763 resultados para Janet-Cartan
Background:The golden retriever muscular dystrophy (GRMD) dogs represent the best available animal model for therapeutic trials aiming at the future treatment of human Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). We have obtained a rare litter of six GRMD dogs (3 males and 3 females) born from an affected male and a carrier female which were submitted to a therapeutic trial with adult human stem cells to investigate their capacity to engraft into dogs muscles by local as compared to systemic injection without any immunosuppression. Methods Human Immature Dental Pulp Stem Cells (hIDPSC) were transplanted into 4 littermate dogs aged 28 to 40 days by either arterial or muscular injections. Two non-injected dogs were kept as controls. Clinical translation effects were analyzed since immune reactions by blood exams and physical scores capacity of each dog. Samples from biopsies were checked by immunohistochemistry (dystrophin markers) and FISH for human probes. Results and Discussion We analyzed the cells' ability in respect to migrate, engraftment, and myogenic potential, and the expression of human dystrophin in affected muscles. Additionally, the efficiency of single and consecutive early transplantation was compared. Chimeric muscle fibers were detected by immunofluorescence and fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) using human antibodies and X and Y DNA probes. No signs of immune rejection were observed and these results suggested that hIDPSC cell transplantation may be done without immunosuppression. We showed that hIDPSC presented significant engraftment in GRMD dog muscles, although human dystrophin expression was modest and limited to several muscle fibers. Better clinical condition was also observed in the dog, which received monthly arterial injections and is still clinically stable at 25 months of age. Conclusion Our data suggested that systemic multiple deliveries seemed more effective than local injections. These findings open important avenues for further researches.
The objective of this work was (1) to develop a dehydrated pepper with 45% humidity, determining the drying curves for pepper, with and without osmotic pre-treatment and (2) to evaluate the influence of both drying and osmotic treatment on the content ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in fresh pepper and pepper with 45% humidity. The experiments were carried out using the peppers cut in half, with and without osmotic pre-treatment, followed by drying in an oven at 70 ºC. The results showed that the osmotic pretreatment did not influence the retention of ascorbic acid during the drying of pepper. The sensory analysis regarding the color, flavor, and texture attributes revealed that there was no difference in the acceptability.
Vor dem Hintergrund sich wandelnder (medialer) Lebenswelten von Schülerinnen und Schülern gewinnen Bestimmungsversuche um medienpädagogische Handlungskompetenzen von Lehrpersonen an Bedeutung. Der Erwerb medienpädagogischer Kompetenz, verstanden als dynamisches Zusammenspiel von domänenspezifischem Wissen und anwendungsorientiertem Können, wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit als wesentliches Lernziel der medienpädagogischen (Aus-)Bildung bestimmt. Als ein Weg zur Förderung medienpädagogischer Handlungskompetenz wird von der Autorin auf der Folie konstruktivistischer Vorstellungen über das Lehren und Lernen die Methode der Problemorientierung vorgeschlagen. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden Modelle und Konzepte diskutiert, die Bausteine für ein Modell medienpädagogischer Kompetenz liefern. Im zweiten Teil wird eine empirische Untersuchung zum Erwerb medienpädagogischer Handlungskompetenz auf der Basis eines von der Autorin erarbeiteten Modells vorgestellt und die Ergebnisse diskutiert. Eine kompetenztheoretische Annäherung erfolgt auf der Basis zweier Konzepte. Dies sind die Ausführungen zu einem Konzept kommunikativer Kompetenz nach Jürgen Habermas sowie dessen Überführung in die Medienpädagogik durch Dieter Baacke. Ferner wird die rezente bildungspolitische Kompetenzdebatte in Anbindung an Franz E. Weinert analysiert. Es folgt eine Zusammenschau über die methodischen Konzepte zur Erfassung von Kompetenzen in der Erziehungswissenschaft und deren Anwendbarkeit für die medienpädagogische Kompetenzforschung. Die gegenwärtig vorliegenden Entwürfe zu einer inhaltlichen Bestimmung medienpädagogischer Kompetenzen werden besprochen (Sigrid Blömeke, Werner Sesink, International Society for Technology in Education). Im Rekurs auf konstruktivistische lerntheoretische Überlegungen erfährt das problemorientierte Lernen beim Aufbau von Kompetenzen eine enorme Aufwertung. In der Arbeit wird insbesondere den Arbeiten von David Jonassen zu einer konstruktivistisch-instruktionistischen Herangehensweise bei der Gestaltung problemorientierter Lernumgebungen eine große Bedeutung zugesprochen (vgl. auch Ansätze des Goal-based Scenarios/Roger Schank und des Learning by Design/Janet Kolodner). Im zweiten Teil wird die Interventionsstudie im Kontrollgruppendesign vorgestellt. Anhand eines Modells medienpädagogischer Kompetenz, dass auf den Dimensionen Wissen einerseits und Können andererseits basiert, wurden Studierende (n=59) in einem Pre-Posttestverfahren auf diese Dimensionen getestet. Die Studierenden der Interventionsgruppe (n=30) arbeiteten über ein Semester mit einer problemorientierten Lernanwendung, die Studierenden der Kontrollgruppe (n=29) in einem klassischen Seminarsetting. Hauptergebnis der Untersuchung ist es, das die Intervention zu einem messbaren Lernerfolg beim medienpädagogischen Können führte. In der Diskussion der Ergebnisse werden Empfehlungen zur Gestaltung problemorientierter Lernumgebungen formuliert. Die Chancen einer Orientierung an problemorientierten Lernsettings für das Lernen an Hochschulen werden herausgestellt.
