902 resultados para Lai
Using electrochemical deposition, Cu nanowire arrays have been successfully fabricated by home-made polycarbonate ion-track templates. The diameters were well controlled by etching time of templates. The minimum diameter is 15 nm. The morphologies and structures were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The wires prefer [1 1 0] growth direction due to H ions absorption. The optical properties of Cu nanowire arrays are studied by an ultraviolet/visible/near-infrared spectrophotometer. Two extinction peaks were observed in spectra. The optical mechanism is discussed based on surface plasmon resonance
With the frame of the time-dependent local density approximation, an efficient description of the optical response of clusters has been used to study the photo-absorption cross section of Na-2 and Na-4 clusters. It is shown that our calculated results are in good agreement with the experiment. In addition, our calculated spectrum for the Na-4 cluster is in better agreement with experiment than the GW absorption spectrum.
Polycarbonate (PC) membranes were irradiated with swift heavy ions and latent tracks were created along the ions' trajectories. Nanopores, diameters between 100 and 500 nm, were obtained after illuminating the membranes with UV light and etching in NaOH solution. Silver nanowires were produced in the etched ion-track membranes by electrochemical deposition. The morphology and crystallinity of the silver nanowires were studied by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and selected area electron diffraction (SAED). Under certain conditions (deposition voltage 25 mV, current density 1-2 mA.cm(-2), temperature 50 degrees C, electrolyte 0.1 mol.L-1 AgNO3), single-crystalline silver nanowires with preferred orientation along the [111] direction can be synthesized.
In the frame of time-dependent density functional theory, the: dynamical polarizabilities of Na-5, Na-6 and Na-7 clusters are calculated using a time-dependent local density approximation. By using Fourier transformation, the optical absorption spectra of Na-5, Na-6 and Na-7 clusters are obtained from their dynamical polarizabilities. It is shown that experimentally measured optical absorption spectra of Na-5, Na-6 and Na-7 clusters are reproduced in our calculations. Furthermore, the calculations of Na-6 and Na-7 clusters are in good agreement with the results of configuration interaction method. Compared with the three-dimensional structure of Na-6, the calculated optical absorption spectra of Na-6 with the two-dimensional structure are more close to the experimental data.
In this paper high-order harmonic generation (HHG) spectra and the ionization probabilities of various charge states of small cluster Na-2 in the multiphoton regimes are calculated by using time-dependent local density approximation (TDLDA) for one-colour (1064 nm) and two-colour (1064 nm and 532 nm) ultrashort (25 fs) laser pulses. HHG spectra of Na2 have not the large extent of plateaus due to pronounced collective effects of electron dynamics. In addition, the two-colour laser field can result in the breaking of the symmetry and generation of the even order harmonic such as the second order harmonic. The results of ionization probabilities show that a two-colour laser field can increase the ionization probability of higher charge state.
在众多地表通量模拟模型和遥感通量反演模型中,空气动力学粗糙度(z0)是一个重要的地表参数.选取代表典型农田的禹城站,代表复杂下垫面的千烟洲站和代表森林下垫面的长白山站3个通量观测站的风速和温度廓线资料,运用最小二乘法拟合迭代,分别计算得到各站点通量塔所在地的零平面位移和空气动力学粗糙度.在此基础上,分别分析不同下垫面的空气动力学粗糙度随作物高度和叶面积指数(LAI)、风向(地形)、风速、摩擦速度等因子的变化.并采用SEBS模型分析地表空气动力学粗糙度动态变化对地表通量计算的影响.结果表明:空气动力学粗糙度随植被特征(如作物高度,叶面积指数等)以及风向、风速和摩擦速度等因子而变化.禹城和长白山站通量塔所在风浪区的空气动力学粗糙度明显随作物生长期植被高度及叶面积指数变化,即先随LAI增加而增加,达到峰值后,随LAI增加而减小;千烟洲叶面积指数变化较小,空气动力学粗糙度随叶面积指数的变化不明显;地形较平坦的禹城和长白山站空气动力学粗糙度随风向变化较小,而地形起伏较大的千烟洲站空气动力学粗糙度随风向变化较大.随着风速的变化,禹城站空气动力学粗糙度没有明显变化,而千烟洲和长白山空气动力学粗糙度表现出随风速增加而减小的趋势.各站空气动力学粗糙度的这种动态变化对模型通量反演有较大影响,通过模型分析, 5月1日~6月3日禹城空气动力学粗糙度日平均值、千烟洲及长白山通量塔空气动力学粗糙度5d平均值与模型所取z0值相比,由于z0的动态变化造成相同时间尺度显热通量H的计算相对误差的绝对值最大可分别达到2.726%,33.802%和18.105%.
选用直立穗型水稻品种辽粳 32 6和弯曲穗品种奥羽 316 ,在相同栽培条件下 ,比较两品种灌浆期间物质生产与分配、群体生长率 (CGR)、净同化率 (NAR)及与物质生产密切相关的叶绿素含量、叶面积指数 (LAl)、比叶重等指标。结果表明 ,和弯曲穗品种奥羽 316相比 ,直立穗品种辽粳 32 6在灌浆后期仍能保持较强的物质生产能力 ,其抽穗后生产的干物质量占其生物产量的 5 3.77% ,比其经济产量高出 12 %。灌浆期间 ,直立穗品种辽粳 32 6的比叶重较高 ,叶绿素含量较高 ,LAI下降较慢 ,各项生理指标优于弯曲穗品种奥羽 316。抽穗后 ,直立穗品种辽粳 32 6具有比弯曲穗品种奥羽 316更强的生产能力 ,因而更符合高产栽培的需要。
在黄土高原南部半湿润易旱区土垫旱耕人为土上进行大田试验,研究氮肥、品种和栽培模式对冬小麦叶面积指数(LAI)和透光率(DIFN)及产量的影响。结果表明,小麦生长过程中LAI先增大后减小,在开花期最大,成熟期最小,施氮能够显著增加LAI;DIFN的变化规律与LAI相反。不同品种间LAI和DIFN差异显著。全程覆膜和覆膜150 d的LAI极显著大于常规栽培、集雨面栽培和三密一稀栽培模式,DIFN与此相反;施氮后籽粒产量极显著增加。在不同栽培模式下,以全程覆膜、覆膜150 d和集雨面栽培模式的产量较高,但从维持土壤质量角度考虑,则覆膜150 d和集雨面2种栽培模式优于其它几种栽培模式;从冠层结构特征分析,这2种栽培模式更有利于增加群体光合能力。
In-situ observation of drying process of a latex droplet by synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering