977 resultados para Increased Growth-rate


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There is a pressing need to understand and optimize biological control so as to avoid over-reliance on the synthetic chemical pesticides that can damage environmental and human health. This study focused on interactions between a novel biocontrol-strain, Bacillus sp. JC12GB43, and potato-pathogenic Phytophthora and Fusarium species. In assays carried out in vitro and on the potato tuber, the bacterium was capable of near-complete inhibition of pathogens. This Bacillus was sufficiently xerotolerant (water activity limit for growth = 0.928) to out-perform Phytophthora infestans (~0.960) and challenge Fusarium coeruleum (~0.847) and Fusarium sambucinum (~0.860) towards the lower limits of their growth windows. Under some conditions, however, strain JC12GB43 stimulated proliferation of the pathogens: for instance, Fusarium coeruleum growth-rate was increased under chaotropic conditions in vitro (132 mM urea) by >100% and on tubers (2-M glycerol) by up to 570%. Culture-based assays involving macromolecule-stabilizing (kosmotropic) compatible solutes provided proof-of-principle that the Bacillus may provide kosmotropic metabolites to the plant pathogen under conditions that destabilize macromolecular systems of the fungal cell. Whilst unprecedented, this finding is consistent with earlier reports that fungi can utilize metabolites derived from bacterial cells. Unless the antimicrobial activities of candidate biocontrol strains are assayed over a full range of field-relevant parameters, biocontrol agents may promote plant pathogen infections and thereby reduce crop yields. These findings indicate that biocontrol activity, therefore, ought to be regarded as a mode-of-behaviour (dependent on prevailing conditions) rather than an inherent property of a bacterial strain.


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In the European Union the turn towards renewable energy sources has increased the production of biodiesel from rapeseed oil, leaving glycerol (also known as glycerin) as a valuable by-product. For every litre of biodiesel produced, approximately 79 g of crude glycerol are generated. As the biodiesel production grows, the quantity of crude glycerol generated will be considerable and its utilization will become an urgent topic. One possibility is the use of crude glycerol on animal feeds. Glycerol has been evaluated as a dietary energy source for several farm animals, including fish. A study was undertaken to assess the effect of dietary biodiesel-derived glycerol (from rapeseed oil) on the overall growth performance, digestive capacity and metabolic nutrient utilization in juvenile gilthead seabream fed a low fishmeal level diet. Two practical diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous (crude protein, 45.4% DM), isolipidic (18.5% DM) and isoenergetic (gross energy, 21.3 kJ/g DM). The control diet (CTRL) was formulated with intermediate levels of marine-derived proteins (19%). In the same basal formulation, 5% glycerol (GLY) was incorporated at the expenses of wheat. Each dietary treatment was tested in triplicate tanks over 63 days, with 20 gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), with a mean initial body weight (IBW) of 27.9  0.12 g. At the end of the trial, fish fed the CTRL diet reached a final body weight of 84.3  2.2 g (more than 3-fold increase of initial body weight). Fish fed the GLY diet showed a significantly higher (P<0.05) growth, expressed in terms of final body weight and specific growth rate. Voluntary feed intake was similar between the two treatments, but both feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratio were significantly improved (P<0.05) in fish fed the GLY diet. Dietary glycerol had no effect (P>0.05) on the apparent digestibility of protein. In comparison to the control treatment, dietary glycerol significantly improved (P<0.05) protein and fat retention. Activities of digestive enzymes were significantly affected by the various dietary treatments. Fish fed the GLY diet showed an enhanced activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and pepsin, while activities of lipase and leucine-alanine peptidase (LAP) were little affected by dietary glycerol. Fish show the ability to use crude glycerol as a dietary energy substrate.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Qualidade em Análises, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve; Universitat de Barcelona; Gdansk University of Technology, Universidad de Cádiz, Universitas Bergensis; 2015


