938 resultados para Intra-individual variation


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Das Gesundheitsmanagement von Milchkühen hat in den vergangenen Jahren auf den landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben an Bedeutung gewonnen. Neben Präventionsmaßnahmen zur Gesunderhaltung der Tiere ist die frühzeitige und systematische Erkennung von Erkrankungen hierbei der Hauptbestandteil. Es zeigt sich vermehrt, dass vor allem Transitkühe verstärkt an Stoffwechselerkrankungen in sowohl klinischer als auch subklinischer Form erkranken. Letztere stellen ein hohes Risiko dar, zum einen weil subklinische Erkrankungen oftmals nur schwer oder gar nicht erkannt werden und zum anderen, weil sie in vielen Fällen die Grundlage für meist schwerwiegendere Folgeerkrankungen sind. In der vorliegenden Studie wird das Thema der Früherkennung von subklinischen Ketosen und der subakuten Pansenazidose behandelt. Verschiedene Methoden wurden unter praktischen Versuchsbedingungen auf ihre Tauglichkeit zur Krankheitserkennung hin geprüft. In einer ersten Studie wurde auf einem konventionellen Milchviehbetrieb ein Ketose-Monitoring bei frischlaktierenden Kühen ab Tag 3 postpartum durchgeführt. Insgesamt 15 Tiere waren an einer subklinischen Ketose erkrankt, was eine Aufkommensrate von 26% in den untersuchten Tieren bedeutete. Die Blutproben von insgesamt 24 Tieren wurden auf ihren IL-6-Gehalt untersucht. Von den untersuchten Tieren waren 14 Tiere erkrankt, 10 Tiere bildeten die gesunde Kontrollgruppe. Interleukin-6 wurde bestimmt, da dem Zytokin IL-6 in anderen Studien in Bezug auf Ketosen eine Rolle zugesprochen wurde. Die erwartete Erhöhung von IL-6 bei erkrankten Tieren konnte nicht festgestellt werden; die erkrankten Kühe zeigten vielmehr die niedrigsten IL-6 Werte der Studiengruppe. Insgesamt waren die IL-6 Konzentrationen auf einem niedrigen Niveau mit 27.2 pg/m l± 10.2. Es zeigte sich, dass die IL-6 Bestimmung im Blut hinsichtlich der Erkennung von subklinischen Ketosen nur eingeschränkt nutzbar ist. Es konnte ausschließlich eine schwache negative Korrelation zwischen Beta- Hydroxybutyrat (BHBA, Goldstandard für den Nachweis einer Ketose) und IL-6 detektiert werden. Zusätzlich zu den Blutanalysen wurde ebenfalls die tägliche Wiederkauaktivität mit dem „DairyCheck“ System bestimmt, welches kontinuierlich die charakteristischen Kaumuskelkontraktionen aufzeichnet und somit die Dauer des Wiederkäuens bestimmt werden kann. Es wurde geprüft, ob sich ketotische Tiere von nicht ketotischen Tieren hinsichtlich der täglichen Wiederkäuzeit unterscheiden. Milchkühe mit einer Ketose kauten im Schnitt 475 min/d ± 56 wieder, nach Genesung 497 min/d ± 48. Sie befanden sich somit im Durchschnitt immer unterhalb der gesunden Kontrollgruppe, welche 521 min/d ± 76 wiederkaute. Eine Korrelation zwischen der Wiederkauzeit und dem BHBA- Gehalt im Blut war nur sehr schwach ausgeprägt, nicht zuletzt da die Tiere generell eine hohe Variabilität in der Wiederkauaktivität zeigten. Bei einer weiteren Studie, ebenfalls auf einem Praxisbetrieb durchgeführt, wurde auf die Erkennung der subakuten Pansensazidose (SARA) fokussiert. Hierbei kam ein drahtloses, kommerziell verfügbares Bolussystem zum Einsatz, welches den pH Wert kontinuierlich im Retikulorumen misst. Es macht die Erkennung einer SARA auch unter Praxisbedingungen ohne invasive Methoden wie der Punktion möglich. Das Bolussystem wurde 24 Milchkühen kurz vor der Abkalbung oral eingegeben, um den pH-Wert während der gesamten Transitphase messen und überwachen zu können. Während in der Trockenstehphase nur vereinzelte SARA Fälle auftraten, erlitt ein Großteil der untersuchten Tiere in der Frühlaktation eine SARA. Auf Grundlage von pH-Werten von laktierenden Milchkühen, wurde zusätzlich eine Sensitivitätsanalyse von verschieden, bereits eingesetzten Nachweismethoden durchgeführt, um die Tauglichkeit für die SARA-Diagnostik zu untersuchen. Es handelte sich hierbei zum einen um einen SARA-Nachweis unter Heranziehung von Einzelwerten, Fress- und Wiederkäuzeiten, sowie ausgewählten Milchinhaltsstoffen und der Milchmenge. Die Analyse ergab, dass nahezu alle Nachweismethoden im Vergleich zur Langzeitmessung nur eingeschränkt zur SARA-Diagnostik nutzbar sind. In einem weiteren Teil der Studie wurde eine Kotfraktionierung bei den gleichen Tieren durchgeführt, um damit SARA-Tiere auch mittels der Kotanalyse erkennen kann. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass zum einen die Ration einen Einfluss auf die Kotzusammensetzung hat (Trockensteherration versus Ration für Laktierende) zum anderen aber auch, dass eine SARA die Zusammensetzung des Kotes verändert. Hierfür wurden Kotproben ausschließlich von laktierenden Kühen untersucht, sodass der Einfluss der Ration ausgeschlossen werden konnte. Erhöhte Faseranteile im Kot von SARA - Kühen gaben Hinweis auf eine verminderte Verdaulichkeit. Dabei erwies sich vor allem die Hemizellulose als guter Parameter, um auf eine SARA schließen zu können. Die Versuchsbedingungen ließen es ebenfalls zu, die pH-Verläufe der Tiere in der Frühlaktation zu untersuchen. Eine Clusteranalyse von pH-Werten der ersten 12 Tage postpartum zeigte, dass die untersuchten Tiere trotz gleicher Haltungs- und Fütterungsbedingungen unterschiedliche pH-Wert Verläufe entwickelten. So gab es eine Gruppe von Milchkühen, die den pH-Wert stabil halten konnte, während die restlichen pH-Abfälle in verschiedenen Verläufen und Intensitäten aufzeigten. Es konnte ebenfalls aufgezeigt werden, dass Tiere innerhalb der Testherde unterschiedliche Schweregrade der SARA entwickelten. Auch in dieser Studie wurde deutlich, dass Tiere scheinbar unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten haben, auf ihre Umwelt zu reagieren, bzw. suboptimalen Bedingungen entgegenwirken zu können. Zusammengefasst wurden verschiedene Methoden zur Ketose- und SARA- Erkennung geprüft, von denen nur einzelne für die Praxis zu empfehlen sind. Die Variabilität der Tiere, sowohl bei der Ausprägung der Erkrankungen als auch bei den gemessenen Parametern verdeutlicht die Notwendigkeit, diese im Herden- und Gesundheitsmanagement in Zukunft stärker zu berücksichtigen.


