993 resultados para Integrate
It is now widely accepted that adult neurogenesis plays a fundamental role in hippocampal function. Neurons born in the adult dentate gyrus of the hippocampus undergo a series of events before they fully integrate in the network and eventually become undistinguishable from neurons born during embryogenesis. Adult hippocampal neurogenesis is strongly regulated by neuronal activity and neurotransmitters, and the synaptic integration of adult-born neurons occurs in discrete steps, some of which are very different from perinatal synaptogenesis. Here, we review the current knowledge on the development of the synaptic input and output of neurons born in the adult hippocampus, from the stem/progenitor cell to the fully mature neuron. We also provide insight on the regulation of adult neurogenesis by some neurotransmitters and discuss some specificities of the integration of new neurons in an adult environment. The understanding of the mechanisms regulating the synaptic integration of adult-born neurons is not only crucial for our understanding of brain plasticity, but also provides a framework for the manipulation and monitoring of endogenous adult neurogenesis as well as grafted cells, for potential therapeutic applications.
We conducted two experiments to demonstrate the relevance of group membership (in-group vs. out-group) in the processing of conflictual social interactions as described by Dodge (1980; Dodge, Pettit, Mcclaskey, & Brown, 1986). In the first study, we highlighted the impact of group membership on the attribution of hostile intents and on reactions to a provocation. In the second study we found that the impact of group membership on aggressive reaction intents is moderated by the status of people in the interaction, and that this effect is partially mediated by attribution of hostile intents. We conclude by stressing the necessity to integrate intergroup dynamics in the social information processing model elaborated by Dodge.
NLRP3 inflammasome-dependent inflammatory responses are triggered by a variety of signals of host danger, including infection, tissue damage and metabolic dysregulation. How these diverse activators cause inflammasome activation is poorly understood. Recent data suggest that the mitochondria integrate these distinct signals and relay this information to the NLRP3 inflammasome. Dysfunctional mitochondria generate ROS, which is required for inflammasome activation. On the contrary, the NLRP3 inflammasome is negatively regulated by autophagy, which is a catabolic process that removes damaged or otherwise dysfunctional organelles, including mitochondria. In addition to the processing and secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β, NLRP3 inflammasome activation also influences cellular metabolic pathways such as glycolysis and lipogenesis. Mapping the connections between mitochondria, metabolism and inflammation is of great interest, as malfunctioning of this network is associated with many chronic inflammatory diseases.
El projecte ha consistit en el disseny i implementació d'una arquitectura/plataforma d'integració dels serveis d'emmagatzemament i postprocessament d'imatge mèdica que oferix el grup així com la visualització, anonimització, transferència d'arxius... basat en una interfície web com a frontend de la plataforma. Els servis que requereixen interacció gràfica han estat implementats mitjançant tècniques d'exportació d'escriptori remotament a la web i altres s'han implementat per tal que funcionin amb el cluster de màquines del que disposa el PIC.
To sense myriad environmental odors, animals have evolved multiple, large families of divergent olfactory receptors. How and why distinct receptor repertoires and their associated circuits are functionally and anatomically integrated is essentially unknown. We have addressed these questions through comprehensive comparative analysis of the Drosophila olfactory subsystems that express the ionotropic receptors (IRs) and odorant receptors (ORs). We identify ligands for most IR neuron classes, revealing their specificity for select amines and acids, which complements the broader tuning of ORs for esters and alcohols. IR and OR sensory neurons exhibit glomerular convergence in segregated, although interconnected, zones of the primary olfactory center, but these circuits are extensively interdigitated in higher brain regions. Consistently, behavioral responses to odors arise from an interplay between IR- and OR-dependent pathways. We integrate knowledge on the different phylogenetic and developmental properties of these receptors and circuits to propose models for the functional contributions and evolution of these distinct olfactory subsystems.
The plant immune system relies to a great extent on the highly regulated expression of hundreds of defense genes encoding antimicrobial proteins, such as defensins, and antiherbivore proteins, such as lectins. The expression of many of these genes is controlled by a family of mediators known as jasmonates; these cyclic oxygenated fatty acid derivatives are reminiscent of prostaglandins. The roles of jasmonates also extend to the control of reproductive development. How are these complex events regulated? Nearly 20 members of the jasmonate family have been characterized. Some, like jasmonic acid, exist in unmodified forms, whereas others are conjugated to other lipids or to hydrophobic amino acids. Why do so many chemically different forms of these mediators exist, and do individual jasmonates have unique signaling properties or are they made to facilitate transport within and between cells? Key features of the jasmonate signal pathway have been identified and include the specific activation of E3-type ubiquitin ligases thought to target as-yet-undescribed transcriptional repressors for modification or destruction. Several classes of transcription factor are known to function in the jasmonate pathway, and, in some cases, these proteins provide nodes that integrate this network with other important defensive and developmental pathways. Progress in jasmonate research is now rapid, but large gaps in our knowledge exist. Aimed to keep pace with progress, the ensemble of jasmonate Connections Maps at the Signal Transduction Knowledge Environment describe (i) the canonical signaling pathway, (ii) the Arabidopsis signaling pathway, and (iii) the biogenesis and structures of the jasmonates themselves.
