982 resultados para Ice hockey stick
The behaviors of youth ice hockey coaches during games are examined using the Coaches Observation System for Games. This tool identifies 16 types of coach behaviors and eight targets of such behaviors. Findings reveal that coaches spend 51.2% of their time simply observing the game. Other common coach behaviors are organizing (15%), directing the game (8.1%) and giving information (6.1%). Targets of these behaviors include players in action (40.9%), on the bench (30.4%) and in transition (22.3%).
A study analyzed the behaviors of eight youth ice hockey referees during 15 different games. The results support the potential educational role that referees can have during games.
Validation ofan Ice Skating Protocol to Predict Aerobic Power in Hockey Players In assessing the physiological capacity of ice hockey players, researchers have often reported the outcomes from different anaerobic skate tests, and the general physical fitness of participants. However, with respect to measuring the aerobic power of ice hockey players, few studies have reported a sport-specific protocol, and currently there is a lack of cohort-specific information describing aerobic power based on evaluations using an on-ice protocol. The Faught Aerobic Skating Test (FAST) uses an on-ice continuous skating protocol to induce a physical stress on a participant's aerobic energy system. The FAST incorporates the principle of increasing workloads at measured time intervals during a continuous skating exercise. Regression analysis was used to determine the estimate of aerobic power within gender and age level. Data were collected on 532 hockey players, (males=384, females=148) ranging in age between 9 and 25 years. Participants completed a laboratory test to measure aerobic power using a modified Bruce protocol, and the on-ice FAST. Regression equations were developed for six male and female, age-specific cohorts separately. The most consistent predictors were weight and final stage completed on the FAST. These results support the application of the FAST to estimate aerobic power among hockey players with R^ values ranging from 0.174 to 0.396 and SEE ranging from 5.65 to 8.58 ml kg' min'' depending on the cohort. Thus we conclude that FAST to be an accurate predictor of aerobic power in age and gender-specific hockey playing cohorts.
RésuméCette étude a pour objectif d'observer l'évolution des actes agressifs dans deux sports d'équipes en fonction de facteurs situationnels (périodes de jeu, lieu de la faute, état du score) et du type d'agressions (instrumentales, hostile). 60 matchs professionnels de football et de hockey sur glace ont été filmés puis analysés à l'aide de grilles d'observation différenciant les deux types d'agressions. Les résultats révèlent que dans ces deux sports, les agressions instrumentales sont plus fréquentes dans les zones importantes du terrain (milieu ou défense) ou lorsque le score est serré. En revanche, les agressions hostiles ne varient pas (ou peu) selon ces facteurs. Les résultats sont discutés au regard de la théorie de l'apprentissage social et de l'hypothèse frustration-agression.AbstractThis study aims at examining observed aggression in two team sports as a function of situational triggers (periods, zones of field, games score) and of type of aggression (instrumental, hostile). 60 soccer and ice hockey games were recorded and analyzed using a grid that differentiates the two types of aggression. The results revealed that theses two sports, instrumental aggressions were more frequent in important zones of field (neutral or defensive ones) and in tied score situations. However, no difference was found for hostile aggression according to these factors. The discussion focused on the social learning theory and frustration-aggression hypothesis.