762 resultados para Liebowitz social anxiety scale


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O objectivo do presente estudo consistiu em verificar a influência do suporte social e dos estilos de coping sobre a percepção de bem-estar subjectivo e de estados emocionais negativos numa amostra de 41 indivíduos (27 homens e 14 mulheres) portadores de doença mental crónica, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e 61 anos. Foram, ainda, identificados os principais estilos de coping utilizados por esses indivíduos, bem como um estudo de comparação entre doentes institucionalizados e não-institucionalizados. Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: Escala de Satisfação com o Suporte Social, constituída por quatro subescalas (satisfação com amizades, intimidade, satisfação com a família e actividades sociais); Questionário dos Estilos de Coping, formado igualmente por quatro subescalas (Coping Racional, Coping Emocional, Coping Evitante e Coping Distanciado/Desligado); Escala de Satisfação com a Vida e, por último, a Escala de Depressão, Ansiedade e Stress. Os resultados demonstram que o valor global de suporte social e as suas dimensões “satisfação com amizades”, “intimidade”, “satisfação com a família” e “actividades sociais” se correlacionam positivamente, a nível estatisticamente significativo com o bem-estar subjectivo. Relativamente ao estilo de coping racional, verifica-se que este se relaciona negativamente com a sintomatologia depressiva, ao contrário do coping emocional que apresenta uma correlação positiva com os estados emocionais negativos (depressão, ansiedade e stress) e uma relação inversa com o bem-estar. Os doentes institucionalizados, comparativamente aos não-institucionalizados, apresentam o uso mais frequente de coping desadaptativo (emocional) e níveis mais elevados de ansiedade. O suporte social, os estilos de coping e a percepção de bem-estar subjectivo demonstram estar associados de modo teoricamente esperado, mostrando a importância dos factores psicossociais na adaptação à doença mental crónica. / The aims of this study was to verify the influence of social support and coping styles on the perception of subjective well-being and negative emotional states in a sample of 41 subjects (27 men and 14 woman) with chronic mental illness (aged between 18 and 61 years). We also identified the main coping styles used by these subjects, as well as a comparative study of institutionalized patients and non-institutionalized. Instruments used include the Satisfaction with Social Support (with four dimensions: satisfaction with friendships, intimacy, satisfaction with family and social activities); Coping Styles Questionnaire (with four coping dimensions: rational, emotional, avoidant and distance); Scale of Satisfaction with Life and, finnaly, the Scale for Depression, Anxiety and Stress. Results shows that the global social support and its dimensions “satisfaction with friendships”, “intimacy”, “satisfaction with family” and “social activities” have a statistically significant positive correlation with subjective well-being.and It appears that the rational coping styles is negatively related to depressive symptoms, unlike the emotional coping has a positive correlation with negative emotional states (depression, anxiety and stress) and an inverse relationship with well-being. The institutionalized patients, compared to non-institutionalized, have more frequent use of maladaptative coping (emotional) and higher levels of anxiety. Social support, coping styles and perception of subjective well-being are associated according to the theoretical models, showing the role of psychosocial factors in adaptation to chronic mental illness.


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No presente trabalho, estudamos a Ansiedade aos Testes, entre a população estudantil adolescente. Queremos estudá-la enquanto traço comum da Perturbação de Ansiedade Social; simultaneamente, desejamos captar o papel desempenhado por outras variáveis psicológicas, como o auto-criticismo, e as competências de aceitação e consciência de si (minfulness). A amostra do estudo consiste em 449 estudantes de uma escola secundária de Coimbra, que responderam a um conjunto de 5 questionários. Adoptámos como medidas da ansiedade aos testes a versão portuguesa do Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI) (Ponciano, 1980) e a Escala de Cognições e Comportamentos na Ansiedade aos Exames (ECCAE) (Pinto-Gouveia, Melo e Pereira, 2005); da Ansiedade Social a EAESSA (Escala de Ansiedade e Evitamento de Situações Sociais para Adolescentes – Cunha, Pinto-Gouveia e Salvador, 2002); como medida da auto-complacência e consciência de si a versão portuguesa ad hoc da CAMM (Child Acceptance and Mindfulness Measure - Greco, Smith & Baer, 2008); do auto-criticismo a adaptação portuguesa do FRSC (Forms of Self-Criticizing/Attacking and Self-Reassuring Scale, Gilbert et al., 2004, Castilho e Pinto-Gouveia, 2005). De maneira geral, os resultados desta investigação coadunam-se com a literatura, no que diz respeito ao efeito de género e da preponderância do componente cognitivo na ansiedade face aos exames (frequência de cognições ansiosas); por outro lado, indicam que determinados construtos psicológicos, como o auto-criticismo (selfcriticism) e as competências de aceitação e consciência de si (acceptance e mindfulness), se encontram associadas à ansiedade aos exames. Os estudos futuros devem esclarecer a arquitectura funcional desta relação.


