The regulatory mechanisms by which hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) modulates the activity of transcription factors in bacteria (OxyR and PerR), lower eukaryotes (Yap1, Maf1, Hsf1 and Msn2/4) and mammalian cells (AP-1, NRF2, CREB, HSF1, HIF-1, TP53, NF-κB, NOTCH, SP1 and SCREB-1) are reviewed. The complexity of regulatory networks increases throughout the phylogenetic tree, reaching a high level of complexity in mammalians. Multiple H2O2 sensors and pathways are triggered converging in the regulation of transcription factors at several levels: (1) synthesis of the transcription factor by upregulating transcription or increasing both mRNA stability and translation; (ii) stability of the transcription factor by decreasing its association with the ubiquitin E3 ligase complex or by inhibiting this complex; (iii) cytoplasm-nuclear traffic by exposing/masking nuclear localization signals, or by releasing the transcription factor from partners or from membrane anchors; and, (iv) DNA binding and nuclear transactivation by modulating transcription factor affinity towards DNA, co-activators or repressors, and by targeting specific regions of chromatin to activate individual genes. We also discuss how H2O2 biological specificity results from diverse thiol protein sensors, with different reactivity of their sulfhydryl groups towards H2O2, being activated by different concentrations and times of exposure to H2O2. The specific regulation of local H2O2 concentrations is also crucial and results from H2O2 localized production and removal controlled by signals. Finally, we formulate equations to extract from typical experiments quantitative data concerning H2O2 reactivity with sensor molecules. Rate constants of 140 M-1s−1 and ≥ 1.3 × 103 M-1s−1 were estimated, respectively, for the reaction of H2O2 with KEAP1 and with an unknown target that mediates NRF2 protein synthesis. In conclusion, the multitude of H2O2 targets and mechanisms provides an opportunity for highly specific effects on gene regulation that depend on the cell type and on signals received from the cellular microenvironment.
Extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) prevalence was studied in the north of Portugal, among 193 clinical isolates belonging to citizens in a district in the boundaries between this country and Spain from a total of 7529 clinical strains. In the present study we recovered some members of Enterobacteriaceae family, producing ESBL enzymes, including Escherichia coli (67.9%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (30.6%), Klebsiella oxytoca (0.5%), Enterobacter aerogenes (0.5%), and Citrobacter freundii (0.5%). β-lactamases genes blaTEM, blaSHV, and blaCTX-M were screened by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing approaches. TEM enzymes were among the most prevalent types (40.9%) followed by CTX-M (37.3%) and SHV (23.3%). Among our sample of 193 ESBL-producing strains 99.0% were resistant to the fourth-generation cephalosporin cefepime. Of the 193 isolates 81.3% presented transferable plasmids harboring genes. Clonal studies were performed by PCR for the enterobacterial repetitive intragenic consensus (ERIC) sequences. This study reports a high diversity of genetic patterns. Ten clusters were found for E. coli isolates and five clusters for K. pneumoniae strains by means of ERIC analysis. In conclusion, in this country, the most prevalent type is still the TEM-type, but CTX-M is growing rapidly.
BACKGROUND: Cancer/testis (CT) genes are normally expressed only in germ cells, but can be activated in the cancer state. This unusual property, together with the finding that many CT proteins elicit an antigenic response in cancer patients, has established a role for this class of genes as targets in immunotherapy regimes. Many families of CT genes have been identified in the human genome, but their biological function for the most part remains unclear. While it has been shown that some CT genes are under diversifying selection, this question has not been addressed before for the class as a whole. RESULTS: To shed more light on this interesting group of genes, we exploited the generation of a draft chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) genomic sequence to examine CT genes in an organism that is closely related to human, and generated a high-quality, manually curated set of human:chimpanzee CT gene alignments. We find that the chimpanzee genome contains homologues to most of the human CT families, and that the genes are located on the same chromosome and at a similar copy number to those in human. Comparison of putative human:chimpanzee orthologues indicates that CT genes located on chromosome X are diverging faster and are undergoing stronger diversifying selection than those on the autosomes or than a set of control genes on either chromosome X or autosomes. CONCLUSION: Given their high level of diversifying selection, we suggest that CT genes are primarily responsible for the observed rapid evolution of protein-coding genes on the X chromosome.
