427 resultados para Haptic sensations
Os estudos sobre expatriados, tanto no âmbito nacional quanto internacional, normalmente tratam de aspectos administrativos relativos ao processo de expatriação, como, por exemplo, as dificuldades de adaptação do indivíduo e de sua família, bem como o prejuízo que um programa mal sucedido poderia trazer para a organização. O objetivo desse estudo foi descrever cinco indicadores psicossociais de saúde positiva (bem-estar subjetivo, bemestar no trabalho, percepção de suporte social, percepção de suporte organizacional e otimismo) em empregados expatriados. Foi utilizada uma amostra escolhida por conveniência, composta por 16 pessoas, sendo 8 do sexo masculino e 8 do sexo feminino e que já haviam participado ou estavam participando de programas organizacionais de expatriação. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário de auto-preenchimento composto por oito medidas que aferiram as variáveis incluídas no estudo (satisfação geral com a vida, afetos positivos e negativos, satisfação no trabalho, envolvimento com o trabalho, comprometimento organizacional afetivo, percepções de suporte social e organizacional e otimismo). Foram realizadas análises estatísticas descritivas, testadas diferenças entre médias, bem como calculados índices de correlação entre variáveis. Os resultados revelaram que os profissionais expatriados tiveram mais oportunidades de vivenciar sensações afetivas positivas do que negativas em suas experiências fora do seu país de origem, o que permite dizer que os expatriados tendem a níveis positivos de muito alegres, muito bem, muito felizes, muito satisfeitos, muito animados e muito contentes , logo eles mantiveram relativamente preservado o seu bem-estar subjetivo. Também foi possível observar que as suas maiores satisfações com a vida não eram advindas do trabalho e que eles pareciam demonstrar estar satisfeitos com suas relações interpessoais além de apresentar uma forte vinculação afetiva com o seu empregador. Resultado diferente foi obtido para envolvimento com o trabalho revelando que as tarefas não conseguiam manter o expatriado totalmente absorvido por elas durante o período de expatriação. O estudo revelou também que os expatriados percebem receber maior apoio emocional de seus familiares, amigos e parentes do que suporte prático. Quanto à percepção de suporte organizacional foi observado que eles não acreditam, incondicionalmente, no apoio da organização em que estão inseridos. Os resultados mostraram ainda que os expatriados mantêm uma expectativa positiva quanto ao futuro, sinalizando um senso levemente acentuado de otimismo. Foi possível observar também algumas correlações significativas entre as dimensões de BES e BET. Com base nestes resultados existem indícios de saúde positiva entre os profissionais pesquisados, visto que eles parecem estar de bem com a vida pessoal e relativamente bem no trabalho, mantendo crenças medianas de suporte social e organizacional. Os resultados do estudo poderão contribuir para a compreensão do quadro psicológico dos indivíduos expatriados e, ao mesmo tempo, oferecerem uma melhor fundamentação conceitual para estudiosos do tema, assim como suscitar nos gestores reflexões acerca de ações políticas para o monitoramento da saúde psíquica dos empregados que tenham participado ou estejam participando desse tipo de programa organizacional.(AU)
Using magnetoencephalography, we studied the spatiotemporal properties of cortical responses in terms of event-related synchronization and event-related desynchronization to a range of stripe patterns in subjects with no neurological disorders. These stripes are known for their tendency to induce a range of abnormal sensations, such as illusions, nausea, dizziness, headache and attacks of pattern-sensitive epilepsy. The optimal stimulus must have specific physical properties, and maximum abnormalities occur at specific spatial frequency and contrast. Despite individual differences in the severity of discomfort experienced, psychophysical studies have shown that most observers experience some degree of visual anomaly on viewing such patterns. In a separate experiment, subjects reported the incidence of illusions and discomfort to each pattern. We found maximal cortical power in the gamma range (30-60 Hz) confined to the region of the primary visual cortex in response to patterns of 2-4 cycles per degree, peaking at 3 cycles per degree. This coincides with the peak of mean illusions and discomfort, also maximal for patterns of 2-4 cycles per degree. We show that gamma band activity in V1 is a narrow band function of spatial frequency. We hypothesize that the intrinsic properties of gamma oscillations may underlie visual discomfort and play a role in the onset of seizures.