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Growth stimulation of Avena coleoptile tissue by indoleacetic acid (IAA) and fusicoccin (FC) was compared by measuring both their influence on RNA and protein synthesis during IAA or FC stimulated growth. FC stimulated growth more than IAA during the initial four hour exposure, after which the growth rate gradually declined to the control rate. FC, but not IAA, increased the uptake of 3H-Ieucine into tissue and the specific radioactivity of extracted protein. Cycloheximide inhibited the incorporation of 3H-Ieucine into protein by approximately 60% to 70% in all cases. In the presence of cycloheximide 3H-radioactivity accumulated in FC-treated tissue, whereas IAA did not seem to influence 3H-accumulation. These results suggest that FC stimulated leucine uptake into the tissue and that increased specific activity of coleoptile protein is due to increased leucine uptake, not an increased rate of protein synthesis. There was no measurable influence of IAA and/or FC on RNA and protein synthesis during the initial hours of a growth stimulation. Inhibitors of RNA and protein synthesis, actinomycin D and cycloheximide, respectively, severely inhibited IAA enhanced growth but only partially inhibited FC stimulated growth. The data are consistent with suggestions that a rapidly turning over protein participates in IAA stimulated growth, and that a continual synthesis of RNA and proteins is an absolute requirement for a long term growth response to IAA. On the contrary, FC-stimulated growth exhibited less dependency on the transcription and translation processes. The data are consistent with proposals suggesting different sites of action for FC and IAA stimulated growth. l?hen compared to CO2-free air, CO2 at 300 ppm had no significant influence on coleoptile growth and protein synthesis in the presence or absence of lAA or FC. Also, I mM malate, pH 6.0 did not influence growth of coleoptiles in the presence or absence of lAA. This result was obtained despite reports indicating that 300 ppm CO2 or I mM malate stimulates growth and protein synthesis. This lack of difference between CO2-treated and untreated tissue could indicate either that the interstitial space CO2 concentration is not actually different in the two treatments due to significant endogenous respiratory CO2 or else the data would suggest a very loose coupling between dark CO2 fixation and growth. IAA stimulated the in vivo fixation of 14c-bicarbonate (NaHI4c03) by about 25% and the addition of cycloheximide caused an inhibition of bicarbonate fixation within 30 min. Cycloheximide has also been reported to inhibit IAA-stimulated H+ excretion. These data are consistent with the acid growth theory and suggest that lAA stimulated growth involves dark CO2 fixation. The roles of dark CO2 fixation in lAA-stimulated growth are discussed.


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The main focus and concerns of this PhD thesis is the growth of III-V semiconductor nanostructures (Quantum dots (QDs) and quantum dashes) on silicon substrates using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) technique. The investigation of influence of the major growth parameters on their basic properties (density, geometry, composition, size etc.) and the systematic characterization of their structural and optical properties are the core of the research work. The monolithic integration of III-V optoelectronic devices with silicon electronic circuits could bring enormous prospect for the existing semiconductor technology. Our challenging approach is to combine the superior passive optical properties of silicon with the superior optical emission properties of III-V material by reducing the amount of III-V materials to the very limit of the active region. Different heteroepitaxial integration approaches have been investigated to overcome the materials issues between III-V and Si. However, this include the self-assembled growth of InAs and InGaAs QDs in silicon and GaAx matrices directly on flat silicon substrate, sitecontrolled growth of (GaAs/In0,15Ga0,85As/GaAs) QDs on pre-patterned Si substrate and the direct growth of GaP on Si using migration enhanced epitaxy (MEE) and MBE growth modes. An efficient ex-situ-buffered HF (BHF) and in-situ surface cleaning sequence based on atomic hydrogen (AH) cleaning at 500 °C combined with thermal oxide desorption within a temperature range of 700-900 °C has been established. The removal of oxide desorption was confirmed by semicircular streaky reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) patterns indicating a 2D smooth surface construction prior to the MBE growth. The evolution of size, density and shape of the QDs are ex-situ characterized by atomic-force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The InAs QDs density is strongly increased from 108 to 1011 cm-2 at V/III ratios in the range of 15-35 (beam equivalent pressure values). InAs QD formations are not observed at temperatures of 500 °C and above. Growth experiments on (111) substrates show orientation dependent QD formation behaviour. A significant shape and size transition with elongated InAs quantum dots and dashes has been observed on (111) orientation and at higher Indium-growth rate of 0.3 ML/s. The 2D strain mapping derived from high-resolution TEM of InAs QDs embedded in silicon matrix confirmed semi-coherent and fully relaxed QDs embedded in defectfree silicon matrix. The strain relaxation is released by dislocation loops exclusively localized along the InAs/Si interfaces and partial dislocations with stacking faults inside the InAs clusters. The site controlled growth of GaAs/In0,15Ga0,85As/GaAs nanostructures has been demonstrated for the first time with 1 μm spacing and very low nominal deposition thicknesses, directly on pre-patterned Si without the use of SiO2 mask. Thin planar GaP layer was successfully grown through migration enhanced epitaxy (MEE) to initiate a planar GaP wetting layer at the polar/non-polar interface, which work as a virtual GaP substrate, for the GaP-MBE subsequently growth on the GaP-MEE layer with total thickness of 50 nm. The best root mean square (RMS) roughness value was as good as 1.3 nm. However, these results are highly encouraging for the realization of III-V optical devices on silicon for potential applications.


