981 resultados para Linear variable filters


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Rayleigh–Stokes problems have in recent years received much attention due to their importance in physics. In this article, we focus on the variable-order Rayleigh–Stokes problem for a heated generalized second grade fluid with fractional derivative. Implicit and explicit numerical methods are developed to solve the problem. The convergence, stability of the numerical methods and solvability of the implicit numerical method are discussed via Fourier analysis. Moreover, a numerical example is given and the results support the effectiveness of the theoretical analysis.


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Fractional reaction–subdiffusion equations are widely used in recent years to simulate physical phenomena. In this paper, we consider a variable-order nonlinear reaction–subdiffusion equation. A numerical approximation method is proposed to solve the equation. Its convergence and stability are analyzed by Fourier analysis. By means of the technique for improving temporal accuracy, we also propose an improved numerical approximation. Finally, the effectiveness of the theoretical results is demonstrated by numerical examples.


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Introduction: There is a recognised relationship between dry weather conditions and increased risk of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. Previous studies have identified 28 day evaporation as an important weather-based predictor of non-contact ACL injuries in professional Australian Football League matches. The mechanism of non-contact injury to the ACL is believed to increased traction and impact forces between footwear and playing surface. Ground hardness and the amount and quality of grass are factors that would most likely influence this and are inturn, related to the soil moisture content and prevailing weather conditions. This paper explores the relationship between soil moisture content, preceding weather conditions and the Clegg Soil Impact Test (CSIT) which is an internationally recognised standard measure of ground hardness for sports fields. Methodology: The 2.25 kg Clegg Soil Impact Test and a pair of 12 cm soil moisture probes were used to measure ground hardness and percentage moisture content. Five football fields were surveyed at 13 prescribed sites just before seven football matches from October 2008 to January 2009 (an FC Women’s WLeague team). Weather conditions recorded at the nearest weather station were obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology website and total rainfall less evaporation was calculated for 7 and 28 days prior to each match. All non-contact injuries occurring during match play and their location on the field were recorded. Results/conclusions: Ground hardness varied between CSIT 5 and 17 (x10G) (8 is considered a good value for sports fields). Variations within fields were typically greatest in the centre and goal areas. Soil moisture ranged from 3 to 40% with some fields requiring twice the moisture content of others to maintain similar CSIT values. There was a non-linear, negative relationship for ground hardness versus moisture content and a linear relationship with weather (R2, of 0.30 and 0.34, respectively). Three non-contact ACL injuries occurred during the season. Two of these were associated with hard and variable ground conditions.


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This document provides data for the case study presented in our recent earthwork planning papers. Some results are also provided in a graphical format using Excel.


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Research indicates that empathy, a quality regarded as fundamentally important to nursing practice, is a teachable skill. Because empathic nurse-patient relationships are particularly important in the care of the terminally ill, this has direct relevance to the professional development of palliative care nurses. This article discusses the place of empathy as a criterion variable in the evaluation of a professional development program for palliative care nurses introduced at the Centre for Mental Health Nursing Research at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. A modified version of the Staff-Patient Interaction Response Scale (SPIRS) was used as a pre- and postintervention measure to assess the expressed empathy of the participating nurses. The modifications to SPIR and its coding system to make it suitable for palliative care nursing, and the mechanisms for improving and evaluating the reliability of this instrument will be discussed. The full description of this particular modification of SPIRS for palliative care research is provided as an example of how this instrument could be used in projects for which nurses undertake the difficult task of providing compassionate care to the terminally ill.


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A switch-mode assisted linear amplifier (SMALA) combining a linear (Class B) and a switch-mode (Class D) amplifier is presented. The usual single hysteretic controlled half-bridge current dumping stage is replaced by two parallel buck converter stages, in a parallel voltage controlled topology. These operate independently: one buck converter sources current to assist the upper Class B output device, and a complementary converter sinks current to assist the lower device. This topology lends itself to a novel control approach of a dead-band at low power levels where neither class D amplifier assists, allowing the class B amplifier to supply the load without interference, ensuring high fidelity. A 20 W implementation demonstrates 85% efficiency, with distortion below 0.08% measured across the full audio bandwidth at 15 W. The class D amplifier begins assisting at 2 W, and below this value, the distortion was below 0.03%. Complete circuitry is given, showing the simplicity of the additional class D amplifier and its corresponding control circuitry.