The preparation of phenacyl and para-phenylphenacyl esters, the reactions of carboxylic acids, phenols, 2-nitropropane and alcohols with alkyl halides in the presence of fluoride anion are described. The reactions are thought to be accelerated by the formation of hydrogen bonds between the fluoride anion and the organic electron acceptor. The fluoride ,carboxylic acids, fluoride-phenols and fluoride-2-nitropropane are better reaction systems than the fluoride-alcohol. The source of the fluoride anion and the choice of solvents are also discussed.
Hydrogen bond assisted alkylation of phenols is compared with the classical base assisted reactions. The influence of solvents on the fluoride assisted reactions is discussed,· with emphasis on the localization of hydrogen bond charge density. Polar aprotic solvents such as DMF favour a-alkylation, and nonpolar aprotic solvents such as toluene favourC-alkylation of phenol. For more reactive and soluble fluorides, such as tetrabu~ylammoniumfluoride, the polar aprotic solvent favours a-alkylation and nonpolar aprotic solvent favours fluorination. Freeze-dried potassium fluoride is a better catalytic agent in hydrogen bond assisted alkylation reactions of phenol than the oven-dried fluoride. The presence of water in the alkylation reactions reduces the expected yield drastically. The tolerance of the reaction to water has also been studied. The use ofa phase transfer catalyst such as tetrabutylammonium bromide in the alkylation reactions of phenol in the presence of potassium fluoride is very effective under anhydrous conditions. Sterically hindered phenols such as 2,6-ditertiarybutyl-4-methyl phenol could not be alkylated even by using the more reactive fluorides, such as tetrabutylammonium fluoride in either polar or nonpolar aprotic solvents. Attempts were also made to alkylate phenols in the presence of triphenylphosphine oxide.
The computational study, and in particular the density functional theory (DFT) study of the organocatalytic α-chlorination-aldol reaction and the chiral backbone Frustrated Lewis Pair (FLP) system served as a valuable tool for experimental purposes. This thesis describes methods to consider different transition states of the proline- catalyzed α-chlorination aldol reaction to determine the reasonable transition state in the reaction between the enamine and α-chloro aldehydes. Moreover, the novel intramolecular Frustrated Lewis pair based on a chiral backbone for the asymmetric hydrogenation of imines and enamines was designed and the ability of hydrogen splitting by this new FLP system was examined by computational modeling and calculating the hydrogen activation energy barrier.
This is an attempt to understand the important factors that control the occurrence, development and hydrochemical evolution of groundwater resources in sedimentary multi aquifer systems. The primary objective of this work is an integrated study of the hydrogeology and hydrochemistry with a view to elucidate the hydrochemical evolution of groundwater resources in the aquifer systems. The study is taken up in a typical coastal sedimentary aquifer system evolved under fluvio-marine environment in the coastal area of Kerala, known as the Kuttanad. The present study has been carried out to understand the aquifer systems, their inter relationships and evolution in the Kuttanad area of Kerala. The multi aquifer systems in the Kuttanad basin were formed from the sediments deposited under fluvio-marine and fluvial depositional environments and the marine transgressions and regressions in the geological past and palaeo climatic conditions influenced the hydrochemical environment in these aquifers. The evolution of groundwater and the hydrochemical processes involved in the formation of the present day water quality are elucidated from hydrochemical studies and the information derived from the aquifer geometry and hydraulic properties. Kuttanad area comprises of three types of aquifer systems namely phreatic aquifer underlain by Recent confined aquifer followed by Tertiary confined aquifers. These systems were formed by the deposition of sediments under fluvio-marine and fluvial environment. The study of the hydrochemical and hydraulic properties of the three aquifer systems proved that these three systems are separate entities. The phreatic aquifers in the area have low hydraulic gradients and high rejected recharge. The Recent confined aquifer has very poor hydraulic characteristics and recharge to this aquifer is very low. The Tertiary aquifer system is the most potential fresh water aquifer system in the area and the groundwater flow in the aquifer is converging towards the central part of the study area (Alleppey town) due to large scale pumping of water for water