1000 resultados para Ley 975 de 2005
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This strategy will cover the years 2000 to 2005 and is intended as a resource and guide for all relevant stakeholders and interested parties concerned with promoting health in the new millennium. It also fulfils the important commitment to health promotion development set out in the Programme for Prosperity and Fairness, and addresses Irelandâ?Ts obligations set out in the Mexico Ministerial Statement for the Promotion of Health endorsed by Ministers for Health at the 5th Global conference on Health Promotion held in Mexico in June 2000 Download the Report here
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The protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding has been identified in many national policy documents as a major public health issue. Breastfeeding offers mothers and babies significant health advantages both in the short term and throughout their lives.From a health policy point of view, it is generally agreed that the better health afforded by breastfeeding can result in major savings in the provision of health care. Studies have also shown that breastfeeding has a positive effect on the wider economy with fewer days being lost by employed parents of breastfed babies to illness. Although progress is being made in promoting and supporting this health enhancing, environmentally friendly and low-cost feeding option, breastfeeding rates in Ireland continue to be among the lowest in Europe. This Strategic Action Plan has been developed by a Ministerial appointed, multi-disciplinary National Committee on Breastfeeding, in consultation with relevant stakeholders, to further promote breastfeeding among all sectors of the population and particularly among those currently least likely to breastfeed. Its goal is the achievement of optimum health and well-being for children, their mothers, families and communities. Click here to download PDF
The vision of this strategy is of a society where life is valued across all age groups, where the young learn from and are strengthened by the experiences of others and where the needs of those who are going through a hard time are met in a caring way so that: Download the report (PDF 1mb) Â Â
Quality Customer Service Action Plan 2005 – 2007 Quality Customer Action Plan
The National Health Strategy Consultative Forum took place on 2nd December 2005 in Dublin Castle. This was the fourth National Forum and it was chaired by Dr. John Bowman. This Report gives a general account of the proceedings on the day and contains extracts from the various presentations made to the Forum. Read the Report (PDF, 270kb)
Disability Act 2005: Sectoral Plan for the Department of Health and Children and the Health Services
Department of Health and Children Sectoral Plan in respect of health and personal social services provision for people with disabilities, as provided for in the Disability Act 2005. Read the Report (PDF, 448kb)
Male circumcision is performed for two general reasons namely where there are medical indications or for cultural requirements. The tragic death of a male infant following a circumcision performed outside the health-care setting highlighted the need to provide recommendations for health-care providers to help prevent such circumstances arising again. The Minister for Health and Children established a group to advise on the needs, ethical recommendations and practical guidance on circumcision performed for cultural reasons. At all times, the welfare of the child was considered paramount. Read the report (PDF, 83kb)
The National Health Strategy Quality and Fairness â?" A Health System for You was launched by the Government in 2001 to provide vision and strategic direction for health and personal social services. This report provides: Read the Report (PDF, 1.37mb) Â
Department of Health and Children Annual Report for 2005. Read the document Â
Long-Stay Activity Report 2005 This report presents data collected through a survey of long-stay units in 2005. The aim of the survey is to provide statistics on the number of beds available for long-term care, how the beds are used and the types of patients who occupy these beds. In 2004, additional information on bed types was requested for the first time in order to provide a more accurate picture of activity within this sector. This report includes analysis on long-stay beds, limited-stay beds and all beds in each table. Click here to download PDF 867kb