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A presente investigação pretendeu ver cumpridos três dos principais objetivos: 1) Estudar as variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas que caracterizam os doentes com cancro do pulmão; 2) Explorar a relação entre o ajustamento mental ao cancro do pulmão, a autocompaixão, o suporte social e os estados emocionais negativos dos doentes; 3) Examinar o impacto da autocompaixão e do suporte social em relação ao ajustamento mental e aos estados emocionais negativos em doentes com cancro do pulmão. A amostra é constituída por 55 indivíduos (38 homens e 17 mulheres) diagnosticados com cancro do pulmão e com idades compreendidas entre os 44 e os 87 anos, acompanhados medicamente no Hospital de Dia de Oncologia do Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra. Como instrumentos de medida para avaliar o ajustamento mental ao cancro, a autocompaixão, o suporte social e os estados emocionais negativos dos participantes foram utilizadas a Escala de Ajustamento Mental ao Cancro (MiniMac), a Escala de Autocompaixão (Selfcs), a Escala de Satisfação com o Suporte Social (Esss) e a Escala de Sintomatologia Psicopatológica (Eads-21). Os resultados obtidos revelaram uma associação significativa entre algumas variáveis clínicas, nomeadamente ser fumador, perceção da gravidade da doença, existência de antecedentes familiares com doença oncológica, e as variáveis em estudo (ajustamento mental, autocompaixão, suporte social e psicopatologia). Foram ainda encontradas correlações significativas entre o ajustamento mental e as estratégias de regulação emocional (autocompaixão), suporte social e psicopatologia. Por último, as análises de regressão linear múltipla mostraram que o modelo preditor da sintomatologia depressiva e do ajustamento mental (avaliado pela dimensão de desânimo) inclui o mindfulness como um preditor significativo. Já em relação ao modelo preditor do stress, o grau de satisfação com o suporte dos amigos revelou ser um contributo importante. Estes resultados têm implicações práticas, sugerindo que estes doentes podem no seu programa terapêutico beneficiar do desenvolvimento deste tipo de estratégias (novas formas de se relacionarem com as suas experiências emocionais e qualidade das suas redes sociais) no sentido de promover um melhor ajustamento mental à sua condição. / The current investigation intended to study three main objetives: 1) to study the sociodemographical and clinical variables which characterize those who suffer from lung cancer; 2) to explore the relation between the mental adjustment to lung cancer, selfcompassion, social support and the negative mental conditions of the sick person; 3) to analyse the impact of self-compassion and the social support in relation to the mental adjustment and to the negative mental conditions of a sick person with lung cancer. The sample is made of 55 individuals (38 males and 17 females) diagnosed with lung cancer, aged between 44 and 87 years old, using medicines at the Hospital de Dia de Oncologia do Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra. The Mini Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale (MiniMac), the Self-Compassion Scale (Selfcs), the Escala de Satisfação com o Suporte Social (Esss) and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (Eads-21) scales were used as measuring instruments of evaluation of the mental adjustment to lung cancer, selfcompassion, social support and the negative mental conditions of the sick person. The results revealed a significant association between some clinical variables (being a smoker, awareness of the gravity of sickness, precedent relatives who suffered from cancer) and the variables in study (mental adjustment, self-compassion, social support and psychopathology). There were also found significant correlations between mental adjustment and the strategies used for emotional adjustment (self-compassion), the social support and the psychopathology. At last the multiple linear regretting analysis has shown that the predictor model of depressive symptomatology and the mental adjustment (analysed by the discouragement dimension) includes mindfulness as a significant predictor. However in what concerns to the stress model predictor, the satisfaction level with friends support revealed itself has being of high importance. These results have practical consequences, suggesting that sick people can benefit in their therapeutic program of these kind of strategies (new ways of leading with their emotional experiences and the quality of their social relationships) so they can promote a better mental adjustment to their health condition.


