grassland species were examined under laboratory controlled environment conditions as well as in field plot trials. Also, in order that it would be economically achievable, the research utilised locally available waste products as the organic amendments. Screening trials found that physical constraints severely limit plant germination and growth in red mud. Gypsum addition effectively lowers pH, exchangeable sodium percentage and the availability of A1 and Fe in the mud. A strong relationship between pH, ESP and A1 levels was also found. Gypsum addition increased germination percentages and plant growth for all species investigated. Greenhouse trials demonstrated that organic wastes alone did not greatly improve conditions for plant growth but when used in conjunction with gypsum plant performances for all species investigated was significantly increased. There was a high mortality rate for grasses in non-gypsum treatments. An emerging trend of preferential iron uptake and calcium deficiency in non-gypsum treatments was found at pot screening stage. Species also displayed manganese and magnesium deficiencies.


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FUNDAMENTO: Obesidade promove alterações na modulação autonômica cardíaca. OBJETIVO: Investigar a modulação autonômica de crianças obesas e eutróficas por meio de índices de variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) obtidos por métodos geométricos. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados dados de 133 crianças, com idade entre 8 e 13 anos, divididas em dois grupos: obeso (n = 61) e eutrófico (n = 72), segundo o índice de massa corporal para sexo e idade. Para a análise da VFC, a frequência cardíaca foi captada batimento-a-batimento. Os intervalos RR obtidos foram convertidos em figuras geométricas e, a partir delas, foram calculados o índice triangular (RRtri), interpolação triangular dos intervalos RR (TINN), os índices SD1, SD2 e relação SD1/SD2, obtidos do plot de Poincaré. Análise visual do plot foi também realizada. Realizaram-se o teste t de Student para dados não pareados e o teste de Mann-Whitney, com nível de significância de 5,0%, para análise dos dados. RESULTADOS: Em crianças obesas, foram observadas reduções dos índices RRtri (0,0730 vs 0,1084 [mediana]), TINN (171,80 ± 55,08 vs 218,26 ± 51,12), SD1 (19,93 ± 9,10 vs 24,10 ± 8,03) e SD2 (51,63 ± 16,53 vs 69,78 ± 17,19). A relação SD1/SD2 não apresentou diferenças significantes (0,3781 ± 0,12 vs 0,3467 ± 0,08). A análise visual do plot, em crianças obesas, mostrou menor dispersão dos intervalos RR tanto batimento-a-batimento, como a longo prazo, indicando menor VFC. CONCLUSÃO: Crianças obesas apresentaram modificações no sistema nervoso autônomo, caracterizadas por reduções na atividade parassimpática e na variabilidade global.


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Não existe consenso sobre a estratégia nutricional mais adequada para tratar a Síndrome Metabólica (SM), de tal forma que ocorra redução do risco cardiovascular. O presente estudo foi desenhado para avaliar a força de evidência dos benefícios de diferentes intervenções nutricionais na remissão da SM. A busca virtual foi realizada nas bases de dados Medline, Cochrane Library e PubMed, de ensaios clínicos randomizados publicados no período entre 1999 a 2009, em qualquer língua, em indivíduos com 18 anos ou mais e diagnóstico de SM, independente do critério. O operador booleano and foi utilizado na combinação dos MeSH terms "Metabolic Syndrome", "Síndrome x Metabólica" e "Metabolic Syndrome X"; dos entry terms "Dysmetabolic Syndrome X", Metabolic Cardiovascular Syndrome", "Metabolic X Syndrome", "Syndrome X, Metabolic" adicionados dos termos "diet", "intervention and diet", "treatment and diet" e "supplementation". Para cada estudo incluído na revisão foi estimada a Prevalência de SM e o Cálculo da Eficácia após o período de seguimento. Medidas de risco relativo para cada estudo foram descritas pelo Forest Plot. Foram identificados 131 artigos, os quais após critérios de elegibilidade resultaram em 15 estudos. Estes foram separados em quatro grupos: dieta normocalórica associada a exercícios; dieta normocalórica isolada; dieta hipocalórica associada a exercícios; e dieta hipocalórica isolada. Os ensaios com dieta hipocalórica associada à prática de exercícios apresentaram valores mais elevados de eficácia, colaborando para ressaltar os aspectos globais da mudança do estilo de vida no tratamento da SM, onde a alimentação saudável e reduzida em calorias deve ser complementada com a prática de atividade física.


