997 resultados para Line graph


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A pairwise independent network (PIN) model consists of pairwise secret keys (SKs) distributed among m terminals. The goal is to generate, through public communication among the terminals, a group SK that is information-theoretically secure from an eavesdropper. In this paper, we study the Harary graph PIN model, which has useful fault-tolerant properties. We derive the exact SK capacity for a regular Harary graph PIN model. Lower and upper bounds on the fault-tolerant SK capacity of the Harary graph PIN model are also derived.


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Entropy is a fundamental thermodynamic property that has attracted a wide attention across domains, including chemistry. Inference of entropy of chemical compounds using various approaches has been a widely studied topic. However, many aspects of entropy in chemical compounds remain unexplained. In the present work, we propose two new information-theoretical molecular descriptors for the prediction of gas phase thermal entropy of organic compounds. The descriptors reflect the bulk and size of the compounds as well as the gross topological symmetry in their structures, all of which are believed to determine entropy. A high correlation () between the entropy values and our information-theoretical indices have been found and the predicted entropy values, obtained from the corresponding statistically significant regression model, have been found to be within acceptable approximation. We provide additional mathematical result in the form of a theorem and proof that might further help in assessing changes in gas phase thermal entropy values with the changes in molecular structures. The proposed information-theoretical molecular descriptors, regression model and the mathematical result are expected to augment predictions of gas phase thermal entropy for a large number of chemical compounds.


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In this work, interference alignment for a class of Gaussian interference networks with general message demands, having line of sight (LOS) channels, at finite powers is considered. We assume that each transmitter has one independent message to be transmitted and the propagation delays are uniformly distributed between 0 and (L - 1) (L >; 0). If receiver-j, j ∈{1,2,..., J}, requires the message of transmitter-i, i ∈ {1, 2, ..., K}, we say (i, j) belongs to a connection. A class of interference networks called the symmetrically connected interference network is defined as a network where, the number of connections required at each transmitter-i is equal to ct for all i and the number of connections required at each receiver-j is equal to cr for all j, for some fixed positive integers ct and cr. For such networks with a LOS channel between every transmitter and every receiver, we show that an expected sum-spectral efficiency (in bits/sec/Hz) of at least K/(e+c1-1)(ct+1) (ct/ct+1)ct log2 (1+min(i, j)∈c|hi, j|2 P/WN0) can be achieved as the number of transmitters and receivers tend to infinity, i.e., K, J →∞ where, C denotes the set of all connections, hij is the channel gain between transmitter-i and receiver-j, P is the average power constraint at each transmitter, W is the bandwidth and N0 W is the variance of Gaussian noise at each receiver. This means that, for an LOS symmetrically connected interference network, at any finite power, the total spectral efficiency can grow linearly with K as K, J →∞. This is achieved by extending the time domain interference alignment scheme proposed by Grokop et al. for the k-user Gaussian interference channel to interference networks.


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We use information theoretic achievable rate formulas for the multi-relay channel to study the problem of optimal placement of relay nodes along the straight line joining a source node and a destination node. The achievable rate formulas that we utilize are for full-duplex radios at the relays and decode-and-forward relaying. For the single relay case, and individual power constraints at the source node and the relay node, we provide explicit formulas for the optimal relay location and the optimal power allocation to the source-relay channel, for the exponential and the power-law path-loss channel models. For the multiple relay case, we consider exponential path-loss and a total power constraint over the source and the relays, and derive an optimization problem, the solution of which provides the optimal relay locations. Numerical results suggest that at low attenuation the relays are mostly clustered close to the source in order to be able to cooperate among themselves, whereas at high attenuation they are uniformly placed and work as repeaters. We also prove that a constant rate independent of the attenuation in the network can be achieved by placing a large enough number of relay nodes uniformly between the source and the destination, under the exponential path-loss model with total power constraint.


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Analysis of a microstrip line with a symmetrically located aperture in its ground plane is reported in this paper. The solution is based on conformal mapping technique. Conformal mapping has been used to determine the characteristic impedance and effective permittivity of the line. The accuracy of results is within 5% error. An low pass filter has been designed based on the electrical parameters obtained using the proposed method.


