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An optimal feedback control of two-photon fluorescence in the Coumarin 515 ethanol solution excited by shaping femtosecond laser pulses based on genetic algorithm is demonstrated experimentally. The two-photon fluorescence intensity can be enhanced by similar to 20%. Second harmonic generation frequency-resolved optical gating traces indicate that the optimal laser pulses are positive chirp, which are in favor of the effective population transfer of two-photon transitions. The dependence of the two-photon fluorescence signal on the laser pulse chirp is investigated to validate the theoretical model for the effective population transfer of two-photon transitions. The experimental results appear the potential applications in nonlinear spectroscopy and molecular physics. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In underdense plasmas, the transverse ponderomotive force of an intense laser beam with Gaussian transverse profile expels electrons radially, and it can lead to an electron cavitation. An improved cavitation model with charge conservation constraint is applied to the determination of the width of the electron cavity. The envelope equation for laser spot size derived by using source-dependent expansion method is extended to including the electron cavity. The condition for self-guiding is given and illuminated by an effective potential for the laser spot size. The effects of the laser power, plasma density and energy dissipation on the self-guiding condition are discussed.


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A Fourier analysis method is used to accurately determine not only the absolute phase but also the temporal-pulse phase of an isolated few-cycle (chirped) laser pulse. This method is independent of the pulse shape and can fully characterize the light wave even though only a few samples per optical cycle are available. It paves the way for investigating the absolute phase-dependent extreme nonlinear optics, and the evolutions of the absolute phase and the temporal-pulse phase of few-cycle laser pulses.


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Multiple refocusing of a tightly focused femtosecond laser due to the dynamic transformation between self-focusing and self-defocusing is employed to provide a novel method to produce quasi-periodic voids in glass. It is found that the diameter or the interval of the periodic voids increases with the increasing pulse energy of the laser. The detailed course for producing periodic voids is discussed by analysing the damaged track induced by the tightly focused femtosecond laser pulses. It is suggested that this periodic structure has potential applications in fabrication of three-dimensional optical devices.


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Self-organized microgratings were induced in the bulk SrTiO3 crystal by readily scanning the laser focus in the direction perpendicular to the laser propagation axis. The groove orientations of those gratings could be controlled by changing the irradiation pulse number per unit scanning length, which could be implemented either through adjusting the scanning velocity at a fixed pulse repetition rate or through varying the pulse repetition rate at a fixed scanning velocity. This high-speed method for fabrication of microgratings will have many potential applications in the integration of micro-optical elements. The possible formation mechanism of the self-organized microgratings is also discussed. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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The propagation of an arbitrary polarized few-cycle ultrashort laser pulse in a degenerate three-level medium is investigated by using an iterative predictor-corrector finite-difference time-domain method. It is found that the polarization evolution of the ultrashort laser pulse is dependent not only on the initial atomic coherence of the medium but also on the polarization condition of the incident laser pulse. When the initial effective area is equal to 2 pi, complete linear-to-circular and circular-to-linear polarization conversion of few-cycle ultrashort laser pulses can be achieved due to the quantum interference effects between the two different transition paths.


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20 at.% Yb:YAG single crystals have been grown by the CZ method and gamma-ray irradiation induced color centers and valence change of Fe3+ and Yb3+ ions in Yb:YAG have been studied. One significant 255 nm absorption band was observed in as-grown crystals and was attributed to Fe3+ ions. Two additional absorption (AA) bands located at 255 nm and 345 nm, respectively, were produced after gamma irradiation. The changes in the AA spectra after gamma irradiation and air annealing are mainly related to the charge exchange of the Fe3+, Fe2+, oxygen vacancies and F-type color centers. Analysis shows that the broad AA band is associated with Fe2+ ions and F-type color centers. The transition Yb3+ Yb2+ takes place as an effect of recharging of one of the Yb3+ ions from a pair in the process of gamma irradiation. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The first part of this work describes the uses of aperiodic structures in optics and integrated optics. In particular, devices are designed, fabricated, tested and analyzed which make use of a chirped grating corrugation on the surface of a dielectric waveguide. These structures can be used as input-output couplers, multiplexers and demultiplexers, and broad band filters.

Next, a theoretical analysis is made of the effects of a random statistical variation in the thicknesses of layers in a dielectric mirror on its reflectivity properties. Unlike the intentional aperiodicity introduced in the chirped gratings, the aperiodicity in the Bragg reflector mirrors is unintentional and is present to some extent in all devices made. The analysis involved in studying these problems relies heavily on the coupled mode formalism. The results are compared with computer experiments, as well as tests of actual mirrors.

The second part of this work describes a novel method for confining light in the transverse direction in an injection laser. These so-called transverse Bragg reflector lasers confine light normal to the junction plane in the active region, through reflection from an adjacent layered medium. Thus, in principle, it is possible to guide light in a dielectric layer whose index is lower than that of the surrounding material. The design, theory and testing of these diode lasers are discussed.


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Strength at extreme pressures (>1 Mbar or 100 GPa) and high strain rates (106-108 s-1) of materials is not well characterized. The goal of the research outlined in this thesis is to study the strength of tantalum (Ta) at these conditions. The Omega Laser in the Laboratory for Laser Energetics in Rochester, New York is used to create such extreme conditions. Targets are designed with ripples or waves on the surface, and these samples are subjected to high pressures using Omega’s high energy laser beams. In these experiments, the observational parameter is the Richtmyer-Meshkov (RM) instability in the form of ripple growth on single-mode ripples. The experimental platform used for these experiments is the “ride-along” laser compression recovery experiments, which provide a way to recover the specimens having been subjected to high pressures. Six different experiments are performed on the Omega laser using single-mode tantalum targets at different laser energies. The energy indicates the amount of laser energy that impinges the target. For each target, values for growth factor are obtained by comparing the profile of ripples before and after the experiment. With increasing energy, the growth factor increased.