Luminance changes within a scene are ambiguous; they can indicate reflectance changes, shadows, or shading due to surface undulations. How does vision distinguish between these possibilities? When a surface painted with an albedo texture is shaded, the change in local mean luminance (LM) is accompanied by a similar modulation of the local luminance amplitude (AM) of the texture. This relationship does not necessarily hold for reflectance changes or for shading of a relief texture. Here we concentrate on the role of AM in shape-from-shading. Observers were presented with a noise texture onto which sinusoidal LM and AM signals were superimposed, and were asked to indicate which of two marked locations was closer to them. Shape-from-shading was enhanced when LM and AM co-varied (in-phase), and was disrupted when they were out-of-phase. The perceptual differences between cue types (in-phase vs out-of-phase) were enhanced when the two cues were present at different orientations within a single image. Similar results were found with a haptic matching task. We conclude that vision can use AM to disambiguate luminance changes. LM and AM have a positive relationship for rendered, undulating, albedo textures, and we assess the degree to which this relationship holds in natural images. [Supported by EPSRC grants to AJS and MAG].
This thesis is concerned with Maine de Biran’s and Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s conceptions of will, and the way in which both thinkers’ posterities have been affected by the central role of these very conceptions in their respective bodies of thought. The research question that animates this work can therefore be divided into two main parts, one of which deals with will, while the other deals with its effects on posterity. In the first pages of the Introduction, I make the case for a comparison between two philosophers, and show how this comparison can bring one closer to truth, understood not in objective, but in subjective terms. I then justify my choice by underlining that, in spite of their many differences, Maine de Biran and Samuel Taylor Coleridge followed comparable paths, intellectually and spiritually, and came to similar conclusions concerning the essential activity of the human mind. Finally, I ask whether it is possible that this very focus on the human will may have contributed to the state of both thinkers’ works and of the reception of those works. This prologue is followed by five parts. In the first part, the similarities and differences between the two thinkers are explored further. In the second part, the connections between philosophy and singularity are examined, in order to show the ambivalence of the will as a foundation for truth. The third part is dedicated to the traditional division between subject and object in psychology, and its relevance in history and in moral philosophy. The fourth part tackles the complexity of the question of influence, with respect to both Maine de Biran’s and Coleridge’s cases, both thinkers being indebted to many philosophers of all times and places, and having to rely heavily on others for the publication, or the interpretation of their own works. The fifth part is concerned with the different aspects of the faculty of will, and primarily its relationship with interiority, as incommensurability, and actual, conditioned existence in a certain historical and spatial context. It ends with a return to the question of will and posterity and an announcement of what will be covered in the main body of the thesis. The main body is divided into three parts:‘L’émancipation’, ‘L’affirmation, and ‘La projection’. The first part is devoted to the way Maine de Biran and Samuel Taylor Coleridge extricated themselves from one epistemological paradigm to contribute to the foundation of another. It is divided in four chapters. The first chapter deals with the aforementioned change of paradigm, as corresponding to the emergence of two separate but associated movements, Romanticism and what the French philosopher refers to as ‘The Age of History’. The second chapter concerns the movement that preceded them, i.e. the Enlightenment, its main features according to both of our thinkers, and the two epistemological models that prevailed under it and influenced them heavily in their early years: Sensationism (Maine de Biran) and Associationism (Coleridge). The third chapter is about the probable influence of Immanuel Kant and his followers on Maine de Biran and Coleridge, and the various facts that allow us to claim originality for both thinkers’ works. In the fourth chapter, I contrast Maine de Biran and Coleridge with other movements and thinkers of their time, showing that, contrary to their respective thoughts, Maine de Biran and Coleridge could not but break free from the then prevailing systematic approach to truth. The second part of the thesis is concerned with the first part of its research question, namely, Maine de Biran’s and Coleridge’s conceptions of the will. It is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is a reflection on the will as a paradox: on the one