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Aerosol mass spectrometers (AMS) are powerful tools in the analysis of the chemical composition of airborne particles, particularly organic aerosols which are gaining increasing attention. However, the advantages of AMS in providing on-line data can be outweighed by the difficulties involved in its use in field measurements at multiple sites. In contrast to the on-line measurement by AMS, a method which involves sample collection on filters followed by subsequent analysis by AMS could significantly broaden the scope of AMS application. We report the application of such an approach to field studies at multiple sites. An AMS was deployed at 5 urban schools to determine the sources of the organic aerosols at the schools directly. PM1 aerosols were also collected on filters at these and 20 other urban schools. The filters were extracted with water and the extract run through a nebulizer to generate the aerosols, which were analysed by an AMS. The mass spectra from the samples collected on filters at the 5 schools were found to have excellent correlations with those obtained directly by AMS, with r2 ranging from 0.89 to 0.98. Filter recoveries varied between the schools from 40 -115%, possibly indicating that this method provides qualitative rather than quantitative information. The stability of the organic aerosols on Teflon filters was demonstrated by analysing samples stored for up to two years. Application of the procedure to the remaining 20 schools showed that secondary organic aerosols were the main source of aerosols at the majority of the schools. Overall, this procedure provides accurate representation of the mass spectra of ambient organic aerosols and could facilitate rapid data acquisition at multiple sites where AMS could not be deployed for logistical reasons.


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This study presents a disturbance attenuation controller for horizontal position stabilisation for hover and automatic landings of a rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicle (RUAV) operating close to the landing deck in rough seas. Based on a helicopter model representing aerodynamics during the landing phase, a non-linear state feedback H∞ controller is designed to achieve rapid horizontal position tracking in a gusty environment. Practical constraints including flapping dynamics, servo dynamics and time lag effect are considered. A high-fidelity closed-loop simulation using parameters of the Vario XLC gas-turbine helicopter verifies performance of the proposed horizontal position controller. The proposed controller not only increases the disturbance attenuation capability of the RUAV, but also enables rapid position response when gusts occur. Comparative studies show that the H∞ controller exhibits performance improvement and can be applied to ship/RUAV landing systems.


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The problem of estimating pseudobearing rate information of an airborne target based on measurements from a vision sensor is considered. Novel image speed and heading angle estimators are presented that exploit image morphology, hidden Markov model (HMM) filtering, and relative entropy rate (RER) concepts to allow pseudobearing rate information to be determined before (or whilst) the target track is being estimated from vision information.


