420 resultados para H3


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The central dogma of biology holds that genetic information normally flows from DNA to RNA to protein. As a consequence it has been generally assumed that genes generally code for proteins, and that proteins fulfil not only most structural and catalytic but also most regulatory functions, in all cells, from microbes to mammals. However, the latter may not be the case in complex organisms. A number of startling observations about the extent of non-protein-coding RNA (ncRNA) transcription in the higher eukaryotes and the range of genetic and epigenetic phenomena that are RNA-directed suggests that the traditional view of the structure of genetic regulatory systems in animals and plants may be incorrect. ncRNA dominates the genomic output of the higher organisms and has been shown to control chromosome architecture, mRNA turnover and the developmental timing of protein expression, and may also regulate transcription and alternative splicing. This paper re-examines the available evidence and suggests a new framework for considering and understanding the genomic programming of biological complexity, autopoletic development and phenotypic variation. BioEssays 25:930-939,2003. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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A novel method to prepare mesoporous zirconia was developed. The synthesis was carried out in the presence of PEO surfactants via solid-state reaction. The materials exhibit strong diffraction peak at low 2-theta angle and their nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms are typical of IV type with H3 hysteresis loops. The pore structure examined by TEM can be described as wormhole domains. The tetragonal zirconia nanocrystals are uniform in size (around 1.5nm) and their pores center at around 4.6nm. The zirconia nanocrystal growth is mainly via an aggregation mechanism. This study also reveals that the PEO surfactants can interact with the Zr-O-Zr framework to reinforce the thermal stability of zirconia. The ratio of NaOH to ZrOCl2, crystallization and calcination temperature play an important role in the synthesis of mesoporous zirconia.


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The cellular function of the menin tumor suppressor protein, product of the MEN1 gene mutated in familial multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, has not been defined. We now show that menin is associated with a histone methyltransferase complex containing two trithorax family proteins, MLL2 and Ash2L, and other homologs of the yeast Set1 assembly. This menin-associated complex methylates histone H3 on lysine 4. A subset of tumor-derived menin mutants lacks the associated histone methyltransferase activity. In addition, menin is associated with RNA polymerase II whose large subunit carboxyl-terminal domain is phosphorylated on Ser5. Men1 knockout embryos and cells show decreased expression of the homeobox genes Hoxc6 and Hoxc8. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments reveal that menin is bound to the Hoxc8 locus. These results suggest that menin activates the transcription of differentiation-regulating genes by covalent histone modification, and that this activity is related to tumor suppression by MEN1.


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Relaxin- 3 is the most recently discovered member of the relaxin family of peptide hormones. In contrast to relaxin- 1 and - 2, whose main functions are associated with pregnancy, relaxin- 3 is involved in neuropeptide signaling in the brain. Here, we report the solution structure of human relaxin- 3, the first structure of a relaxin family member to be solved by NMR methods. Overall, relaxin- 3 adopts an insulin- like fold, but the structure differs crucially from the crystal structure of human relaxin- 2 near the B- chain terminus. In particular, the B- chain C terminus folds back, allowing Trp(B27) to interact with the hydrophobic-core. This interaction partly blocks the conserved RXXXRXXI motif identified as a determinant for the interaction with the relaxin receptor LGR7 and may account for the lower affinity of relaxin- 3 relative to relaxin for this receptor. This structural feature is likely important for the activation of its endogenous receptor, GPCR135.


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Vernalization, the acceleration of flowering by the prolonged cold of winter, ensures that plants flower in favorable spring conditions. During vernalization in Arabidopsis, cold temperatures repress FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) expression [1,2] in a mechanism involving VERNALIZATION INSENSITIVE 3 (VIN3) [3], and this repression is epigenetically maintained by a Polycomb-like chromatin regulation involving VERNALIZATION 2 (VRN2), a Su(z)12 homolog, VERNALIZATION 1 (VRN1), and LIKE-HETEROCHROMATIN PROTEIN 1 [4,5,6,7,8]. In order to further elaborate how cold repression triggers epigenetic silencing, we have targeted mutations that result in FLC misexpression both at the end of the prolonged cold and after subsequent development. This identified VERNALIZATION 5 (VRN5), a PHD finger protein and homolog of VIN3. Our results suggest that during the prolonged cold, VRN5 and VIN3 forma heterodimer necessary for establishing the vernalization-induced chromatin modifications, histone deacetylation, and H3 lysine 27 trimethylation required for the epigenetic silencing of FLC. Double mutant and FLC misexpression analyses reveal additional VRN5 functions, both FLC-dependent and -independent, and indicate a spatial complexity to FLC epigenetic silencing with VRN5 acting as a common component in multiple pathways.