hand, the will cannot be caused by any other phenomenon, or it is no longer a will; but it cannot be left purely undetermined, as if it is, it is then not different from chance. It thus needs, in order to be, to be contradictorily already moral. The second chapter is a comparison between Maine de Biran’s and Coleridge’s accounts of the origin of the will, where it is found that the French philosopher only observes that he has a will, whereas the English philosopher postulates the existence of this will. The comparison between Maine de Biran’s and Coleridge’s conceptions of the will is pursued in the third chapter, which tackles the question of the coincidence between the will and the self, in both thinkers’ works. It ends with the fourth chapter, which deals with the question of the relationship between the will and what is other to it, i.e. bodily sensations, passions and desires. The third part of the thesis focuses on the second part of its research question, namely the posterity of Maine de Biran’s and Coleridge’s works. It is divided into four chapters. The first chapter constitutes a continuation of the last chapter of the preceding part, in that that it deals with Maine de Biran’s and Coleridge’s relations to the ‘other’, and particularly their potential and actual audience, and with the way these relations may have affected their writing and publishing practices. The second chapter is a survey of both thinkers’ general reception, where it is found that, while Maine de Biran has been claimed by two important movements of thoughts as their initiator, Coleridge has been neglected by the only real movement he could have, or may indeed have pioneered. The third chapter is more directly concerned with the posterities of Maine de Biran’s and Coleridge’s conceptions of will, and attempts to show that the approach to, and the meaning of the will have evolved throughout the nineteenth century, and in the French Spiritualist and the British Idealist movements, from an essentially personal one to a more impersonal one. The fourth chapter is a partial conclusion, whose aim is to give a precise idea of where Maine de Biran and Coleridge stand, in relation to their century and to the philosophical movements and matters we are concerned with. The conclusion is a recapitulation of what has been found, with a particular emphasis on the dialogue initiated between Maine de Biran and Coleridge on the will, and the relation between will and posterity. It suggests that both thinkers have to pay the price of a problematic reception for the individuality that pervades their respective works, and goes further in suggesting that s/he who chooses to found his individuality on the will is bound to feel this incompleteness in his/her own personal life more acutely than s/he who does not. It ends with a reflection on fixedness and movement, as the two antagonistic states that the theoretician of the will paradoxically aspires to.
Spatial generalization skills in school children aged 8-16 were studied with regard to unfamiliar objects that had been previously learned in a cross-modal priming and learning paradigm. We observed a developmental dissociation with younger children recognizing objects only from previously learnt perspectives whereas older children generalized acquired object knowledge to new viewpoints as well. Haptic and - to a lesser extent - visual priming improved spatial generalization in all but the youngest children. The data supports the idea of dissociable, view-dependent and view-invariant object representations with different developmental trajectories that are subject to modulatory effects of priming. Late-developing areas in the parietal or the prefrontal cortex may account for the retarded onset of view-invariant object recognition. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The human visual system is sensitive to second-order modulations of the local contrast (CM) or amplitude (AM) of a carrier signal. Second-order cues are detected independently of first-order luminance signals; however, it is not clear why vision should benet from second-order sensitivity. Analysis of the first-and second-order contents of natural images suggests that these cues tend to occur together, but their phase relationship varies. We have shown that in-phase combinations of LM and AM are perceived as a shaded corrugated surface whereas the anti-phase combination can be seen as corrugated when presented alone or as a flat material change when presented in a plaid containing the in-phase cue. We now extend these findings using new stimulus types and a novel haptic matching task. We also introduce a computational model based on initially separate first-and second-order channels that are combined within orientation and subsequently across orientation to produce a shading signal. Contrast gain control allows the LM + AM cue to suppress responses to the LM-AM when presented in a plaid. Thus, the model sees LM -AM as flat in these circumstances. We conclude that second-order vision plays a key role in disambiguating the origin of luminance changes within an image. © ARVO.
