942 resultados para Greenhouse gardening.


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The development of a system that integrates reverse osmosis (RO) with a horticultural greenhouse has been advanced through laboratory experiments. In this concept, intended for the inland desalination of brackish groundwater in dry areas, the RO concentrate will be reduced in volume by passing it through the evaporative cooling pads of the greenhouse. The system will be powered by solar photovoltaics (PV). Using a solar array simulator, we have verified that the RO can operate with varying power input and recovery rates to meet the water demands for irrigation and cooling of a greenhouse in north-west India. Cooling requires ventilation by a fan which has also been built, tested and optimised with a PV module outdoors. Results from the experiments with these two subsystems (RO and fan) are compared to theoretical predictions to reach conclusions about energy usage, sizing and cost. For example, the optimal sizing for the RO system is 0.12–1.3 m2 of PV module per m2 of membrane, depending on feed salinity. For the fan, the PV module area equals that of the fan aperture. The fan consumes <30 J of electrical energy per m3 of air moved which is 3 times less than that of standard fans. The specific energy consumption of the RO, at 1–2.3 kWh ?m-3, is comparable to that reported by others. Now that the subsystems have been verifi ed, the next step will be to integrate and test the whole system in the field.


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In many areas of northern India, salinity renders groundwater unsuitable for drinking and even for irrigation. Though membrane treatment can be used to remove the salt, there are some drawbacks to this approach e.g. (1) depletion of the groundwater due to over-abstraction, (2) saline contamination of surface water and soil caused by concentrate disposal and (3) high electricity usage. To address these issues, a system is proposed in which a photovoltaic-powered reverse osmosis (RO) system is used to irrigate a greenhouse (GH) in a stand-alone arrangement. The concentrate from the RO is supplied to an evaporative cooling system, thus reducing the volume of the concentrate so that finally it can be evaporated in a pond to solid for safe disposal. Based on typical meteorological data for Delhi, calculations based on mass and energy balance are presented to assess the sizing and cost of the system. It is shown that solar radiation, freshwater output and evapotranspiration demand are readily matched due to the approximately linear relation among these variables. The demand for concentrate varies independently, however, thus favouring the use of a variable recovery arrangement. Though enough water may be harvested from the GH roof to provide year-round irrigation, this would require considerable storage. Some practical options for storage tanks are discussed. An alternative use of rainwater is in misting to reduce peak temperatures in the summer. An example optimised design provides internal temperatures below 30EC (monthly average daily maxima) for 8 months of the year and costs about €36,000 for the whole system with GH floor area of 1000 m2 . Further work is needed to assess technical risks relating to scale-deposition in the membrane and evaporative pads, and to develop a business model that will allow such a project to succeed in the Indian rural context.


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Experiments and theoretical modelling have been carried out to predict the performance of a solar-powered liquid desiccant cooling system for greenhouses. We have tested two components of the system in the laboratory using MgCl2 desiccant: (i) a regenerator which was tested under a solar simulator and (ii) a desiccator which was installed in a test duct. Theoretical models have been developed for both regenerator and desiccator and gave good agreement with the experiments. The verified computer model is used to predict the performance of the whole system during the hot summer months in Mumbai, Chittagong, Muscat, Messina and Havana. Taking examples of temperate, sub-tropical, tropical and heat-tolerant tropical crops (lettuce, soya bean, tomato and cucumber respectively) we estimate the extensions in growing seasons enabled by the system. Compared to conventional evaporative cooling, the desiccant system lowers average daily maximum temperatures in the hot season by 5.5-7.5 °C, sufficient to maintain viable growing conditions for lettuce throughout the year. In the case of tomato, cucumber and soya bean the system enables optimal cultivation through most summer months. It is concluded that the concept is technically viable and deserves testing by means of a pilot installation at an appropriate location.


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This study proposes a new type of greenhouse for water re-use and energy saving for agriculture in arid and semi-arid inland regions affected by groundwater salinity. It combines desalination using reverse osmosis (RO), re-use of saline concentrate rejected by RO for cooling, and rainwater harvesting. Experimental work was carried at GBPUAT, Pantnagar, India. Saline concentrate was fed to evaporative cooling pads of greenhouse and found to evaporate at similar rates as conventional freshwater. Two enhancements to the system are described: i) A jet pump, designed and tested to use pressurized reject stream to re-circulate cooling water and thus maintain uniform wetness in cooling pads, was found capable of multiplying flow of cooling water by a factor of 2.5 to 4 while lifting water to a head of 1.55 m; and ii) Use of solar power to drive ventilation fans of greenhouse, for which an electronic circuit has been produced that uses maximum power-point tracking to maximize energy efficiency. Re-use of RO rejected concentrate for cooling saves water (6 l d-1 m-2) of greenhouse floor area and the improved fan could reduce electricity consumption by a factor 8.


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Evaporative pads are frequently used for the cooling of greenhouses. However, a drawback of this method is the consumption of freshwater. In this paper it is shown, both theoretically and through a practical example, that effective evaporative cooling can be achieved using seawater in place of fresh water. The advantages and drawbacks of using seawater are discussed more generally. In climates that are both hot and humid, evaporative systems cannot always provide sufficient cooling, with the result that cultivation often has to be halted during the hottest months of the year. To overcome this, we propose a concept in which a desiccant pad is used to dehumidify the air before it enters the evaporative pad. The desiccant pad is supplied with a hygroscopic liquid that is regenerated by the energy of the sun. The performance of this concept has been modelled and the properties of various liquids have been compared. An attractive option is to obtain the liquid from seawater itself, given that seawater contains hygroscopic salts such as magnesium chloride. Preliminary experiments are reported in which magnesium chloride solution has been regenerated beneath a solar simulator.


