978 resultados para Islets Of Langerhans
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Changes in Ca-45 uptake and insulin secretion in response to glucose, leucine, and arginine were measured in isolated islets derived from 4-week-old rats born of mothers maintained with normal protein (NP, 17%) or low protein (LP, 6%) diet during pregnancy and lactation. Glucose provoked a dose-dependent stimulation of insulin secretion in both groups of islets, with basal (2.8 mmol/L glucose) and maximal release (27.7 mmol/L glucose) significantly reduced in LP compared with NP islets. In the LP group the concentration-response curve to glucose was shifted to the right compared with the NP group, with the half-maximal response occurring at 16.9 and 13.3 mmol/L glucose, respectively. In LP islets, glucose-induced first and second phases of insulin secretions were drastically reduced. In addition, insulin response to individual amino acids, or in association with glucose, was also significantly reduced in the LP group compared with NP islets. Finally, in LP islets the Ca-45 uptake after 5 minutes or 90 minutes of incubation (which reflect mainly the entry and retention, respectively, of Ca2+), was lower than in NP islets. These data indicate that in malnourished rats both initial and sustained phases of insulin secretion in response to glucose were reduced. This poor secretory response to nutrients seems to be the consequence of an altered Ca2+ handling by malnourished islet cells. (J. Nutr. Biochem. 10:37-43, 1999) (C) Elsevier B.V. 1999. All rights reserved.
The authors studied the distribution of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigen(s) in human skin and oral mucosa. In biopsies obtained from untreated patients showing the chronic form of the disease, the authors demonstrated the P. brasiliensis antigen using two polyclonal immune sera raised in rabbits, one against the exoantigens of P. brasiliensis and the other against a 43-kDa glycoprotein. Langerhans' cells were detected through double immunolabeling using an anti-S100 protein monoclonal antibody. Double labeling immunohistochemistry showed that both of the immune sera labeled the yeast cells in the center of the granuloma and those transmigrating through the epithelial layer equally well. Granulomas exhibited the P. brasiliensis antigen permeating cells, mainly at the periphery of the granulomatous inflammation. The P. brasiliensis antigen(s) accumulated in the macrophages but not in the Langerhans' cells. P. brasiliensis antigens, detected by antiserum against parasite exoantigens, were also deposited between basal keratinocytes, but not in the granular cells, in 47% of the biopsies. P. brasiliensis antigens, as assessed by immunoelectron microscopic techniques, are present in the cytoplasm of the yeast cells in the host tissues. Antigens are transported to the cell membrane and later excreted through the cell wall. Antigenic deposits are also seen at the fungus-host interface.
We have investigated the effect of alloxan on insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis in rats maintained on a 17% protein (normal protein, NP) or 6% protein (low protein, LP) diet from weaning (21 days old) to adulthood (90 days old). The incidence of alloxan diabetes was higher in the NP (3.5 times) than in the LP group. During an oral glucose tolerance test, the area under serum glucose curve was lower in LP (57%) than in NP rats while there were no differences between the two groups in the area under serum insulin curve. The serum glucose disappearance rate (Kitt) after exogenous insulin administration was higher in LP (50%) than in NP rats. In pancreatic islets isolated from rats not injected with alloxan, acute exposure to alloxan (0.05 mmol/L) reduced the glucose- or arginine-stimulated insulin secretion of NP islets by 78% and 56%, respectively, whereas for islets from LP rats, the reduction was 47% and 17% in the presence of glucose and arginine, respectively. Alloxan treatment reduced the glucose oxidation in islets from LP rats to a lesser extent than in NP islets (23% vs. 56%). In conclusion, alloxan was less effective in producing hyperglycemia in rats fed a low protein diet than in normal diet rats. This effect is attributable to an increased peripheral sensivity to insulin in addition to a better preservation of glucose oxidation and insulin secretion in islets from rats fed a low protein diet.