In questa tesi studiamo il ruolo dei sistemi di radici nella classificazione delle algebre di Lie e delle superalgebre di Lie. L'interesse per le superalgebre di Lie nasce nei primi anni '70 quando una parte dei fisici si convinse che sarebbe stato più utile e molto più chiaro riuscire ad avere uno schema di riferimento unitario in cui non dovesse essere necessario trattare separatamente particelle fisiche come bosoni e fermioni. Una teoria sistematica sulle superalgebre di Lie fu introdotta da V. Kac nel 1977 che diede la classificazione delle superalgebre di Lie semplici su un campo algebricamente chiuso.
In questa tesi abbiamo studiato le forme reali di algebre e superalgebre di Lie. Il lavoro si suddivide in tre capitoli diversi, il primo è di introduzione alle algebre di Lie e serve per dare le prime basi di questa teoria e le notazioni. Nel secondo capitolo abbiamo introdotto le algebre compatte e le forme reali. Abbiamo visto come sono correlate tra di loro tramite strumenti potenti come l'involuzione di Cartan e relativa decomposizione ed i diagrammi di Vogan e abbiamo introdotto un algoritmo chiamato "push the button" utile per verificare se due diagrammi di Vogan sono equivalenti. Il terzo capitolo segue la struttura dei primi due, inizialmente abbiamo introdotto le superalgebre di Lie con relativi sistemi di radici e abbiamo proseguito studiando le relative forme reali, diagrammi di Vogan e abbiamo introdotto anche qua l'algoritmo "push the button".
In questa tesi vengono presentati i piu recenti risultati relativi all'estensione della teoria dei campi localmente covariante a geometrie che permettano di descrivere teorie di campo supersimmetriche. In particolare, si mostra come la definizione assiomatica possa essere generalizzata, mettendo in evidenza le problematiche rilevanti e le tecniche utilizzate in letteratura per giungere ad una loro risoluzione. Dopo un'introduzione alle strutture matematiche di base, varieta Lorentziane e operatori Green-iperbolici, viene definita l'algebra delle osservabili per la teoria quantistica del campo scalare. Quindi, costruendo un funtore dalla categoria degli spazio-tempo globalmente iperbolici alla categoria delle *-algebre, lo stesso schema viene proposto per le teorie di campo bosoniche, purche definite da un operatore Green-iperbolico su uno spazio-tempo globalmente iperbolico. Si procede con lo studio delle supervarieta e alla definizione delle geometrie di background per le super teorie di campo: le strutture di super-Cartan. Associando canonicamente ad ognuna di esse uno spazio-tempo ridotto, si introduce la categoria delle strutture di super-Cartan (ghsCart) il cui spazio-tempo ridotto e globalmente iperbolico. Quindi, si mostra, in breve, come e possibile costruire un funtore da una sottocategoria di ghsCart alla categoria delle super *-algebre e si conclude presentando l'applicazione dei risultati esposti al caso delle strutture di super-Cartan in dimensione 2|2.
Many HIV-infected children in Southern Africa have been started on antiretroviral therapy (ART), but loss to follow up (LTFU) can be substantial. We analyzed mortality in children retained in care and in all children starting ART, taking LTFU into account.
Little is known about the temporal impact of the rapid scale-up of large antiretroviral therapy (ART) services on programme outcomes. We describe patient outcomes [mortality, loss-to-follow-up (LTFU) and retention] over time in a network of South African ART cohorts.
Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is the first-line therapy for multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN). This open-label multi-centre study (NCT00701662) assessed the efficacy, safety, and convenience of subcutaneous immunoglobulin (SCIG) in patients with MMN over 6 months, as an alternative to IVIG. Eight MMN patients (42-66 years), on stable IVIG dosing, received weekly SCIG at doses equivalent to previous IVIG using a "smooth transition protocol". Primary efficacy endpoint was the change from baseline to week 24 in muscle strength. Disability, motor function, and health-related quality of life (HRQL) endpoints were also assessed. One patient deteriorated despite dose increase and was withdrawn. Muscle strength, disability, motor function, and health status were unchanged in all seven study completers who rated home treatment as extremely good. Four experienced 18 adverse events, of which only two were moderate. This study suggests that MMN patients with stable clinical course on regular IVIG can be switched to SCIG at the same monthly dose without deterioration and with a sustained overall improvement in HRQL.
BACKGROUND: The aetiology of visual hallucinations is poorly understood in dementia with Lewy bodies. Pathological alterations in visual cortical excitability may be one contributory mechanism. AIMS: To determine visual cortical excitability in people with dementia with Lewy bodies compared with aged-matched controls and also the relationship between visual cortical excitability and visual hallucinations in dementia with Lewy bodies. METHOD: Visual cortical excitability was determined by using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) applied to the occiput to elicit phosphenes (transient subjective visual responses) in 21 patients with dementia with Lewy bodies and 19 age-matched controls. RESULTS: Phosphene parameters were similar between both groups. However, in the patients with dementia with Lewy bodies, TMS measures of visual cortical excitability correlated strongly with the severity of visual hallucinations (P = 0.005). Six patients with dementia with Lewy bodies experienced visual hallucination-like phosphenes (for example, seeing people or figures on stimulation) compared with none of the controls (P = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Increased visual cortical excitability in dementia with Lewy bodies does not appear to explain visual hallucinations but it may be a marker for their severity.
To measure rates and predictors of virologic failure and switch to second-line antiretroviral therapy (ART) in South Africa.
Objectives To determine the diagnostic accuracy of World Health Organization (WHO) 2010 and 2006 as well as United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) 2008 definitions of immunological failure for identifying virological failure (VF) in children on antiretroviral therapy (ART). Methods Analysis of data from children (<16 years at ART initiation) at South African ART sites at which CD4 count/per cent and HIV-RNA monitoring are performed 6-monthly. Incomplete virological suppression (IVS) was defined as failure to achieve ≥1 HIV-RNA ≤400 copies/ml between 6 and 15 months on ART and viral rebound (VR) as confirmed HIV-RNA ≥5000 copies/ml in a child on ART for ≥18 months who had achieved suppression during the first year on treatment. Results Among 3115 children [median (interquartile range) age 48 (20-84) months at ART initiation] on treatment for ≥1 year, sensitivity of immunological criteria for IVS was 10%, 6% and 26% for WHO 2006, WHO 2010 and DHHS 2008 criteria, respectively. The corresponding positive predictive values (PPV) were 31%, 20% and 20%. Diagnostic accuracy for VR was determined in 2513 children with ≥18 months of follow-up and virological suppression during the first year on ART with sensitivity of 5% (WHO 2006/2010) and 27% (DHHS 2008). PPV results were 42% (WHO 2010), 43% (WHO 2006) and 20% (DHHS 2008). Conclusion Current immunological criteria are unable to correctly identify children failing ART virologically. Improved access to viral load testing is needed to reliably identify VF in children.
Background: With expanding pediatric antiretroviral therapy (ART) access, children will begin to experience treatment failure and require second-line therapy. We evaluated the probability and determinants of virologic failure and switching in children in South Africa. Methods: Pooled analysis of routine individual data from children who initiated ART in 7 South African treatment programs with 6-monthly viral load and CD4 monitoring produced Kaplan-Meier estimates of probability of virologic failure (2 consecutive unsuppressed viral loads with the second being >1000 copies/mL, after ≥24 weeks of therapy) and switch to second-line. Cox-proportional hazards models stratified by program were used to determine predictors of these outcomes. Results: The 3-year probability of virologic failure among 5485 children was 19.3% (95% confidence interval: 17.6 to 21.1). Use of nevirapine or ritonavir alone in the initial regimen (compared with efavirenz) and exposure to prevention of mother to child transmission regimens were independently associated with failure [adjusted hazard ratios (95% confidence interval): 1.77 (1.11 to 2.83), 2.39 (1.57 to 3.64) and 1.40 (1.02 to 1.92), respectively]. Among 252 children with ≥1 year follow-up after failure, 38% were switched to second-line. Median (interquartile range) months between failure and switch was 5.7 (2.9-11.0). Conclusions: Triple ART based on nevirapine or ritonavir as a single protease inhibitor seems to be associated with a higher risk of virologic failure. A low proportion of virologically failing children were switched.