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Introdução: Os trabalhos sobre correlatos psicológicos em Técnicos Superiores de Reinserção Social (TSRS) no nosso país são inexistentes. São nossos objetivos analisar os níveis de sintomas depressivos e ansiosos, stresse, coping e resiliência numa amostra de TSRS; explorar diferenças nestas variáveis por sexo, estado civil, Delegação regional e tipo de competências das equipas de reinserção social; explorar associações entre todas as variáveis referidas nesta amostra (entre si e com a variável sociodemográfica idade e as variáveis profissionais tempo de serviço e horas de trabalho semanal). Metodologia: 89 TSRS (sexo feminino, n = 67; 75,3%), com idades entre os 27 e os 61 anos (M = 47,4; DP = 7,10) preencheram um protocolo composto por questões sociodemográficas e profissionais, a Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale, o Brief COPE e a Escala para avaliar as competências na área da Resiliência. Resultados: As mulheres apresentaram níveis maiores de Suporte Emocional e Instrumental comparativamente aos homens. Os profissionais da Delegação do Centro apresentaram pontuação mais elevada de Resiliência vs. da Delegação do Norte e os da Delegação do Norte maiores níveis de Stresse vs. os da Delegação do Sul e Ilhas. Os profissionais com competência mista apresentaram maiores níveis de Ansiedade vs. com competência específica. Encontrámos associações significativas (na amostra total) entre a Depressão e a Negação e o Uso de Substâncias. No sexo masculino o uso de Suporte Emocional e Instrumental associaram-se à Depressão e à Ansiedade. De uma forma geral, em todas as Delegações (consideradas separadamente), maiores níveis de Resiliência associaram-se a estratégias mais positivas de coping (e.g. Coping ativo) e maiores níveis de Depressão, Ansiedade e Stresse a níveis menores de estratégias positivas de coping (e.g. Aceitação) e a níveis maiores de estratégias negativas de coping (e.g. Uso de substâncias). Os técnicos quer de equipas com competência mista quer de equipas com competência específica, com níveis maiores de Ansiedade, apresentaram níveis maiores de estratégias de coping negativas (e.g. Negação). Discussão: Este estudo revelou existirem algumas diferenças por sexo nos TSRS e apresentou dados importantes sobre os construtos psicológicos dos TSRS de diferentes Delegações e de equipas com diferentes competências, apontando possíveis aspetos a considerar num trabalho de intervenção com estes profissionais. Tal como esperado, no geral, maiores níveis de resiliência associaram-se, como noutros profissionais, a estratégias mais positivas de coping e maiores níveis de sintomas a estratégias mais negativas de coping. / Introduction: Studies on psychological correlates on Probation Officers (TSRS) in our country are nonexistent. Our purposes are to analyze the levels of depressive and anxiety symptoms, stress, coping and resilience in a sample of TSRS; to explore differences in these variables by gender, marital status, Regional Delegation and type of responsibility of local organic units; to explore associations between all variables mentioned in this sample (among themselves and with the sociodemographic variable age and the professional variables years of service and weekly hours of work"). Methodology: 89 TSRS (females, n = 67, 75.3 %), aged between 27 and 61 years (M = 47.4, SD = 7.10) completed a protocol consisting of sociodemographic and professional questions, the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale, the Brief COPE Scale and the Scale to assess resilience skills. Results: Women had higher levels on Use of Instrumental and Emotional Social Support compared to men. The professionals of the Delegation of the Centre had higher scores on Resilience vs. professionals of the Delegation of the North and the North Delegation had higher levels of Stress vs. the Delegation of the South and Islands. The professionals with mixed competence had higher levels of Anxiety vs. those with specific competence. We found significant associations (in the total sample) between Depression, Denial and Substances Use. In males, the use of Emotional Social Support and Instrumental Support was associated with Depression and Anxiety. Overall, in all Delegations (considered separately), higher levels of Resilience were associated with more positive coping strategies (e.g., Active Coping) and higher levels of Depression, Anxiety and Stress with lower levels of positive coping strategies ( e.g. Acceptance) and higher levels of negative coping strategies (e.g. Substances Use). TSRS with higher levels of Anxiety, either in teams of mixed and specific competence, had higher levels of negative coping strategies (e.g. Denial). Discussion: This study revealed that there were some gender differences in TSRS and provided important data on the psychological constructs of TSRS of different Delegations and different types of organic units, pointing to possible issues to be addressed in an intervention work with these professionals. As expected, in general, higher levels of Resilience were associated, as in other professionals, with more positive coping strategies and higher levels of symptoms with more negative coping strategies.


