988 resultados para Japan Export Information Center (U.S.)
The 1300-km rupture of the 2004 interplate earthquake terminated at around 15 degrees N, in the northernmost segment of the Andaman-Nicobar subduction zone. This part of the plate boundary is noted for its generally lower level seismicity, compared with the southern segments. Based on the Global Centroid Moment Tensor (CMT) and National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) data, most of the earthquakes of M-w >= 4.5 prior to 2004 were associated with the Andaman Spreading Ridge (ASR), and a few events were located within the forearc basin. The 2004 event was followed by an upward migration of hypocenters along the subducting plate, and the Andaman segment experienced a surge of aftershock activity. The continuing extensional faulting events, including the most recent earthquake (10 August 2009; M-w 7.5) in the northern end of the 2004 rupture, suggest the reduction of compressional strain associated with the interplate event. The style of faulting of the intraplate events before and after a great plate boundary earthquake reflects the relative influences of the plate-driving forces. Here we discuss the pattern of earthquakes in the Andaman segment before and after the 2004 event to appraise the spatial and temporal relation between large interplate thrust events and intraplate deformation. This study suggests that faulting mechanisms in the outer-ridge and outer-rise regions could be indicative of the maturity of interplate seismic cycles.
A study on the reproductive biology of Amblema neislerii, Elliptoideus sloatianus, Lampsilis subangulata, Medionidus penicillatus, and Pleurobema pyriforme was conducted from May 1995 to May 1997. The objectives of this study were as follows: 1) determine period of gravidity for each of the five mussel species, 2) determine host fish via laboratory experiments, 3) test whether unionid glochidia will transform on a nonidingenous fish, and 4) describe the glochidial morphology for each of the five mussel species using a scanning electron microscope. Amblema neislerii are tachytictic breeders and were found with mature glochidia in May. Elliptoideus sloatianus are tachytictic breeders and were found with mature glochidia from late February to early April. Lampsilis subangulata are bradytictic breeders and were found with mature glochidia from December to August. Superconglutinates were released by L. subangulata from late May to early July. Medionidus penicillatus are bradytictic breeders and were found with mature glochidia in November and February to April. Pleurobema pyriforme are tachytictic breeders and were found with mature glochidia from March to July. The following fish species served as hosts for A. neislerii: Notropis texanus, Lepomis macrochirus, L. microlophus, Micropterus salmoides, and Percina nigrofasciata. The following fish species served as hosts for E. sloatianus: Gambusia holbrooki, Poecilia reticulata, and P. nigrofasciata. The following fish species served as hosts for L. subangulata: G. holbrooki, P. reticulata, L. macrochirus, Micropterus punctulatus, and M. salmoides. The following fish species served as hosts for M. penicillatus: G. holbrooki, P. reticulata, Etheostoma edwini, and P. nigrofasciata. The following fish species served as hosts for P. pyriforme: Pteronotropis hypselopterus, G. holbrooki, and P. reticulata. Poecilia reticulata, a nonindigenous fish, served as a host for E. sloatianus, L. subangulata, M. penicillatus, and P. pyriforme. (76 page document)
Mid-frequency active (MFA) sonar emits pulses of sound from an underwater transmitter to help determine the size, distance, and speed of objects. The sound waves bounce off objects and reflect back to underwater acoustic receivers as an echo. MFA sonar has been used since World War II, and the Navy indicates it is the only reliable way to track submarines, especially more recently designed submarines that operate more quietly, making them more difficult to detect. Scientists have asserted that sonar may harm certain marine mammals under certain conditions, especially beaked whales. Depending on the exposure, they believe that sonar may damage the ears of the mammals, causing hemorrhaging and/or disorientation. The Navy agrees that the sonar may harm some marine mammals, but says it has taken protective measures so that animals are not harmed. (PDF contains 20 pages)
This presentation describes how the Galveston Bay Bibliography and Galveston Bay Information Center projects transitioned from a paper world to electronic format. The mission of the Galveston Bay Information Center (GBIC) is to serve as a repository for information and a resource for research on Galveston Bay, its watershed, and the coastal region for all members of the Galveston Bay Community. GBIC was created in response to critical losses of data and information that were identified in the early stages of Galveston Bay National Estuary Program and includes a physical collection as well as a bibliography. With the loss of funding imminent, the administrators of GBIC recognized the need to preserve the collection and its digital bibliography in perpetuity. Enter Texas Digital Library. The University’s participation in TDL enabled GBIC to make the Galveston Bay Bibliography more robust and visible to the entire world.