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We study the onset of the neutron drip in high-density matter in the presence of a magnetic field. It has been found that, for systems having only protons and electrons, in the presence of a magnetic field greater than or similar to 10(15) G, neutronization occurs at a density that is at least an order of magnitude higher compared to that in a nonmagnetic system. In a system with heavier ions, the effect of the magnetic field, however, starts arising at a much higher field, greater than or similar to 10(17) G. These results may have important implications for high-magnetic-field neutron stars and white dwarfs and, in general, in nuclear astrophysics when the system is embedded within a strong magnetic field.


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Precise pointer analysis is a problem of interest to both the compiler and the program verification community. Flow-sensitivity is an important dimension of pointer analysis that affects the precision of the final result computed. Scaling flow-sensitive pointer analysis to millions of lines of code is a major challenge. Recently, staged flow-sensitive pointer analysis has been proposed, which exploits a sparse representation of program code created by staged analysis. In this paper we formulate the staged flow-sensitive pointer analysis as a graph-rewriting problem. Graph-rewriting has already been used for flow-insensitive analysis. However, formulating flow-sensitive pointer analysis as a graph-rewriting problem adds additional challenges due to the nature of flow-sensitivity. We implement our parallel algorithm using Intel Threading Building Blocks and demonstrate considerable scaling (upto 2.6x) for 8 threads on a set of 10 benchmarks. Compared to the sequential implementation of staged flow-sensitive analysis, a single threaded execution of our implementation performs better in 8 of the benchmarks.


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It is well known that graphene, by virtue of its pi-cloud delocalization, has a continuum of electronic energy states and thus behaves nearly like a metal. Instances involving quenching of electronic energy excitation in fluorophores placed in the proximity of graphene sheets are well documented. In this paper, we perform theoretical investigations on the broadening of vibrational and electronic transitions in the vicinity of graphene. We find that for CO vibrations in the vicinity of undoped graphene, the broadening at a distance of 5 angstrom is similar to 0.008 cm(-1)((kappa) over tilde = 2, (kappa) over tilde being the effective dielectric constant). In comparison, for electronic transitions, the linewidth is much larger, being of the order of several cm(-1). Also, if the transition dipole were parallel to the graphene sheet, the linewidth would be reduced to half the value for the case where it is perpendicular, an observation which should be easy to check experimentally for electronic transitions. This should be observable for the f - f transitions (which are rather narrow) of Lanthanide complexes placed within a distance of a few nanometers from a graphene sheet. Further the linewidth would have a (distance)(-4) dependence as one varies the distance from graphene. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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High-power voltage-source inverters (VSI) are often switched at low frequencies due to switching loss constraints. Numerous low-switching-frequency PWM techniques have been reported, which are quite successful in reducing the total harmonic distortion under open-loop conditions at such low operating frequencies. However, the line current still contains low-frequency components (though of reduced amplitudes), which are fed back to the current loop controller during closed-loop operation. Since the harmonic frequencies are quite low and are not much higher than the bandwidth of the current loop, these are amplified by the current controller, causing oscillations and instability. Hence, only the fundamental current should be fed back. Filtering out these harmonics from the measured current (before feeding back) leads to phase shift and attenuation of the fundamental component, while not eliminating the harmonics totally. This paper proposes a method for on-line extraction of the fundamental current in induction motor drives, modulated with low-switching-frequency PWM. The proposed method is validated through simulations on MATLAB/Simulink. Further, the proposed algorithm is implemented on Cyclone FPGA based controller board. Experimental results are presented for an R-L load.


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We show that every graph of maximum degree 3 can be represented as the intersection graph of axis parallel boxes in three dimensions, that is, every vertex can be mapped to an axis parallel box such that two boxes intersect if and only if their corresponding vertices are adjacent. In fact, we construct a representation in which any two intersecting boxes touch just at their boundaries.