supply from this aquifer system. Mixing of waters and anthropogenic interferences are the dominant processes modifying the hydrochemistry in phreatic aquifers. Whereas, leaching of salts and cation exchange are the dominant processes modifying the hydrochemistry of groundwater in the confined aquifer system of Recent alluvium. Two significant chemical reactions modifying the hydrochemistry in the Recent aquifers are oxidation of iron in ferruginous clays which contributes hydrogen ions and the decomposition of organic matter in the aquifer system which consumes hydrogen ions. The hydrochemical environment is entirely different in the Tertiary aquifers as the groundwater in this aquifer system are palaeo waters evolved during various marine transgressions and regressions and these waters are being modified by processes of leaching of salts, cation exchange and chemical reactions under strong reducing environment. It is proved that the salinity observed in the groundwaters of Tertiary aquifers are not due to seawater mixing or intrusion, but due to dissolution of salts from the clay formations and ion exchange processes. Fluoride contamination in this aquifer system lacks a regional pattern and is more or less site specific in natureThe lowering of piezometric heads in the Tertiary aquifer system has developed as consequence of large scale pumping over a long period. Hence, puping from this aquifer system is to be regulated as a groundwater management strategy. Pumping from the Tertiary aquifers with high capacity pumps leads to well failures and mixing of saline water from the brackish zones. Such mixing zones are noticed from the hydrochemical studies. This is the major aquifer contamination in the Tertiary aquifer system which requires immediate attention. Usage of pumps above 10 HP capacities in wells taping Tertiary aquifers should be discouraged for sustainable development of these aquifers. The recharge areas need to be identified precisely for recharging the aquifer systems throughartificial means.
Se han sintetizado dos nuevos complejos mononucleares de Ru, con formula [RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2], a partir de la reacción entre [RuCl2(dmso)4] y Hbpp (3,5-bis(2-piridil)pirazola). El hecho que sólo tres de los seis posibles estereoisómeros se obtengan a partir de esta reacción, se ha racionalizado en base a factores estructurales y electrónicos. Estos complejos se han caracterizado de forma estructural, espectroscópica y electroquímica. En acetonitrilo en medio básico, el isómero trans,cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2] da lugar a procesos de isomerización de enlace de un ligando dmso cuando el Ru(II) se oxida a Ru(III). Las constantes termodinámicas y cinéticas para el proceso se han determinado por voltametria cíclica. La irradiación de trans,cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2] y cis(out),cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2] con luz UV o solar da lugar a reacciones de fotosustitución de un ligando dmso por una molécula de acetonitrilo para dar un nuevo compuesto el cual ha sido caracterizado en solución por técnicas espectroscópicas y electroquímicas. Ambos complejos resultan catalizadores útiles en la transferencia de hidrógeno de isopropanol a acetofenona, obteniéndose 1-feniletanol como único producto y un 42.1% de conversión (36.1 ciclos metálicos) a 80ºC con el isómero trans,cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2], que resulta significativamente más eficaz que el complejo cis(out),cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2]. La reacción de cis(out),cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2] con trpy (2,2':6',2"-terpiridina) da lugar a los dos isómeros geométricos del complejo [Ru(Hbpp)(trpy)(Cl)]+, el in y el out. Estos complejos se han aislado y caracterizado por técnicas estructurales, espectroscópicas y electroquímicas. Estos cloro complejos han sido utilizados como precursores para la síntesis de los complejos análogos con ligandos aqua (in,out-[Ru(Hbpp)(trpy)(H2O)]2+) y piridina (in,out-[Ru(Hbpp)(trpy)(py)]2+), los cuales también han sido aislados y caracterizados. Las propiedades ácido-base de los aqua complejos, y del complejo out-py se han estudiado detalladamente por voltametria cíclica y mediante valoraciones espectrofotométricas ácido-base. El tratamiento matemático de los datos así obtenidos nos ha permitido determinar los valores de pKa para los distintos equilibrios de protonación de los complejos en los estados de oxidación II y III. El complejo out-aqua ha demostrado ser un buen catalizador para la oxidación electroquímica del alcohol benzílico, presumiblemente a benzaldehido. La constante de velocidad de segundo orden para el proceso ha sido