Clare, A. and King R.D. (2003) Predicting gene function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 2nd European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB '03). (published as a journal supplement in Bioinformatics 19: ii42-ii49)
Acousto-optic imaging (AOI) in optically diffuse media is a hybrid imaging modality in which a focused ultrasound beam is used to locally phase modulate light inside of turbid media. The modulated optical field carries with it information about the optical properties in the region where the light and sound interact. The motivation for the development of AOI systems is to measure optical properties at large depths within biological tissue with high spatial resolution. A photorefractive crystal (PRC) based interferometry system is developed for the detection of phase modulated light in AOI applications. Two-wave mixing in the PRC creates a reference beam that is wavefront matched to the modulated optical field collected from the specimen. The phase modulation is converted to an intensity modulation at the optical detector when these two fields interfere. The interferometer has a high optical etendue, making it well suited for AOI where the scattered light levels are typically low. A theoretical model for the detection of acoustically induced phase modulation in turbid media using PRC based interferometry is detailed. An AOI system, using a single element focused ultrasound transducer to pump the AO interaction and the PRC based detection system, is fabricated and tested on tissue mimicking phantoms. It is found that the system has sufficient sensitivity to detect broadband AO signals generated using pulsed ultrasound, allowing for AOI at low time averaged ultrasound output levels. The spatial resolution of the AO imaging system is studied as a function of the ultrasound pulse parameters. A theoretical model of light propagation in turbid media is used to explore the dependence of the AO response on the experimental geometry, light collection aperture, and target optical properties. Finally, a multimodal imaging system combining pulsed AOI and conventional B- mode ultrasound imaging is developed. B-mode ultrasound and AO images of targets embedded in both highly diffuse phantoms and biological tissue ex vivo are obtained, and millimeter resolution is demonstrated in three dimensions. The AO images are intrinsically co-registered with the B-mode ultrasound images. The results suggest that AOI can be used to supplement conventional B-mode ultrasound imaging with optical information.
Doubt is a single-movement composition of roughly twelve minutes for narrator and orchestra (woodwinds, horns, and trumpets in pairs, timpani, percussion, strings). The piece explores the controversial issue of capital punishment. The text was compiled from resources found on the websites of Death Penalty Information Center (http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org) and Anti-Death Penalty Information (http://www.antideathpenalty.org), as well as excerpts from the Bible. Doubt was conceived of as a dramatic work in which a narrator recites factual information in a direct and unemotional manner and the orchestra provides a response to the mixed emotions elicited by the text. The list of dates and case summaries presented in the middle section of the piece seemed most powerful and effective when recited in a natural speaking voice, which is why I chose not to set the text as song. Also, I chose the orchestral medium rather than a chamber setting because the nature of the topic demanded a larger range of colors and combinations, as well as a louder, fuller sound. Much of the music was composed while deciding which texts to include. Thus the music influenced the choice of text as much as the text suggested the musical setting. The four formal divisions of the piece are delineated primarily by the text. The first section is an orchestral introduction representing various emotional perspectives suggested by the texts. The narrator begins the second section with a Biblical verse over sparse orchestration. The third and main section of the piece begins with a new melody in the low strings that is closely related to the harmonic organization of the piece. The narrator lists dates of convictions, executions, exonerations and facts related to doubtful cases. The third section and the narration conclude with another brief passage from the Bible. The fourth section is a dramatic orchestral coda, bringing back the opening harmonies of juxtaposed perfect fifths. The final chord is full of tension and discord, reflecting the oppositions inherent in the topic of capital punishment: life vs. death, sympathy vs. reproach, pain vs. hope, but above all, doubt about guilt vs. innocence.
This recording dissertation surveys post-1945 literature written for piano trio (violin, violoncello and piano) by ten Danish composers. The literature was first considered for inclusion by searching a database provided by the Danish Music Information Center (www.mic.dk). Scores were rented from the publisher Edition Wilhelm Hansen AS, or purchased from the publisher Samfundet til Udgivelse af Dansk Musik. An additional score published by Viking Musikforlag was used as well. The music was then studied and evaluated for selection. During the selection process, the following criteria were considered: 1) quality of the compositions; 2) recognition of the composers at the national or international level; 3) whether the compositions had been previously recorded; and 4) variety of compositional styles. The selected works are written by Niels Viggo Bentzon, Vagn Holmboe, Anders Koppel, Herman D. Koppel, Bent Lorentzen, Anders Nordentoft, Per Norgard, Michael Nyvang, Karl Aage Rasmussen, and Poul Rovsing Olsen. The selected compositions were practiced, rehearsed, and performed under direct supervision of the composers and other expert musicians. In order to better understand the compositional style of each composer, relevant books, articles, and recordings were researched and studied. This recording dissertation is supported by a written document. A subjective preference for program balance was exercised to determine the order of recorded works. The written document is divided into chapters defined by composer, following the order of the recorded document, which include the composers' biographies and notes referring to the recorded compositions. The recording took place at the Manzius Gaarden, Birkerod, Denmark during three sessions: July 31-August 2, 2002, March 2 and 3, 2003, and June 2-4, 2003. The music for this dissertation was recorded by the members of the Jalina Trio; Line Fredens, violin, Janne Fredens, cello and Natsuki Fukasawa, piano. Aksel Trige, a well-respected recording engineer, was engaged for the recording and editing. Additionally, a Hamburg Steinway concert grand piano was rented and a Joseph Guarnerius filius Andreas Cremona violin (1706) was provided by the Augustinus Fonden, Denmark. The cellist used her own instrument, Vuillaume of Paris (c. 1850). The expense of this recording was partially paid by generous grants from the Augustinus Fonden, the Solist Foreningen af 1921, and the Dansk Musikerforbunds Kollective Rettighedsmidler. The compositions selected for this recording dissertation are assumed to be previously unrecorded, with the exception of Poul Rovsing Olsen's Trio II.
