984 resultados para Inferência lexical
In the past, research in ontology learning from text has mainly focused on entity recognition, taxonomy induction and relation extraction. In this work we approach a challenging research issue: detecting semantic frames from texts and using them to encode web ontologies. We exploit a new generation Natural Language Processing technology for frame detection, and we enrich the frames acquired so far with argument restrictions provided by a super-sense tagger and domain specializations. The results are encoded according to a Linguistic MetaModel, which allows a complete translation of lexical resources and data acquired from text, enabling custom transformations of the enriched frames into modular ontology components.
In lateralized Lexical Decision Tasks (LDT), accuracy is commonly higher and reaction times are commonly faster for right visual field (RVF) than left visual field (LVF) presentations. This visual field differences are thought to demonstrate the left hemisphere's dominance for language. Unfortunately, different tasks and words are used between studies and languages making direct comparisons difficult. For example, high frequency words show a performance advantage over low frequency words. Moreover, demographic variables impact on lateralized behavior such as language knowledge (one versus several, early acquired versus late acquired). We here aim to alleviate some of these obstacles by presenting results from a lateralized LDT for which we selected words between 4 and 6 letters used in five different languages, i.e. English, French, German, Dutch and Italian. In this first study using these words, we compared performance of right- and left-handed students being either early or late bilinguals (acquired before or after the age of 6 years) from a French-speaking University in Switzerland. Results showed a left hemispheric advantage (accuracy, reaction times) for all groups, with a trend for early as compared to late bilinguals to be less accurate and taking longer in lexical decisions. These results show that the current words result in solid visual field differences, and do so irrespective of how many languages are spoken. While early bilinguals might experience a slight performance disadvantage, it was not affecting visual field differences.
Este estudo teve como objetivo construir e apresentar a definição teórica do conceito de gerência do cuidado de enfermagem em cenários hospitalares, a partir de base literária específica. Optou-se pela utilização das estratégias para construção de conceitos da Análise de Conceito, as regras de formação de conceito da Análise Arqueológica e a Análise Lexical como referencial teórico-metodológico. A operacionalização das estratégias e das regras de formação de conceito possibilitou a construção do conceito gerência do cuidado de enfermagem em cenários hospitalares. O conceito construído apresentou, em sua natureza, a capacidade de integrar dialeticamente os aspectos relativos ao saber-fazer do cuidar e gerenciar. A definição teórica do conceito Gerência do Cuidado de Enfermagem em Cenários Hospitalares deu significado ao termo, no contexto inicial de construção de uma teoria, a Gerência do Cuidado de Enfermagem em Serviços de Saúde.
Under the Dynamic Model of Multilingualism multilinguals are especially vulnerable to language attrition. It was the aim of the present study to verify if this was the case and to observe whether the different linguistic skills (receptive vs. descriptive) and the different linguistic levels (syntactic, lexical, morphological, etc.) would be affected equally.Data were gathered longitudinally by means of a language test for the subject’s reading, writing, listening and speaking skills as well as her knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. Although the overall accuracy remained intact and no proof for attrition in the receptive skills was found, the productive skills - mainly fluency - were shown to have suffered from language attrition. This was demonstrated by an increase in the number of pauses, hesitations, repetitions and self-corrections among others and decrease in the percentage of error-free clauses and decrease in the clause length, in oral and written fluency respectively.
Propuesta de reconocimiento del estándar de comodidad en clientes con pénfigo vulgar utilizando la Lógica FuzzyO objetivo é propor a Lógica Fuzzy para reconhecimento de padrões de conforto de pessoas submetidas a uma tecnologia de cuidar em Enfermagem por apresentarem pênfigo vulgar, uma doença cutâneo-mucosa rara que acomete principalmente adultos. A proposta aplicável em métodos experimentais com sujeitos submetidos à comparação quali-quantitativa (taxonomia/pertinência) do padrão de conforto antes e depois da intervenção. Requer o registro em escala cromática correspondente à intensidade de cada atributo: dor; mobilidade e comprometimento da autoimagem. As regras Fuzzy estabelecidas pela máquina de inferência definem o padrão de conforto em desconforto máximo, mediano e mínimo, traduzindo a eficácia dos cuidados de Enfermagem. Apesar de pouco utilizada na área de Enfermagem, essa lógica viabiliza pesquisas sem dimensionamento a priori do número de sujeitos em função da estimação de parâmetros populacionais. Espera-se avaliação do padrão de conforto do cliente com pênfigo diante da tecnologia aplicada de forma personalizada, conduzindo a avaliação global.
