870 resultados para Libraries and museums
The books are part of the school routine in the course of our lives, currently, we are the gateway to the processes of social literacy that begins with the presentation of these objects for babies and children in early childhood education (EI). This research has the main question: to know how are the libraries or reading rooms in Early Childhood Education Centres (CEI) of Botucatu. Thus, the overall goal is to understand, characterize and analyze the CEIs libraries Botucatu. What implies: investigate and analyze the existing legislation on school libraries, their approach to the reality of the CEIs and the official documents of early childhood education; To investigate the relationship between the child and the playful objects (books, toys etc.) and finally discover and describe the reality of School Libraries in CEIs studied. The research is qualitative orientation, more precisely a Case Study. The space, proper equipment and support provide a rich learning that will serve as the basis for school achievements. However, the offering of School Libraries and Reading Rooms in many cases it is not a reality. The survey took into account which of the schools have assets, how is the organization of space, the playful activities with learners users and which functions, training and professional responsibilities designated as responsible for School Library/Reading Room. It is noteworthy to say the official documents as a basis and motive of this research as well as the fulfillment of established targets and carried out by the municipal, state and national governments on the implementation of School Libraries in schools, with the help of programs like National Fund Development of Education (ENDF), National School Library program (PNBE) and the National Book and Reading Plan (PNLL)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Breakthrough advances in microprocessor technology and efficient power management have altered the course of development of processors with the emergence of multi-core processor technology, in order to bring higher level of processing. The utilization of many-core technology has boosted computing power provided by cluster of workstations or SMPs, providing large computational power at an affordable cost using solely commodity components. Different implementations of message-passing libraries and system softwares (including Operating Systems) are installed in such cluster and multi-cluster computing systems. In order to guarantee correct execution of message-passing parallel applications in a computing environment other than that originally the parallel application was developed, review of the application code is needed. In this paper, a hybrid communication interfacing strategy is proposed, to execute a parallel application in a group of computing nodes belonging to different clusters or multi-clusters (computing systems may be running different operating systems and MPI implementations), interconnected with public or private IP addresses, and responding interchangeably to user execution requests. Experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of this proposed strategy and its effectiveness, through the execution of benchmarking parallel applications.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the catabolic gene diversity for the bacterial degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons in anthropogenic dark earth of Amazonia (ADE) and their biochar (BC). Functional diversity analyses in ADE soils can provide information on how adaptive microorganisms may influence the fertility of soils and what is their involvement in biogeochemical cycles. For this, clone libraries containing the gene encoding for the alpha subunit of aromatic ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases (alpha-A RH D bacterial gene) were constructed, totaling 800 clones. These libraries were prepared from samples of an ADE soil under two different land uses, located at the Caldeirao Experimental Station secondary forest (SF) and agriculture (AG)-, and the biochar (SF_BC and AG_BC, respectively). Heterogeneity estimates indicated greater diversity in BC libraries; and Venn diagrams showed more unique operational protein clusters (OPC) in the SF_BC library than the ADE soil, which indicates that specific metabolic processes may occur in biochar. Phylogenetic analysis showed unidentified dioxygenases in ADE soils. Libraries containing functional gene encoding for the alpha subunit of the aromatic ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases (ARHD) gene from biochar show higher diversity indices than those of ADE under secondary forest and agriculture.
Abstract Background An important challenge for transcript counting methods such as Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE), "Digital Northern" or Massively Parallel Signature Sequencing (MPSS), is to carry out statistical analyses that account for the within-class variability, i.e., variability due to the intrinsic biological differences among sampled individuals of the same class, and not only variability due to technical sampling error. Results We introduce a Bayesian model that accounts for the within-class variability by means of mixture distribution. We show that the previously available approaches of aggregation in pools ("pseudo-libraries") and the Beta-Binomial model, are particular cases of the mixture model. We illustrate our method with a brain tumor vs. normal comparison using SAGE data from public databases. We show examples of tags regarded as differentially expressed with high significance if the within-class variability is ignored, but clearly not so significant if one accounts for it. Conclusion Using available information about biological replicates, one can transform a list of candidate transcripts showing differential expression to a more reliable one. Our method is freely available, under GPL/GNU copyleft, through a user friendly web-based on-line tool or as R language scripts at supplemental web-site.