Este proyecto nace de la necesidad de realizar una integración de los sistemas informáticos de una empresa en una multinacional; las empresas disponen de servicios de outsourcing en sistemas de información. Al tratarse de una integración operativa, sólo trataremos de trasladar los servicios de centro de atención al usuario, soporte local y ofimática desde un outsourcing de servicios a otro, añadiendo los cambios de procesos necesarios para disponer de un único entorno de trabajo. El cambio de entorno de trabajo se ha de realizar sin perdida de disponibilidad ni de información.
This paper discusses current evidence for the relationship between polyclonal lymphocyte activation, specific immunossupression with decreased resistance, and autoimmune pathology, that are all often found associated with infections by a variety of virus, bacteria and parasites . The central question of class determination of immune effector activities is considered in the context of the cellular targets for nonspecific mitogenic activities associated with infection. A model is presented to integrate these findings: mitogenens produced by the microorganism or the infected cells are preferentially active on CD5 B cells, the resulting over-production of IL-10 will tend to bias all immune activities in to a Th-2mode of effector functions, with high titers of polyclonal antibodies and litle or no production of gamma IFN and other "inflamatory"lymphokines that often mediate resistance. In turn these conditions allow for parasite persistence and the corresponding long-term disregulation of self-directed immune reactivities, resulting in autoimmunity in the chronic phase. This model would predict that selective immunization with the mitogenic principles involved in desregulation, could stand better chances than strategies of vaccination based on immunopotentiation against othere, functionally neutral antigenic epitopes. It is argued, however, that the complexity of immune responses and their regulation together with our ignorance on the genetic controls of class-determination, offer poor prospects for a scientifically-based, rational development of vaccines in the near future. It is suggested that empirically-based and technologically developed vaccines might suceed, while basic scientific approaches are reinforced and given the time provide a better understanding of those process.
In many systems, microtubules contribute spatial information to cell morphogenesis, for instance in cell migration and division. In rod-shaped fission yeast cells, microtubules control cell morphogenesis by transporting polarity factors, namely the Tea1-Tea4 complex, to cell tips. This complex then recruits the DYRK kinase Pom1 to cell ends. Interestingly, recent work has shown that these proteins also provide long-range spatial cues to position the division site in the middle of the cell and temporal signals to coordinate cell length with the cell cycle. Here I review how these microtubule-associated proteins form polar morphogenesis centers that control and integrate both spatial and temporal aspects of cell morphogenesis.
En aquesta tesis es presenten els resultats de la investigació duta a terme a les comunitats indígenes Tsimane’ de l’Amazònia boliviana. La investigació estudia la percepció dels indígenes sobre l’etnoclassificació del seu territori. S’estableix una clau de classificació i es determina la importància dels elements paisatgístics del territori Tsimane’ segons la percepció local. Aquesta informació permetrà integrar el coneixement local dins dels programes de desenvolupament integral i de planificació territorial en l’Amazònia Boliviana. L’estudi conclou que la població Tsimane’ classifica els elements paisatgístics del seu entorn en 89 taques conformades per una espècies arbòria dominant i que estan incloses en un o més dels nou paisatges identificats: Därsi Därä, Sajras, Sinues Ojñi’, Mayes, Múcúya, Tsäquis Därä, Cum, Tajñi’ i Jaman. A partir d’un anàlisi multicriteri s’ha determinat una importància total per cada paisatge segons els següents criteris d’importància: diversitat de taques, activitats econòmiques realitzables, presència espiritual, percepció individual i importància relativa segons els altres paisatges. Així doncs s’ha trobat que el paisatge més important és el Därsi Därä (bosc primari caracteritzat per un estrat arbori superior a 50 metres d’altura). També s’han analitzat les dades discernint segons el gènere de l’entrevistat i segons la proximitat de les comunitats estudiades a la ciutat més propera.
To describe the collective behavior of large ensembles of neurons in neuronal network, a kinetic theory description was developed in [13, 12], where a macroscopic representation of the network dynamics was directly derived from the microscopic dynamics of individual neurons, which are modeled by conductance-based, linear, integrate-and-fire point neurons. A diffusion approximation then led to a nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation for the probability density function of neuronal membrane potentials and synaptic conductances. In this work, we propose a deterministic numerical scheme for a Fokker-Planck model of an excitatory-only network. Our numerical solver allows us to obtain the time evolution of probability distribution functions, and thus, the evolution of all possible macroscopic quantities that are given by suitable moments of the probability density function. We show that this deterministic scheme is capable of capturing the bistability of stationary states observed in Monte Carlo simulations. Moreover, the transient behavior of the firing rates computed from the Fokker-Planck equation is analyzed in this bistable situation, where a bifurcation scenario, of asynchronous convergence towards stationary states, periodic synchronous solutions or damped oscillatory convergence towards stationary states, can be uncovered by increasing the strength of the excitatory coupling. Finally, the computation of moments of the probability distribution allows us to validate the applicability of a moment closure assumption used in [13] to further simplify the kinetic theory.