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An experiment was conducted to investigate the idea that an important motive for identifying with social groups is to reduce subjective uncertainty, particularly uncertainty on subjectively important dimensions that have implications for the self-concept (e.g., Hogg, 1996; Hogg & Mullin, 1999). When people are uncertain on a dimension that is subjectively important, they self-categorize in terms of an available social categorization and, thus, exhibit group behaviors. To test this general hypothesis, group membership, task uncertainty, and task importance were manipulated in a 2 x 2 x 2 between-participants design (N = 128), under relatively minimal group conditions. Ingroup identification and desire for consensual validation of specific attitudes were the key dependent measures, but we also measured social awareness. All three predictions were supported. Participants identified with their group (H1), and desired to obtain consensual validation from ingroup members (H2) when they were uncertain about their judgments on important dimensions, indicating that uncertainty reduction motivated participants towards embracing group membership. In addition, identification mediated the interactive effect of the independent variables on consensual validation (H3), and the experimental results were not associated with an increased sense of social awareness and, therefore, were unlikely to represent only behavioral compliance with generic social norms. Some implications of this research in the study of cults and totalist groups and the explication of genocide and group violence are discussed.


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Há indicativos de que recursos sociais do ambiente de trabalho, entre eles justiça organizacional, poderiam influenciar vínculos com o trabalho, além de impactarem os níveis de bem-estar dos trabalhadores. Além disso, evidências apontam que certas características psicológicas dos trabalhadores fariam variar positiva ou negativamente a magnitude da influência dos recursos sobre os vínculos com o trabalho e sobre bem-estar. Com base nessas evidências esse estudo teve como objetivo principal analisar a influência de justiça organizacional (distributiva, procedimentos e interacional) e capital psicológico sobre engajamento no trabalho e bem-estar subjetivo (balanço emocional e satisfação com a vida). A partir do objetivo principal, foram propostas quatro hipóteses: percepção de justiça organizacional aumenta o engajamento no trabalho (H1) e bem-estar subjetivo (H2); capital psicológico seria moderador da relação entre justiça organizacional e bem-estar subjetivo (H3) e da relação entre justiça organizacional e engajamento (H4), sendo que, níveis altos de capital psicológico fortaleceriam as relações. O delineamento utilizado foi de natureza quantitativa transversal, descritiva e com amostragem não probabilística. A partir de uma amostra composta por 293 trabalhadores com média de idade de 38,3 (DP=10,7) anos, dos quais um pouco mais da metade era composta por mulheres (56,3pc), oriundos de todas as regiões do Brasil, com predomínio da região Sudeste (65,2pc), mediu-se com escalas válidas e precisas, por meio de um questionário online, os níveis de justiça organizacional, capital psicológico, engajamento no trabalho e bem-estar subjetivo. Foram realizados dois conjuntos de análises de regressão linear múltipla para teste das hipóteses. No primeiro conjunto de análises, os resultados das regressões lineares múltiplas padrão indicaram que justiça organizacional influenciou os níveis de engajamento no trabalho e bem-estar subjetivo, sendo que, em relação a engajamento e balanço emocional, apenas a dimensão interacional da justiça foi preditora significativa, enquanto justiça distributiva foi a única preditora significativa de satisfação com a vida. No segundo conjunto de análises, as regressões lineares múltiplas hierárquicas de cada dimensão de justiça organizacional, juntamente com capital psicológico e termo de interação sobre engajamento no trabalho e sobre bem-estar subjetivo, indicaram que capital psicológico moderou as relações entre justiça de procedimentos e justiça interacional com engajamento no trabalho. Concluiu-se a partir dos resultados que a percepção de ser remunerado adequadamente pelos esforços no trabalho, participar das decisões que afetam o trabalho e ser tratado com respeito e sinceridade pode influenciar os níveis de orgulho e inspiração no trabalho, características de engajamento, além de poder aumentar os níveis de bem-estar subjetivo, contribuindo para a vivência predominante de afetos positivos e de avaliações positivas da satisfação com a vida. Além disso, apesar de não ser possível afirmar que trabalhadores com maiores níveis de crenças em sua capacidade para executar suas tarefas e com perspectivas positivas em relação ao futuro, possam prescindir de ambientes justos para se engajarem no trabalho, os resultados demonstraram que esses trabalhadores podem sofrer menos influência de justiça de procedimentos e interacional para estabelecerem esse vínculo com seu trabalho, demonstrando que essas características pessoais funcionariam como amortecedores diante da falta de recursos do ambiente.