The effect of dietary supplementation with 0, 100 and 450 mg of vitamin E (DL-α tocopheryl acetate)/kg of a dry diet on the kinetics of macrophage recruitment and giant cell formation in the pacu, maintained at different stocking densities (5 kg/m3 and 20 kg/m3), was investigated by insertion of round glass coverslips into the subcutaneous connective tissue. After a feeding period of 18 weeks, the coverslips were implanted and later removed for examination at 2, 7 and 15 days post-implantation. Fish fed diets supplemented with 450 mg of vitamin E showed an increase (P<0.05) in the accumulation of macrophages, foreign body giant cells and Langhans type cells. The kinetics of macrophage recruitment and giant cell formation on the glass coverslips appeared to be strongly influenced by vitamin E supplementation, since fish fed a basal diet and held at high stocking densities showed low numbers of adhering cells on the coverslips, and high concentrations of plasma corticosteroids. On the other hand, fish given a diet supplemented with 450 mg of vitamin E did not show a similar difference in plasma cortisol concentrations related to stocking density. The effect of cortisol concentrations on carbohydrate metabolism, analysed by assessment of plasma glycaemia, was not clear. Blood glucose concentrations did not vary substantially with the different treatments examined. These results suggest that vitamin E may contribute to the efficiency of the fish's inflammatory response by increasing macrophage recruitment and giant cell formation in the foreign body granulomatous reaction. Vitamin E appeared to act on the stress response of pacus by preventing a stress-related immunosuppression. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: The purpose of the present study was to examine insulin secretion in rats submitted to protein restriction and nutritional recovery associated or not to physical training. Methods: The experiment was designed in two sets of five weeks each. In the first set the rats were fed a nonnal-protein diet(17%-control group) or a low-protein diet (6%-malnourished group) for five weeks. After this, all animals were fed the 17% protein diet and separated into four groups: sedentary control(SC); trained eontrol(TC); sedentary recovered(SR) and trained recovered(TR). TC and TR rats performed swimming exercise. Results: The results indicated efficiency of the 6% protein diet in producing signs of malnutrition, as reduction in body weight gain and serum albumin levels, as well as liver fat. Serum insulin in the fed state and insulin secretion by isolated pancreatic islets in response to glucose were Keduced,but peripheral sensitivity to insulin was increased and glucose tolerance was not changed in the protein deficient rats, indicating adaptation to malnutrition. Diet protocol for nutritional recovery was efficient in repairing body weight gain, serum albumin and liver fat levels of the previously malnourished rats. Glucose induced insulin release by pancreatic islets remained low after nutritional recovery. Insulin secretion by the islets isolated from rats submitted to exercise training during nutritional recovery was improved when compared with the sedentary animals. Conclusion: This indicates that exercise training may be useful in the treatment of protein calorie malnutrition, concerning to glucose induced insulip secretion.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
As células de Langerhans (CLs) estão localizadas na epiderme e desempenham um papel chave na indução da resposta imune e da tolerância imunológica. Os macrófagos são células fagocíticas que atuam como primeira linha de defesa do organismo, e que estão envolvidos na formação de granulomas em pacientes com hanseníase. A imunopatogenia da resposta celular nos estados reacionais ainda é pouco estudada, porém, diversas evidências sugerem que as drogas prednisona, talidomida, ciclosporina e amitriptilina, utilizadas no controle das reações hansênicas, exercem seus efeitos pela modulação das funções de diferentes células imunocompetentes. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a ação in vitro das drogas prednisona, talidomida, ciclosporina e amitriptilina sobre a produção de citocinas por CLs e macrófagos de camundongos BALB/c. As CLs foram isoladas, purificadas e cultivadas a partir da epiderme pela técnica de “panning” e os macrófagos foram isolados da cavidade peritoneal de camundongos BALB/c. Após 36 h de tratamento com as drogas, os níveis de TNF-, IL-12 e IL-10 foram medidos por ELISA. Prednisona, talidomida, ciclosporina e amitriptilina inibiram os níveis de TNF- produzidos pelas CLs, em ambas as concentrações, no entanto, não foi detectada alteração significativa na produção de IL-12. A produção de TNF- e de IL-12 por macrófagos peritoneais também foi diminuída após o tratamento, porém os níveis de IL-10 não foram modificados por nenhuma das drogas testadas. Nossos resultados mostram que estas drogas podem modular a resposta imune através da regulação das citocinas pró-inflamatórias TNF- e IL-12 por CLs purificadas da epiderme e por macrófagos peritoneais, indicando que as citocinas constituem importante alvo de drogas usadas no tratamento dos estados reacionais.