The objective of this thesis is to report the behaviour of mammalian cells with biocompatible synthetic polymers with potential for applications to the human body. Composite hydrogel materials were tested as possible keratoprosthetic devices. It was found that surface topography is an important consideration, pores, channels and fibres exposed on the surface of the hydrogels tested can have significant effects on the extent of cell adheson and proliferation. It is recommended that the core component is fabricated out of one of the following to provide a non cell adhesive base; A8, A11, A13, A22, A23. The haptic periphery fabricated out of one of the following would provide a cell adhesive composite; A16, A30, A33, A37, A38, A42, A43, A44. The presence of vitronectin in the ocular tissue appears to lead to higher cell adhesion to the posterior surface of a contact lens when compared to the anterior surface. Group IV contact lenses adhere more cells than Group II contact lenses - this may indicate that more protein (including vitronectin) is able to adhere to the contact lens due to the Group IV contact lenses high water content and ionic hydrogel matrix. Artificial lung surfactant analogues were found to be non cytotoxic but also decreased cell proliferation when tested at higher concentrations. Poly(lysine ethyl ester adipamide) [PLETESA] had the most favourable response on cell proliferation and commercial styrene/maleic anhydride (pMA/STY sp2) the most pronounced inhibitory response. The mode of action that decreases cell proliferation appears to be through membrane destabilization. Tissue culture well plates coated with PLETESA allowed cells to adhere in a concentration dependent manner, multilaminar liposomes possibly of PLETESA were observed in solution in PLETESA coated wells. Polyhydroxybutryate (PHB) and polyhydroxyvalerate (PHV) blends that contained hydroxyapatite were found to be the most cell adhesive material of those materials tested. The blends that were most susceptible to degradation adhered the most cells in initial stages of degradation. The initial slight increase in cell adhesion may be due to the increased rugosity of the material. As the degradation continued the number of cells adhering to the samples decreased, this may indicate that the polarity was inhibitory to cell adhesion during the later stages of degradation.
Background - Few epidemiological studies have prospectively investigated preoperative and surgical risk factors for acute postoperative pain after surgery for breast cancer. We investigated demographic, psychological, pain-related and surgical risk factors in women undergoing resectional surgery for breast cancer. Methods - Primary outcomes were pain severity, at rest (PAR) and movement-evoked pain (MEP), in the first postoperative week. Results - In 338 women undergoing surgery, those with chronic preoperative pain were three times more likely to report moderate to severe MEP after breast cancer surgery (OR 3.18, 95% CI 1.45–6.99). Increased psychological ‘robustness’, a composite variable representing positive affect and dispositional optimism, was associated with lower intensity acute postoperative PAR (OR 0.63, 95% CI 0.48–0.82) and MEP (OR 0.71, 95% CI 0.54–0.93). Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) and intraoperative nerve division were associated with reduced postoperative pain. No relationship was found between preoperative neuropathic pain and acute pain outcomes; altered sensations and numbness postoperatively were more common after axillary sample or clearance compared with SLNB. Conclusion - Chronic preoperative pain, axillary surgery and psychological robustness significantly predicted acute pain outcomes after surgery for breast cancer. Preoperative identification and targeted intervention of subgroups at risk could enhance the recovery trajectory in cancer survivors.
Accommodating Intraocular Lenses (IOLs), multifocal IOLs (MIOLs) and toric IOLs are designed to provide a greater level of spectacle independency post cataract surgery. All of these IOLs are reliant on the accurate calculation of intraocular lens power determined through reliable ocular biometry. A standardised defocus area metric and reading performance index metric were devised for the evaluation of the range of focus and the reading ability of subjects implanted with presbyopic correcting IOLs. The range of clear vision after implantation of an MIOL is extended by a second focal point; however, this results in the prevalence of dysphotopsia. A bespoke halometer was designed and validated to assess this photopic phenomenon. There is a lack of standardisation in the methods used for determining IOL orientation and thus rotation. A repeatable, objective method was developed to allow the accurate assessment of IOL rotation, which was used to determine the rotational and positional stability of a closed loop haptic IOL. A new commercially available biometry device was validated for use with subjects prior to cataract surgery. The optical low coherence reflectometry instrument proved to be a valid method for assessing ocular biometry and covered a wider range of ocular parameters in comparison with previous instruments. The advantages of MIOLs were shown to include an extended range of clear vision translating into greater reading ability. However, an increased prevalence of dysphotopsia was shown with a bespoke halometer, which was dependent on the MIOL optic design. Implantation of a single optic accommodating IOL did not improve reading ability but achieved high subjective ratings of near vision. The closed-loop haptic IOL displayed excellent rotational stability in the late period but relatively poor rotational stability in the early period post implantation. The orientation error was compounded by the high frequency of positional misalignment leading to an extensive overall misalignment of the IOL. This thesis demonstrates the functionality of new IOL lens designs and the importance of standardised testing methods, thus providing a greater understanding of the consequences of implanting these IOLs. Consequently, the findings of the thesis will influence future designs of IOLs and testing methods.