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El objetivo del presente estudio fue cuantificar la contribución del sobrepeso en la magnitud de la lipemia posprandial en sujetos normolipídicos. Se incluyeron 33 adultos normolipídicos en dos grupos (n=20, sobrepeso y (n=13 eutróficos, 66% hombres, edad media 31,2±7,6 años). Se midió la vasodilatación mediada por flujo (VMF), la velocidad de onda de pulso (VOP), el perfil lipídico, el cociente Log TG/c-HDL, la glucosa y presión arterial tras una ingesta estándar con alto contenido de grasa (79% Kcal/grasa). Se calculó, el Z-score de riesgo cardiovascular a partir de la suma de los residuos tipificados (Z) de las variables de riesgo cardiovascular. El estado de lipemia posprandial se midió en ayuno (0 min) y a los (60, 120, 180, y 240 min) posprandiales. El valor basal de la VMF y la VOP fue de 6,9±5,9% y 7.0±0.8 m/s, respectivamente. Se identificó que la lipemia posprandial reducía la WMF en 19,2% a los 60 min (5,9±1,5%) y a los 240 min (3,7±1,2%) (p<0,04), respectivamente. Este hallazgo se acompañó con un aumento en la VOP (p<0,05). Al dividir los sujetos en dos grupos según el IMC, los participantes en sobrepeso muestran cifras más elevadas en el Z-score de riesgo cardiovascular, la VOP, el Log TG/c-HDL y el Δ-VOP, (p<0,001). En conclusión los sujetos clasificados en sobrepeso muestran un perfil cardiometabolico asociado con un mayor riesgo cardiovascular.


