984 resultados para Hilliard, Timothy--1747-1790
Handwritten order to John Sale to pay scholarship funds to Timothy Alden for use by his son signed by John Clarke, David Tilden, and James Morrill.
Printed quarter bill for Timothy Bigelow (Harvard AB 1786) with sizing and punishment totals. Handwritten text of name, date, and bill totals is faded.
Fourteen printed quarter bills for Daniel Marrett (Harvard AB 1790) with sizing and punishment totals, signed by Steward Caleb Gannett.
One-page handwritten unidentified accounting with entries between August 1781 and August 1790 following the format: date, weeks, rate, and total. The first entry reads: "Aug. 28 1781 ... 761 weeks ... @ 3/6 ... 133.3.6."
This series consists of handwritten slips written by the borrower with the promise of repayment with interest to a specified lender. Some of the notes reflect loans made to the Butler by members of the community, and others are promissory notes to Adams signed by Harvard students.
This paper notebook contains abstracts of sermons attended between January 12, 1745/6 and November 15, 1747 in Kingston, Massachusetts, presumably by William Sever. The notebook lists the minister by last name, the location ("King." for Kingston), the date the sermon was delivered, the biblical passage used, and one-to-two-page entries on the sermon containing numbered notes and a section titled "Improvements and Applications." From the front of the volume, the pages contain entries for sermons attended between January 12 1745/6 through November 30, 1746, and there are no entries for June-September 1746. Sermon entries for December 7, 1746 to November 15, 1747 are written tête-bêche from the other end of the volume, and there are no entries for February-July 1747. Almost all of the sermons were delivered by Rev. William Rand, but there are sporadic sermons by additional ministers, who based on the last name are presumed to be John Angier (1701-1787; Harvard AB 1720), Ebenezer Gay (1696-1787; Harvard AB 1714), Nathaniel Eells (1678-1750; Harvard AB 1699), Josiah Torrey (1720-1783; Harvard AB 1741) and Daniel Shute (1722-1802; Harvard AB 1743).
Bound pamphlet copy of the 1790 College laws printed by Samuel Hall, with annotations attributed to Christophe Ebeling. Handwritten inscription on cover: "For Professor Ebeling of Hamburgh from Joseph Willard President of Harvard College in Cambridge." A list of the "present executive officers of the College" for June 1794 is handwritten on the back inside cover, and the number of students in College are listed on the verso.
Bound pamphlet copy of the 1790 College laws printed by Samuel Hall with penciled annotations. Some pages are unattached.
Bound printed pamphlet copy of the 1790 College laws printed by Samuel Hall, with a handwritten table of contents on the back inside cover.
Bound pamphlet copy of the 1790 College laws printed by Samuel Hall. The copy was originally intended as an admittatur and includes the signature of President Samuel Webber and the date September 24th, but does not have a student's name or year.
Notebook with a handwritten copy of the 1734 College laws copied in English by Harvard undergraduate Timothy Prout and signed by President Edward Holyoke, Fellows Henry Flynt and Nathan Prince, and Tutors Stephen Sewall and Daniel Rogers on October 5, 1737. The flyleaf includes the note, "This Body of Colledge Laws was transcribed by Timo. Prout July ye 10th anno Domini 1737.
Marbled paper-covered notebook with a handwritten copy of the 1734 College laws in English prepared by Harvard undergraduate Ebenezer Storer and signed by President Edward Holyoke, Fellow Henry Flynt, Tutor Belcher Hancock, Fellow Joseph Mayhew, and Tutor Thomas Marsh on September 11, 1743.
Published copy of the 1790 College Laws, bound in modern board binding, with the admittatur of undergraduate Thomas Gray signed by President Joseph Willard on July 15, 1786.
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