The objective of this work is to present the experience of workshops that have been developed at the University of Sao Paulo by the Integrated Library System in partnership with Research Commission. The poster presents the main results of workshops that were made in 2011, in two knowledge areas: life science and engineering, about science publication processes, and directed to graduates, pos-doctorates, researchers, professors and library staff. The realization of workshops made possible identifies gaps in different aspects of scholarly communication such as research planning, search information strategy, information organization, submission process, identification of journals with high impact, and so on, areas where professors and librarians can help. Besides, workshops reveal that the majority of participants believe in its importance. Despite the ubiquity of digital technology that transversely impacts all academic activities, it is imperative to promote efforts to find a convergence between information and media literacy in higher education and university research activities. This is particularly important when we talk about how science is produced, communicated and preserved for future use. In this scenario, libraries and librarians assume a new, more active and committed role.
Über cDNA-Banken und RT-PCR wurden erstmals 15 Intermediärfilament-Proteine (IF-Proteine) des Flussneunauges Lampetra fluviatilis (Agnatha, kieferlose Wirbeltiere) kloniert und sequenziert: drei Typ I-Keratine, vier Typ II-Keratine, fünf keratinartige IF-Proteine (drei Kγ, zwei Kα), die Typ III-Proteine Vimentin und Desmin sowie ein Typ IV-Neurofilament-Protein (NF).Die IF-Proteine wurden aus verschiedenen Organen isoliert und durch zweidimensionale Polyacrylamid-Gelelektrophorese (2D-PAGE) aufgetrennt. Biochemische sowie massenspektrometrische Analysen anhand der 2D-PAGE ermöglichten in Kombination mit den Sequenzdaten die Identifizierung von Vimentin, Desmin sowie aller sequenzierten Keratine bis auf zwei der fünf Kα/Kγ-Proteine. Die meisten Keratine ließen sich darüber hinaus in die Kategorien âEâ (von âepidermalâ) und âSâ (von âsimple epithelialâ) einteilen.Von den sequenzierten Keratinen ist das IIS-Keratin K8 wahrscheinlich ortholog zu den bekannten K8-Sequenzen höherer Vertebraten. Die Bezeichnung K18 für das einzige IS-Keratin des Neunauges in Anlehnung an das IS-Keratin K18 des Menschen basiert auf der stets beobachteten Koexpression mit K8 in einfachen Epithelien.Die Sequenz des Neunaugen-Vimentins zeigt große Übereinstimmungen mit den bekannten Desminsequenzen der Vertebraten. Die keratinartigen Proteine Kα und Kγ sind bis jetzt nur von Agnathen (Neunaugen und Schleimaale) bekannt.In molekularen Stammbäumen können K8, K18, Vimentin, Desmin und das NF_L des Neunauges gut als Außengruppe definiert werden.
The purpose of this work is to provide a methodological tool for literature searching in geography, tourism and environmental conservation. Knowledge of bibliographic and documentary resources and learning research strategies form an essential part of training for students and researchers. Literature searching is also a critical element of communication and scientific output. This work aims to analyze the characteristics, and critical issues in geography literature searching in order to provide a critical mass of useful information to correctly prepare a search. Having addressed the issue of information literacy for the study of geography and related disciplines, including a comparison of various approaches, this work describes the physical locations of the research: libraries and archives. It outlines the issues related to the cataloging and digitization of cartographic materials. The particular characteristics of scientific communication and its primary means of dissemination, the scientific journal, are then outlined. This is followed by a description of information sources and types of documents used within the realm of geography. Tools, strategies and resources are then illustrated for conducting an effective literature search both on the web and in the library.
