749 resultados para INTEGRACION REGIONAL - COLOMBIA - 2000-2007


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La crisis financiera y económica internacional originó una convulsión mundial con altísimos costos económicos y sociales, y motivó un fuerte cuestionamiento a la supuesta solidez del pensamiento económico dominante. Ecuador, un país marginal y que vivió su mayor crisis financiera en los años 90 del siglo anterior, también sufrió el impacto de esta crisis. Con el objeto de comprender mejor este fenómeno, este libro aborda aspectos relevantes sobre los canales de transmisión de la crisis, describiendo sus efectos en el sistema financiero latinoamericano. Se analiza particularmente el caso del Ecuador y se presenta una comparación con las situaciones de Colombia y Perú. El autor se pregunta cuáles fueron los efectos de la crisis financiera mundial y cómo reaccionaron los países en desarrollo frente a los choques negativos en el comercio y las finanzas, para luego discutir el comportamiento procíclico del sistema bancario privado del Ecuador y el rol de la banca pública en esta coyuntura. El libro familiariza al lector con temas económicos de gran importancia en la actual coyuntura internacional. Concluye con varias consideraciones sobre el neoliberalismo, la importancia del rol del Estado, los desafíos para los países en desarrollo y para las finanzas del Ecuador. De esta forma acerca al lector a la profundización y reflexión sobre los retos que estas cuestiones plantean.


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A mechanism for the enhancement of the viscous dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) in the oceanic boundary layer (OBL) is proposed, based on insights gained from rapid-distortion theory (RDT). In this mechanism, which complements mechanisms purely based on wave breaking, preexisting TKE is amplified and subsequently dissipated by the joint action of a mean Eulerian wind-induced shear current and the Stokes drift of surface waves, the same elements thought to be responsible for the generation of Langmuir circulations. Assuming that the TKE dissipation rate epsilon saturates to its equilibrium value over a time of the order one eddy turnover time of the turbulence, a new scaling expression, dependent on the turbulent Langmuir number, is derived for epsilon. For reasonable values of the input parameters, the new expression predicts an increase of the dissipation rate near the surface by orders of magnitude compared with usual surface-layer scaling estimates, consistent with available OBL data. These results establish on firmer grounds a suspected connection between two central OBL phenomena: dissipation enhancement and Langmuir circulations.


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Data from various stations having different measurement record periods between 1988 and 2007 are analyzed to investigate the surface ozone concentration, long-term trends, and seasonal changes in and around Ireland. Time series statistical analysis is performed on the monthly mean data using seasonal and trend decomposition procedures and the Box-Jenkins approach (autoregressive integrated moving average). In general, ozone concentrations in the Irish region are found to have a negative trend at all sites except at the coastal sites of Mace Head and Valentia. Data from the most polluted Dublin city site have shown a very strong negative trend of −0.33 ppb/yr with a 95% confidence limit of 0.17 ppb/yr (i.e., −0.33 ± 0.17) for the period 2002−2007, and for the site near the city of Cork, the trend is found to be −0.20 ± 0.11 ppb/yr over the same period. The negative trend for other sites is more pronounced when the data span is considered from around the year 2000 to 2007. Rural sites of Wexford and Monaghan have also shown a very strong negative trend of −0.99 ± 0.13 and −0.58 ± 0.12, respectively, for the period 2000−2007. Mace Head, a site that is representative of ozone changes in the air advected from the Atlantic to Europe in the marine planetary boundary layer, has shown a positive trend of about +0.16 ± 0.04 ppb per annum over the entire period 1988−2007, but this positive trend has reduced during recent years (e.g., in the period 2001−2007). Cluster analysis for back trajectories are performed for the stations having a long record of data, Mace Head and Lough Navar. For Mace Head, the northern and western clean air sectors have shown a similar positive trend (+0.17 ± 0.02 ppb/yr for the northern sector and +0.18 ± 0.02 ppb/yr for the western sector) for the whole period, but partial analysis for the clean western sector at Mace Head shows different trends during different time periods with a decrease in the positive trend since 1988 indicating a deceleration in the ozone trend for Atlantic air masses entering Europe.


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Amyotrofisk lateral skleros (ALS) är en fortskridande neurologiska sjukdom som ger den drabbade och de anhöriga mycket sorg och smärta. Syftet med föreliggande systematiska litteraturstudie var att utifrån aktuell vetenskaplig litteratur beskriva upplevelsen och behovet av omvårdnad som den sjuke i ALS och deras anhöriga behövde. Syftet var också att beskriva vilken typ av information och stöd som behövdes. De vetenskapliga artiklarna som ligger till grund för denna litteraturstudie har sökt på databaserna Elin@Dalarna och Blackwell Synergy. Artiklarna skulle vara publicerade mellan åren 2000-2007 och vara skrivna på engelska. Även manuella sökningar har gjorts. Resultatet visade att sjukvården hade ett stort ansvar att stötta, hjälpa och informera vid denna fortskridande neurologiska sjukdom. Det fanns behov av multiinriktad omvårdnad där många olika professioner ingick för att kunna ge patienterna den helhetsvård de behövde. Det framkom att anhöriga var de som hade den givna omvårdnadsrollen och att de hade ett behov av avlastning och information om sjukdomen, behandlingen och symtomen. Anhöriga upplevde sjukdomen som en stor börda och påverkade deras egna hälsa.