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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) represent a promising cell population for cell therapy and regenerative medicine applications. However, how variations in glucose are perceived by MSC pool is still unclear. Since, glucose metabolism is cell type and tissue dependent, this must be considered when MSCs are derived from alternative sources such as the heart. The zinc finger transcription factor Egr-1 is an important early response gene, likely to play a key role in the glucose-induced response. Our aim was to investigate how short-term changes in in vitro glucose concentrations affect multipotent cardiac tissue-derived MSCs (cMSCs) in a mouse model of Egr-1 KO (Egr-1-/-). Results showed that loss of Egr-1 does not significantly influence cMSC proliferation. In contrast, responses to glucose variations were observed in wt but not in Egr-1 -/- cMSCs by clonogenic assay. Phenotype analysis by RT-PCR showed that cMSCs Egr-1-/- lost the ability to regulate the glucose transporters GLUT-1 and GLUT-4 and, as expected, the Egr-1 target genes VEGF, TGFβ-1, and p300. Acetylated protein levels of H3 histone were impaired in Egr-1-/- compared to wt cMSCs. We propose that Egr-1 acts as immediate glucose biological sensor in cMSCs after a short period of stimuli, likely inducing epigenetic modifications. © 2014 Daniela Bastianelli et al.


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An important aspect of speech perception is the ability to group or select formants using cues in the acoustic source characteristics-for example, fundamental frequency (F0) differences between formants promote their segregation. This study explored the role of more radical differences in source characteristics. Three-formant (F1+F2+F3) synthetic speech analogues were derived from natural sentences. In Experiment 1, F1+F3 were generated by passing a harmonic glottal source (F0 = 140 Hz) through second-order resonators (H1+H3); in Experiment 2, F1+F3 were tonal (sine-wave) analogues (T1+T3). F2 could take either form (H2 or T2). In some conditions, the target formants were presented alone, either monaurally or dichotically (left ear = F1+F3; right ear = F2). In others, they were accompanied by a competitor for F2 (F1+F2C+F3; F2), which listeners must reject to optimize recognition. Competitors (H2C or T2C) were created using the time-reversed frequency and amplitude contours of F2. Dichotic presentation of F2 and F2C ensured that the impact of the competitor arose primarily through informational masking. In the absence of F2C, the effect of a source mismatch between F1+F3 and F2 was relatively modest. When F2C was present, intelligibility was lowest when F2 was tonal and F2C was harmonic, irrespective of which type matched F1+F3. This finding suggests that source type and context, rather than similarity, govern the phonetic contribution of a formant. It is proposed that wideband harmonic analogues are more effective informational maskers than narrowband tonal analogues, and so become dominant in across-frequency integration of phonetic information when placed in competition.


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Let nq(k, d) denote the smallest value of n for which an [n, k, d]q code exists for given integers k and d with k ≥ 3, 1 ≤ d ≤ q^(k−1) and a prime or a prime power q. The purpose of this note is to show that there exists a series of the functions h3,q, h4,q, ..., hk,q such that nq(k, d) can be expressed.


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ACM Computing Classification System (1998): H3.3, H.5.5, J5.


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Background The infraorder Anomura has long captivated the attention of evolutionary biologists due to its impressive morphological diversity and ecological adaptations. To date, 2500 extant species have been described but phylogenetic relationships at high taxonomic levels remain unresolved. Here, we reconstruct the evolutionary history—phylogeny, divergence times, character evolution and diversification—of this speciose clade. For this purpose, we sequenced two mitochondrial (16S and 12S) and three nuclear (H3, 18S and 28S) markers for 19 of the 20 extant families, using traditional Sanger and next-generation 454 sequencing methods. Molecular data were combined with 156 morphological characters in order to estimate the largest anomuran phylogeny to date. The anomuran fossil record allowed us to incorporate 31 fossils for divergence time analyses. Results Our best phylogenetic hypothesis (morphological + molecular data) supports most anomuran superfamilies and families as monophyletic. However, three families and eleven genera are recovered as para- and polyphyletic. Divergence time analysis dates the origin of Anomura to the Late Permian ~259 (224–296) MYA with many of the present day families radiating during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. Ancestral state reconstruction suggests that carcinization occurred independently 3 times within the group. The invasion of freshwater and terrestrial environments both occurred between the Late Cretaceous and Tertiary. Diversification analyses found the speciation rate to be low across Anomura, and we identify 2 major changes in the tempo of diversification; the most significant at the base of a clade that includes the squat-lobster family Chirostylidae. Conclusions Our findings are compared against current classifications and previous hypotheses of anomuran relationships. Many families and genera appear to be poly- or paraphyletic suggesting a need for further taxonomic revisions at these levels. A divergence time analysis provides key insights into the origins of major lineages and events and the timing of morphological (body form) and ecological (habitat) transitions. Living anomuran biodiversity is the product of 2 major changes in the tempo of diversification; our initial insights suggest that the acquisition of a crab-like form did not act as a key innovation.


