948 resultados para Larsen, Aksen
The Antarctic Peninsula region is ideally suited to monitor how global change affects Antarctica because it is one of the most sensitive regions of the continent to rapid climate change. This has been clearly demonstrated by the recent break up of the Larsen A Ice Shelf. Drilling at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1098, Palmer Deep, western Antarctic Peninsula, recovered almost 50 m of sediments that record the paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic history of the region from the last glacial maximum through the rapid climate oscillations of deglaciation into the Holocene. This sedimentary section will provide a wealth of high-resolution paleoenvironmental data from Antarctica that will be useful for climate modelers and paleoceanographers alike. This data report presents the preliminary results of a high-resolution, microscale sediment fabric study of the postglacial sediments from Palmer Deep Site 1098. These sediments have previously been described as being annually laminated; however, this investigation shows that although the interpretation of this sequence as seasonal sediments is most likely correct, there are a number of features that indicate there is strong interannual variability affecting the laminations.
Determination of when and where animals feed and how much they consume is fundamental to understand their ecology and role in ecosystems. However, the lack of reliable data on feeding habits of wild animals, and particularly in marine endotherms, attests to the difficulty in doing this. A promising recent development proposes using a Hall sensor-magnet System - the inter-mandibular angle sensor (IMASEN) attached to animals' jaws to elucidate feeding events. We conducted trials on captive pinnipeds by feeding IMASEN-equipped animals with prey to examine the utility of this system. Most feeding events were clearly distinguishable from other jaw movements; only small prey items might not be resolved adequately. Based on the results of this study we examined feeding events from free-ranging Weddell seals fitted with IMASENs and dead-reckoners during December 2003 at Drescher Inlet (Riiser Larsen Ice Shelf, eastern Weddell Sea coast), and present data on prey capture and ingestion in relation to the three-dimensionalmovement patterns of the seals. A total of 19 Weddell seals were immobilised by using a combination of ketamine, xylazine, and diazepam. Eight seals were drugged once, six two times, and two and three were drugged three and four times each, coming to a total of 38 immobilisation procedures. Narcoses were terminated with yohimbine (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.438931).