971 resultados para Kearney, Richard: On Stories. Thinking in Action


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Passive films were grown in potentiodynamic mode, by cyclic voltammetry on AISI 316 and AISI 304 stainless steels. The composition of these films was investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The electrochemical behaviour and the chemical composition of the passive films formed by cyclic voltammetry were compared to those of films grown under natural conditions (by immersion at open circuit potential, OCP) in alkaline solutions simulating concrete. The study included the effect of pH of the electrolyte and the effect of the presence of chloride ions. The XPS results revealed important changes in the passive film composition, which becomes enriched in chromium and depleted in magnetite as the pH decreases. On the other hand, the presence of chlorides promotes a more oxidised passive layer. The XPS results also showed relevant differences on the composition of the oxide layers for the films formed under cyclic voltammetry and/or under OCP.


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The present investigation was carried out on a sample of 840 children (5 to 16 years old) from ten small towns of the State of Bahia in northeastern Brazil. The objetive was to study, by using a cross sectional methodology, the evolution of schistosomiasis morbidity (hepatic and splenic enlargement) in children, and the role of the intensity of S. mansoni infection in this process. The children were analised in three age groups (5 to 8, to 12 and 13 to 16 years old) and classified as uninfected, mildly infected, moderately infected and heavily infected according to the number of eggs in the stool. In children aged 5 to 8 years, increasing egg counts were not associated with increasing frequencies of hepatic or splenic enlargement. In the 9 to 12 years old group and association was observed with the prevalence of hepatic enlargement, but not with the prevalence of spleen enlargement. In the oldest group, 13 to 16 years old, an association was observed with the prevalence of enlargement of both organs. It was evident that in this population schistosomiasis morbidity develops in the early period of life as a gradual process starting with liver enlargement and followed by spleen enlargement some years later. It was found that the intensity of infection has a fundamental role in this process, although there is a latent period of some years before clinical splenomegaly appears in moderate-heavily infected children. The Authors suggest that the prevalence of splenomegaly in the 13 to 16 years old group is a good measure of the community level of schistosomiasis morbidity and could be used to measure the impact of control programs.


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Mice experimentally infected with Schistosoma mansoni were injected with sodium thiopental or sodium antimonyl gluconate (Triostib R), or submitted to halothane inhalation, with or without a previous injection of thiopental. Data obtained showed that halothane and thiopental induce worm shift to the liver (99 and 76%, respectively). Sodium gluconate and antimonium (Triostib R) shifted 52% of worms towards the liver. These results seem to indicate that the use of antimonium would be unnecessary, when surgical removal of schistosomules is carried out through the extracorporeal filtration technique, in patients with portal hypertension.


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Following a prescribed fire in a Pinus pinaster forest site located in the north-west Portugal, monitoring of any changes in selected soil characteristics and soil hydrology was undertaken to assess the effects of burning on the following: pH, electrical conductivity, water content, organic carbon and porosity. Thirty plots were established on a regular grid. At each sample plot before and after the fire, samples were collected (disturbed samples from depths of 0-1cm and 1-5cm; undisturbed core samples from 0-5cm). The results indicate that there was no measurable impact on the properties of the soil following this carefully conducted prescribed fire. The fire only affected the litter layer, as intended. Confirmation of this minimal impact on the soil was provided by regrowth of grasses and herbs already occurring two months after the fire. The implication is, therefore, that provided this wildfire-risk reduction strategy is carried out under existing strict guidelines, any impact on soil quality will be minimal.


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In order to decrease the risk of severe wildfire, prescribed fire has recently been adopted in Portugal and elsewhere in the Mediterranean as a major tool for reducing the fuel load instead of manual or mechanical removal of vegetation. There has been some research into its impact on soils in shrublands and grasslands, but to date little research has been conducted in forested areas in the region. As a result, the impact of prescribed fire on the physico-chemical soil characteristics of forest soils has been assumed to be minimal, but this has not been demonstrated. In this study, we present the results of a monitoring campaign of a detailed pre- and post-prescribed fire assessment of soil properties in a long-unburnt P. pinaster plantation, NW Portugal. The soil characteristics examined were pH, total porosity, bulk density, moisture content, organic matter content and litter/ash quantity. The results show that there was no significant impact on the measured soil properties, the only effect being confined to minor changes in the upper 1 cm of soil. We conclude that provided the fire is carried out according to strict guidelines in P. pinaster forest, a minimal impact on soil properties can be expected.