Natürliche Killerzell-Rezeptoren, die MHC-Klasse-I-Moleküle binden, sind im Leukozyten Rezeptor Komplex (LRC) und im Natürlichen Killer Komplex (NKC) kodiert. Die Bindung klassischer MHC-Klasse-I-Moleküle erfolgt im Menschen durch die im LRC kodierten polymorphen Killerzell-Immunglobulin-ähnlichen Rezeptoren (KIR) und in Nagetieren durch die im NKC kodierten polymorphen C-Typ Lektin-ähnlichen Ly49-Rezeptoren. Die ebenfalls im NKC kodierten C-Typ Lektin-ähnlichen CD94/NKG2-Rezeptoren sowie der NKG2D-Rezeptor sind sowohl im Menschen als auch in Nagetieren konserviert und wenig polymorph. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde das CD94-Ly49L-Intervall der NKC-Region in einem Neuweltaffen, dem Weißbüschelaffen (Callithrix jacchus), sowie einem Feuchtnasenaffen, dem Grauen Mausmaki (Microcebus murinus), über Screening von BAC-Banken und Sequenzanalyse von BAC-Contigs untersucht. Das CD94-Ly49L-Intervall im Weißbüschelaffen hat eine Länge von 171 kb und weist orthologe Gene zu den humanen NKC-Genen auf. Eine Ausnahme bildet das Gen NKG2CE, welches äquidistant zu den humanen Genen NKG2C und NKG2E ist. NKG2F und Ly49L sind Pseudogene. Expressionsanalysen der NKC-Gene in neun Weißbüschelaffen-Individuen lieferten einen mäßigen Grad an allelischen Polymorphismen. Alternative Spleißprodukte wurden für CD94, NKG2D und NKG2A identifiziert. Für NKG2A wurden verschiedene Transkripte mit potentiell unterschiedlichen Translationsstartpunkten gefunden. Im Grauen Mausmaki beträgt die Länge des CD94-Ly49L-Intervalls 489 kb. CD94 und die NKG2-Gene sind vervielfacht und wesentlich polymorpher als im Menschen und im Weißbüschelaffen. Expressionsanalysen der NKC-Gene wurden im Grauen Mausmaki und einem weiteren madagassischen Lemuren, dem Schwarzweißen Vari (Varecia variegata), durchgeführt und zeigten, dass CD94 und die NKG2-Gene im Vari ebenfalls vervielfacht sind. Die NKG2-Moleküle der Lemuren weisen unterschiedliche Kombinationen an aktivierenden und inhibierenden Signalmotiven auf und üben somit möglicherweise diverse Funktionen aus. Ly49L stellt in den Lemuren einen potentiell funktionellen inhibierenden Rezeptor dar und NKG2D besitzt im Vergleich zum humanen NKG2D-Protein eine verkürzte Zytoplasmaregion. Alternative Spleißprodukte der NKC-Gene existieren auch in den Lemuren. Darüber hinaus wurden mehrere CD94-Gene in einem weiteren Feuchtnasenaffen, dem Potto (Perodicticus potto) und einem Trockennasenaffen, dem Philippinen-Koboldmaki (Tarsius syrichta), nachgewiesen. Ein Alu-Element, welches ausschließlich in Intron 4 der CD94-Sequenzen des Philippinen-Koboldmakis auftritt, deutet darauf hin, dass sich CD94 in der Linie der Koboldmakis und in der Linie der Feuchtnasenaffen unabhängig voneinander vervielfacht hat. Die vervielfachten, polymorphen CD94/NKG2-Rezeptoren der niederen Primaten stellen möglicherweise das funktionelle Äquivalent zu den polymorphen KIR der höheren Primaten und den polymorphen Ly49-Rezeptoren der Nagetiere dar.
