993 resultados para Inter-genotype competition


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission operates under the authority and direction of a Convention originally negotiated between the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America, which entered into force in 1950. The Convention is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals participate in the fisheries covered by the Convention. Under this provision, the Republic of Panama adhered in 1953, the Republic of Ecuador in 1961 and the United Mexican States in 1964. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical funciona bajo la autoridad y dirección de una Convención negociada originalmente entre la República de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América, la cuál entró en vigencia en 1950. La Convención está abierta a la adhesión de los gobiernos de otros países cuyos ciudadanos participan en las pesquerías objeto de la Convención. Acogiéndose a esta cláusula, la República de Panamá se adhirió a la Convención en 1953, la República de Ecuador en 1961 y los Estados Unidos Mexicanos en 1964. (PDF contains 98 pages.)


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission has been assigned the task, under the Convention which created it, of gathering and interpreting factual information to facilitate the maintenance of tunas and tuna-baitfishes of the eastern Pacific Ocean at levels of abundance which will permit maximum sustained catches. SPANISH: Se le ha asignado a la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical bajo la Convención que la formó, la tarea de recoger e interpretar la información científica para facilitar el mantenimiento de los atunes y de los peces de carnada en el Océano Pacífico oriental, a niveles de abundancia que permitan un sostenimiento máximo de capturas. (PDF contains 106 pages.)


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission operates under the authority and direction of a Convention originally entered into by the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America. The Convention, which came into force in 1950, is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals participate in the fisheries covered by the Convention. Under this provision the Republic of Panama adhered in 1953, the Republic of Ecuador in 1961, and the United Mexican States in 1964. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical funciona bajo la autoridad y dirección de una Convención formada originalmente entre la República de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. La Convención entró en vigencia en 1950, está abierta a la adhesión de otros gobiernos cuyos ciudadanos participen en las pesquerías objeto de la Convención. Bajo esta cláusula, la República de Panamá se adhirió en 1953, la República del Ecuador en 1961 y los Estados Unidos Mexicanos en 1964. (PDF contains 138 pages.)


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission was created and operates under the authority of a Convention first negotiated between the governments of the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America. The Convention entered into force in 1950. It is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals fish for tunas in the eastern Pacific area. Under this provision, Panama adhered in 1953, Ecuador in 1961, the United Mexican States in 1964. Canada applied for membership in 1967. Her membership will become effective on April 1, 1968. On August 21, 1967 the Ecuadorian government, for financial reasons, elected to withdraw from active membership. Under Convention ruling, this means that she remains a full member until August 21, 1968. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical fue originada y está bajo la autoridad de una Convención que fue negociada inicialmente entre los gobiernos de la República de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. La Convención entró en vigencia en 1950. Está abierta a la afiliación de otros gobiernos cuyos ciudadanos pescan atunes en el área del Pacífico oriental. Bajo esta estipulación, Panamá se afilió en 1953, Ecuador en 1961 y los Estados Unidos Mexicanos en 1964. Canadá presentó su ap1licación en 1967. Su afiliación será efectiva el 1 de abril de 1968. El 21 de agosto de 1967, el gobierno ecuatoriano por razones financieras decidió retirar su participación activa. Bajo las reglas de la Convención el Ecuador sigue actuando como miembro hasta el 21 de agosto de 1968. (PDF contains 144 pages.)


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission operates under the authority and direction of a Convention originally entered into by the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America. The Convention, which came into force in 1950, is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals fish in the eastern tropical Pacific. Under this provision the Republic of Panama adhered in 1953, the Republic of Ecuador in 1961, the United Mexican States in 1964 and Canada in 1968. In 1967 Ecuador gave notice of her intent to withdraw from the Commission and her withdrawal became effective on August 21, 1968. SPANISH:La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical está bajo la autoridad y dirección de una Convención la cual fue originalmente formada por la República de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. La Convención, vigente desde 1950, está abierta a la afiliación de otros gobiernos cuyos nacionales pesquen en. el Pacífico oriental tropical. Bajo esta medida la República de Panamá se afilió en 1953, la. República del Ecuador en 1961, los Estados Unidos Mexicanos en 1964 y' el Canadá en 19Ei8. En 1967, el Ecuador anunció su intención de retirarse de la Comisión y la resignación se hizo efectiva el 21 de agosto de 1968. (PDF contains 128 pages.)