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A ansiedade na performance musical (MPA-music performance anxiety) surge como um fenómeno fisiológico, psicológico, cognitivo e emocional que abrange todos os músicos independentemente da sua idade, experiência, dedicação ou tipo de instrumento. Pelo seu carácter crónico, e pela dificuldade que provoca na progressão na carreira, a MPA é uma patologia nefasta que, quando toma proporções exageradas, consegue afastar os músicos do seu ideal e objetivo de vida, pois o prazer de tocar é substituído pelo medo de ser julgado e observado por uma plateia ou júri. Pela necessidade de conhecer e saber reagir perante esta situação é imperativo aprofundar os conhecimentos acerca desta, para uma identificação precoce dos alunos em quem a ansiedade atinge níveis preocupantes nas atuações, quer a solo ou em orquestra. A correta abordagem deste problema por parte dos professores pode ser benéfica, levando os alunos a confiarem mais nas suas capacidades e a obterem resultados positivos. Este trabalho surge da necessidade de conseguir quantificar a ansiedade nos adolescentes e para tal o uso de uma escala previamente existente em inglês. O objetivo é explorar a ansiedade na performance musical através da tradução e aplicação do Music Performance Anxiety Inventory- Adolescents (MPAI-A) para a língua portuguesa, contribuindo para a sua posterior validação.


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Peer-to-peer information sharing has fundamentally changed customer decision-making process. Recent developments in information technologies have enabled digital sharing platforms to influence various granular aspects of the information sharing process. Despite the growing importance of digital information sharing, little research has examined the optimal design choices for a platform seeking to maximize returns from information sharing. My dissertation seeks to fill this gap. Specifically, I study novel interventions that can be implemented by the platform at different stages of the information sharing. In collaboration with a leading for-profit platform and a non-profit platform, I conduct three large-scale field experiments to causally identify the impact of these interventions on customers’ sharing behaviors as well as the sharing outcomes. The first essay examines whether and how a firm can enhance social contagion by simply varying the message shared by customers with their friends. Using a large randomized field experiment, I find that i) adding only information about the sender’s purchase status increases the likelihood of recipients’ purchase; ii) adding only information about referral reward increases recipients’ follow-up referrals; and iii) adding information about both the sender’s purchase as well as the referral rewards increases neither the likelihood of purchase nor follow-up referrals. I then discuss the underlying mechanisms. The second essay studies whether and how a firm can design unconditional incentive to engage customers who already reveal willingness to share. I conduct a field experiment to examine the impact of incentive design on sender’s purchase as well as further referral behavior. I find evidence that incentive structure has a significant, but interestingly opposing, impact on both outcomes. The results also provide insights about senders’ motives in sharing. The third essay examines whether and how a non-profit platform can use mobile messaging to leverage recipients’ social ties to encourage blood donation. I design a large field experiment to causally identify the impact of different types of information and incentives on donor’s self-donation and group donation behavior. My results show that non-profits can stimulate group effect and increase blood donation, but only with group reward. Such group reward works by motivating a different donor population. In summary, the findings from the three studies will offer valuable insights for platforms and social enterprises on how to engineer digital platforms to create social contagion. The rich data from randomized experiments and complementary sources (archive and survey) also allows me to test the underlying mechanism at work. In this way, my dissertation provides both managerial implication and theoretical contribution to the phenomenon of peer-to-peer information sharing.


