850 resultados para Innovation System, Research Policy
Esta dissertao visa apresentar o mapeamento do uso das teorias de sistemas de informaes, usando tcnicas de recuperao de informao e metodologias de minerao de dados e textos. As teorias abordadas foram Economia de Custos de Transaes (Transactions Costs Economics TCE), Viso Baseada em Recursos da Firma (Resource-Based View-RBV) e Teoria Institucional (Institutional Theory-IT), sendo escolhidas por serem teorias de grande relevncia para estudos de alocao de investimentos e implementao em sistemas de informao, tendo como base de dados o contedo textual (em ingls) do resumo e da reviso terica dos artigos dos peridicos Information System Research (ISR), Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ) e Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS) no perodo de 2000 a 2008. Os resultados advindos da tcnica de minerao textual aliada minerao de dados foram comparadas com a ferramenta de busca avanada EBSCO e demonstraram uma eficincia maior na identificao de contedo. Os artigos fundamentados nas trs teorias representaram 10% do total de artigos dos trs perodicos e o perodo mais profcuo de publicao foi o de 2001 e 2007.(AU)
In this article we introduce the notions of knowledge policy and the politics of knowledge. These have to be distinguished from the older, well-known terms of research policy, or science and technology policy. While the latter aim to foster the development of innovations in knowledge and its applications, the former is aware of side effects of new knowledge and tries to address them. While research policy takes the aims of innovations as largely unproblematic (insofar as they help improving national competitiveness), knowledge policy tries to govern (regulate, control, restrict, or even forbid) the production of knowledge.
Managing Human Resources in the Middle East provides the reader with an understanding of the dynamics of HRM in this important region. Systematic analysis highlights the main factors and variables dictating HRM policies and practices within each country. Diverse and unique cultural, institutional and business environment factors which play a significant role in determining HRM systems in the region are also elaborated upon. The text moves from a general overview of HRM in the Middle-East to an exploration of the current status, role and strategic importance of the HR function in a wide-range of country-specific chapters, before highlighting the emerging HRM models and future challenges for research, policy and practice. This text is invaluable reading for academics, students and practitioners alike.
SMEs with a weak internal R&D capacity show the tendency to shy away from using external sources of technical expertise. The tendency deters providers of industrial modernization services from supporting such structurally weak SMEs. This paper examines how Japan's local technology centres - kosetsushi - remove the bottleneck and reach out to a significant proportion of SMEs with a weak R&D capacity in their localities. Kosetsushi centres sustain habitual interactions with client firms through 'low information gap' services solving immediate needs and lead the clients to a riskier and longer path toward innovation capacity building. This gives kosetsushi centres a position distinct from universities and consultancies in the regional innovation system. While long-term relationships between kosetsushi centres and their client firms can increase switching costs and produce lock-in effects, a case study of two kosetsushi centres illustrates the importance of 'low-information gap' services and relational assets created thereby to the modernization of SMEs with a weak internal R&D capacity. The paper calls for long-term commitment by the public sector if it addresses the issue through modernization services.
Technology sourcing versus technology exploitation:An analysis of US foreign direct investment flows
The traditional paradigm of foreign direct investment (FDI) suggests that FDI is undertaken principally to exploit some firm-specific advantage in a foreign country which provides a locational advantage to the investor. However, recent theoretical work suggests a model of FDI in which the motivation is not to exploit existing technological advantages in a foreign country, but to access such technology and transfer it from the host economy to the investing multinational corporation via spillover effects. This paper tests the technology sourcing versus technology exploiting hypotheses for a panel of sectoral FDI flows between the United States and major OECD nations over a 15 year period. The research makes use of Patel and Vega's (Research Policy, 28, 145-55, 1999) taxonomy of sectors which are likely a priori to exhibit technology sourcing and exploiting behaviour respectively. While there is evidence that FDI flows into the United States are attracted to R and D intensive sectors, very little support is found for the technology sourcing hypothesis either for inward or outward FDI flows. The results suggest that, in aggregate, firm-specific 'ownership' effects remain powerful determinants of FDI flows.