Segundo Comrie (1981:148), «a given language may have more than one type of relative clause construction in its over-all battery of relative clause formation possibilities. (…) The distribution of types within a language, however, is not completely arbitrary (…)». Dado que o Crioulo de Cabo Verde (CCV), variante de Santiago, se comporta desta maneira relativamente àquela área da gramática, a análise das orações relativas nesta língua de base lexical portuguesa assume uma importância acrescida quer descritivamente, quer tipologicamente. Deste modo, o artigo que se apresenta foca os seguintes tópicos da sintaxe de relativização do CCV: (i) Tipos de orações relativas em Crioulo de Cabo Verde (cf. secção 2.); (ii) Estratégias de relativização em CCV (cf. secção 2.); (iii) Natureza dos marcadores relativos em CCV (cf. secção 3.). As orações relativas diferem entre si relativamente a vários aspectos, sendo o resultado da interacção de factores sintácticos e semânticos. Cada tipo de oração relativa pode envolver uma ou mais estratégias de relativização, obedecendo a determinadas condições sintácticas, como se expõe no Quadro
This paper addresses the debate on the place of origin of the Upper Guinea branch of Portuguese Creole (UGPC) as spoken in Guinea-Bissau and Casamance (GBC)1 and on the Santiago Island of Cape Verde (SCV). The hypothesis that UGPC emerged on Santiago rather than on the mainland is underpinned both historically and linguistically. First, a historical framework is presented that accounts for the linguistic transfer from Santiago to Cacheu. Secondly, Parkvall’s (2000) lexical evidence in favor of a Santiago birth will be analyzed and corroborated. Thirdly, a phonological trait that separates GBC from SCV is highlighted and shown to favor a Santiago origin. Finally, lexical and phonological features typical of 15th–16th century Portuguese shared by GBC and SCV are combined with historical data to further strengthen the Santiago birth hypothesis.
Objective To aprehend the social representations about the solvability in mental health care with users of the Family Health Strategy and professionals of family health teams and of the Center for Psychosocial Care. Method A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews for data collection, and the Alceste software for analysis. This software uses the Hierarchical Descending Classification based on the examination of lexical roots, considering the words as units and providing context in the corpus. Results The representations emerge in two opposing poles: the users require satisfaction with care and the professionals realize the need for improvement of health actions. Although the matricial support in mental health and the home visits are developed, the barriers related to investment in health, continuing education and organization of care persist. Conclusion The different representations enable improvements in customer service, solvability of care and aggregate knowledge and practices in the expanded perspective of health needs in the family, social and therapeutic context.
This paper explores the syntax of copular predication withn and across the varletles of cape verdean creole briging new insights about the morpho-synactic properies of the copula with respect to funcional and lexical categories
Este artigo incide sobre os crioulos de base lexical portuguesa da Alta Guiné e do Golfo da Guiné, que constituem duas famílias linguísticas distintas, de formação independente, tendo por objectivo mostrar algumas tendências de convergência e de divergência a nível da estrutura sintáctica.
This study analyzes the interference of native language when students are learning a foreign language, in this case English. According to this study, interferences from the native language such as lexical-semantic and phonological are not infrequent. It is one of the main barriers that create difficulties when learning English. The outcome of this study is presented at the end of the Monografia: to provide English-language teachers and students the most significant linguistic interferences that occur during the learning process of English language. Furthermore, some teaching strategies are discussed to avoid the biases that appear due to the interferences of the native language. As a result of this study, I hope to contribute to the learning success among English-language students.
abstract: Cape Verde is a country of bilingual characteristics, where coexist two languages: the mother tongue – the Creole of Cape Verde (CCV) or the Capeverdian Language (LCV) and the Non Maternal language – the Portuguese that is the official language and, therefore, the language used in the process of education and learning. This situation generates conflicts so much to linguistic level as to cultural level. The two languages presents some lexical resemblances, what drives, many times, to misconceptions and linguistics errors that complicate children in the learning, in particular, of reading that constitute the base for the learning of others knowledge. The learning of reading, in the Non Maternal language, requires a development of the oral language in Portuguese Language, which stimulates the reasoning of the child through playful exercises and cognitivists and construtivists approaches. In this way, the competences of phonological processing in the acquisition of the competences of reading are important for the discrimination of written text and favor the learning and the development of reading. The child, through the discovery, begins to elaborate concepts in the way to obtain a relation with the written language, by functional form. Adopting a methodology of case study and through questionnaires, direct observation and collect of documentary information, this dissertation presents and analyzes connected aspects to the literacy of capeverdian children in the beginning of the schooling and to the learning of reading as basic support for the learning of Non Maternal language. The subsidies collected by the study, presented in this dissertation will contribute for the education progress of reading and, also, for implement successfully the learning of reading of the students, developing to practical of reading and the expectations in uncover the multiplicity of the dimensions of experience in that domain and contribute for a relative comprehension of written and reading modes.