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Integral to achieving the SSF Guidelines goal of targeting the most vulnerable and marginalized persons and eliminating discrimination is the need to have adequate understanding of the power relations and intersectionalities that shape access to and control over marine and other resources according to gender, age, race, ethnicity, labour and migratory status, disability, geographic location and other characteristics relevant in each national contexts. This monograph identifies and explores the key social relations and dynamics in the SSF fisheries sector in South Africa impacting the implementation of the SSF Guidelines. The monograph will be useful for researchers, scientists, fishworker organizations, environmentalists and anyone interested in the protection of marine biodiversity and the promotion of sustainable fisheries management.


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Assessing the ways in which rural agrarian areas provide Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES) is proving difficult to achieve. This research has developed an innovative methodological approach named as Multi Scale Indicator Framework (MSIF) for capturing the CES embedded into the rural agrarian areas. This framework reconciles a literature review with a transdisciplinary participatory workshop. Both of these sources reveal that societal preferences diverge upon judgemental criteria which in turn relate to different visual concepts that can be drawn from analyzing attributes, elements, features and characteristics of rural areas. We contend that it is now possible to list a group of possible multi scale indicators for stewardship, diversity and aesthetics. These results might also be of use for improving any existing European indicators frameworks by also including CES. This research carries major implications for policy at different levels of governance, as it makes possible to target and monitor policy instruments to the physical rural settings so that cultural dimensions are adequately considered. There is still work to be developed on regional specific values and thresholds for each criteria and its indicator set. In practical terms, by developing the conceptual design within a common framework as described in this paper, a considerable step forward toward the inclusion of the cultural dimension in European wide assessments can be made


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This paper presents a validation study of the Perceived Social Competence in Career Scale (SCCarS). The sample included 571 adolescents, 283 girls (49.6%) and 287 boys (50.3%), aged 14 to 25 years old (ì=16.33±1.41), 10th and 11th grade students attending secondary schools in the northern, central and southern Portugal. Exploratory factor analysis indicates the presence of eight factors, with eigenvalues superior to 1.00, explaining 79.16% of the total variance of the items. Confirmatory factor analysis provided support to the factorial structure of eight factors, with adequate fit indices (X2/df=4.229, CFI= 0.909, GFI= 0.869, RMSEA= 0.079, p= 0.000). These results are consistent with the factorial structure found in previous studies carried out with Portuguese samples from 8th grade. Implications are drawn related to the need for further study of the psychometric characteristics of the SCCarS with young people from different age groups


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It is unclear which theoretical dimension of psychological stress affects health status. We hypothesized that both distress and coping mediate the relationship between socio-economic position and tooth loss. Cross-sectional data from 2915 middle-aged adults evaluated retention of < 20 teeth, behaviors, psychological stress, and sociodemographic characteristics. Principal components analysis of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) extracted 'distress' (a = 0.85) and 'coping' (a =0.83) factors, consistent with theory. Hierarchical entry of explanatory variables into age- and sex-adjusted logistic regression models estimated odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals [95% CI] for retention of < 20 teeth. Analysis of the separate contributions of distress and coping revealed a significant main effect of coping (OR = 0.7 [95% CI = 0.7-0.8]), but no effect for distress (OR = 1.0 [95% CI = 0.9-1.1]) or for the interaction of coping and distress. Behavior and psychological stress only modestly attenuated socio-economic inequality in retention of < 20 teeth, providing evidence to support a mediating role of coping.