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Postnatal depression (PND) is a significant global health issue, which not only impacts maternal wellbeing, but also infant development and family structures. Mental health disorders represent approximately 14% of global burden of disease and disability, including low and middle-income countries (LMIC), and PND has direct relevance to the Millennium Development Goals of reducing child mortality, improving maternal health, and creating global partnerships (United Nations, 2012; Guiseppe, Becker & Farmer, 2011). Emerging evidence suggests that PND in LMIC is similar to, or higher than in high-income countries (HIC), however, less than 10% of LMIC have prevalence data available (Fisher, Cabral de Mello, & Izutsu 2009; Lund et al., 2011). Whilst a small number of studies on maternal mental disorders have been published in Vietnam, only one specifically focuses on PND in a hospital-based sample. Also, community based mental health studies and information on mental health in rural areas of Vietnam is still scarce. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of PND, and its associated social determinants in postnatal women in Thua Thien Hue Province, Central Vietnam. In order to identify social determinants relevant to the Central Vietnamese context, two qualitative studies and one community survey were undertaken. Associations between maternal mental health and infant health outcomes were also explored. The study was comprised of three phases. Firstly, iterative, qualitative interviews with Vietnamese health professionals (n = 17) and postpartum women (n = 15) were conducted and analysed using Kleinman's theory of explanatory models to identify narratives surrounding PND in the Vietnamese context (Kleinman, 1978). Secondly, a participatory concept mapping exercise was undertaken with two groups of health professionals (n = 12) to explore perceived risk and protective factors for postnatal mental health. Qualitative phases of the research elucidated narratives surrounding maternal mental health in the Vietnamese context such as son preference, use of traditional medicines, and the popularity of confinement practices such as having one to three months of complete rest. The qualitative research also revealed the construct of depression was not widely recognised. Rather, postpartum changes in mood were conceptualised as a loss of 'vital strength' following childbirth or 'disappointment'. Most women managed postpartum changes in mood within the family although some sought help from traditional medicine practitioners or biomedical doctors. Thirdly, a cross-sectional study of twelve randomly selected communes (six urban, six rural) in Thua Thien Hue Province was then conducted. Overall, 465 women with infants between 4 weeks and six months old participated, and 431 questionnaires were analysed. Women from urban (n = 216) and rural (n = 215) areas participated. All eligible women completed a structured interview about their health, basic demographics, and social circumstances. Maternal depression was measured using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) as a continuous variable. Multivariate generalised linear regression was conducted using PASW Statistics version 18.0 (2009). When using the conventional EPDS threshold for probable depression (EPDS score ~ 13) 18.1% (n = 78) of women were depressed (Gibson, McKenzie-McHarg, Shakespeare, Price & Gray, 2009). Interestingly, 20.4% of urban women (n = 44) had EPDS scores~ 13, which was a higher proportion than rural women, where 15.8% (n = 34) had EPDS scores ~ 13, although this difference was not statistically significant: t(429) = -0.689, p = 0.491. Whilst qualitative narratives identified infant gender and family composition, and traditional confinement practices as relevant to postnatal mood, these were not statistically significant in multivariate analysis. Rather, poverty, food security, being frightened of your husband or family members, experiences of intimate partner violence and breastfeeding difficulties had strong statistical associations. PND was also associated with having an infant with diarrhoea in the past two weeks, but not infant malnutrition or acute respiratory infections. This study is the first to explore maternal mental health in Central Vietnam, and provides further evidence that PND is a universally experienced phenomenon. The independent social risk factors of depressive symptoms identified such as poverty, food insecurity, experiences of violence and powerlessness, and relationship adversity points to women in a context of social suffering which is relevant throughout the world (Kleinman, Das & Lock, 1997). The culturally specific risk factors explored such as infant gender were not statistically significant when included in a multivariable model. However, they feature prominently in qualitative narratives surrounding PND in Vietnam, both in this study and previous literature. It appears that whilst infant gender may not be associated with PND per se, the reactions of close relatives to the gender of the baby can adversely affect maternal wellbeing. This study used a community based participatory research approach (CBPR) (Israel.2005). This approach encourages the knowledge produced to be used for public health interventions and workforce training in the community in which the research was conducted, and such work has commenced. These results suggest that packages of interventions for LMIC devised to address maternal mental health and infant wellbeing could be applied in Central Vietnam. Such interventions could include training lay workers to follow up postpartum women, and incorporating mental health screening and referral into primary maternal and child health care (Pate! et al., 2011; Rahman, Malik, Sikander & Roberts, 2008). Addressing the underlying social determinants of PND through poverty reduction and violence elimination programs is also recommended.


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A Switch-Mode Assisted Linear Amplifier (SMALA) combines the high quality of a linear amplifier required for audio applications with the high efficiency of a switch-mode amplifier. The careful choice of current sense point and switch placement allows a simple non-isolated hysteresis current controller for the switch-mode section. This paper explains the extension of the hysteresis current controller for the control of a three level Neutral Point Clamped (NPC) converter, with simulations as proof of concept. The NPC topology allows the use of lower voltage switches and lower switching frequencies to implement high power audio amplifiers using the SMALA topology.


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The inconsistent findings of past board diversity research demand a test of competing linear and curvilinear diversity–performance predictions. This research focuses on board age and gender diversity, and presents a positive linear prediction based on resource dependence theory, a negative linear prediction based on social identity theory, and an inverted U-shaped curvilinear prediction based on the integration of resource dependence theory with social identity theory. The predictions were tested using archival data on 288 large organizations listed on the Australian Securities Exchange, with a 1-year time lag between diversity (age and gender) and performance (employee productivity and return on assets). The results indicate a positive linear relationship between gender diversity and employee productivity, a negative linear relationship between age diversity and return on assets, and an inverted U-shaped curvilinear relationship between age diversity and return on assets. The findings provide additional evidence on the business case for board gender diversity and refine the business case for board age diversity.


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The mean action time is the mean of a probability density function that can be interpreted as a critical time, which is a finite estimate of the time taken for the transient solution of a reaction-diffusion equation to effectively reach steady state. For high-variance distributions, the mean action time under-approximates the critical time since it neglects to account for the spread about the mean. We can improve our estimate of the critical time by calculating the higher moments of the probability density function, called the moments of action, which provide additional information regarding the spread about the mean. Existing methods for calculating the nth moment of action require the solution of n nonhomogeneous boundary value problems which can be difficult and tedious to solve exactly. Here we present a simplified approach using Laplace transforms which allows us to calculate the nth moment of action without solving this family of boundary value problems and also without solving for the transient solution of the underlying reaction-diffusion problem. We demonstrate the generality of our method by calculating exact expressions for the moments of action for three problems from the biophysics literature. While the first problem we consider can be solved using existing methods, the second problem, which is readily solved using our approach, is intractable using previous techniques. The third problem illustrates how the Laplace transform approach can be used to study coupled linear reaction-diffusion equations.