Market-level information diffused by print media may contribute to the legitimation of an emerging technology and thus influence the diffusion of competing technological standards. After analyzing more than 10,000 trade media abstracts from the Local Area Networks (LAN) industry published between 1981 and 2000, we found the presence of differential effects on the adoption of competing standards by two market-level information types: technology and product availability. The significance of these effects depends on the technology's order of entry and suggests that high-tech product managers should make strategic use of market-level information by appropriately focusing the content of their communications. 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a simple profitability-based decision model to show how synergistic gains generated by the joint adoption of complementary innovations may influence the firm's adoption decision. For this purpose a weighted index of intra-firm diffusion is built to investigate empirically the drivers of the intensity of joint use of a set of complementary innovations. The findings indicate that establishment size, ownership structure and product market concentration are important determinants of the intensity of use. Interestingly, the factors that affect the extent of use of technological innovations do also affect that of clusters of management practices. However, they can explain only part of the heterogeneity of the benefits from joint use.
As mobile devices become increasingly diverse and continue to shrink in size and weight, their portability is enhanced but, unfortunately, their usability tends to suffer. Ultimately, the usability of mobile technologies determines their future success in terms of end-user acceptance and, thereafter, adoption and social impact. Widespread acceptance will not, however, be achieved if users interaction with mobile technology amounts to a negative experience. Mobile user interfaces need to be designed to meet the functional and sensory needs of users. Social and Organizational Impacts of Emerging Mobile Devices: Evaluating Use focuses on human-computer interaction related to the innovation and research in the design, evaluation, and use of innovative handheld, mobile, and wearable technologies in order to broaden the overall body of knowledge regarding such issues. It aims to provide an international forum for researchers, educators, and practitioners to advance knowledge and practice in all facets of design and evaluation of human interaction with mobile technologies.
Abstract: Using data on all high- and medium-tech start-ups in the UK in 2000, this paper assesses the effect associated with a firm's decision to patent on a firm's subsequent growth between 2001 and 2005. We propose a new approach to addressing well known issues challenging identification of any patent effect: firm heterogeneity, simultaneity between firm performance and patenting, and sample selection. Our findings suggest that patentees have higher asset growth than non-patentees of between 8% and 27% per annum. 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
As take up of low carbon vehicles increase, there is interest in using the energy stored in the vehicles to help maintain system frequency through ancillary services on the electricity grid system. Research into this area is generally classed as vehicle-to-grid research. In theory, the energy available from electric vehicles could be directly correlated to the vehicle's state of charge (SoC) and battery capacity during the time the car is parked and plugged in. However, not all the energy in the vehicle may be used, as some capacity is required by the driver for their next journey. As such, this paper uses data captured as part of a large scale electric vehicle trial to investigate the effect of three different types of driver routine on vehicle-to-grid availability. Each driver's behaviour is analysed to assess the energy that is available for STOR, with follow on journey requirements also considered.
Fizikai pldkon s matematikai modelleken bemutatjuk, hogy a rendszerek mkdsnek hatkonysgnvekedse instabilitst eredmnyezhet. Megvizsgljuk, hogy az informatika s a telekommunikci fejldse okozhat-e rendszerszint instabilitst, illetve milyen gazdasgi eszkzk vannak a stabilits fenntartsra. / === / Using examples from physics and mathematical modeling, the paper shows that increasing efficiency in systems can lead to instability. The question thus arises whether the development of information and telecommunication technology can lead to instability in the economic system. The policy tools used to maintain stability are also discussed.
A tanulmny tmja az zleti bizalom. Az innovci pldjn keresztl bemutatja azt a mkdsi mechanizmust, amelynek rvn az egyttmkd partnerek kztti bizalom kpes hatkonyabb tenni a gazdasgi kapcsolatokat. A szerz rtelmezi az zleti kapcsolatok koordinlsnak s irnytsnak fogalmait, bemutatja tpusait s alkalmazsnak jellemzit. A hazai szakmai kzletben ma uralkod felfogstl eltren megklnbzteti a bizalomra mltsg s a bizalom fogalmt. A bizalomra mltsg aktulis szintje az, amit egy kapcsolatban mrni lehet. Amennyiben a bizalomra mltsg szintje megfelel, lehetv vlik, hogy e kapcsolatokban megjelenjen maga a cselekvsi hajlandsgknt rtelmezett bizalom.