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Response of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. NIAB-78) to salinity, in terms of seed germination, seedling root growth and root Na+ and K+ content was determined in a laboratory experiment. Cotton seeds were exposed to increasing salinity levels using germination water with Sodium chloride concentrations of 0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mM, to provide different degrees of salt stress. Germinated seeds were counted and roots were harvested at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h after the start of the experiment. It appeared that seed germination was only slightly affected by an increase in salinity (in most cases the differences between treatment were non-significant), whereas root length, root growth rate, root fresh and dry weights were severely affected, generally highly significant differences in these variables were found for comparisons involving most combinations of salinity levels, in particular with increased incubation period. K+ contents decreased with increasing salinity levels, although differences in K+ content were only significant when comparing the control and the 4 salinity levels. Na+ content of the roots increased with increasing levels of NaCl in the germination water, suggesting an exchange of K+ for Na+. The ratio K+/Na+ strongly decreased with rising levels of salinity from around 4.5 for the control to similar to 1 at 200 mM NaCl.


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Expression of the gene encoding ribosome modulation factor (RMF), as measured using an rmf-lacZ gene fusion, increased with decreasing pH in exponential phase cultures of Escherichia coli. Expression was inversely proportional to the growth rate and independent of the acidifying agent used and it was concluded that expression of rmf was growth rate controlled in exponential phase under acid conditions. Increased rmf expression during exponential phase was not accompanied by the formation of ribosome dimers as occurs during stationary phase. Nor did it appear to have a significant effect on cell survival under acid stress since the vulnerability of an RMF-deficient mutant strain was similar to that of the parent strain. Ribosome degradation was increased in the mutant strain compared to the parent strain at pH 3.75. Also, the peptide elongation rate was reduced in the mutant strain but not the parent during growth under acid conditions. It is speculated that the function of RMF during stress-induced reduction in growth rate is two-fold: firstly to prevent reduced elongation efficiency by inactivating surplus ribosomes and thus limiting competition for available protein synthesis factors, and secondly to protect inactivated ribosomes from degradation.


