1000 resultados para Língua inglesa Estudo e ensino Falantes estrangeiros Teses


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The present paper aims to analyze and problematize the manner that Brazilian gastronomy is treated in didactic books of Portuguese as Foreign Language. To reach such objective, it will be considered, specially, the approaches and the methodologies of four of those books, from distinct periods of publication: Fala Brasil (1989); Aprendendo Portugus do Brasil (1993); Passagens (2002); Bem-Vindo! (2009). From this analysis, its possible to think of new possibilities to insert the Brazilian gastronomy in a Portuguese class for foreigners, considering that the aspects of Brazils culture are also held inside its language; this language shows a universe beyond linguistics structure and maintains the habits and history of its people inside itself


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This study presents the results of a study on the development of the concept of force and their possible applications in physics teaching. The historical study has focused on Aristotelian natural philosophy, medieval theories of strength in impressed and on classical Newtonian mechanics. The Newtonian concept of force was also an object lesson of physics analyzed in this study. In this lesson, conducted in a preuniversity course, spontaneous conceptions or alternative conceptions of students about the concept of force proved very entrenched, resulting in studies on the Model Change on Conceptual and epistemological obstacles in view Bachelardian. The theoretical frameworks adopted led us to trace parallels between spontaneous conceptions revealed by the students and some views about the concept of force found in the study of history. The results show that while some old conceptions have been replaced by scientifically Newtonian concept of force, they are still present in the students' ideas and resist to changes even after the study of Newton's laws. Like main result shows that the history of science can be a great ally for the deconstruction of alternative conceptions, particularly when these concepts were previously presented and overcome the course of history of the development of a concept


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This study shows new alternatives to the teaching of chemistry in high school and wants to be an aid to the teacher at the time of the planning of lessons and a way to help students improve their performance in this discipline. The central issue is the exploration of differentiated teaching strategies for a just end: improvement of education in chemistry. To reach the main point is to undertake a survey of the most important issues for students and teachers, and from there many teaching strategies are suggested to help in understanding the contents studied. The idea is to propose strategies that may be of interest to students of chemistry, stimulating the curiosity of wanting to know more about a certain content that is being studied in the classroom. This study shows that chemistry is not boring, is not as difficult as it seems, and everyone can indeed take pleasure in studying a world as real and so fascinating, if you understand the facts


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A matemtica est presente nas mais diversas atividades do nosso cotidiano. O interesse em realizar o Trabalho de Concluso de Curso no mbito da Educao de Jovens e Adultos/EJA, surgiu a partir do meu ingresso no Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciao Docncia - PIBID no incio do ano de 2010. O PIBID vem sendo desenvolvido em vrios campi da Unesp, somente nos cursos de licenciatura e tem como financiadora a CAPES/MEC. No curso de licenciatura Plena em Pedagogia, o Programa EJA/PIBID Rio Claro atua na escola Municipal Celeste Calil, localizada em um bairro perifrico, que tem como pblico alvo pessoas de baixa renda, alfabetizadas ou no. O trabalho que a cada dia vem sendo construdo com as educandas me despertou muito interesse, principalmente com relao ao ensino da matemtica, uma vez que a mesma est presente nas diversas esferas do cotidiano. Podemos acompanhar (observar) que as alunas j trazem consigo uma experincia de vida muito grandiosa com relao soluo de questes pertinentes a matemtica. Para auxiliar na aprendizagem, recursos matemticos vm sendo introduzidos nas aulas, entre eles jogos, onde as educandas podem reviver situaes cotidianas que, primeira vista, facilita o processo de aprendizagem e resoluo de problemas. O presente trabalho tem como objetivos fazer um levantamento de jogos matemticos que podero ser utilizados nas aulas da EJA, e tambm analisar o caderno de registros matemticos do PIBID, no ano de 2010. Quanto metodologia, buscam-se elementos na pesquisa qualitativa, bem como anlise bibliogrfica de jogos que foram levantados e tambm anlise documental do caderno de registros do PIBID 2010, construdo conjuntamente, pelo grupo de educandas e bolsistaseducadores


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Todos ns sabemos o quanto importante uma base de conhecimentos slida, para que, posteriormente, quando forem ensinados os novos conceitos, os alunos possam fazer relaes com o conhecimento que j possuem, com maior facilidade. Verificamos no Ensino Mdio a grande dificuldade dos alunos tm para o aprendizado de Fsica, alm da idia pr-concebida que eles possuem de que uma disciplina de difcil compreenso. Porm, essas dificuldades, em sua grande parte so advindas da compreenso dos textos de e do desenvolvimento de clculos, ou seja, essas dificuldades provm das disciplinas de Língua Portuguesa e de Matemtica. Com base na situao descrita acima, o presente trabalho tem o objetivo de buscar alternativas para este problema, trabalhando desde a base destes conhecimentos, atravs de atividades desenvolvidas com o primeiro ciclo do Ensino Fundamental. Dessa maneira, levamos para escola pblica de um bairro perifrico de Presidente Prudente, mais especificamente, para a 3 srie do ensino fundamental, uma atividade com conceitos de Fsica para desenvolver com as crianas, estimulando o raciocnio das mesmas e a incentivando a busca por solues para situaes-problemas, utilizando-se para isso das idias propostas pelo Construtivismo, fundamentadas na epistemologia de Piaget. Este trabalho sempre visou a valorizao do conhecimento prvio desses alunos e estabelecendo relaes com o seu cotidiano


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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This study discusses translations in English concerning the areas of Political Science and Political Economy, written by Fernando Henrique Cardoso & Enzo Falleto; and Antonio Carlos Bresser-Pereira. Our research project draws on CorpusBased Translation Studies (BAKER, 1993, 1995, 1996, 2000; CAMARGO, 2005, 2007), Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2004; TOGNINI-BONELLI, 2001) and on some concepts of Terminology (BARROS, 2004; KRIEGER & FINATTO, 2004). For compiling the comparable corpora in Portuguese and in English, we selected articles from Brazilian journals and from international journals of Political Science and Political Economy. We also present four samples of bilingual glossaries with the terms of these subareas in their cotexts.