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We apply the objective method of Aldous to the problem of finding the minimum-cost edge cover of the complete graph with random independent and identically distributed edge costs. The limit, as the number of vertices goes to infinity, of the expected minimum cost for this problem is known via a combinatorial approach of Hessler and Wastlund. We provide a proof of this result using the machinery of the objective method and local weak convergence, which was used to prove the (2) limit of the random assignment problem. A proof via the objective method is useful because it provides us with more information on the nature of the edge's incident on a typical root in the minimum-cost edge cover. We further show that a belief propagation algorithm converges asymptotically to the optimal solution. This can be applied in a computational linguistics problem of semantic projection. The belief propagation algorithm yields a near optimal solution with lesser complexity than the known best algorithms designed for optimality in worst-case settings.


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Given a connected outerplanar graph G of pathwidth p, we give an algorithm to add edges to G to get a supergraph of G, which is 2-vertex-connected, outerplanar and of pathwidth O(p). This settles an open problem raised by Biedl 1], in the context of computing minimum height planar straight line drawings of outerplanar graphs, with their vertices placed on a two-dimensional grid. In conjunction with the result of this paper, the constant factor approximation algorithm for this problem obtained by Biedl 1] for 2-vertex-connected outerplanar graphs will work for all outer planar graphs. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Rainbow connection number, rc(G), of a connected graph G is the minimum number of colors needed to color its edges so that every pair of vertices is connected by at least one path in which no two edges are colored the same (note that the coloring need not be proper). In this paper we study the rainbow connection number with respect to three important graph product operations (namely the Cartesian product, the lexicographic product and the strong product) and the operation of taking the power of a graph. In this direction, we show that if G is a graph obtained by applying any of the operations mentioned above on non-trivial graphs, then rc(G) a parts per thousand currency sign 2r(G) + c, where r(G) denotes the radius of G and . In general the rainbow connection number of a bridgeless graph can be as high as the square of its radius 1]. This is an attempt to identify some graph classes which have rainbow connection number very close to the obvious lower bound of diameter (and thus the radius). The bounds reported are tight up to additive constants. The proofs are constructive and hence yield polynomial time -factor approximation algorithms.


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We present a computational study on the impact of line defects on the electronic properties of monolayer MoS2. Four different kinds of line defects with Mo and S as the bridging atoms, consistent with recent theoretical and experimental observations, are considered herein. We employ the density functional tight-binding (DFTB) method with a Slater-Koster-type DFTB-CP2K basis set for evaluating the material properties of perfect and the various defective MoS2 sheets. The transmission spectra are computed with a DFTB-non-equilibrium Green's function formalism. We also perform a detailed analysis of the carrier transmission pathways under a small bias and investigate the phase of the transmission eigenstates of the defective MoS2 sheets. Our simulations show a two to four fold decrease in carrier conductance of MoS2 sheets in the presence of line defects as compared to that for the perfect sheet.


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An axis-parallel b-dimensional box is a Cartesian product R-1 x R-2 x ... x R-b where R-i is a closed interval of the form a(i),b(i)] on the real line. For a graph G, its boxicity box(G) is the minimum dimension b, such that G is representable as the intersection graph of boxes in b-dimensional space. Although boxicity was introduced in 1969 and studied extensively, there are no significant results on lower bounds for boxicity. In this paper, we develop two general methods for deriving lower bounds. Applying these methods we give several results, some of which are listed below: 1. The boxicity of a graph on n vertices with no universal vertices and minimum degree delta is at least n/2(n-delta-1). 2. Consider the g(n,p) model of random graphs. Let p <= 1 - 40logn/n(2.) Then with high `` probability, box(G) = Omega(np(1 - p)). On setting p = 1/2 we immediately infer that almost all graphs have boxicity Omega(n). Another consequence of this result is as follows: For any positive constant c < 1, almost all graphs on n vertices and m <= c((n)(2)) edges have boxicity Omega(m/n). 3. Let G be a connected k-regular graph on n vertices. Let lambda be the second largest eigenvalue in absolute value of the adjacency matrix of G. Then, the boxicity of G is a least (kappa(2)/lambda(2)/log(1+kappa(2)/lambda(2))) (n-kappa-1/2n). 4. For any positive constant c 1, almost all balanced bipartite graphs on 2n vertices and m <= cn(2) edges have boxicity Omega(m/n).