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Sera from the patients (N = 10) with schistosomiasis mansoni of the hospital of Federal University of Pernambuco, the Schistosoma mansoni egg-positive (N = 51) and -negative (N = 452) inhabitants in Cabo City area, out-patients (N = 37) of the IMIP hospital and Japanese immigrants (N = 127) in Petrolina City area of northeast Brazil as well as Japanese healthy subjects (N = 30) were examined by serological tests including an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with antigens prepared from eggs (ELISA-egg) and adult worms (ELISA-adult). The ELISA with egg or adult antigen correctly identified 100% of the uninfected individuals lived in non-endemic area of schistosomiasis. Moreover, when examined cross-reactivity of our ELISA with sera isolated from 78 subjects infected with various intestinal parasitic infections, only one of these sera reacted with the egg and adult antigens. On the examination of 51 sera from the egg-positive subjects, the ELISA-egg revealed the highest sensitivity (98.0%), whereas a large number of false negative reactions of ELISA-adult, Ouchterlony method using adult antigen, circumoval precipitation and immediate intradermal skin test were observed. A low sensitivity of these serologic tests except for ELISA-egg appears to be primarily due to their inability to detect antibody in the sera from egg-positive infantiles. There was no positive correlation between the absorbance values of these two types of ELISA among the sera isolated from ELISA-positive subjects. Rather, by the reactivity of these sera to egg or adult antigen, they could be divided into two subgroups; one reacted more positively with egg antigen and the other with adult antigen. Moreover, it was confirmed that the sera from young subjects (under 20 years old) appear to be highly reactive to the egg antigen than did aged ones. These data suggest that the ELISA with egg antigen, but not with the adult antigen, appears to be useful for the serological survey of schistosomiasis mansoni in the endemic area of northeast Brazil.


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Dissertation presented to the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of New University of Lisbon in fulfilment of the requirements for the Master’s degree in Conservation and Restoration Specialization in easel painting


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This paper is part of the Project “Adaptive thinking and flexible computation: Critical issues”. It discusses what is meant by adaptive thinking and presents the results of individual interviews with four pupils. The main goal of the study is to understand pupils’ reasoning when solving numerical tasks involving additive situations, and identify features associated with adaptive thinking. The results show that, in the case of first grade pupils, the semantic aspects of the problem are involved in its resolution and the pupils’ performance appears to be related to the development of number sense. The 2nd grade pupils seem to see the quantitative difference as an invariant numerical relationship.


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Phonological development was assessed in six alphabetic orthographies (English, French, Greek, Icelandic, Portuguese and Spanish) at the beginning and end of the first year of reading instruction. The aim was to explore contrasting theoretical views regarding: the question of the availability of phonology at the outset of learning to read (Study 1); the influence of orthographic depth on the pace of phonological development during the transition to literacy (Study 2); and the impact of literacy instruction (Study 3). Results from 242 children did not reveal a consistent sequence of development as performance varied according to task demands and language. Phonics instruction appeared more influential than orthographic depth in the emergence of an early meta-phonological capacity to manipulate phonemes, and preliminary indications were that cross-linguistic variation was associated with speech rhythm more than factors such as syllable complexity. The implications of the outcome for current models of phonological development are discussed.


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According to the hedonic price method, a price of a good is related with the characteristics or the services it provides. Within this framework, the aim of this study it is to examine the effect on room rates of different characteristics of hotels in and around the city of Porto, such as star category, size, room and service quality, hotel facilities and location. It was estimated a hedonic price function, using data for 51 hotels. The results enable to identify the attributes that are important to consumers and hoteliers and to which extent. This information can be used by hotel managers to define a price strategy and helpful in new investment decisions.


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The authors studied 70 leprosy patients and 20 normal individuals, comparing the traditional sera collection method and the finger prick blood with the conservation on filter paper for specific antibodies against the native phenolic glycolipid-I (PGL-I) from Mycobacterium leprae. The finger prick blood dried on filter paper was eluated in phosphate buffer saline (PBS) containing 0.5% gelatin. The classical method for native PGL-I was performed for these eluates, and compared with the antibody determination for sera. It was observed that there is a straight correlation comparing these two methods; although the titles found for the eluates were lower than those obtained for serology. This blood collection method could be useful for investigation of new leprosy cases in field, specially in contacts individuals.


