997 resultados para Helgelandia 1649.
[Mazarinade. 1649]
[Mazarinade. 1649]
[Mazarinade. 1649]
[Mazarinade. 1649]
[Mazarinade. 1649]
[Mazarinade. 1649]
Banco del conocimiento
Microwave digestions of mercury in Standards Reference Material (SRM) coal samples with nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide in quartz vessels were compared with Teflon® vessel digestion by using flow injection cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry. Teflon® vessels gave poor reproducibiUty and tended to deliver high values, while the digestion results from quartz vessel show good agreement with certificate values and better standard deviations. Trace level elements (Ag, Ba, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Pb, Sn, Ti, V and Zn) in used oil and residual oil samples were determined by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry. Different microwave digestion programs were developed for each sample and most of the results are in good agreement with certified values. The disagreement with values for Ag was due to the precipitation of Ag in sample; while Sn, V and Zn values had good recoveries from the spike test, which suggests that these certified values might need to be reconsidered. Gold, silver, copper, cadmium, cobalt, nickel and zinc were determined by continuous hydride generation inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry. The performance of two sample introduction systems: MSIS™ and gas-liquid separator were compared. Under the respective optimum conditions, MSIS^"^ showed better sensitivity and lower detection limits for Ag, Cd, Cu, Co and similar values for Au, Ni and Zn to those for the gas-liquid separator.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Ingeniería Ambiental) UANL
Parmi les nombreux écrits polémiques publiés au cours de la première moitié du XVIIe siècle, quelques-uns font appel à une persona féminine fictive, qui assume la responsabilité du discours politique que le pamphlet cherche à diffuser. Ainsi la Responce de Dame Friquette Bohëmienne (1615) et les Admirables sentiments d’une fille Villageoise (1649) reposent-ils sur l’ethos d’une femme de condition modeste, attentive aux événements de son époque et investie d’une mission tout à fait étrangère à sa condition sociale : convaincre un personnage en vue de l’amener à modifier son action politique au nom du bien de l’État. En dépit de leurs différences de tonalité et de visée délibérative, ces deux textes font entendre la voix d’une simple femme dotée d’une forme de « clairvoyance » politique, même si sa compétence en matière d’affaires publiques est censément fort douteuse. À travers le caractère paradoxal d’une telle prise de parole se révèlent certaines des postures énonciatives qui sont attribuables aux femmes en cette époque de modernité naissante.
In the title molecule, C16H11N5, the mean planes of the quinoxaline and indazole fragments form a dihedral angle of 10.62 (5). In the crystal, weak intermolecular N—H..........N hydrogen bonds link the molecules into zigzag chains extending in the [001] direction. The crystal packing also exhibits pye interactions [centroid–centroid distances of 3.7080 (2) and 3.8220 (5) A ˚ ], which form stacks of the molecules parallel to the a axis