Spatial objects may not only be perceived visually but also by touch. We report recent experiments investigating to what extent prior object knowledge acquired in either the haptic or visual sensory modality transfers to a subsequent visual learning task. Results indicate that even mental object representations learnt in one sensory modality may attain a multi-modal quality. These findings seem incompatible with picture-based reasoning schemas but leave open the possibility of modality-specific reasoning mechanisms.
There are around 285 million visually impaired people worldwide, and around 370,000 people are registered as blind or partially sighted in the UK. Ongoing advances in information technology (IT) are increasing the scope for IT-based mobile assistive technologies to facilitate the independence, safety, and improved quality of life of the visually impaired. Research is being directed at making mobile phones and other handheld devices accessible via our haptic (touch) and audio sensory channels. We review research and innovation within the field of mobile assistive technology for the visually impaired and, in so doing, highlight the need for successful collaboration between clinical expertise, computer science, and domain users to realize fully the potential benefits of such technologies. We initially reflect on research that has been conducted to make mobile phones more accessible to people with vision loss. We then discuss innovative assistive applications designed for the visually impaired that are either delivered via mainstream devices and can be used while in motion (e.g., mobile phones) or are embedded within an environment that may be in motion (e.g., public transport) or within which the user may be in motion (e.g., smart homes). © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
OBJECTIVES: Pregnancy may provide a 'teachable moment' for positive health behaviour change, as a time when women are both motivated towards health and in regular contact with health care professionals. This study aimed to investigate whether women's experiences of pregnancy indicate that they would be receptive to behaviour change during this period. DESIGN: Qualitative interview study. METHODS: Using interpretative phenomenological analysis, this study details how seven women made decisions about their physical activity and dietary behaviour during their first pregnancy. RESULTS: Two women had required fertility treatment to conceive. Their behaviour was driven by anxiety and a drive to minimize potential risks to the pregnancy. This included detailed information seeking and strict adherence to diet and physical activity recommendations. However, the majority of women described behaviour change as 'automatic', adopting a new lifestyle immediately upon discovering their pregnancy. Diet and physical activity were influenced by what these women perceived to be normal or acceptable during pregnancy (largely based on observations of others) and internal drivers, including bodily signals and a desire to retain some of their pre-pregnancy self-identity. More reasoned assessments regarding benefits for them and their baby were less prevalent and influential. CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest that for women who conceived relatively easily, diet and physical activity behaviour during pregnancy is primarily based upon a combination of automatic judgements, physical sensations, and perceptions of what pregnant women are supposed to do. Health professionals and other credible sources appear to exert less influence. As such, pregnancy alone may not create a 'teachable moment'. Statement of contribution What is already known on this subject? Significant life events can be cues to action with relation to health behaviour change. However, much of the empirical research in this area has focused on negative health experiences such as receiving a false-positive screening result and hospitalization, and in relation to unequivocally negative behaviours such as smoking. It is often suggested that pregnancy, as a major life event, is a 'teachable moment' (TM) for lifestyle behaviour change due to an increase in motivation towards health and regular contact with health professionals. However, there is limited evidence for the utility of the TM model in predicting or promoting behaviour change. What does this study add? Two groups of women emerged from our study: the women who had experienced difficulties in conceiving and had received fertility treatment, and those who had conceived without intervention. The former group's experience of pregnancy was characterized by a sense of vulnerability and anxiety over sustaining the pregnancy which influenced every choice they made about their diet and physical activity. For the latter group, decisions about diet and physical activity were made immediately upon discovering their pregnancy, based upon a combination of automatic judgements, physical sensations, and perceptions of what is normal or 'good' for pregnancy. Among women with relatively trouble-free conception and pregnancy experiences, the necessary conditions may not be present to create a 'teachable moment'. This is due to a combination of a reliance on non-reflective decision-making, perception of low risk, and little change in affective response or self-concept.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of direct instruction in story grammar on the reading and writing achievement of second graders. Three aspects of story grammar (character, setting, and plot) were taught with direct instruction using the concept development technique of deep processing. Deep processing which included (a) visualization (the drawing of pictures), (b) verbalization (the writing of sentences), (c) the attachment of physical sensations, and (d) the attachment of emotions to concepts was used to help students make mental connections necessary for recall and application of character, setting, and plot when constructing meaning in reading and writing.