Células de Langerhans (CL) são células apresentadoras de antígenos, MHC classe II positivas, que constituem 2 a 3% de todas as células da epiderme, e que têm demonstrado serem estimuladoras de uma resposta vigorosa de linfócitos T contra Leishmania major. A leishmanionse cutânea do Novo Mundo é causada por diferentes espécies, apresentando formas clínicas diversas variando de leishmaniose cutânea difusa anérgica. Utilizando a técnica de "panning", CL da epiderme de comundongos BALB/c foram purificadas para em torno de 95% de pureza (pCL) em relação à outras células da epiderme. As CL recentemente isoladas apresentaram dentritos pequenos e delicados e os clássicos grânulos de Birbeck. Tem sido sugerido que os parasitos do subgênero Viannia e Leishmania, que são geneticamente bastante distintos, podem ter respostas espécie-específicas na resposta imune celular. Neste estudo, pCL e L. (V.) brasilienses ou L. (L.) amazonensis foram cultivadas e a morfologia das CL foi analizada após 12 ou 36 h de cultura. Utilizando a coloração de Giemsa e a microscopia eletrônica de varredura, alterações morfológicas diferentes foram detectadas nas CL após 12 h de cultivo nas duas culturas, CL e L. (V.) brasiliensis ou CL e L. (L.) amazonensis. Depois da interação com L. (V.) brasiliensis as CL tornaram-se mais dentríticas, que eram mais curtos quando comparados às CL cultivadas isoladamente. Em contraste, após a interação com L. (L.) amazonensis, as CL tornaram-se arredondadas com algumas células mostrando alguns dendritos. Além disto, verificou-se um contato íntimo entre o flagelo das prostigota com as CL, mas sem observar a fagocitose das leishmanias após 12 ou 36 h de cultivo, o que é diferente dos relatos da literatura com CL e L. major. Estes resultados sugerem que a resposta imune primária das CL contra as diferentes espécies de leishamania podem ser distintas de acordo com a espécie envolvida no processo de interação.
A lobomicose é uma infecção subcutânea crônica, granulomatosa, causada pela implantação traumática do fungo Lacazia loboi nos tecidos cutâneo e subcutâneo. Ocorre predominantemente na região Amazônica e atinge qualquer grupo populacional. Histologicamente, observa-se reação inflamatória crônica caracterizada por intensa histiocitose e fibroplasia, abundante número de macrófagos, células gigantes multinucleadas do tipo corpo estranho e presença de considerável número de células leveduriformes. Os macrófagos são células fagocíticas que participam do reconhecimento e da resposta a patógenos através da fagocitose, da apresentação de antígenos aos linfócitos T e da produção de citocinas. As células de Langerhans (LC) são um grupo de Células dendríticas (CD) derivadas da medula óssea situadas principalmente em uma camada suprabasal da epiderme. Estudos envolvendo a interação fungo-hospedeiro na doença de Jorge Lobo são escassos. Assim, Este estudo é um passo importante para o melhor entendimento da biologia e patogenia do L. loboi, e para o estudo da imunopatologia da interação patógeno versus hospedeiro desta doença emergente e pouco conhecida. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar a interação in vitro entre macrófagos peritoneais não ativados e/ou LC, isolados de camundongos BALB/c, com L. loboi recém-isolado de pacientes com doença de Jorge Lobo, bem como determinar os índices de infecção, fagocitose e fusão, e medir a produção das citocinas TNF-α, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10 e IL-12. Os resultados demonstraram que L. loboi é fagocitado por macrófagos, mas não por LC. O índice de infecção na interação entre macrófagos e L. loboi foi semelhante à interação entre macrófagos, LC e L. loboi em todos os tempos analisados. A média do número de fungos por macrófago também foi praticamente igual entre as interações e ao longo do tempo, variando de 1,2 a 1,6 fungos/macrófagos. Não houve a formação de células gigantes em macrófagos cultivados ou LC cultivadas isoladamente e em nenhum dos co-cultivos. Não houve diferença significante na produção de IL-4, IL-2 e IL-10 nas interações estudadas. Os níveis de TNF-α diminuem ao longo do tempo na interação entre macrófagos e L. loboi, enquanto a adição de LC induz aumento da produção de TNF-α, principalmente após 48 horas. LC modulam negativamente a produção de IL-6 por macrófagos e L. loboi também inibem essa produção por macrófagos isoladamente ou em co-cultivo com LC. L. loboi estimulam significativamente a produção de IL-12 por macrófagos co-cultivados com LC, mas não em LC ou macrófagos isoladamente.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Objective. This study reports a case in which elastic band use culminated in the loss of the incisors. Case Report. An 11-year-old white girl was seen complaining of pain, with purulent discharge and severe tooth mobility. The bone destruction detected radiographically in the region, despite its single location and absence in posterior quadrants of the maxilla and/or mandible, was similar to that observed in Langerhans cell disease. To our surprise, an elastic band involving the midportion of the roots of the two upper central incisors was found during biopsy. The debris was removed and a metal wire was placed in permanent maxillary right and left incisors. The patient was followed up, but no improvement in tooth mobility was observed. Bone loss increased, and internal resorption and root exposure occurred, which culminated in the extraction of permanent maxillary right and left incisors. Conclusion. The present case highlights the fact that professionals sometimes are confronted by anamnestic reports never seen before.