determinada como 17.1 M-1 s-1, por simulación matemática. El dímero con un puente cloro, [Ru2Cl(bpp)(trpy)2]2+ ha sido preparado por dos rutas sintéticas diferentes. El dímero análogo con un puente acetato se ha obtenido por reacción del cloro dímero con un exceso de acetato sódico. El dímero con dos ligandos aqua [Ru2(bpp)(trpy)2(OH2)2]3+ puede obtenerse por hidrólisis ácida del complejo con un acetato puente o por hidrólisis básica del complejo con un puente cloro. Estos complejos han sido caracterizados por técnicas estructurales, espectroscópicas y electroquímicas. Las soluciones del dímero con dos ligandos aqua en medio ácido resultan inestables a la coordinación de aniones de la solución con el tiempo. Las propiedades ácido-base del dímero con dos aguas coordinadas han sido estudiadas por voltametria cíclica y mediante experimentos de electrólisis a potencial controlado. El pKa para la desprotonación de uno de los ligandos aqua ha sido determinado mediante una valoración espectrofotométrica ácido-base como 6.7. Este valor tan bajo de pKa se atribuye a la formación de la entidad {Ru2O2H3}, favorable termodinámicamente. Los espectros UV-vis para los distintos estados de oxidación del aqua dímero, de RuIIRuII a RuIIIRuIV, han sido obtenidos por oxidación química y electroquímica del complejo. Se han llevado a cabo estudios cinéticos de la oxidación, paso a paso, de RuII,II a RuIV,IV , y se han determinado las constantes de oxidación de segundo orden para los distintos procesos de oxidación. La capacidad del aqua dímero en la oxidación del agua a oxígeno molecular ha sido investigada en solución homogénea utilizando CeIV como oxidante. La evolución de oxígeno se ha demostrado por cromatografia de gases. Se ha obtenido una eficiencia del 73% y 18.6 ciclos catalíticos, cuando 1.83 x 10-6 moles de dímero se han mezclado con un exceso de 100 equivalentes de cerio. El dímero con dos aguas cataliza también la oxidación del agua de forma heterogénea, con el complejo adsorbido sobre una membrana de nafion, aunque la eficiencia es menor. Se ha propuesto un mecanismo intramolecular para la reacción de oxidación del agua. Consiste en la oxidación a 4 electrones del dímero, de RuII,II a RuIV,IV, el cual reacciona con el agua para formar oxígeno y revierte nuevamente al estado de oxidación II,II. Este modelo es consistente con estudios catalíticos de la evolución de oxígeno en función de las concentraciones de cerio y catalizador, llevados a cabo en solución ácida homogénea, que demuestran que la oxidación a 4 electrones del agua se encuentra catalizada por una sola molécula de complejo bajo concentraciones elevadas de cerio. La constante de pseudo-primer-orden para la evolución de oxígeno tiene un valor de 1.4 x 10-2 s-1, que es uno de los valores de constante más elevados obtenidos hasta la fecha. Desafortunadamente, el aqua dímero se desactiva durante el proceso de catálisis dando lugar a una especie naranja, la cual estamos actualmente tratando de caracterizar.
Germin and germin-like proteins (GLPs) are encoded by a family of genes found in all plants. They are part of the cupin superfamily of biochemically diverse proteins, a superfamily that has a conserved tertiary structure, though with limited similarity in primary sequence. The subgroups of GLPs have different enzyme functions that include the two hydrogen peroxide-generating enzymes, oxalate oxidase (OxO) and superoxide dismutase. This review summarizes the sequence and structural details of GLPs and also discusses their evolutionary progression, particularly their amplification in gene number during the evolution of the land plants. In terms of function, the GLPs are known to be differentially expressed during specific periods of plant growth and development, a pattern of evolutionary subfunctionalization. They are also implicated in the response of plants to biotic (viruses, bacteria, mycorrhizae, fungi, insects, nematodes, and parasitic plants) and abiotic (salt, heat/cold, drought, nutrient, and metal) stress. Most detailed data come from studies of fungal pathogenesis in cereals. This involvement with the protection of plants from environmental stress of various types has led to numerous plant breeding studies that have found links between GLPs and QTLs for disease and stress resistance. In addition the OxO enzyme has considerable commercial significance, based principally on its use in the medical diagnosis of oxalate concentration in plasma and urine. Finally, this review provides information on the nutritional importance of these proteins in the human diet, as several members are known to be allergenic, a feature related to their thermal stability and evolutionary connection to the seed storage proteins, also members of the cupin superfamily.