^ Four existing classrooms consisting of seventy-seven second-grade students were randomly assigned to two treatments, experimental and comparison. Both groups were pretested and posttested for reading achievement using the Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests. Pretest and posttest writing samples were collected and evaluated. Writing achievement was measured using (a) a primary trait scoring scale (an adapted version of the Glazer Narrative Composition Scale) and (b) an holistic scoring scale by R. J. Pritchard. ANCOVAs were performed on the posttests adjusted for the pretests to determine whether or not the methods differed. There was no significant improvement in reading after the eleven-day experimental period for either group; nor did the two groups differ. There was significant improvement in writing for the experimental group over the comparison group. Pretreatment and posttreatment interviews were selectively collected to evaluate qualitatively if the students were able to identify and manipulate elements of story grammar and to determine patterns in metacognitive processing. Interviews provided evidence that most students in the experimental group gained while most students in the comparison group did not gain in their ability to manipulate, with understanding, the concepts of character, setting, and plot. ^
Data Visualization is widely used to facilitate the comprehension of information and find relationships between data. One of the most widely used techniques for multivariate data (4 or more variables) visualization is the 2D scatterplot. This technique associates each data item to a visual mark in the following way: two variables are mapped to Cartesian coordinates so that a visual mark can be placed on the Cartesian plane; the others variables are mapped gradually to visual properties of the mark, such as size, color, shape, among others. As the number of variables to be visualized increases, the amount of visual properties associated to the mark increases as well. As a result, the complexity of the final visualization is higher. However, increasing the complexity of the visualization does not necessarily implies a better visualization and, sometimes, it provides an inverse situation, producing a visually polluted and confusing visualization—this problem is called visual properties overload. This work aims to investigate whether it is possible to work around the overload of the visual channel and improve insight about multivariate data visualized through a modification in the 2D scatterplot technique. In this modification, we map the variables from data items to multisensoriy marks. These marks are composed not only by visual properties, but haptic properties, such as vibration, viscosity and elastic resistance, as well. We believed that this approach could ease the insight process, through the transposition of properties from the visual channel to the haptic channel. The hypothesis was verified through experiments, in which we have analyzed (a) the accuracy of the answers; (b) response time; and (c) the grade of personal satisfaction with the proposed approach. However, the hypothesis was not validated. The results suggest that there is an equivalence between the investigated visual and haptic properties in all analyzed aspects, though in strictly numeric terms the multisensory visualization achieved better results in response time and personal satisfaction.
This work consists of a discussion, analysis and reading of Borges’stories, in that the problem of interest pronounces to the language, to the speech and the deed, sending them so much to the Literature with relationship to the Philosophy, so much to the statute of the ficcional, with relationship to the of the ontologic. In that optics, it intends to show the Borges deed as warp of the death, of the allegorical and of the metaphorical, in the sense of bringing for the ficcional lines different from the Real, elaborating the speech for besides the statement, reaching the interstic, the silence, the interruptions and the suspension of the representation. In that discursive elaboration, a crossing is pointed in the letter, affected for unspeakable sensations, crossing the processes of memory, imaginary and real, in which the time counting makes to emerge the difference and the repetition. In these if constituting territorial negotioting that they lead the characters to imaginary spaces as possibilities of the real, allowing them executes mobility for desterritory it self and reterritory itself, according to the change forces that show in your threshing. For so much, it is placed as mark a bibliographical research orientated by authors as Maurice Blanchot (2008), Kátia Muricy (1998), João Adolfo Hansen (2006), Susan Sontag (2007), Mário Bruno (2004), Juan Manuel García Ramos (2003), Elizabeth Kübler Ross (2008), Walter Benjamin (1984), Gilles Deleuze (1997; 2006; 2009), Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari (1995; 1996; 1997). The theoretical corpus and of discussion, it is constituted to leave of those authors, assisting to the implicit qualitative character in the construction of this thesis. What about to the literary corpus, this is composed by the stories The writing of the God, The two kings and the two labyrinths, The lottery of Babylon, The metaphor, The library of Babel, The mirror and the mask, A theologian in death and The dead man.