BACKGROUND: Modern theories define chronic pain as a multidimensional experience - the result of complex interplay between physiological and psychological factors with significant impact on patients' physical, emotional and social functioning. The development of reliable assessment tools capable of capturing the multidimensional impact of chronic pain has challenged the medical community for decades. A number of validated tools are currently used in clinical practice however they all rely on self-reporting and are therefore inherently subjective. In this study we show that a comprehensive analysis of physical activity (PA) under real life conditions may capture behavioral aspects that may reflect physical and emotional functioning.¦METHODOLOGY: PA was monitored during five consecutive days in 60 chronic pain patients and 15 pain-free healthy subjects. To analyze the various aspects of pain-related activity behaviors we defined the concept of PA 'barcoding'. The main idea was to combine different features of PA (type, intensity, duration) to define various PA states. The temporal sequence of different states was visualized as a 'barcode' which indicated that significant information about daily activity can be contained in the amount and variety of PA states, and in the temporal structure of sequence. This information was quantified using complementary measures such as structural complexity metrics (information and sample entropy, Lempel-Ziv complexity), time spent in PA states, and two composite scores, which integrate all measures. The reliability of these measures to characterize chronic pain conditions was assessed by comparing groups of subjects with clinically different pain intensity.¦CONCLUSION: The defined measures of PA showed good discriminative features. The results suggest that significant information about pain-related functional limitations is captured by the structural complexity of PA barcodes, which decreases when the intensity of pain increases. We conclude that a comprehensive analysis of daily-life PA can provide an objective appraisal of the intensity of pain.
El proyecto consiste en el diseño de una instalación solar térmica para producción de agua caliente sanitaria (ACS) en un edificio de nueva construcción en la localidad de Mollerussa (Lleida). Se han estudiado las necesidades térmicas de ACS en atención a las características constructivas y funcionales del edificio, dando cumplimiento a la normativa vigente. Conocida la demanda energética esperada, se han analizado los datos climatológicos y de temperatura de red de agua fría propios del emplazamiento, y se ha propuesto un campo de captación compuesto por captadores planos y los distintos subconjuntos que componen la instalación: acumulación, transferencia térmica, trazado hidráulico, regulación y control, y energía auxiliar. Con ello se ha llevado a cabo una simulación energética mediante la herramienta TSOL, software de simulación solar recomendado por entidades de reconocido prestigio, para comprobar que se han alcanzado los objetivos del sistema propuesto. Por último, se ha realizado un estudio del beneficio medioambiental que supone la instalación proyectada, indicando el ahorro energético para el usuario y las toneladas equivalentes de dióxido de carbono evitadas.
Primero comenzamos por describir la situación global histórica de la transformación del entorno. Luego se describe cómo evoluciona la Educación Ambiental bajo el concepto del desarrollo, constituyéndose como la Educación Ambiental para el Desarrollo Sustentable. Continuamos describiendo la situación de la EA a nivel internacional; se pasa luego al ámbito nacional, teniendo como escenario a México, aquí se hace un análisis del estado que guarda la EA en el país. Después se continua con el ámbito estatal, para lo cual se analiza la situación de la EA en el estado de Zacatecas, en este plano se toca el tema de la participación de las instituciones de educación superior en el intercambio de experiencias y conocimientos para el fortalecimiento de programas de EADS. Luego pasamos a un ámbito municipal, el caso a tratar es el municipio de Monte Escobedo Zacatecas, se hace una descripción general del municipio y se tratan los antecedentes que han motivado este proyecto, para luego pasar a describir el caso específico de la Sierra de Monte Escobedo; a partir de las características de ésta y retomando una propuesta previa de integrar la Sierra al sistema de Áreas Naturales Protegidas de México, se hacen dos propuestas: La primera es sobre el diseño de un Centro de Interpretación y Educación Ambiental; la segunda es para la realización de un Sendero de interpretación. Ambas propuestas pretenden contribuir al aprovechamiento sustentable de los recursos y desarrollo de la comunidad.
The successful implementation of a Primary Health Care System (PHC) in any country depends primarily on the ability to adapt its concepts and principles to the country's culture and development stage. Thus, the PHC system should reflect a balanced interaction between available resources, such as health manpower capabilities, and the nature and magnitude of the health problems. In addition, PHC should be viewed as the inlet to a multi-level pyramidal health system which caters to both community and individual needs in a balanced way. The adage that Ministries of Health should "work with and for the people" in health development, is especially true in the area of PHC, and hence, the health policy should aim to integrate health services in community development and involve people in its planning, implementation and evaluation.