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The physiology and growth of plasmid-bearing Bacillus subtilis carrying plasmid pPFF1, the non-transformed host, and cells after loss of the plasmid (so-called plasmid-cured cells) were investigated. It was found that, following plasmid loss, cells exhibited phenotypic characteristics different from those of the non-transformed host strains. Compared to plasmid-bearing cells and non-transformed host cells, an approximate 25% increase in the maximum specific growth rate and a more rapid increase in total RNA per unit cell mass were observed in plasmid-cured cells. The total enthalpy associated with irreversible denaturation events was determined in whole cells by differential scanning calorimetry. This showed higher enthalpies for plasmid-cured cells compared with the non-transformed host, which suggests increased ribosome numbers. The result from cellular DNA hybridisation suggests that there was no direct evidence of plasmid integration into the host chromosome. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Models which define fitness in terms of per capita rate of increase of phenotypes are used to analyse patterns of individual growth. It is shown that sigmoid growth curves are an optimal strategy (i.e. maximize fitness) if (Assumption 1a) mortality decreases with body size; (2a) mortality is a convex function of specific growth rate, viewed from above; (3) there is a constraint on growth rate, which is attained in the first phase of growth. If the constraint is not attained then size should increase at a progressively reducing rate. These predictions are biologically plausible. Catch-up growth, for retarded individuals, is generally not an optimal strategy though in special cases (e.g. seasonal breeding) it might be. Growth may be advantageous after first breeding if birth rate is a convex function of G (the fraction of production devoted to growth) viewed from above (Assumption 5a), or if mortality rate is a convex function of G, viewed from above (Assumption 6c). If assumptions 5a and 6c are both false, growth should cease at the age of first reproduction. These predictions could be used to evaluate the incidence of indeterminate versus determinate growth in the animal kingdom though the data currently available do not allow quantitative tests. In animals with invariant adult size a method is given which allows one to calculate whether an increase in body size is favoured given that fecundity and developmental time are thereby increased.


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This study investigated the effects of stocking density on the growth and fatty acid (FA) of Brycon insignis metabolism. Fingerlings (360) were distributed into eight ponds at two stocking densities (105 and 210 g/m(3)). The analysis of growth showed that the condition factor (K) and the coefficient of variation (CV) for body mass were not affected by stocking density. However, final body mass and length, specific growth rate (SGR), and weight gain (WG) were higher in the low stocking density group, which also presented a higher feed efficiency (FE) and survival (S). By contrast, muscle protein levels were higher in the high stocking density group. The plasma and muscle lipid content were not affected by stocking density, but fish reared at lower stocking density presented higher lipid concentration in the liver, with no differences in hepatosomatic index values. Even with the differences observed in metabolic and growth parameters, plasma cortisol was not affected by stocking density. The FA profile in the muscle and liver neutral fraction were not affected by stocking density, but the FA in the polar fractions differed between the two stocking densities. In the liver, total polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and PUFA n - 3 increased in higher stocking density, mainly due to an increase in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). In addition, PUFA n - 6 were also increased in the higher stocking density group, mainly due to an increase in arachidonic acid (AA) and docosadienoic acid (22:2n - 6). In the muscle polar fraction, the saturated fatty acids (SFA) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) decreased in the animals from the higher stocking density group, and this reduction was compensated by an increase in PUFA n - 3 and PUFA n - 6, mainly the FA with 20-22 carbons (20:4n - 6: 22:4:n - 6; 22:5n - 6, 22:5n - 3, and 22:6n - 3). A different profile was observed for the C18 PUFAs, mainly 18:2n - 6 and 18:4n - 6, which were higher in the lower density stocking group. The data suggest that when living in high stocking density, B. insignis differentially utilizes the hepatic lipids as energy source and remodels the membrane fatty acids, with higher amounts of DHA in the polar muscle fraction compensated for by a decrease in MUFA. The zootechnical and physiological indices reveal that the lower stocking density group achieve overall better performance. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper explores the relationship between the growth rate of the average income and income inequality using data at the municipal level in Sweden for the period 1992-2007. We estimate a fixed effects panel data growth model where the within-municipality income inequality is one of the explanatory variables. Different inequality measures (Gini coefficient, top income shares, and measures of inequality in the lower and upper ends of the income distribution) are also examined. We find a positive and significant relationship between income growth and income inequality, measured as the Gini coefficient and top income shares, respectively. In addition, while inequality at the upper end of the income distribution is positively associated with the income growth rate, inequality at the lower end of the income distribution seems to be negatively related to the growth rate. Our findings also suggest that increased income inequality enhances growth more in municipalities with a high level of average income than in those with a low level of average income.