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission operates under the authority and direction of a convention originally entered into by the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America. The convention, which came into force in 1950, is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals fish for tropical tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Under this provision the Republic of Panama adhered in 1953, the Republic of Ecuador in 1961, the United Mexican States in 1964 and Canada in 1968. In 1967, Ecuador gave notice of her intent to withdraw from the Commission, and her withdrawal became effective on August 21, 1968. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical está bajo la autoridad y dirección de una convención la cual fue originalmente formada por la República de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. La Convención, vigente desde 1950, está abierta a la afiliación de otros gobiernos cuyos nacionales pesquen túnidos en el Pacifico oriental tropical. Bajo esta medida la República de Panamá se afilió en 1953, la República del Ecuador en 1961, los Estados Unidos Mexicanos en 1964, y Canadá en 1968. En 1967, el Ecuador anunció su intención de retirarse de la Comisión y la renuncia se hizo efectiva el 21 de agosto de 1968. (PDF contains 117 pages.)


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission operates under the authority and direction of a convention originally entered into by the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America. The convention, which came into force in 1950, is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals fish for tropical tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Under this provision the Republic of Panama adhered in 1953, the Republic of Ecuador in 1961, the United Mexican States in 1964, Canada in 1968 and Japan in 1970. In 1967, Ecuador gave notice of her intent to withdraw from the Commission, and her withdrawal became effective on August 21, 1968. SPANISH:La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical está bajo la autoridad y dirección de una convención la cual fue originalmente formada por la República de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. La Convención, vigente desde 1950, está abierta a la afiliación de otros gobiernos cuyos nacionales pesquen atún en el Pacífico oriental tropical. Bajo esta medida la República de Panamá se afilió en 1953, la República del Ecuador en 1961, los Estados Unidos Mexicanos en 1964, Canadá en 1968 y el Japón en 1970. En 1967, el Ecuador anunció su intención de retirarse de la Comisión y la renuncia se hizo efectiva el 21 de agosto de 1968. (PDF contains 128 pages.)


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission operates under the authority and direction of a convention originally entered into by the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America. The convention, which came into force in 1950, is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals fish for tropical tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Under this provision the Republic of Panama adhered in 1953, the Republic of Ecuador in 1961, the United Mexican States in 1964, Canada in 1968 and Japan in 1970. In 1967, Ecuador gave notice of her intent to withdraw from the Commission, and her withdrawal became effective on August 21,1968. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical está bajo la autoridad y dirección de una convención la cual fue originalmente formada por la República de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. La Convención, vigente desde 1950, está abierta a la afiliación de otros gobiernos cuyos nacionales pesquen atún en el Pacífico oriental tropical. Bajo esta medida la República de Panamá se afilió en 1953, la República del Ecuador en 1961, los Estados Unidos Mexicanos en 1964, Canadá en 1968 y el Japón en 1970. En 1967, el Ecuador anunció su intención de retirarse de la Comisión y la renuncia se hizo efectiva el 21 de agosto de 1968. (PDF contains 127 pages.)


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Under coronal conditions, the steady state rate-equations are used to calculate the inter-stage line ratios between Li-like Is(2)2p(P-2(3/2))-> 1s(2)2s -> ((2) S-1/2) and He-like 1s2p (P-1(1))-> 1s(2) (S-1(0)) transitions for Ti in the electronic temperature ranges from 0.1 keV to 20 keV. The results show that the. temperature sensitivities are higher at the electronic temperature less than 5000 eV and the temperature sensitivities will decrease with the increase of electronic temperature.