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Consumer policy approaches regarding green products and solutions can be differentiated by their main focus. “Green positioning” is basically targeted at environmentally aware consumers, while “efficiency-focused positioning” concentrates on the efficiency gain of the product or solution, targeting the whole society, regardless of consumers' environmental awareness. The paper argues that the scope and total environmental benefit can be increased if green products or solutions are promoted in different ways, not only as “green” but also based on other arguments (like cost-efficiency, return on investment, etc.). The paper suggests a model for improving the efficiency of greenhouse gas (GHG)-related consumer policy. Based on the marginal social cost curve and the marginal private cost curve, different (green, yellow, and red) zones of action are identified. GHG mitigation options chosen from those zones are then evaluated with the help of profiling method, addressing the barriers to implementation. Profiling may help design an implementation strategy for the selected options and make consumer policy more effective and acceptable for mass market. Case study results show three different ways of positioning of GHG-related consumer policy in Hungary from 2000 and give practical examples of profiling, based on the latest marginal social cost curve and the contemporary energy saving policy of the state regarding the residential sector.


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This study has the objective to analyse the impacts on the Hungarian economy of a higher EU GHG (greenhouse gas) reduction undertaking for 2020, namely increasing the GHG reduction target to 20% and to 30% relative to 1990. In order to achieve this objective, we quantify the costs/benefits of these increased undertakings for the various sectors of the Hungarian economy.


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Consumer policy approaches regarding green products and solutions can be differentiated by their main focus. “Green positioning” is basically targeted at environmentally aware consumers, while “efficiency-focused positioning” concentrates on the efficiency gain of the product or solution, targeting the whole society, regardless of consumers' environmental awareness. The paper argues that the scope and total environmental benefit can be increased if green products or solutions are promoted in different ways, not only as “green” but also based on other arguments (like cost-efficiency, return on investment, etc.). The paper suggests a model for improving the efficiency of greenhouse gas (GHG)-related consumer policy. Based on the marginal social cost curve and the marginal private cost curve, different (green, yellow, and red) zones of action are identified. GHG mitigation options chosen from those zones are then evaluated with the help of profiling method, addressing the barriers to implementation. Profiling may help design an implementation strategy for the selected options and make consumer policy more effective and acceptable for mass market. Case study results show three different ways of positioning of GHG-related consumer policy in Hungary from 2000 and give practical examples of profiling, based on the latest marginal social cost curve and the contemporary energy saving policy of the state regarding the residential sector.


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Dr Rebecca Zarger of the University of South Florida lectures on the subject of exposing young children to sustainable food production. Event held at the Green Library, Modesto Maidique Campus, Florida International University on January 29, 2014.


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In order to understand the processes which effect the individual realization of garden design, I have studied the practise of perennial gardening in St. John's, Newfoundland. I begin with an examination of the practical constraints on design intentions resulting from difficult growing conditions, and a limited market of plant materials, relevant gardening literature and skilled· garden workers. I establish the local repertoire of design models within which individual gardens are executed. Finally, I record the "text" of six ·perennial gardens and the commentary of their principal designers in order to examine both the implicit and explicit considerations informing the structure of the gardens. A sample of gardens has been examined in order to represent two principal performance contexts -- the public garden and the private garden -- and a characteristic selection of garden style and plant material is observed. The public gardens typically recall the "traditional" use of perennials in Newfoundland gardens through the selection of "old fashioned" plant species and through the overall design of the bed. In contrast, the private gardeners have generally adopted the style of the more recently fashionable "perennial border". However, below the level of design the private gardeners continue to express a sense of tradition in the _repetition of conventions of behaviour and expression among the gardeners' families and friends, in the propagation of individual plants grown by the gardeners' parents, and in the maintenance of a family interest in gardening. This examination of the practise of gardening, thus, leads away from the folklorists' traditional focus on the continuity of the traditional "item" towards an understanding of tradition as an expression of continuity which is given tangible shape according to the avenues of shared communication within particular performance contexts.


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This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Acknowledgements We thank Tamara Ben-Ari and Jean-Francois Soussana, from INRA in France, for their valuable contributions to the early development stage of this project. We also owe great acknowledge to Prof. Ib Skovgaard, University of Copenhagen, for giving essential assistance in developing the methods for decomposing emission changes. We also thank the Centre for Regional Change in the Earth System (CRES, www.cres-centre.dk) and the Department of Plant- and Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen, for funding the work.


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Date of Acceptance: 04/12/2016 © 2016 The Author(s). This work was supported by a University of Aberdeen Environment and Food Security Theme/the James Hutton Institute PhD studentship, and contributes to the Scottish Food Security Alliance-Crops and the Belmont Forum supported DEVIL project (NERC fund UK contribution: NE/M021327/1). J.M. and R.B.M. acknowledge funding from the Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services, Scottish Government. T.K. acknowledges funding from the European Research Council Grant ERC-263522 (LUISE).