We live in an era where the Internet is expected to be available at the home, the workplace, schools, libraries, and even the corner café. Everyday, more and more of the world's population is connected to this growing minefield of information, many of whom use it to seek out services they need. Health services are amongst the many purchasable products currently available online. The Internet, thus, is a viable method of contacting populations that a provider would not traditionally be able to reach. A growing service in this area is the practice of Internet-based psychotherapy. This goes by many other names as well, such as e-counseling, telecounseling, web therapy, computer mediated counseling, Interapy, and many other variations. ^ This paper reviews the current available literature on the efficacy and associated concerns of Internet-based psychotherapy through the RE-AIM lens. After an evaluation of the selected studies, Internet-based psychotherapy may be able to reach a wider audience than with traditional means and also produces similar efficacy results to in-person therapy. However, providers are still reluctant to adopt Internet-based psychotherapy due to legal concerns, and long-term maintenance of these practices may be an issue. Further research into the effectiveness, cost, and legal issues surrounding Internet-based psychotherapy is recommended. ^
El trabajo inicia con un análisis de las obras de ficción y su tratamiento tanto para la ubicación en el estante como para su inclusión en un OPAC, evaluándose propuestas internacionales y locales implementadas en bibliotecas públicas y populares, e incluyendo a continuación una propuesta metodológica para la descripción de contenido de las obras de ficción en catálogos en línea. También se señalan los pasos seguidos para la elaboración de un tesauro de géneros de ficción, desde el diseño de la base de datos hasta la recolección, selección y control de los términos de indización y la asignación de notaciones de CDU a cada una de las entradas. El tesauro puede consultarse en su versión impresa en el Anexo de la Tesina, o bien en formato digital accediendo al CD-ROM que acompaña al documento.
Este trabajo descriptivo exploratorio se propone analizar la arquitectura de información (AI) de sitios Web de bibliotecas de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), Argentina. Se analizaron 17 bibliotecas y se aplicó una grilla para recabar 10 aspectos relevantes. Los resultados fueron: 1. Ubicación del sitio Web de la biblioteca: 9 sitios incluidos en la página principal de la facultad. 2. Etiquetado de contenidos: terminología simple, sin jergas; no hay homogeneidad entre las bibliotecas. 3. Capacidad de búsqueda: 62 por ciento positiva, 38 por ciento negativa. 4. Sistema de búsqueda: simple 43 por ciento, compleja 10 por ciento, con ayudas 10 por ciento, ninguno 38 por ciento. 5. Sistemas de navegación: globales 5 por ciento, jerárquicos 79 por ciento, locales 5 por ciento, ninguno 11 por ciento. 6. Herramientas de navegación: barras 16 por ciento, frames o marcos 30 por ciento, índices 2 por ciento, mapas de sitio 7 por ciento, menús horizontales 9 por ciento, menús verticales 35 por ciento. 7. Sindicación de contenidos RSS: 3 sitios. 8. Otros servicios: chat 7 por ciento, descarga de documentos 16 por ciento, envío de formularios 14 por ciento, instructivos 21 por ciento, links a otras páginas 23 por ciento, tutoriales 5 por ciento, otros 14 por ciento. 9. Accesibilidad Web: 1 sitio. 10. Otras observaciones: ninguna. Se concluye que el desarrollo de los sitios es dispar y se recomienda considerar pautas de AI como parte de la cooperación en la red de bibliotecas de la UNLP
Este trabajo se propone el diseño de una grilla exhaustiva de características específicas de naturaleza formal, informativa y ergonómica para hacer que un sitio Web de bibliotecas universitarias sea de calidad, accesible y garantice el acceso a la información. Para ello, se efectúa un relevamiento de la bibliografía que analiza el tema y se elabora un modelo que pondera dichas características seleccionadas. Las conclusiones demuestran que es posible diseñar un modelo específico de atributos, estableciendo cuáles son los que mejor representan la calidad de una biblioteca universitaria en el entorno Web
It reflects about the role of public libraries in users' education to the knowledge of cyberviolence. This phenomenon is expressed through of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which are used to cause damage to victims. The work is based on three cases of cyberviolence: a murder, an extortion and one of pedophilia. The cases help to reflect about the necessity of intervention activities of the public libraries. The theoretical table that supplies to the analysis is aided by theoretical contributions of Information Science, Sociology and Anthropology. The results show the need of involvement of the public libraries in combating of cyberviolence, because they function as users' attraction center to access information on the Internet
Este trabajo descriptivo exploratorio se propone detectar y analizar el uso de la red social Pinterest por bibliotecas iberoamericanas. Se analizaron 648 sitios de bibliotecas en la red social y se recopilaron los siguientes datos de cada una: institución a la que pertenecen, ubicación geográfica, tipos de bibliotecas y actividad en el servicio (tipos de tableros, pines que crearon y cantidad de seguidores). Se concluye que el tipo de bibliotecas que más están utilizando esta red son las públicas, populares y universitarias, con un fuerte predominio de las españolas.