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Alouatta clamitans é uma espécie endêmica da Mata Atlântica, bioma que vem sendo continuamente reduzido, o que torna de extrema urgência o conhecimento sobre a espécie. No Estado do Rio de Janeiro, sua área de ocorrência abrange a região da Ilha Grande, município de Angra dos Reis. A Ilha Grande possui uma extensa área de preservação, o Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande, que atua na conservação de cerca de 62,5% da sua extensão. O isolamento das espécies em ilhas pode provocar o desenvolvimento de características morfológicas e comportamentais diferentes das espécies do continente. No entanto, não existem trabalhos sistematizados sobre a ecologia e o comportamento da espécie no local. Este estudo objetivou analisar aspectos do comportamento de Alouatta clamitans na Ilha Grande, contribuindo para uma melhor compreensão sobre a biologia da espécie. Durante nove meses foram registrados dados de composição social e comportamento de grupos da espécie através da amostragem por varredura instantânea e todas as ocorrências. Observou-se que o tamanho médio dos grupos foi de cinco indivíduos e a composição social por grupo foi representada por um a dois machos adultos, uma a três fêmeas adultas e imaturos de diferentes classes etárias, com predominância de grupos unimacho. Em média, os grupos eram compostos por 22% de machos adultos, 38% de fêmeas adultas, 4% de machos subadultos, 27% de juvenis e 9% de infantes. O comportamento mais observado foi o repouso (45,2%), seguido da alimentação (28%), movimentação (21,7%) e comportamento social (5,1%), e dentre os comportamentos sociais, o mais exibido foi a vocalização (45,8%), seguido dos comportamentos de catação (33,7%), agonístico (7,9%), brincadeira (5,8%), marcação (4,2%) e comportamento sexual (2,6%). Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas nestas atividades entre os períodos seco e chuvoso. As vocalizações foram predominantemente emitidas por machos e adultos e estiveram relacionadas ao encontro de grupos. O comportamento de catação teve as fêmeas adultas como principais iniciadoras e os machos adultos, principais receptores, sendo realizado durante o comportamento de repouso, após a cópula, após e durante encontro de grupos e após perseguições. Os comportamentos agonísticos tiveram relação com o encontro de grupos em 40% dos registros e em 33,3% destes ocorreu entre fêmeas e pareceu estar associado à disputa por alimento e espaço, mas não houve registros de agressão física. O comportamento de marcação envolveu a utilização da garganta e das costas e esteve relacionado com encontros inter-grupais e com a ocorrência de chuvas. Cinco cópulas foram registradas no período de estudo nos meses de setembro, outubro e fevereiro e tiveram duração menor que um minuto. Nos encontros com primatas de outras espécies, os bugios pareceram neutros em relação aos estímulos. Os dados obtidos sobre a composição dos grupos, padrão de atividades e comportamentos sociais observados na Ilha Grande, de maneira geral, mostraram-se semelhantes aos resultados obtidos em outros trabalhos sobre a espécie e o gênero, de maneira que podemos concluir que os grupos, mesmo residentes em ilha, não demonstraram modificações comportamentais significativas que possam diferenciar-lhes de populações estudadas no continente.


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How animals use sensory information to weigh the risks vs. benefits of behavioral decisions remains poorly understood. Inter-male aggression is triggered when animals perceive both the presence of an appetitive resource, such as food or females, and of competing conspecific males. How such signals are detected and integrated to control the decision to fight is not clear. Here we use the vinegar fly, Drosophila melanogaster, to investigate the manner in which food and females promotes aggression.

In the first chapter, we explore how food controls aggression. As in many other species, food promotes aggression in flies, but it is not clear whether food increases aggression per se, or whether aggression is a secondary consequence of increased social interactions caused by aggregation of flies on food. Furthermore, nothing is known about how animals evaluate the quality and quantity of food in the context of competition. We show that food promotes aggression independently of any effect to increase the frequency of contact between males. Food increases aggression but not courtship between males, suggesting that the effect of food on aggression is specific. Next, we show that flies tune the level of aggression according to absolute amount of food rather than other parameters, such as area or concentration of food. Sucrose, a sugar molecule present in many fruits, is sufficient to promote aggression, and detection of sugar via gustatory receptor neurons is necessary for food-promoted aggression. Furthermore, we show that while food is necessary for aggression, too much food decreases aggression. Finally, we show that flies exhibit strategies consistent with a territorial strategy. These data suggest that flies use sweet-sensing gustatory information to guide their decision to fight over a limited quantity of a food resource.

Following up on the findings of the first chapter, we asked how the presence of a conspecific female resource promotes male-male aggression. In the absence of food, group-housed male flies, who normally do not fight even in the presence of food, fight in the presence of females. Unlike food, the presence of females strongly influences proximity between flies. Nevertheless, as group-housed flies do not fight even when they are in small chambers, it is unlikely that the presence of female indirectly increases aggression by first increasing proximity. Unlike food, the presence of females also leads to large increases in locomotion and in male-female courtship behaviors, suggesting that females may influence aggression as well as general arousal. Female cuticular hydrocarbons are required for this effect, as females that do not produce CH pheromones are unable to promote male-male aggression. In particular, 7,11-HD––a female-specific cuticular hydrocarbon pheromone critical for male-female courtship––is sufficient to mediate this effect when it is perfumed onto pheromone-deficient females or males. Recent studies showed that ppk23+ GRNs label two population of GRNs, one of which detects male cuticular hydrocarbons and another labeled by ppk23 and ppk25, which detects female cuticular hydrocarbons. I show that in particular, both of these GRNs control aggression, presumably via detection of female or male pheromones. To further investigate the ways in which these two classes of GRNs control aggression, I developed new genetic tools to independently test the male- and female-sensing GRNs. I show that ppk25-LexA and ppk25-GAL80 faithfully recapitulate the expression pattern of ppk25-GAL4 and label a subset of ppk23+ GRNs. These tools can be used in future studies to dissect the respective functions of male-sensing and female-sensing GRNs in male social behaviors.