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Ureaplasma species are the microorganisms most frequently associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. The multiple banded antigen (MBA), a surface-exposed lipoprotein, is a key virulence factor of ureaplasmas. The MBA demonstrates size variation, which we have shown previously to be correlated with the severity of chorioamnion inflammation. We aimed to investigate U. parvum serovar 3 pathogenesis in vivo, using a sheep model, by investigating: MBA variation after long term (chronic) and short term (acute) durations of in utero ureaplasma infections, and the severity of chorioamnionitis and inflammation in other fetal tissues. Inocula of 2x107 colony-forming-units (CFU) of U. parvum serovar 3 (Up) or media controls (C) were injected intra-amniotically into pregnant ewes at one of three time points: day 55 (69d Up, n=8; C69, n=4); day 117 (7d Up, n=8; C7, n=2); and day 121 (3d Up, n=8; C3, n=2) of gestation (term=145-150d). At day 124, preterm fetuses were delivered surgically. Samples of chorioamnion, fetal lung, and umbilical cord were: (i) snap frozen for subsequent ureaplasma culture, and (ii) fixed, embedded, sectioned and stained by haematoxylin and eosin stain for histological analysis. Selected fetal lung clinical ureaplasma isolates were cloned and filtered to obtain cultures from a single CFU. Passage 1 and clone 2 ureaplasma cultures were tested by western blot to demonstrate MBA variation. In acute durations of ureaplasma infection no MBA variants (3d Up) or very few MBA variants (7d Up) were present when compared to the original inoculum. However, numerous MBA size variants were generated in vivo (alike within contiguous tissues, amniotic fluid and fetal lung, but different variants were present within chorioamnion), during chronic, 69d exposure to ureaplasma infection. For the first time we have shown that the degree of ureaplasma MBA variation in vivo increased with the duration of gestation.


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This study utilizes a multilevel approach to both estimate the relative importance of individual, subunit, and organization effects on entrepreneurial intentions in academia, as well as to investigate specific factors within the subunit effect and their interactions with other levels. Using a dataset of 2,652 researchers from 386 departments in 24 European universities, our findings reveal that intra-university differences, caused by the influence of the department, should not be ignored when studying academic entrepreneurship. Whereas researchers’ entrepreneurial intentions are mostly influenced by individual differences, department membership explains more variation than the university as a whole. Furthermore, drawing upon organizational culture literature, we identify a department’s adhocracy culture, characterized by flexibility and an external orientation, to be positively related to entrepreneurial intentions. Finally, consistent with trait activation theory, we find that strong adhocracy cultures reinforce the positive association between proactive personality and entrepreneurial intentions. This effect is further intensified when the university also has a technology transfer office with a substantial size. Our results have relevant implications for both academics and practitioners, including university managers, department heads and policy makers.