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Syftet med studien var att beskriva vilka faktorer som påverkade kvinnan i beslutet att söka sjukvård. Vidare var syftet att beskriva vilka upplevelser kvinnor som genomgått hjärtinfarkt hade innan kvinnorna beslutade sig för att kontakta sjukvården. Underlag till systematiska litteraturstudien söktes i referensdatabaser. Inkluderade artiklar i studien skulle vara publicerade mellan åren 2000-2007. Artiklarna skulle vara skrivna på engelska samt tillgängliga i fulltext via Internet. Kvalitetsgranskning av artiklar gjordes med stöd av modifierad kvalitetsgranskningsmall. Sammanfattningsvis konstaterades att kvinnorna i studerade artiklar kunde uppvisa likadana fysiska upplevelser som finns beskrivet i litteraturen, som klassiska upplevelser vid hjärtinfarkt. Klassiska upplevelser var plötsligt insättande av bröstsmärta, ångest, illamående, andfåddhet och kallsvett. Utstrålning av smärta mot käke, axlar, armar och nacke. Kvinnor upplevde i högre grad extrem trötthet, utmattning och svaghet i jämförelse med klassiska upplevelser vid insjuknandet i hjärtinfarkt. Orsakerna till att kvinnor hade svårigheter att ta beslut att söka sjukvård var flera. Drabbade kvinnors okunskap om vilka upplevelser kvinnor upplevde vid hjärtinfarkt bidrog till försening. Kvinnorna satte inget samband mellan fysiska upplevelsen och hjärtinfarkt. Kvinnorna var övertygade om att upplevelsen inte utgjorde något hot mot hälsan.


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Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva vilka upplevelser kvinnor har vid hjärtinfarkt och deras behov av stöd samt vilka faktorer som påverkar kvinnor till att de söker vård sent.Underlag till studien söktes i databaserna Blackwell Synergy, CINAHL, Elsevier, PubMed och Elin@Dalarna. Urvalskriterierna var att artiklarna skulle vara relevanta för syftet samt vara publicerade i internationella vetenskapliga tidskrifter från år 2000-2007. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades med avseende vetenskaplig kvalitet. av granskningsmallar Resultatet av kvinnors upplevelser vid hjärtinfarkt visade sig vara de fysiska upplevelserna. Kvinnorupplevde oftast inte den klassiska vänstersidiga bröstsmärtan som beskrivs i litteraturen utan de hade varierade upplevelser av bröstsmärta från värk och tyngdkänsla till en brännande ellerkramande känsla i bröstet. Utmattning och huvudvärk förekom som ett vanligt prodromalt symtom. Andra upplevelser var muskelsvaghet, andnöd, smärta i axlar, käkar, armar, rygg,nacke, skulderblad och buksmärtor. Variationer i kroppstemperatur, illamående och psykiska reaktioner som ångest och oro förekom. Kvinnor förknippade inte sina symtom till hjärtinfarktde förnekade och distanserade sina besvär. Det ledde oftast till fördröjd vårdkontakt. Kvinnor behövde stöd från anhöriga och vänner innan de sökte vård. De behövde också stöd avsjuksköterskan i form av information.


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Background – Chickpea and fenugreek are both legumes that confer several nutritional and functional virtues, especially to diabetes and associated metabolic syndrome conditions. They are high in protein and fibre, low in fat and prove to be low glycaemic. They also provide a gluten-free alternative to those suffering from celiac disease. Though these seeds are locally available, hardly any products appear on the supermarket shelves.
Objectives – The aim was to utilise the health and nutritional benefits of chickpea and fenugreek and develop acceptable snack products by extrusion technology.
Design – Preliminary trials were conducted with different proportions of rice and chickpea at a range of extruder conditions to optimise the raw material and processing conditions. Studies were then conducted at optimum processing conditions using a 7:3 chickpea and rice combination replacing with 2% fenugreek or 5, 10, 15 and 20% FenuLifeÒ (deodorized fenugreek powder). Products were evaluated for their physical (expansion, crunchiness and colour) and sensory ( texture, colour, flavour and overall acceptability) characteristics in order to identify their suitability as snack products.
Outcomes – Addition of chickpea up to 70% with rice showed increased expansion and stable product characteristics. Addition of fenugreek and FenuLifeÒ, indicated slight reduction in product expansion (radial) and crunchiness. However, the product made with 20% FenuLifeÒ had significant changes in expansion, crunchiness and colour values. The median scores of sensory evaluation indicated that all products were within the acceptable range. Inclusion of fenugreek showed lower ratings for flavour due to the strong bitter taste of fenugreek. There were no significant differences between products containing FenuLifeÒ (5-15%) in their colour, flavour, texture and overall quality.
Conclusion – This study demonstrates an opportunity for using chickpea and fenugreek in functional product development. Fenugreek in the form of deodorize powder (fenulifeÒ) could be incorporated up to 15% in a mixture of chickpea and rice to develop snack products of acceptable physical and sensory properties.