Finally, in the last chapter, I discuss quantitative approaches to describe how varying quantities of food and females could control the level of aggression. Flies show an inverse-U shaped aggressive response to varying quantities of food and a flat aggressive response to varying quantities of females. I show how two simple game theoretic models, “prisoner’s dilemma” and “coordination game” could be used to describe the level of aggression we observe. These results suggest that flies may use strategic decision-making, using simple comparisons of costs and benefits.

In conclusion, male-male aggression in Drosophila is controlled by simple gustatory cues from food and females, which are detected by gustatory receptor neurons. Different quantities of resource cues lead to different levels of aggression, and flies show putative territorial behavior, suggesting that fly aggression is a highly strategic adaptive behavior. How these resource cues are integrated with male pheromone cues and give rise to this complex behavior is an interesting subject, which should keep researchers busy in the coming years.


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I. Introductory Remarks

A brief discussion of the overall organization of the thesis is presented along with a discussion of the relationship between this thesis and previous work on the spectroscopic properties of benzene.

II. Radiationless Transitions and Line broadening

Radiationless rates have been calculated for the 3B1u→1A1g transitions of benzene and perdeuterobenzene as well as for the 1B2u→1A1g transition of benzene. The rates were calculated using a model that considers the radiationless transition as a tunneling process between two multi-demensional potential surfaces and assuming both harmonic and anharmonic vibrational potentials. Whenever possible experimental parameters were used in the calculation. To this end we have obtained experimental values for the anharmonicities of the carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen vibrations and the size of the lowest triplet state of benzene. The use of the breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation in describing radiationless transitions is critically examined and it is concluded that Herzberg-Teller vibronic coupling is 100 times more efficient at inducing radiationless transitions.

The results of the radiationless transition rate calculation are used to calculate line broadening in several of the excited electronic states of benzene. The calculated line broadening in all cases is in qualitative agreement with experimental line widths.

III. 3B1u1A1g Absorption Spectra

The 3B1u1A1g absorption spectra of C6H6 and C6D6 at 4.2˚K have been obtained at high resolution using the phosphorescence photoexcitation method. The spectrum exhibits very clear evidence of a pseudo-Jahn-Teller distortion of the normally hexagonal benzene molecule upon excitation to the triplet state. Factor group splitting of the 0 – 0 and 0 – 0 + v exciton bands have also been observed. The position of the mean of the 0 – 0 exciton band of C6H6 when compared to the phosphorescence origin of a C6H6 guest in a C6D6 host crystal indicates that the “static” intermolecular interactions between guest and hose are different for C6H6 and C6D6. Further investigation of this difference using the currently accepted theory of isotopic mixed crystals indicates that there is a 2cm-1 shift of the ideal mixed crystal level per hot deuterium atom. This shift is observed for both the singlet and triplet states of benzene.

IV. 3E1u1A1g, Absorption Spectra

The 3E1u1A1g absorption spectra of C6H6 and C6D6 at 4.2˚K have been obtained using the phosphorescence photoexcitation technique. In both cases the spectrum is broad and structureless as would be expected from the line broadening calculations.


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission operates under the authority and direction of a convention originally entered into by the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America. The convention, which came into force in 1950, is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals fish for tropical tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Under this provision the Republic of Panama adhered in 1953, the Republic of Ecuador in 1961, the United Mexican States in 1964, Canada in 1968 and Japan in 1970. In 1967 Ecuador gave notice of her intent to withdraw from the Commission, and her withdrawal became effective on August 12, 1968. The Commission held three meetings in 1972: the 26th meeting in Tokyo, Japan, on January 6, 7 and 13; the 27th meeting in Panama, Republic of Panama, on November 7, 8 and 11; and the 28th meeting in San Diego, California, on December 20. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical está bajo la autoridad y dirección de una convención la cual fue originalmente formada por la República de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. La Convención, vigente desde 1950, está abierta a la afiliación de otros gobiernos cuyos nacionales pesquen atún en el Pacífico oriental tropical. Bajo esta medida la República de Panamá se afilió en 1953, la República del Ecuador en 1961, los Estados Unidos Mexicanos en 1964, Canadá en 1968 y el Japón en 1970. En 1967, el Ecuador anunció su intención de retirarse de la Comisión y la renuncia se hizo efectiva el 21 de agosto de 1968. La Comisión celebró tres reuniones en 1972: la XXVI reunion en Tokio, Japón, el 6, 7 Y 13 de enero; la XXVII reunión en Panamá, República de Panamá, el 7, 8 Y 11 de noviembre; y la XVIII reunión en San Diego, California, el 20 de diciembre. (PDF contains 166 pages.)