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A novel series of vesicle-forming ion-paired amphiphiles, bis(hexadecyldimethylammonium)alkane dipalmitate (1a-1h), containing four chains were synthesized with two isolated headgroups. In each of these amphiphiles, the two headgroup charges are separated by a flexible polymethylene spacer chain -[(CH2)(m)]- of varying lengths (m) such that the length and the conformation of the spacer chain determine the intra-"monomer" headgroup separation. Transmission electron microscopy indicated that each of these forms bilayer membranes upon dispersion in aqueous media. The vesicular properties of these aggregates have been examined by differential scanning calorimetry and temperature-dependent fluorescence anisotropy measurements. Interestingly, their T-m values decreased with the increase in the m value. Thus while the apparent T-m of the lipid with m = 2 (1a) is 74.1 degrees C, the corresponding value observed for the lipid with m = 12 (1h) is 38.9 degrees C. The fluorescence anisotropy values (r) for 1b-1g were quite high (r similar to 0.3) compared to that of 1h (r similar to 0.23) at 20-30 degrees C in their gel states. On the other hand, the r value for vesicular 1b beyond melting was higher (0.1) compared to any of those for 1c-1h (similar to 0.04-0.06). X-ray diffraction of the cast films was performed to understand the nature and the thickness of these membrane organizations. The membrane widths ranged from 30 to 51 A as the m values varied. The entrapment of a small water-soluble solute, riboflavin, by the individual vesicular aggregates, and their sustenance: under an imposed transmembrane pH gradient have also been examined. These results show that all lipid vesicles entrap riboflavin and that generally the resistance to OH- permeation decreases with the increase in m value. Finally,all the above observations were comparatively analyzed, and on the basis of the calculated structures of these lipids, it was possible to conclude that membrane propel-ties can be modulated by spacer chain length variation of the ion-paired amphiphiles.


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ENGLISH:Length-frequency samples of yellowfin tuna from 276 individual purse-seine sets were examined. Evidence of schooling by size is presented. Yellowfin schooled with skipjack are smaller and more homogeneous in length than are yellowfin from pure schools. Yellowfin in schools associated with porpoise appear to be more variable in size than yellowfin from other types of schools. No relationship was found between the tonnage of yellowfin in a school and the mean length of the yellowfin. Despite the tendency to school by size, the size variation within individual schools was judged to be enough to complicate greatly any program of regulation aimed at maximizing the yield-per-recruit through increasing the minimum size of yellowfin at first capture. SPANISH: Fueron examinadas las muestras frecuencia-longitud de atún aleta amarilla, de 276 lances individuales de redes de cerco. Se presenta la evidencia de agrupación por tamaños. Los atunes aleta amarilla agrupados con barrilete, son más pequeños y más homogéneos en longitud, que los atunes aleta amarilla de cardúmenes puros. El atún aleta amarilla en cardúmenes asociados con delfines parece ser más variable en tamaño, que el atún aleta amarilla proveniente de otros tipos de cardúmenes. No se encontró relac¡'ón entre el tonelaje del atún aleta amarilla en un cardumen y la longitud media de esta especie. A pesar de la tendencia a agruparse por tamaño, se juzgó, que la variación de tamaño en cardúmenes individuales, sería suficiente para complicar grandemente cualquier programa de reglamentación, dirigido a obtener el máximo del rendimiento por recluta a través del incremento del tamaño mínimo del atún aleta amarilla en la primera captura.