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Background – The DASH type dietary pattern which consists of high fruit, vegetable and dairy products and low saturated fat, is “base-producing” but restricts red meat with no clear justification.
Objective – To compare the BP-lowering effect of Vitality diet (VD), a moderately low sodium, “base” producing modified DASH diet, containing 6 serves/week of lean red meat to a “ high carbohydrate, low fat diet (HCLF diet), with a higher dietary acid load in post-menopausal women.
Design – Ninety-five hypertensive post-menopausal women (46 VD and 49 HCLF) completed a 14-wk randomised parallel study. Home BP was measured daily. Repeat 24-h dietary records and 24-h urine samples were collected fortnightly. Dietary acid load, expressed as potential renal acid load (PRAL), was calculated from nutrient intakes.
Outcomes – During the intervention, the VD group had an average daily consumption of 85 g cooked red meat. They had a mean (± SEM) reduction of 38 ± 7 mmol/d in urinary sodium excretion (P <0.0001), and a 7 ± 4 mmol/d increase in urinary potassium (P = 0.0681), with an estimated 23.1± 2.3 mEq/d lower PRAL than the HCLF group (P <0.0001). The fall in systolic pressure in the VD group tended to be greater by 3 ± 2 mmHg (P = 0.08) than the fall in systolic pressure seen with the HCLF diet. A greater BP-lowering effect of VD was observed among those taking anti-hypertensive medication (n = 17) with a greater 5.5 ± 2.7 mm Hg (P = 0.0518) reduction of systolic BP and greater reduction in diastolic BP by 3.6 ± 1.7 mm Hg (P = 0.0388) compared to the HCLF diet. However, no relationship between BP and PRAL was observed.
Conclusions – A low sodium DASH type dietary pattern with the inclusion of lean red meat was effective in reducing BP in post-menopausal women, particularly in those taking anti-hypertensive medication. This dietary pattern could be recommended for this group who are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
This study was funded by Meat & Livestock Australia.


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Background - Alterations in folate status are associated with colorectal carcinogenesis. Folate’s role has been postulated to be either via prevention of changes in DNA methylation or uracil misincorporation.
Objective - To investigate the effect of folic acid supplementation on colonocyte folate status and DNA biomarkers.
Design - Twenty individuals harbouring colonic adenomas were randomised to receive folic acid (600 g daily) or placebo for 6 months post polypectomy. Systemic and colonocyte folate status was determined at baseline and following the intervention. Modified Comet assays were used to determine uracil misincorporation and global DNA hypomethylation at the site adjacent to the polyp and a site distal to the polyp.
Outcomes - Supplementation resulted in increased colonocyte folate, which approached significance, at the site adjacent to the polyp (P= 0.06) but not distal to the polyp (P= 0.36); correspondingly there was a reduction in uracil misincorporation at the site adjacent to the polyp (P = 0.02) and the distal site showed no such trend (P= 0.39). There were no significant changes in global DNA hypomethylation at either site post-intervention.
Conclusions - Folic acid supplementation resulted in increased colonocyte folate and decreased uracil misincorporation at the site of the adenoma but not distal to the adenoma. This supports the hypothesis that localised areas of folate deficiency may exist in human colonic mucosa which respond to folic acid supplementation through increasing colonocyte folate and improving folate-related DNA biomarkers of cancer risk.


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We examine the effects of city-level auditor industry specialization and scale economies on audit pricing in the United States. Using a sample of Big N clients for the 2000-2007 period, and a scale measure based on percentile rankings of the number of audit clients at the city-industry level, we document significant specialization premiums and scale discounts in both the pre- and post-Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) periods. However, the effects of industry specialization and scale economies on audit pricing are highly interactive. The negative effect of city-industry scale on audit fees obtains only for clients of specialist auditors. By contrast, clients of non-specialist auditors obtain scale discounts only when they enjoy strong bargaining power, suggesting that auditors are "forced" to pass on scale economies to clients with greater bargaining power.