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Background: Critical care units are designed and resourced to save lives, yet the provision of end-of-life care is a significant component of nursing work in these settings. Limited research has investigated the actual practices of critical care nurses in the provision of end-of-life care, or the factors influencing these practices. To improve the care that patients at the end of life and their families receive, and to support nurses in the provision of this care, further research is needed. The purpose of this study was to identify critical care nurses' end-of-life care practices, the factors influencing the provision of end-of-life care and the factors associated with specific end-of-life care practices. Methods: A three-phase exploratory sequential mixed-methods design was utilised. Phase one used a qualitative approach involving interviews with a convenience sample of five intensive care nurses to identify their end-of-life care experiences and practices. In phase two, an online survey instrument was developed, based on a review of the literature and the findings of phase one. The survey instrument was reviewed by six content experts and pilot tested with a convenience sample of 28 critical care nurses (response rate 45%) enrolled in a postgraduate critical care nursing subject. The refined survey instrument was used in phase three of this study to conduct a national survey of critical care nurses. Descriptive analyses, exploratory factor analysis and univariate general linear modelling was undertaken on completed survey responses from 392 critical care nurses (response rate 25%). Results: Six end-of-life care practice areas were identified in this study: information sharing, environmental modification, emotional support, patient and family-centred decision making, symptom management and spiritual support. The items most frequently identified as always undertaken by critical care nurses in the provision of end-of-life care were from the information sharing and environmental modification practice areas. Items least frequently identified as always undertaken included items from the emotional support practice area. Eight factors influencing the provision of end-of-life care were identified: palliative values, patient and family preferences, knowledge, preparedness, organisational culture, resources, care planning, and emotional support for nurses. Strong agreement was noted with items reflecting values consistent with a palliative approach and inclusion of patient and family preferences. Variation was noted in agreement for items regarding opportunities for knowledge acquisition in the workplace and formal education, yet most respondents agreed that they felt adequately prepared. A context of nurse-led practice was identified, with variation in access to resources noted. Collegial support networks were identified as a source of emotional support for critical care nurses. Critical care nurses reporting values consistent with a palliative approach and/or those who scored higher on support for patient and family preferences were more likely to be engaged in end-of-life care practice areas identified in this study. Nurses who reported higher levels of preparedness and access to opportunities for knowledge acquisition were more likely to report engaging in interpersonal practices that supported patient and family centred decision making and emotional support of patients and their families. A negative relationship was identified between the explanatory variables of emotional support for nurses and death anxiety, and the patient and family centred decision making practice area. Contextual factors had a limited influence as explanatory variables of specific end-of-life care practice areas. Gender was identified as a significant explanatory variable in the emotional and spiritual support practice areas, with male gender associated with lower summated scores on these practice scales. Conclusions: Critical care nurses engage in practices to share control with and support inclusion of families experiencing death and dying. The most frequently identified end-of-life care practices were those that are easily implemented, practical strategies aimed at supporting the patient at the end of life and the patient's family. These practices arguably require less emotional engagement by the nurse. Critical care nurses' responses reflected values consistent with a palliative approach and a strong commitment to the inclusion of families in end-of-life care, and these factors were associated with engagement in all end-of-life care practice areas. Perceived preparedness or confidence with the provision of end-of-life care was associated with engagement in interpersonal caring practices. Critical care nurses autonomously engage in the provision of end-of-life care within the constraints of an environment designed for curative care and rely on their colleagues for emotional support. Critical care nurses must be adequately prepared and supported to provide comprehensive care in all areas of end-of-life care practice. The findings of this study raise important implications, and informed recommendations for practice, education and further research.


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Earthwork planning has been considered in this article and a generic block partitioning and modelling approach has been devised to provide strategic plans of various levels of detail. Conceptually this approach is more accurate and comprehensive than others, for instance those that are section based. In response to environmental concerns the metric for decision making was fuel consumption and emissions. Haulage distance and gradient are also included as they are important components of these metrics. Advantageously the fuel consumption metric is generic and captures the physical difficulties of travelling over inclines of different gradients, that is consistent across all hauling vehicles. For validation, the proposed models and techniques have been applied to a real world road project. The numerical investigations have demonstrated that the models can be solved with relatively little CPU time. The proposed block models also result in solutions of superior quality, i.e. they have reduced fuel consumption and cost. Furthermore the plans differ considerably from those based solely upon a distance based metric thus demonstrating a need for industry to reflect upon their current practices.