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This thesis consists of a summary and four self-contained papers. Paper [I] Following the 1987 report by The World Commission on Environment and Development, the genuine saving has come to play a key role in the context of sustainable development, and the World Bank regularly publishes numbers for genuine saving on a national basis. However, these numbers are typically calculated as if the tax system is non-distortionary. This paper presents an analogue to genuine saving in a second best economy, where the government raises revenue by means of distortionary taxation. We show how the social cost of public debt, which depends on the marginal excess burden, ought to be reflected in the genuine saving. We also illustrate by presenting calculations for Greece, Japan, Portugal, U.K., U.S. and OECD average, showing that the numbers published by the World Bank are likely to be biased and may even give incorrect information as to whether the economy is locally sustainable. Paper [II] This paper examines the relationships among per capita CO2 emissions, per capita GDP and international trade based on panel data spanning the period 1960-2008 for 150 countries. A distinction is also made between OECD and Non-OECD countries to capture the differences of this relationship between developed and developing economies. We apply panel unit root and cointegration tests, and estimate a panel error correction model. The results from the error correction model suggest that there are long-term relationships between the variables for the whole sample and for Non-OECD countries. Finally, Granger causality tests show that there is bi-directional short-term causality between per capita GDP and international trade for the whole sample and between per capita GDP and CO2 emissions for OECD countries. Paper [III] Fundamental questions in economics are why some regions are richer than others, why their growth rates differ, whether their growth rates tend to converge, and what key factors contribute to explain economic growth. This paper deals with the average income growth, net migration, and changes in unemployment rates at the municipal level in Sweden. The aim is to explore in depth the effects of possible underlying determinants with a particular focus on local policy variables. The analysis is based on a three-equation model. Our results show, among other things, that increases in the local public expenditure and income taxe rate have negative effects on subsequent income income growth. In addition, the results show conditional convergence, i.e. that the average income among the municipal residents tends to grow more rapidly in relatively poor local jurisdictions than in initially “richer” jurisdictions, conditional on the other explanatory variables. Paper [IV] This paper explores the relationship between income growth and income inequality using data at the municipal level in Sweden for the period 1992-2007. We estimate a fixed effects panel data growth model, where the within-municipality income inequality is one of the explanatory variables. Different inequality measures (Gini coefficient, top income shares, and measures of inequality in the lower and upper part of the income distribution) are examined. We find a positive and significant relationship between income growth and income inequality measured as the Gini coefficient and top income shares, respectively. In addition, while inequality in the upper part of the income distribution is positively associated with the income growth rate, inequality in the lower part of the income distribution seems to be negatively related to the income growth. Our findings also suggest that increased income inequality enhances growth more in municipalities with a high level of average income than in municipalities with a low level of average income.


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Pre-weaning growth rates, body composition, milk consumption and mass gain efficiency were measured in Australian fur seal Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus pups born in two consecutive breeding periods. Australian fur seals have the highest birth mass of any fur seal species (male 8.3 kg; female 7.2 kg). While their absolute pre-weaning growth rate (male 62 g·day−1; female 53 g·day−1) is similar to that of other temperate latitude fur seals, they have the longest birth-mass doubling time of any otariid species (134–136 days). Daily milk consumption increased from 400 g·day−1 (5 MJ·day−1) after birth to 675 g·day−1 (13.7 MJ·day−1) at age 210 day. However, mean mass-specific milk consumption (41 g·kg−1) is substantially lower than in other otariid species (58–70 g·kg−1) and, combined with a low mass gain efficiency (0.12 g·g−1), contributes to the low mass-specific growth rates observed. There were no significant differences in either absolute or mass-specific milk consumption between the sexes. Significant differences, however, were found between the sexes in the body composition of pups with females generally having larger body lipid stores than males for any given mass. Peak milk yield by Australian fur seal females is estimated at 0.60 MJkg−0.75, substantially less than in Antarctic fur seals. The low level of maternal energy transfer in Australian fur seals may reflect the relatively low marine productivity of their foraging areas.