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The heart beat is regulated by the cardiac conduction system (CCS), a specialized group of cells that transmit electrical impulses around the heart chambers. During development, ventricular CCS cells originate from embryonic cardiomyocytes and not from the neural crest. Nonetheless, discoveries in chick implied that the cardiac neural crest (CNC) cells contribute to proper development of the ventricular CCS. In this report, the Splotch mouse mutant (Pax3sp), in which the CNC cells do not migrate to the heart, was used to investigate whether these cells also affect proper CCS development in mammals. Homozygote mutants (Pax3Sp!Sp) are lethal on 111 Embryonic Day 13 (E13), and can be phenotyped by spina bifida and exencephaly. Pax3Spi+ mice were crossed to obtain wild type, Pax3 Spi+ and Pax3 Sp!Sp embryos. Comparison of hematoxylin and eosin stained histological sections showed less trabeculation in El2.5 cardiac ventricles of Pax3Sp!Sp. Furthermore, immunofluorescence analysis with the Purkinje fiber marker Cx40 showed a qualitative difference between wild type and mutant hearts. Quantitative analysis indicated that Pax3 Sp!Sp ventricles had fewer Cx40 expressing cells, as well as less Cx40 being expressed per cell when compared to wild type ventricles. Immunofluorescence with the H3 histome mitosis antibody showed fewer proliferating cells in the ventricles of mutant embryos when compared to controls. These results suggest that CNCC affect the morphogenesis of cardiac ventricles and the development of the ventricular CCS by contributing cellular proliferation.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the factorsbehind the failure rates of Associate in Arts (AA)graduates from Miami-Dade Community College (M-DCC) transferring to the Florida State University System (SUS). In M-DCC's largest disciplines, the university failure rate was 13% for Business & Management, 13% for Computer Science, and 14% for Engineering. Hypotheses tested were: Hypothesis 1 (H1): The lower division (LD) overall cumulative GPA and/or the LD major field GPA for AA graduates are predictive of the SUS GPA for the Business Management, Computer Science, and Engineering disciplines. Hypothesis 2 (H2): Demographic variables (age, race, gender) are predictive of performance at the university among M-DCC AA graduates in Engineering, Business & Management, and Computer Science. Hypothesis 3 (H3): Administrative variables (CLAST -College Level Academic Skills Test subtests) are predictive of university performance (GPA) for the Business/Management, Engineering, and Computer Science disciplines. Hypothesis 4 (H4): LD curriculum variables (course credits, course quality points) are predictive of SUS performance for the Engineering, Business/Management and Computer Science disciplines. Multiple Regression was the inferential procedureselected for predictions. Descriptive statistics weregenerated on the predictors. Results for H1 identified the LD GPA as the most significant variable in accounting for the variability of the university GPA for the Business & Management, Computer Science, and Engineering disciplines. For H2, no significant results were obtained for theage and gender variables, but the ethnic subgroups indicated significance at the .0001 level. However, differentials in GPA may not have been due directly to the race factor but, rather, to curriculum choices and performance outcomes while in the LD. The CLAST computation variable (H3) was a significant predictor of the SUS GPA. This is most likely due to the mathematics structure pervasive in these disciplines. For H4, there were two curriculum variables significant in explaining the variability of the university GPA (number of required critical major credits completed and quality of the student's performance for these credits). Descriptive statistics on the predictors indicated that 78% of those failing in the State University System had a LD major GPA (calculated with the critical required university credits earned and quality points of these credits) of less than 3.0; and 83% of those failing at the university had an overall community college GPA of less than 3.0.