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FUNDAMENTO: A variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) é um importante indicador da modulação autonômica da função cardiovascular. A diabetes pode alterar a modulação autonômica danificando as entradas aferentes, dessa forma aumentando o risco de doenças cardiovasculares. Foram aplicados métodos analíticos não lineares para identificar os parâmetros associados com VFC indicativos de alterações na modulação autonômica da função cardíaca em pacientes diabéticos. OBJETIVO: Analisamos as diferenças nos padrões da VFC entre pacientes diabéticos e controles saudáveis pareados por idade, utilizando métodos não-lineares. MÉTODOS: Plot de Poincaré Lagged, autocorrelação e análise de flutuação destendenciada foram aplicados para analisar a VFC em registros de eletrocardiograma (ECG). RESULTADOS: A análise do gráfico de Poincaré lagged revelou alterações significativas em alguns parâmetros, sugestivas de diminuição da modulação parassimpática. O expoente de flutuação destendencionada derivado de um ajuste em longo prazo foi maior que o expoente em curto prazo na população diabética, o que também foi consistente com a diminuição do input parassimpático. A função de autocorrelação do desvio dos intervalos inter-batimento exibiu um padrão altamente correlacionado no grupo de diabéticos em comparação com o grupo controle. CONCLUSÃO: O padrão de VFC difere significativamente entre pacientes diabéticos e indivíduos saudáveis. Os três métodos estatísticos utilizados no estudo podem ser úteis para detectar o início e a extensão da neuropatia autonômica em pacientes diabéticos.


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Spiral wave,feedback mechanism, photosensitive BZ reaction, excitable media, drift vetor field plot, planewave approximation, BZ, nonlinear


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Abstract Background: Smoking consumption alters cardiac autonomic function. Objective: Assess the influence of the intensity of smoking and the nicotine dependence degree in cardiac autonomic modulation evaluated through index of heart rate variability (HRV). Methods: 83 smokers, of both genders, between 50 and 70 years of age and with normal lung function were divided according to the intensity of smoking consumption (moderate and severe) and the nicotine dependency degree (mild, moderate and severe). The indexes of HRV were analyzed in rest condition, in linear methods in the time domain (TD), the frequency domain (FD) and through the Poincaré plot. For the comparison of smoking consumption, unpaired t test or Mann-Whitney was employed. For the analysis between the nicotine dependency degrees, we used the One-way ANOVA test, followed by Tukey's post test or Kruskal-Wallis followed by Dunn's test. The significance level was p < 0,05. Results: Differences were only found when compared to the different intensities of smoking consumption in the indexes in the FD. LFun (62.89 ± 15.24 vs 75.45 ± 10.28), which corresponds to low frequency spectrum component in normalized units; HFun (37.11 ± 15.24 vs 24.55 ± 10.28), which corresponds to high frequency spectrum component in normalized units and in the LF/HF ratio (2.21 ± 1.47 vs 4.07 ± 2.94). However, in the evaluation of nicotine dependency, significant differences were not observed (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Only the intensity of smoking consumption had an influence over the cardiac autonomic modulation of the assessed tobacco smokers. Tobacco smokers with severe intensity of smoking consumption presented a lower autonomic modulation than those with moderate intensity.


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This paper deals with the results of a pot and plot experiment which was carried out to determine the influence of sulphur and boron and the effect seed inoculation with Rhizobium meliloti in the yield of alfafa. Sulphur was applied as flower of sulphur at the rates of 1,000 and 2,000 kg por hectare; boron was employed in the proportion of 15 kg of borax per hectare; both sulphur and boron were distributed broadcast before planting; the experimental design chosen for the field trial was a latin square of 6 x 6 with the following treatments: Number Treatment 1 Control 2 One dosis S + inoculation 3 Two dosis S +inoculation 4 One dosis S + B + inoculation 5 B + inoculation 6 inoculation The crop supplied four cuttings in an eleven months period. The pot experiment nearly confirmed the plot one. The following conclusions can be drawn: 1. The classification of treatments in a decrescent order was: l.o - two doses S + inoculation; 2.o - one dosis S +inoculation, S + B + inoculation, and B + inoculation (these treatmente were not statistically different); 3.o - control; 4.o - inoculation; 2 The vield due to the treatment two dosis S + inoculation was 22 per cent higher than the control one, a fact that suggests that the S supply in the soil studied ("terra roxa misturada") is not sufficient for the total requirements of alfafa; 3. From an economical point of view the best treatment was: one dosis B + inoculation which permits a net gain of Cr$ 12.527,30 per hectare per year; 4. Based on the mentioned results we recommend in soils of same type the following fertilization for alfafa. 5 tons limestone/hectare 300 kg serranafosfato and 600 kg hiperfosfato/ha 300 kg muriate of potash/ha 15 kg borax/ha and a medium organic manuring if the soil is very poor in organic matter.