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The capacity of the internet to handle micro-transactions and to cater to niche markets is a boon for some areas of the creative industries, which have always been associated with smallscale micro business activities. This paper looks at the specific case of the specialist Social Networking Site Ravelry: a site for knitters, crocheters, spinners and dyers. It traces the interactions between amateurs and professionals through the emergence of social networking sites. An analytic framework of social network markets (see Potts, Cunningham, Hartley and Omerod, 2008) is employed to allow for the inclusion of amateur, social, semi-professional,professional and institutional actors within a networked sphere of activity, rather than excluding some of these actors as outside of recognised value-production. The reliance on social networks to determine the economic success of design, production and consumption is exemplified in this small scale example. This paper eschews the dichotomy of commercial and non-commercial by bringing to the fore the hybridity of this site where financial and social economies co-exist.


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China has a reputation as an economy based on utility: the large-scale manufacture of low-priced goods. But useful values like functionality, fitness for purpose and efficiency are only part of the story. More important are what Veblen called ‘honorific’ values, arguably the driving force of development, change and value in any economy. To understand the Chinese economy therefore, it is not sufficient to point to its utilitarian aspect. Honorific status-competition is a more fundamental driver than utilitarian cost-competition. We argue that ‘social network markets’ are the expression of these honorific values, relationships and connections that structure and coordinate individual choices. This paper explores how such markets are developing in China in the area of fashion and fashion media. These, we argue, are an expression of ‘risk culture’ for high-end entrepreneurial consumers and producers alike, providing a stimulus to dynamic innovation in the arena of personal taste and comportment, as part of an international cultural system based on constant change. We examine the launch of Vogue China in 2005, and China’s reception as a fashion player among the international editions of Vogue, as an expression of a ‘decisive moment’ in the integration of China into an international social network market based on honorific values.


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Measuring social and environmental metrics of property is necessary for meaningful triple bottom line (TBL) assessments. This paper demonstrates how relevant indicators derived from environmental rating systems provide for reasonably straightforward collations of performance scores that support adjustments based on a sliding scale. It also highlights the absence of a corresponding consensus of important social metrics representing the third leg of the TBL tripod. Assessing TBL may be unavoidably imprecise, but if valuers and managers continue to ignore TBL concerns, their assessments may soon be less relevant given the emerging institutional milieu informing and reflecting business practices and society expectations.


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Benefit finding is a meaning making construct that has been shown to be related to adjustment in people with MS and their carers. This study investigated the dimensions, stability and potency of benefit finding in predicting adjustment over a 12 month interval using a newly developed Benefit Finding in Multiple Sclerosis Scale (BFiMSS). Usable data from 388 persons with MS and 232 carers was obtained from questionnaires completed at Time 1 and 12 months later (Time 2). Factor analysis of the BFiMSS revealed seven psychometrically sound factors: Compassion/Empathy, Spiritual Growth, Mindfulness, Family Relations Growth, Life Style Gains, Personal Growth, New Opportunities. BFiMSS total and factors showed satisfactory internal and retest reliability coefficients, and convergent, criterion and external validity. Results of regression analyses indicated that the Time 1 BFiMSS factors accounted for significant amounts of variance in each of the Time 2 adjustment outcomes (positive states of mind, positive affect, anxiety, depression) after controlling for Time 1 adjustment, and relevant demographic and illness variables. Findings delineate the dimensional structure of benefit finding in MS, the differential links between benefit finding dimensions and adjustment and the temporal unfolding of benefit finding in chronic illness.


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There is no specific self-efficacy measure that has been developed primarily for problem drinkers seeking a moderation drinking goal. In this article, we report the factor structure of a 20-item Controlled Drinking Self-Efficacy Scale (CDSES; Sitharthan et al., 1996; Sitharthan et al., 1997). The results indicate that the CDSES is highly reliable, and the factor analysis using the full sample identified four factors: negative affect, positive mood/social context, frequency of drinking, and consumption quantity. A similar factor structure was obtained for the subsample of men. In contrast, only three factors emerged in the analysis of data on female participants. Compared to women, men had low self-efficacy to control their drinking in situations relating to positive mood/social context, and subjects with high alcohol dependence had low self-efficacy for situations relating to negative affect, social situations, and drinking less frequently. The CDSES can be a useful measure in treatment programs providing a moderation drinking goal.