A kzssgi finanszrozs a pnzgy, a technolgia s a vllalkozs nexusba gyazva katalizlhatja a regionlis s egyetemen belli helyi vllalkozi koszisztmt, hozzjrulhat a gazdasgi nvekedshez, innovcihoz s munkahely-teremtshez. Az egyetemeken keletkez vllalkozi s innovcis potencil szempontjbl a hallgati, oktati s alumni startup-ok, valamint a K+F kapacits szmra nyjthat alternatv finanszrozsi mdot az n. crowdfunding. A szerzk clja, hogy a vllalkozi koszisztmk s a kzssgi finanszrozs fontosabb vonsait bemutatva feltrjk a kzs keresztmetszeteket, interakcikat, tovbb tgondoljk egy ilyen platform implementcis lehetsgeit a Pcsi Tudomnyegyetemen.
Tanulmnyunk clja, hogy bemutasson egy olyan interaktv elretekintsi eljrst, amelyet egy kutatsi alprojekt keretben kezdtnk el fejleszteni. Az interaktv elretekints elkpzelst az elmleti s a gyakorlati jvkutats klcsns kapcsolatt magban foglal integrlt jvkutats, a nyitott elretekints s a nyitott innovcit megvalst "l laboratrium" gondolatkrbl mertettk. Felfogsunkban az interaktv elretekints a klnbz tpus rsztvevk olyan l hlzata, amely sszekapcsolja a rsztvevk kztti szemlyes s az online jvforml tevkenysgeket. Ezt a koncepcit egy elretekintsi esettanulmnyban valstottuk meg, amely a Kzp-Magyarorszgi Rgi KKV-inak lehetsges gazdasgi jvinek feltrsval foglalkozik. Az els eredmnyek azt mutatjk, hogy a rsztvev KKV-k jvorientltsga kzepes mrtk, a vllalkozk nem gondoljk azt, hogy az innovci csodafegyver a gazdasgi vlsg legyzsben s az zleti siker elrsben. Azt viszont hatrozottan megfogalmazzk, hogy az emberi erforrs kpzettsgnek az zleti szempont kihasznlsa fontosabb, mint az innovci a KMR tudsgazdasga fel mutat jvk formlsban. Minthogy az innovatv elretekintsi eljrsunk j szocilis technolgit kpvisel, ezrt annak eredmnyeit meg kell ismertetnnk elmleti s gyakorlati szakemberek szles krvel. Vrjuk a kritikt s a tovbbi stakeholderek rszvtelt az interneten folyamatosan mkd kutatsi honlapunkon.
The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers' espoused instructional beliefs and whether they differed in relation to schools' socioeconomic status, extent of teachers' educational background, or extent of teachers' classroom experience. The study comprised a total of 242 Miami-Dade County public school educators who responded to a thirty-nine question Likert scale, Literacy Instructional Practices Questionnaire. Eighteen schools, three from each of the six regions, were purposively selected based on the socioeconomic status of students. Nine participants were interviewed using semi-standardized interview procedures and open-ended questioning techniques. ^ Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) results revealed that teachers' espoused beliefs concerning the instruction of literacy and forces and influences affecting instruction do not significantly differ depending on schools' socioeconomic status, extent of teachers' educational background, or extent of teachers' classroom experience. The majority of teachers appear to follow a top-down generated direct instruction model. Generally, students are taught as a whole class and ability grouped for specific skill instruction utilizing commercially produced reading and language arts texts. ^ There was no evidence of a relationship between teachers' espoused beliefs concerning the model of instruction that they practice or teachers' espoused beliefs concerning research and its application to practice and the three independent variables. Interview data corroborated much of the information garnered through the questionnaire. However, interview participants espoused the belief that research did not influence their selection of instructional practices. ^ Although teachers perceive of themselves as eclectic in their espoused instructional beliefs, they appear to follow a skills based direct instruction pedagogy in practice. Much of what teachers believe constitutes effective practice, few researchers recommend, affirming the findings of Calderhead (1993) and the National Educational Research Policy and Priorities Board (U.S. Department of Education, 1998, p. 18) that educators rarely know research, seek it out, or act in accordance with its results. ^