Engineering simulations are used to interpret and correlate the measurements of growth factor to a measure of strength. In order to validate the engineering constitutive model for tantalum, a series of simulations are performed using the code Eureka, based on the Optimal Transportation Meshfree (OTM) method. Two different configurations are studied in the simulations: RM instabilities in single and multimode ripples. Six different simulations are performed for the single ripple configuration of the RM instability experiment, with drives corresponding to laser energies used in the experiments. Each successive simulation is performed at higher drive energy, and it is observed that with increasing energy, the growth factor increases. Overall, there is favorable agreement between the data from the simulations and the experiments. The peak growth factors from the simulations and the experiments are within 10% agreement. For the multimode simulations, the goal is to assist in the design of the laser driven experiments using the Omega laser. A series of three-mode and four-mode patterns are simulated at various energies and the resulting growth of the RM instability is computed. Based on the results of the simulations, a configuration is selected for the multimode experiments. These simulations also serve as validation for the constitutive model and the material parameters for tantalum that are used in the simulations.

By designing samples with initial perturbations in the form of single-mode and multimode ripples and subjecting these samples to high pressures, the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability is investigated in both laser compression experiments and simulations. By correlating the growth of these ripples to measures of strength, a better understanding of the strength of tantalum at high pressures is achieved.


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The effect of alcohol solution on single human red blood Cells (RBCs) was investigated using near-infrared laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy (LTRS). In our system, a low-power diode laser at 785 nm was applied for the trapping of a living cell and the excitation of its Raman spectrum. Such a design could simultaneously reduce the photo-damage to the cell and suppress the interference from the fluorescence on the Raman signal. The denaturation process of single RBCs in 20% alcohol solution was investigated by detecting the time evolution of the Raman spectra at the single-cell level. The vitality of RBCs was characterized by the Raman band at 752 cm(-1), which corresponds to the porphyrin breathing mode. We found that the intensity of this band decreased by 34.1% over a period of 25 min after the administration of alcohol. In a further study of the dependence of denaturation on alcohol concentration, we discovered that the decrease in the intensity of the 752 cm(-1) band became more rapid and more prominent as the alcohol concentration increased. The present LTRS technique may have several potential applications in cell biology and medicine, including probing dynamic cellular processes at the single cell level and diagnosing cell disorders in real time. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley T Sons, Ltd.


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A new method of frequency-shifting for a diode laser is realized. Using a sample-and-hold circuit, the error signal can be held by the circuit during frequency shifting. It can avoid the restraint of locking or even lock-losing caused by the servo circuit when we input a step-up voltage into piezoelectric transition (PZT) to achieve laser frequency-shifting.


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In this paper we describe an experiment on laser cooling of Rb-87 atoms directly from a vapor background in diffuse light. Diffuse light is produced in a ceramic integrating sphere by multiple scattering of two laser beams injected through multimode fibers. A probe beam, whose propagation direction is either horizontal or vertical, is used to detect cold atoms. We measured the absorption spectra of the cold atoms by scanning the frequency of the probe beam, and observed both the absorption signal and the time of flight signal after we switched off the cooling light, from which we estimated the temperature and the number of cold atoms. This method is clearly attractive for building a compact cold atom clock.


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A real-time, in situ fixing method by use of heating with a CO2 laser beam is suggested for thermal fixing of a small local hologram in the bulk of a Fe:LiNbO3 photorefractive crystal. For heating up to 100 degrees C-200 degrees C a volume with a shape similar to that of the laser beam a heat-guiding technique is developed. On the basis of the heat-transfer equations, different heating modes with or without metal absorbers for heat guiding-obtained by use of a continuous or pulsed laser beam are analyzed. The optimal mode may be pulsed heating with absorbers. On this basis experiments have been designed and demonstrated. It is seen that the fixing process with CO2 laser beam is short compared with the process by use of an oven, and the fixing efficiency is quite high. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America.


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The gain of a transmitter for intersatellite communications is closely related to the performance of all the links. We calculate the transmitter telescope's gain with the help of the rigorous scalar diffraction theory and equivalent optical layout method. Furthermore, a comparison is performed with the conventional imaging method. The results show that the stop inside the telescope can affect the gain of the telescope. Finally, the gain is calculated under the condition of the aberrations. We find that different aberrations cause different effects. (C) 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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When a Dammann grating is used to split a beam of femtosecond laser pulses into multiple equal-intensity beams, chromatic dispersion will occur in beams of each order of diffraction and with different scale of angular dispersion because the incident ultrashort pulse contains a broad range of spectral bandwidths. We propose a novel method in which the angular dispersion can be compensated by positioning an m-time-density grating to collimate the mth-order beam that has been split, producing an array of beams that are free of angular dispersion. The increased width of the compensated output pulses and the spectral walk-off effect are discussed. We have verified this approach theoretically and validated it through experiments. It should be highly interesting in practical applications of splitting femtosecond laser pulses for pulse-width measurement, pump-probe measurement, and micromachining at multiple points. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.