abstract: Cape Verde is a country of bilingual characteristics, where coexist two languages: the mother tongue – the Creole of Cape Verde (CCV) or the Capeverdian Language (LCV) and the Non Maternal language – the Portuguese that is the official language and, therefore, the language used in the process of education and learning. This situation generates conflicts so much to linguistic level as to cultural level. The two languages presents some lexical resemblances, what drives, many times, to misconceptions and linguistics errors that complicate children in the learning, in particular, of reading that constitute the base for the learning of others knowledge. The learning of reading, in the Non Maternal language, requires a development of the oral language in Portuguese Language, which stimulates the reasoning of the child through playful exercises and cognitivists and construtivists approaches. In this way, the competences of phonological processing in the acquisition of the competences of reading are important for the discrimination of written text and favor the learning and the development of reading. The child, through the discovery, begins to elaborate concepts in the way to obtain a relation with the written language, by functional form. Adopting a methodology of case study and through questionnaires, direct observation and collect of documentary information, this dissertation presents and analyzes connected aspects to the literacy of capeverdian children in the beginning of the schooling and to the learning of reading as basic support for the learning of Non Maternal language. The subsidies collected by the study, presented in this dissertation will contribute for the education progress of reading and, also, for implement successfully the learning of reading of the students, developing to practical of reading and the expectations in uncover the multiplicity of the dimensions of experience in that domain and contribute for a relative comprehension of written and reading modes.
Morphology is the aspect of language concerned with the internal structure of words. In the past decades, a large body of masked priming (behavioral and neuroimaging) data has suggested that the visual word recognition system automatically decomposes any morphologically complex word into a stem and its constituent morphemes. Yet the reliance of morphology on other reading processes (e.g., orthography and semantics), as well as its underlying neuronal mechanisms are yet to be determined. In the current magnetoencephalography study, we addressed morphology from the perspective of the unification framework, that is, by applying the Hold/Release paradigm, morphological unification was simulated via the assembly of internal morphemic units into a whole word. Trials representing real words were divided into words with a transparent (true) or a nontransparent (pseudo) morphological relationship. Morphological unification of truly suffixed words was faster and more accurate and additionally enhanced induced oscillations in the narrow gamma band (60-85 Hz, 260-440 ms) in the left posterior occipitotemporal junction. This neural signature could not be explained by a mere automatic lexical processing (i.e., stem perception), but more likely it related to a semantic access step during the morphological unification process. By demonstrating the validity of unification at the morphological level, this study contributes to the vast empirical evidence on unification across other language processes. Furthermore, we point out that morphological unification relies on the retrieval of lexical semantic associations via induced gamma band oscillations in a cerebral hub region for visual word form processing.
No âmbito do processo de obtenção do grau de Licenciatura em Administração Pública e Autárquica, ministrada pela Universidade Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde, foi elaborada a presente memória monográfica, intitulada “Índice de Satisfação dos Funcionários. Estudo de caso: Câmara Municipal de Santa Cruz”. Este trabalho visa analisar o índice de satisfação dos funcionários da Câmara Municipal de Santa Cruz (CMSC). A satisfação dos funcionários é tema importante e que vem sendo debatido em várias sociedades e organizações, uma vez que se considera que o sucesso profissional da organização depende em grande medida e forma directa da motivação, da satisfação e de outros factores relacionados com os funcionários. Neste sentido, faz todo o sentido estudar esta problemática associada a uma organização municipal. Portanto, trata-se de um tema decorrente e que vai permitir o conhecimento de um conjunto de indicadores para inferência do índice de satisfação dos funcionários da CMSC. Para a realização dessa investigação, utilizamos dados primários obtidos a partir do inquérito por questionário e dados secundários colhidos sobretudo na Câmara Municipal de Santa Cruz. Evidentemente, este trabalho apoia-se num vasto manancial de teorias recolhidas em várias bibliografias. Foram utilizados os métodos quantitativo e exploratório. Aplicámos um inquérito por questionário a uma amostra de 60 funcionários da CMSC, representando uma taxa de amostragem de 12,1%. O método de selecção dos funcionários foi o aleatório simples. Os dados foram tratados e analisados através do programa Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS), versão 21.0. Relativamente aos resultados, observamos que o índice de satisfação dos funcionários da CMSC é considerado razoável. Em termos de satisfação dos funcionários inquiridos, as dimensões mais referidas correspondem a resultados profissionais e o desempenho e a competência e a menos têm a ver com a compensação justa e adequada. Entretanto, alguns itens mostraram-se resultados que devem ser salientados tais como o vencimento mensal adequado (cerca 45% funcionários inquiridos insatisfeitos e 55% satisfeitos), com o ambiente de trabalho (30% insatisfeitos e 70% satisfeitos) e com o ambiente saudável (cerca de 33% insatisfeitos e 67% satisfeitos).