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Este trabalho propõe um método para corrigir a distorção observada na distribuição de população dos municípios brasileiros presente nos dados de Censo Demográfico. Essa distorção se caracteriza por uma concentração elevada de municípios com valores de população próximos das mudanças de faixa do Fundo de Participação de Municípios (FPM). O método identifica os municípios candidatos a ajuste, ou seja, com maiores distorções obtidas através de um método Jackknife, e sugere uma correção para sua população de acordo com um modelo linear que segue a Lei de Zipf de distribuição de população de cidades (ZIPF, 1949). Após o ajuste o proposto, o teste de McCrary (2008) captura significativa redução nas descontinuidades na distribuição da população dos municípios para os anos de 2000, 2007 e 2010.


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A alteração do nosso quotidiano levou a uma mudança nos hábitos alimentares, padrões e níveis de actividade física, o que pode explicar o aumento das taxas de prevalência de excesso de peso e obesidade. No entanto, para podermos intervir, é necessário compreender a influência dos factores explicativos. Com o presente estudo, pretendemos comparar duas escolas, uma de cada Região Autónoma, da Madeira (RAM) e dos Açores (RAA), nos seguintes aspectos: a) caracterizar o nível de obesidade, aptidão aeróbia, participação desportiva, hábitos alimentares e a sua percepção do envolvimento físico, e b) identificar quais das variáveis em estudo são predictores de uma percentagem de massa gorda (%MG) alta e muito alta. Participaram no estudo 326 sujeitos de ambos os sexos, da RAA (n=123) e da RAM (n=203). Os níveis de obesidade foram determinados segundo os valores referenciados por Cole et al. (2000, 2007), a %MG foi calculada através da fórmula de Slaughter et al. (1988) e categorizados segundo Lohman (1987). A aptidão aeróbia foi avaliada através do teste vaivém da bateria de testes Fitnessgram (The Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research, 2007). Foram utilizados questionários para avaliação da participação desportiva, comportamentos alimentares (Wilson et al., 2008) e percepção do envolvimento físico (Evenson et al., 2006). Verificamos que 29% dos sujeitos avaliados apresentam excesso de peso ou obesidade, 30,4% apresentam %MG alta ou muito alta, 61% apresentam uma aptidão aeróbia abaixo da zona saudável, e 64,7% indicam a Educação Física como única actividade física organizada e regular em que participam. Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as duas escolas (RAA e RAM) na participação desportiva e na percepção do envolvimento físico. Foi possível constatar que a percepção de disponibilidade de frutos e hortícolas (OR: 0,854; 95%CI 0,746 – 0,977) e a percepção de envolvimento físico com barreiras geográficas (OR: 1,127; 95%CI 1,023-1,240) são predictores de uma %MG alta ou muito alta.


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This investigation had the teacher as object of study, whose objective was to know and analyze the teacher‟s Social Representations (SR) shared by undergraduates, as from images of this professional (teachers´ photos of several levels and school systems). It was searched out the process of depreciation or estimation, in which the teaching profession has been passing, trying to catch, specifically, possible existing correlations among such SR and the reflections in the attitudes developed by these students about their own development and professional practice. The data collection was carried out at the Federal University of Piauí Teresina with 165 undergraduates (15 from each course). It was applied a semi-structured interview, mediated by iconographic grouping (SALES, 2000, 2007), outlining a methodological widening of the studies fulfilled by (ROAZZI, 1995). It was used the function Factor Analysis, available in the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) for the analysis of the quantitative data, and it was proceeded a content analysis through the categorical analysis technique (BARDIN, 1977) for the analytical procedures of the qualitative data. It was resorted to the SR theory (MOSCOVICI, 1978) for the data interpretation and the Theory of Signs (PEIRCE. 1995) in the understanding of the decodification processes of signs that were present in the photos worked. It became evident that the undergraduates perceived the teaching profession inserted in a hierarchical scale of values (positive/negative), directly related to the school system and the teaching level, in which the teacher works. Most undergraduates share teacher‟s SR of negative content, consolidating the hegemonic SR about the teacher‟s social depreciation, although some of them imagine themselves, in the future, inserted among the teachers more appraised, showing that the SR orientate the positive and negative attitudes about the teacher. The presence of SR that mobilize the interviewers‟ attitudes in opposite senses related to the teacher, offer evidence of the necessity of future studies that can use a methodology more focused to understand other motivation factors that the undergraduates give evidence of having to the course they have chosen, besides the ones inferred by the SR caught in this investigation, as well as to establish a correlation between the teacher‟s SR (positive and negative) and the social economic level of the interviewers that share them. Such data revealed itself necessary since the literature signalizes for a relation between the course chosen and the applicant‟s social-economic level, and that the applicants‟ objective conditions to the licenciature courses are related to the subjective hopes that their group supplies