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A incorporação de fósforo (P) foi avaliada através da técnica de marcador enzimático fluorescente a fim de determinar a atividade da fosfatase alcalina (PA) em dois clones de Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bohlin), Ub3 e Ub7, isolados de Ubatuba (SP), em Tetraselmis aff. chui (Butcher) e Prorocentrum minimum (Pavillard) J. Schiller, isoladas da Baía de Guanabara (RJ) e na Comunidade Natural da Baía de Guanabara (RJ). A fosfatase alcalina (PA) é uma enzima extracelular associada à membrana que catalisa a hidrólise de compostos orgânicos de fósforo em resposta à limitação de fosfato. Sua análise, a partir do marcador ELF-97, proporciona uma avaliação individual e, portanto, determina as condições nutricionais de fósforo inorgânico em células fitoplanctônicas. Os clones de P. tricornutum apresentaram diferenças no desenvolvimento quando incubados no tratamento P-repleto. O clone Ub7 de P. tricornutum apresentou a maior atividade enzimática quando comparado às demais espécies testadas, em condições P-repletas. Enquanto P. minimum apresentou a maior atividade da fosfatase alcalina em condições P-limitadas. Entre as espécies T. aff. chui e P. minimum, a maior atividade enzimática ocorreu durante a fase estacionária de desenvolvimento, entretanto diferenças foram observadas somente nas menores concentrações de fosfato. P. tricornutum, T. aff. chui e P. minimum, ao longo dos experimentos, utilizaram duas estratégias para incorporação de fosfato, aumentando a atividade da fosfatase alcalina, assim como alterando o biovolume ou a máxima dimensão linear para manter a relação S/V estável. Em P. tricornutum os sítios da atividade enzimática ocorreram na membrana celular, em T. aff. chui encontrados intracelularmente, enquanto em P. minimum observados tanto nas membranas, quanto no interior das células. No experimento realizado com a comunidade natural, houve predomínio das diatomáceas entre todos os grupos e tratamentos; as espécies foram agrupadas nas estratégias adaptativas C e R e classificadas principalmente como R-estrategistas. Os dinoflagelados da Ordem Prorocentrales utilizaram a incorporação do fósforo orgânico como estratégia para obtenção de fósforo em condições limitantes. Entretanto, as diatomáceas apresentaram tal estratégia de forma mais variável. Quanto às prasinofíceas, embora Tetraselmis sp. tenha apresentado baixa atividade enzimática nos experimentos unialgais, as concentrações de fosfato ao longo do experimento não resultaram na utilização de P orgânico para o grupo. Os resultados destacaram as diferenças intra e interespecíficas na atividade da fosfatase alcalina, e, consequentemente, na incorporação de fósforo orgânico, uma vez que as espécies testadas regularam a atividade enzimática de acordo com as diferentes concentrações externas de fosfato.


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We have evaluated the molecular evolution of the chemokine receptor CCR5 in primates. The chemokine receptor CCR5 serves as a major co-receptor for human immunodeficiency virus/simian immunodeficiency virus (HIV/SIV) infection. Knowledge of evolution of the CCR5 molecule and selection on the CCR5 gene may shed light on its functional role. The comparison of differences between intraspecific polymorphisms and interspecific fixed substitutions provides useful information regarding modes of selection during the course of evolution. There is marked polymorphism in the CCR5 gene sequence within different primate species, whereas sequence divergence between different species is small. By using contingency tests, we compared synonymous (SS) and nonsynonymous (NS) CCR5 mutations occurring within and between a broad range of primates. Our results demonstrate that CCR5 evolution did not follow expectations, of strict neutrality at the level of the whole gene. The proportion of NS to SS at the intraspecific level was significantly higher than that observed at the interspecific level. These results suggest that most CCR5 NS polymorphisms are slightly deleterious. However, at domains more closely correlated with its known biological functions, there was no obvious evidence to support deviation from neutrality.


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This research was conducted to identify Cuttlefish population (Sepia pharaonis) in The Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea using PCR-RFLP. Specimens were collected from )0 different stations. Bottom trawling method was used for sampling from different zones of the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea, and finally specimens from S. Pharaonis were collected at each station . DNA was extracted by phenol—Coloroform method. One pair primer was designed based on 1As rRNA gene nucleotide sequences. The results obtained from 1 As rRNA gene RFLP, which was reproduced by PCR technique, were analyzed and utilized for study of diversity of the Cuttlefish population. PCR product with o pair base in length achieved for all specimens, which was subjected to enzymatic digestion by A restriction action enzymes: Alu I-Taq I-Mnl I-Rsa I-Hind III-Dra I-vu II and Hae II DNA bands patterns in all specimens digested by those enzymen showed similarity with no any polymorphism. From this result, it can be concluded that there is not any possibility to isolate different populations in the studied Cuttlefish species under exploitation of rRNA gene.