Thermal or chemical treatment of crystalline 4,4-bipyridinium salts of [MCl4]2- (M=Co, Zn, Fe, or Pt) leads to HCl loss and formation of coordination network solids [{MCl2(4,4-bipy)}n]. For M=Co, Zn, and Fe, these solids can also be prepared by mechanochemical means. Their exposure to HCl vapor or the mechanochemical reaction of metal dichlorides with [4,4-H2bipy]Cl2 gives [4,4-H2bipy]2+ salts of [CoCl4]2-, [ZnCl4]2-, and, for the first time, [FeCl4]2-.
We report calculations using a reaction surface Hamiltonian for which the vibrations of a molecule are represented by 3N-8 normal coordinates, Q, and two large amplitude motions, s(1) and s(2). The exact form of the kinetic energy operator is derived in these coordinates. The potential surface is first represented as a quadratic in Q, the coefficients of which depend upon the values of s(1),s(2) and then extended to include up to Q(6) diagonal anharmonic terms. The vibrational energy levels are evaluated by solving the variational secular equations, using a basis of products of Hermite polynomials and appropriate functions of s(1),s(2). Our selected example is malonaldehyde (N=9) and we choose as surface parameters two OH distances of the migrating H in the internal hydrogen transfer. The reaction surface Hamiltonian is ideally suited to the study of the kind of tunneling dynamics present in malonaldehyde. Our results are in good agreement with previous calculations of the zero point tunneling splitting and in general agreement with observed data. Interpretation of our two-dimensional reaction surface states suggests that the OH stretching fundamental is incorrectly assigned in the infrared spectrum. This mode appears at a much lower frequency in our calculations due to substantial transition state character. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.
New "Pt-in-CeO2" catalyst prepared by microemulsion method is shown to give higher activity for a water-gas shift reaction but with no formation of CH4, the side product from hydrogenation of carbon oxides using a hydrogen-rich reformate as compared to conventional "Pt-on-CeO2" catalysts. Detailed characterization by DRIFT analysis and temperature programmed reduction presented in this work clearly suggest the ceria coverage on Pt inhibits the metal from forming a strong CO adsorption.
PEGylated organosilica nanoparticles have been synthesized through self-condensation of (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane in dimethyl sulfoxide into thiolated nanoparticles with their subsequent reaction with methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) maleimide. The PEGylated nanoparticles showed excellent colloidal stability over a wide range of pH in contrast to the parent thiolated nanoparticles, which have a tendency to aggregate irreversibly under acidic conditions (pH < 3.0). Due to the presence of a poly(ethylene glycol)-based corona, the PEGylated nanoparticles are capable of forming hydrogen-bonded interpolymer complexes with poly(acrylic acid) in aqueous solutions under acidic conditions, resulting in larger aggregates. The use of hydrogen-bonding interactions allows more efficient attachment of the nanoparticles to surfaces. The alternating deposition of PEGylated nanoparticles and poly(acrylic acid) on silicon wafer surfaces in a layer-by-layer fashion leads to multilayered coatings. The self-assembly of PEGylated nanoparticles with poly(acrylic acid) in aqueous solutions and at solid surfaces was compared to the behavior of linear poly(ethylene glycol). The nanoparticle system creates thicker layers than the poly(ethylene glycol), and a thicker layer is obtained on a poly(acrylic acid) surface than on a silica surface, because of the effects of hydrogen bonding. Some implications of these hydrogen-bonding-driven interactions between PEGylated nanoparticles and poly(acrylic acid) for pharmaceutical formulations are discussed.
Reaction Injection Moulding is a technology that enables the rapid production of complex plastic parts directly from a mixture of two reactive materials of low viscosity. The reactants are mixed in specific quantities and injected into a mould. This process allows large complex parts to be produced without the need for high clamping pressures. This chapter explores the simulation of the complex processes involved in reaction injection moulding. The reaction processes mean that the dynamics of the material in the mould are in constant evolution and an effective model which takes full account of these changing dynamics is introduced and incorporated in to finite element procedures, which are able to provide a complete simulation of the cycle of mould filling and subsequent curing.