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The main purpose of this paper is to observe the Portuguese into English translational process regarding the metaphors of specific lexical units related to erogenous zones and to intercourse in the context of the literary work Maira (1978), written by Darcy Ribeiro, as well as in its translation, Mara (1985), performed by Goodland e Colchie. We based our study on an interdisciplinary proposal that associates the theoretical framework of Lexical Studies (BIDERMAN, 1996; LAKOFF; JOHNSON, 2002; ORSI, 2007, 2009; ORSI; ZAVAGLIA, 2007; 2012; PRETI, 1984; XATARA; RIVA; RIOS, 2002; XATARA, 2004), Corpus-Based Translation Studies (BAKER, 1993, 1995; CAMARGO, 2005), Corpus Linguistics (TYMOCZKO, 1998; BERBER SARDINHA, 2004), and, in part, Terminology (COELHO, 2003; BARROS, 2004; FAULSTICH, 2004). Concerning the methodology, we used the program WordSmith Tools, which provided the tools WordList and Concord, for collection and observation of data. We thus verified the value attributed to the erotic-obscene lexicon in Darcy Ribeiros literary-textual construction, and we also analyzed the reformulation of taboo lexicon in English. Finally, we intended to reflect on the process of translation of these lexical units considered socially disreputable, in an attempt to provide a possible support fortranslators, linguists, writers and social scientists.


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This paper analyzes voicing occurrences on the coda of Portuguese and English words pronounced by Brazilian speakers. The aim of this kind of analysis is to describe how voicing occurrences affect the realization and perception of foreign words. It was noted that there is a recurrence on the use of unvoiced coda in Portuguese, which was assumed to happen also in English when Brazilian Portuguese speakers uses it as a second language. The recordings were analyzed through Praat, software that generates waveforms and spectrograms, allowing segments to be divided and phonetically transcribed. The analysis proved the assumption to be true, concluding that speakers who had their speeches recorded produced unvoiced codas in fact. Conclusions concerning this take into consideration that, considering how minimal pairs in English can be produced based on coda voicing, there is a possible communication difficulty Brazilians may face due to this fact. But it goes by unnoticed, because this process sounds so natural it hardly is taken as a problem source


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This work presents the results of a study on the use of experimentation in physics teaching, presenting a survey on the use of this strategy in public high schools in the region of So Jos dos Campos. Data collection was carried out in schools by means of questionnaires prepared for physics teachers and students from three grades of high school. Data were obtained in eighteen schools distributed in the city of So Jos dos Campos (two in the central region, in the west, three on the east side, seven in the north and five in the south), a school in the district of Sao Francisco Xavier and a school in the town of Monteiro Lobato. Thus, data from 20 schools, 610 students and 20 teachers were analyzed. Among the main results, we highlight that over 80% of the students said that there is no physics lab at the school where they study, and less than 1% declares that uses laboratory weekly. We note that there is a laboratory in 25% of the schools in the northern region and 10% or less of the other schools. According to the students the proposition of the experimental activities by teachers is rare - only three schools in East Side the options sometimes and always exceeded the number of responses experimental activities are never proposed. We had 60% of the teachers who reported using the curriculum of the state of So Paulo to propose activities to students, and half of the teachers said they did not have classes experimental physics classes in initial training or had them in sufficient quantity to support the use of this feature in practice


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo observar a presena de palavras de origem inglesa em dicionrios do Portugus Brasileiro relacionando este fato com a atual identificao do brasileiro com a cultura norteamericana como consequncia da importncia dos EUA no cenrio mundial nas ltimas dcadas. Neste estudo, notou-se que as palavras estrangeiras passam por um perodo de observao pelos lexicgrafos antes de serem finalmente inseridas em importantes obras de referncia da língua portuguesa. Observou-se tambm que, quando inseridas nos dicionrios, as palavras inglesas so encontradas em diferentes tipos de verbetes: alguns trazem transcrio fontica, por exemplo, outros no. Alm disso, muitos verbetes no indicam se a palavra ainda pode ser considerada estrangeira língua portuguesa ou se j se encontra aportuguesada. Dessa forma, podemos concluir que no h um padro de entrada para palavras estrangeiras em dicionrios do Portugus Brasileiro e que vem sendo uma tarefa difcil para os lexicgrafos encontrar um modelo de verbete que melhor atenda as necessidades das pessoas. Por fim, esta pesquisa comprovou que fatores extralingusticos e culturais so importantes para que se decida se uma palavra estrangeira deve ou no estar presente em um dicionrio do Portugus Brasileiro.


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This paper focuses on teletandem telecollaborative practice aiming at maximizing the teaching and learning foreign languages and investigating the spaces created for autonomy and reflection. Teletandem is a new context for learning languages in which students are paired up and help each other to learn the language. A qualitative ethnographic study was conducted from partnerships of Brazilian and American students. Based on e-mails, informal conversations, written reports and field notes taken at the Teletandem Laboratory, the results have shown that autonomy is gradually experienced by the partners as they take responsibility for their learning. Teletandem has also proved to be a context which fosters reflective actions.