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Evidence indicates that exposure to high levels of noise adversely affects human health, and these effects are dependent upon various factors. In hospitals, there are many sources of noise, and high levels exert an impact on patients and staff, increasing both recovery time and stress, respectively. The goal of this pilot study was to develop, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of a training program (TP) on noise reduction in a Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) by comparing the noise levels before and after the implementation of the program. A total of 79 health professionals participated in the study. The measurements of sound pressure levels took into account the layout of the unit and location of the main sources of noise. General results indicated that LAeq levels before implementation of the training program were often excessive, ranging from 48.7 ± 2.94 dBA to 71.7 ± 4.74 dBA, exceeding international guidelines. Similarly following implementation of the training program noise levels remained unchanged (54.5 ± 0.49 dBA to 63.9 ± 4.37 dBA), despite a decrease in some locations. There was no significant difference before and after the implementation of TP. However a significant difference was found for Lp, Cpeak, before and after training staff, suggesting greater care by healthcare professionals performing their tasks. Even recognizing that a TP is quite important to change behaviors, this needs to be considered in a broader context to effectively control noise in the NICU.


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RESUMO: Os Staphylococcus aureus resistentes à meticilina (MRSA, do inglês “methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus”) são um dos principais agentes responsáveis por infeções hospitalares. Os MRSA são resistentes a praticamente todos os antibióticos β-lactâmicos devido a dois mecanismos principais: produção de β-lactamase (bla), codificada pelo gene blaZ, e produção de uma proteína de ligação à penicilina (PBP2a, do inglês “penicillin binding protein 2”), codificada pelo gene mecA. Estes dois genes são regulados por sistemas homólogos, constituídos por um sensor-transdutor (BlaR1 e MecR1) e um repressor (BlaI e MecI), de tal modo que ambos os sistemas são capazes de co-regular os genes mecA e blaZ, embora com eficiências de indução muito diferentes. De facto, a indução mediada pelo sistema mecI-mecR1 é tão lenta que se acredita que este sistema não está funcional na maioria das estirpes MRSA. No entanto, dados recentes do nosso laboratório, demonstram a ausência de relação entre a presença do gene mecI e o nível de resistência à meticilina em estirpes MRSA epidémicas, e também que, o fenótipo de resistência da grande maioria das estirpes não é perturbado pela sobre-expressão em trans do repressor mecI. Curiosamente, as duas estirpes em que a expressão da resistência foi afetada pela sobre-expressão do mecI são negativas para o locus da β-lactamase, o que sugere que este locus pode interferir diretamente com a repressão do gene mecA mediada pelo MecI. Nesta tese de mestrado esta hipótese foi explorada usando estratégias de biologia molecular e ensaios fenotípicos da resistência aos -lactâmicos. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a presença do plasmídeo nativo da β-lactamase não só anula a repressão mediada pelo MecI, como também aumenta o nível de resistência das estirpes parentais. Várias hipóteses foram então formuladas para explicar estas observações. Dados preliminares, em conjunto com evidências experimentais publicadas, sugerem que o BlaI forma hetero-dímeros com o MecI que, após a indução, são inativados eficientemente pelo BlaR1. Em conclusão, estes resultados apresentam novas perspetivas para o mecanismo de regulação do mecA e para uma nova importante função do operão da β-lactamase para o fenótipo das estirpes MRSA.-------------------ABSTRACT: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is an important nosocomial pathogen and is also emerging in the community. MRSA is cross-resistant to virtually all β-lactam antibiotics and has acquired two main resistance mechanisms: production of β-lactamase (bla), coded by blaZ, and production of penicillin binding protein 2a (PBP2a), coded by mecA. Both genes are regulated by homologous sensor-transducers (BlaR1 and MecR1) and repressors (BlaI and MecI), and coregulation of mecA and blaZ by both systems has been demonstrated, although with remarkable different efficiencies. In fact, induction of mecA by mecI-mecR1 is so slow that it is believed it is not functional in most MRSA strains. However, recent data from our laboratory has unexpectedly demonstrated that not only there is no correlation between the presence of mecI gene and the resistance level in epidemic MRSA strains, but also that for most strains there were no significant changes on the resistance phenotype upon the mecI overexpression in trans. Interestingly, the two strains in which mecI overexpression affected the resistance expression were negative for the bla locus, suggesting that this locus may interfere directly with the MecI-mediated repression of mecA and account for those puzzling observations. In this master thesis we have explored this hypothesis using molecular biology strategies and phenotypic analysis of -lactam resistance. The data obtained demonstrate that the presence of a wild-type plasmid containing the bla locus not only disrupts the MecImediated repression, but also significantly enhances the expression of resistance. Several preliminary hypotheses were formulated to explain these observations and preliminary data, together with published evidence, support the working model that BlaI forms functional hetero-dimers with MecI, which upon induction are readily inactivated by BlaR1. These results provide new insights into the regulatory mechanism(s) of mecA and open new perspectives for the role of β-lactamase operon in the MRSA phenotype.