El CEDISIMAR es el Centro de Documentación e Información del Instituto Pedagógico de Miranda José Manuel Siso Martínez, el cual tiene como misión brindar información especializada para la realización de las actividades de investigación de pregrado y postgrado, extensión y docencia del IPMJMSM y de otras Universidades, por lo que se realizó un Proyecto Especial, el cual tuvo como objetivo general: Rediseñar el Centro de Información y Documentación del Instituto Pedagógico de Miranda José Manuel Siso Martínez, ubicado en la Urbina Estado Miranda en el segundo piso del edificio Mirage, tomando en consideración la misión que tiene este centro de gran relevancia para la institución. Este proyecto tuvo seis fases: I fase diagnóstico; II fase detección de las necesidades; III fase la propuesta con soporte de la factibilidad; IV fase de ejecución; V fase resultados y producto y VI fase estudio de impacto sobre los usuarios. Los resultados evidenciaron a través de los cambios que se generan en los centros de este tipo, en cuanto a la remodelación, la infraestructura y los distintos servicios que ofrece, lo cual favoreció un mejor servicio y atención al usuario.
Este estudio de caso aborda el tema de las alternativas al desarrollo convencional, concretamente el concepto de Buen Vivir- Sumak Kawsay, a la luz de la descripción y el análisis de los impactos del auge minero en la región del Alto Putumayo, territorio ancestral de los pueblos indígenas Inga y Camëntsá. Este trabajo quiere mostrar que la apuesta por un modelo económico extractivista, está inspirado en un plan de dominación global de recursos naturales por parte del algunas potencias, que a través del neoliberalismo económico y la globalización han desplegado estrategias de acumulación por desposesión en el Alto Putumayo. Este trabajo cuestiona las raíces históricas del discurso del desarrollo, que legitima las prácticas extractivas y excluye los saberes locales, a la luz de la experiencia recolectada en campo, donde sobresalen los procesos de resistencia de las comunidades por la defensa de la vida y territorio.
Se aborda la creación de una base bibliográfica española sobre el tema de la formación del profesorado universitario y del personal de enseñanza superior, en general, como colaboración de España a la red europea de intercambio de información sobre desarrollo profesional del personal de enseñanza superior, denominada European Network for Staff Development in Higher Education (ENSDHE) y patrocinada por el CEPES (Centro Europeo para la Enseñanza Superior). Los documentos registrados se dividen en diez apartados, según el enfoque con el que se aborde la formación del profesorado universitario. También, se ofrece la lista de descriptores utilizados en la base documental española, los cuales proceden del thesaurus ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center).
Explorar la producción de artículos sobre Educación Infantil en España, su desarrollo y grado de significación a fin de comprobar si se ajusta a modelos previamente establecidos sobre la productividad científica. Producción bibliográfica científica española sobre Educación Infantil. En primer lugar se aborda el modelo teórico y metodológico que subyace al análisis bibliométrico como técnica empleada y el de la Ciencia de la Ciencia cuyo objetivo es el estudio empírico de la ciencia mediante los instrumentos que le son propios. Revisión de los trabajos psicológicos y pedagógicos publicados en los últimos añós en España y realizados en este mismo área de investigación. En un segundo momento se presenta las fuentes de datos utilizadas, el período de tiempo y el criterio de selección de artículos así como el método de análisis bibliométrico y las fases de que consta para pasar a la tercera fase de obtención y presentación de los resultados de los análisis y de las conclusiones. Base de Datos del ISOC, producida por el Instituto de Estudios Documentales e Históricos sobre la Ciencia (IEDHC), incluida en las bases de datos del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas como fuente de Datos. Elaboración de una base de datos propia con el listado definitivo de artículos seleccionados, de 11 campos (DBase III+), lo que permitió el tratamiento informático posterior. Para abordar el grado de difusión de los trabajos españoles fuera de España se realiza una selección de artículos en las bases de datos de ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) y de libros en el ISBN (International Standar Book Number), sobre Educación Infantil, entre 1970 y 1995). Análisis bibliométrico: Ley de Price, Ley de Bradford, Ley de Lotka, Indice de Productividad, Indice de Firmas-Trabajo, autores más productivo y colaboración entre ellos y áreas temáticas. El crecimiento de la producción sobre Educación Infantil se ajusta a los patrones establecidos para el crecimiento de la ciencia. Los autores no muestran tendencia a la colaboración entre ellos. Predominan los artículos teóricos sobre las experiencias educativas y las investigaciones. La productividad de los autores es baja, tan sólo una autora llega a publicar 10 artículos en el período estudiado. La difusión internacional de los trabajos es muy escasa y no presenta tendencia a incrementarse.