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To identify methods to improve growth and mohair production of weaned Angora goats (mean liveweight 18-20 kg) during their first winter, two supplementary feeding experiments using whole-grain barley and lupins were conducted on a farm in southern New South Wales, in a region where weaner illthrift had been reported. Experiment 1 was a 2×2 + 1 factorial with 16 replicate goats; two feeding levels (115 or 230 g/day of whole-barley grain)× two periods of feeding (4 or 8 weeks) + Control (grazing only). Experiment 2 had five treatments × 13 replicate goats; three treatments fed 230 g/day of whole-barley grain for periods of 2 or 3 months and two treatments fed a 50:50 mixture of lupin and barley grain at 350 g/day for 2 or 4 months. Goats were individually fed and then all returned together for grazing. There were no effects of feeding in Experiment 1 and variations of feeding 230 g/day of barley in Experiment 2 provided no benefit. Feeding lupin/barley for 4 months increased liveweight (gain 59 g/day), mohair production, mohair fibre diameter and the incidence of medullated fibre. About 25% of this ration was not eaten by eight goats, reducing treatment average intake to 295 g/day. By the end of spring, there was no difference in treatment liveweights. Regression constants indicated that for each 1 μm increase in mean fibre diameter, greasy fleece weight increased 35 g and for each 1 kg increase in pre-shearing liveweight, greasy fleece weight increased 26 g. The results show that Angora weaner goats can grow during winter, provided their energy and protein needs for growth are met. Improved pasture management and higher levels of supplementary feeding to weaned Angoras are indicated compared with current practices on farms in Australia.


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The effects of animal species (AS; Angora goats, Merino sheep, mixed-grazed goats and sheep at the ratio of 1:1) and stocking rate (SR; 7.5, 10 and 12.5 animals/ha) on fibre production and quality were determined in a replicated experiment on improved annual temperate pastures in southern Australia from 1981 to 1984. Separately grazed sheep produced the most total clean fibre/ha at each SR. Mixed-grazed treatments produced amounts of clean fibre/ha similar to the arithmetic mean of sheep and goat treatments at 7.5/ha (21.9 versus 21.3 kg/ha), 10% more at 10/ha (28.3 versus 25.3 kg/ha, P < 0.05) and 7% more at 12.5/ha (31.6 versus 29.6 kg/ha, P < 0.10). Clean wool production/head was affected by AS and SR but not year. Clean mohair production was affected by SR and year but not AS. Variation in mean fibre diameter (MFD) accounted for 67 and 71%, respectively, of the variation in clean wool and clean mohair production/head. There was an AS SR interaction for clean fibre production/t pasture. Growth rate of mohair was highest in autumn and least in summer. In each season, an increase in the SR reduced the clean mohair growth rate. Growth rate of wool was highest in spring and least in summer. Wool and mohair MFD were affected by an AS SR interaction. Mohair MFD was also affected by year and season. At 10/ha, wool from mixed-grazed sheep had a greater MFD than wool from separately grazed sheep (20.2 versus 18.9 μm) and mixed-grazed goats grew mohair 1 μm coarser than separately grazed goats. At 12.5/ha mixed-grazed goats grew mohair 1.9 μm finer than separately grazed goats. Mohair MFD was predicted by a multiple regression that included average liveweight for the period of fleece growth, season of growth (summer 1 μm finer than winter) and year (range 1.27 μm). Mohair MFD increased 4.7 μm/10 kg increase in average fleece-free liveweight (P = 6.4 10-14). Fleece-free liveweight alone accounted for 76.4% of the variation in mohair MFD. There was an AS SR interaction for the incidence of kemp and medullated fibres; under severe grazing pressure their incidence was suppressed. This experiment indicated that the principles associated with the effects of SR on wool production on annual temperate pastures apply to mohair production. Mixed grazing of Merino sheep and Angora goats produced complementary and competitive effects depending on the SR. Angora goats should not be grazed alone or mixed-grazed with sheep on annual temperate pastures at SR greater than that recommended for Merino sheep.