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Plant traits and individual plant biomass allocation of 57 perennial herbaceous species, belonging to three common functional groups (forbs, grasses and sedges) at subalpine (3700 m ASL), alpine (4300 m ASL) and subnival (>= 5000 m ASL) sites were examined to test the hypothesis that at high altitudes, plants reduce the proportion of aboveground parts and allocate more biomass to belowground parts, especially storage organs, as altitude increases, so as to geminate and resist environmental stress. However, results indicate that some divergence in biomass allocation exists among organs. With increasing altitude, the mean fractions of total biomass allocated to aboveground parts decreased. The mean fractions of total biomass allocation to storage organs at the subalpine site (7%+/- 2% S.E.) were distinct from those at the alpine (23%+/- 6%) and subnival (21%+/- 6%) sites, while the proportions of green leaves at all altitudes remained almost constant. At 4300 m and 5000 m, the mean fractions of flower stems decreased by 45% and 41%, respectively, while fine roots increased by 86% and 102%, respectively. Specific leaf areas and leaf areas of forbs and grasses deceased with rising elevation, while sedges showed opposite trends. For all three functional groups, leaf area ratio and leaf area root mass ratio decreased, while fine root biomass increased at higher altitudes. Biomass allocation patterns of alpine plants were characterized by a reduction in aboveground reproductive organs and enlargement of fine roots, while the proportion of leaves remained stable. It was beneficial for high altitude plants to compensate carbon gain and nutrient uptake under low temperature and limited nutrients by stabilizing biomass investment to photosynthetic structures and increasing the absorption surface area of fine roots. In contrast to forbs and grasses that had high mycorrhizal infection, sedges had higher single leaf area and more root fraction, especially fine roots.


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Data from a hierarchical study of four Zostera marina beds in Wales were used to identify the spatial scales of variation in epiphyte assemblages. There were significant within and among bed differences in assemblage structure. The differences in assemblage structure with spatial scale generally persisted when species identifications were aggregated into functional groups. There was also significant within and among bed variability in Zostera density and average length. Local variations in Zostera canopy variables at the quadrat scale (total leaf length, average leaf length and leaf density per quadrat) were not related to epiphyte species richness nor to the structure of the assemblage. In contrast, individual leaf length was significantly related to species richness in two of the beds and the structure of epiphyte assemblages was always related to individual leaf lengths. The absence of links between quadrat scale measurements of canopy variables and assemblage structure may reflect the high turnover of individual Zostera leaves. Experimental work is required to discriminate further between the potential causes of epiphyte assemblage variation within and between beds. No bed represented a refuge where a rare species was abundant. If a species was uncommon at the bed scale, it was also uncommon in beds where it occurred. The heterogeneous assemblages found in this study suggest that a precautionary approach to conservation is advisable.


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Determining the biological and environmental factors that limit the distribution and abundance of organisms is central to our understanding of the niche concept and crucial for predicting how species may respond to large-scale environmental change, such as global warming. However, detailed ecological information for the majority of species has been collected only at a local scale, and insufficient consideration has been given to geographical variation in intraspecific niche requirements. To evaluate the influence of environmental and biological factors on patterns of species distribution and abundance, we conducted a detailed, broadscale study across the tropical savannas of northern Australia on the ecology of three large, sympatric marsupial herbivores (family Macropodidae): the antilopine wallaroo (Macropus antilopinus), common wallaroo (M. robustus), and eastern grey kangaroo (M. giganteus). Using information on species abundance, climate, fire history, habitat, and resource availability, we constructed species' habitat models varying from the level of the complete distribution to smaller regional areas. Multiple factors affected macropod abundance, and the importance of these factors was dependent on the spatial scale of analyses. Fire regimes, water availability, geology, and soil type and climate were most important at the large scale, whereas aspects of habitat structure and interspecific species abundance were important at smaller scales. The distribution and abundance of eastern grey kangaroos and common wallaroos were strongly influenced by climate. Our results suggest that interspecific competition between antilopine wallaroos and eastern grey kangaroos may occur. The antilopine wallaroo and eastern grey kangaroo (grazers) preferred more nutrient-rich soils than the common wallaroo (grazer/browser), which we relate to differences in feeding modes. The abundance of antilopine wallaroos was higher on sites that were burned, whereas the abundance of common wallaroos was higher on unburned sites. Future climate change predicted for Australia has the capacity to seriously affect the abundance and conservation of macropod species in tropical savannas. The results of our models suggest that, in particular, the effects of changing climatic conditions on fire regimes, habitat structure, and water availability may lead to species declines and marked changes in macropod communities.