994 resultados para Grain quality
An approach based on a linear rate of increase in harvest index (141) with time after anthesis has been used as a simple means-to predict grain growth and yield in many crop simulation models. When applied to diverse situations, however, this approach has been found to introduce significant error in grain yield predictions. Accordingly, this study was undertaken to examine the stability of the HI approach for yield prediction in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. Four field experiments were conducted under nonlimiting water. and N conditions. The experiments were sown at times that ensured a broad range in temperature and radiation conditions. Treatments consisted of two population densities and three genotypes varying in maturity. Frequent sequential harvests were used to monitor crop growth, yield, and the dynamics of 111. Experiments varied greatly in yield and final HI. There was also a tendency for lower HI with later maturity. Harvest index dynamics also varied among experiments and, to a lesser extent, among treatments within experiments. The variation was associated mostly with the linear rate of increase in HI and timing of cessation of that increase. The average rate of HI increase was 0.0198 d(-1), but this was reduced considerably (0.0147) in one experiment that matured in cool conditions. The variations found in IN dynamics could be largely explained by differences in assimilation during grain filling and remobilization of preanthesis assimilate. We concluded that this level of variation in HI dynamics limited the general applicability of the HI approach in yield prediction and suggested a potential alternative for testing.
A utiliza????o da matriz do QFD (em portugu??s, Desdobramento da Fun????o Qualidade) como entrada para o planejamento estrat??gico regional solidificou o entendimento da Diretoria Regional sobre as expectativas dos clientes ante seus principais processos, avaliados por meio de pesquisa externa realizada bianualmente. Direcionou as a????es a serem tomadas por meio da prioriza????o, da tradu????o e do desdobramento dos requisitos mais importantes para os clientes em todos os n??veis dos processos, alinhando essas a????es com as estrat??gias, a pol??tica da qualidade e o or??amento. Da mesma forma, serviu para estabelecer metas globais de satisfa????o por segmento, de forma mais estruturada, sistematizando a avalia????o dos resultados e focando sempre a satisfa????o dos clientes cujos resultados j?? se comprovaram: ??ndice de 8,6 em 2000 para 9,2 em 2004
O cultivo do café é uma das atividades do agronegócio de maior importância socioeconômica dentre as diferentes atividades ligadas ao comércio agrícola mundial. Uma das maiores contribuições da genética quantitativa para o melhoramento genético é a possibilidade de prever ganhos genéticos. Quando diferentes critérios de seleção são considerados, a predição de ganhos referentes a cada critério tem grande importância, pois indica os melhoristas sobre como utilizar o material genético disponível, visando obter o máximo de ganhos possível para as características de interesse. O presente trabalho foi instalado em julho de 2004, na Fazenda Experimental de Bananal do Norte, conduzida pelo Incaper, no distrito de Pacotuba, município de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, região Sul do Estado, com o objetivo de selecionar as melhores plantas entre e dentro de progênies de meios- irmãos de Coffea canephora, por meio de diferentes critérios de seleção. Foram realizadas análises de variância individuais e conjuntas para 26 progênies de meios- irmãos Coffea canephora. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso com quatro testemunhas adicionais com quatro repetições e parcela composta por cinco plantas, com o espaçamento de 3,0 m x 1,2 m. Neste trabalho, considerou-se os dados das últimas cinco colheitas. As características mensuradas foram: florescimento, maturação, tamanho do grão, peso, porte, vigor, ferrugem, mancha cercóspora, seca de ponteiros, escala geral, porcentagem de frutos boia e bicho mineiro. Todas as análises estatísticas foram realizadas com o aplicativo computacional em genética e estatística (GENES). Foram estimados os ganhos de seleção em função da porcentagem de seleção de 20% entre e dentro, sendo as mesmas mantidas para todas as características. Todas as características foram submetidas a seleção no sentido positivo, exceto para florescimento, porte, ferrugem, mancha cercóspora, seca de ponteiros, porcentagem de frutos boia e bicho mineiro, para obter decréscimo em suas médias originais. Os critérios de seleção estudados foram: seleção convencional entre e dentro das famílias, índice de seleção combinada, seleção massal e seleção massal estratificada. Esta dissertação é composta por dois capítulos, em que foram realizadas análises biométricas, como a obtenção de estimativas de parâmetros genéticos. Na maioria das características estudadas, verificaram-se diferenças significativas (P<0,05) para genótipos que, associados aos coeficientes de variação genotípicos e também ao coeficiente de determinação genotípico e à relação CVg/CVe, indicam a existência de variabilidade genética nos materiais genéticos para a maioria das características e condições favoráveis para obtenção de ganhos genéticos pela seleção. Essas características também foram correlacionadas. Os dados foram submetidos às análises de variância e multivariada, aplicando-se a técnica de agrupamento e UPGMA, teste de médias e estudo de correlações. Na técnica de agrupamento, foi utilizada a distância generalizada de Mahalanobis como medida de dissimilaridade, e na delimitação dos grupos, o método de Tocher. Foi encontrada diversidade genética para as características associadas à qualidade fisiológica, mobilização de reserva das sementes, dimensões e biomassa das plântulas. Quatro grupos de genótipos puderam ser formados. Peso de massa seca de sementes, redução de reserva de sementes e peso de massa seca de plântulas estão positivamente correlacionados entre si, enquanto a redução de reserva das sementes e a eficiência na conversão dessas reservas em plântulas estão negativamente correlacionadas. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, verificou-se que todas as características apresentaram níveis diferenciados de variabilidade genética e os critérios de seleção utilizados mostraram-se eficientes para o melhoramento, no qual o índice de seleção combinada é o critério de seleção que apresentou os melhores resultados em termos de ganhos, sendo indicado como critério mais apropriado para o melhoramento genético da população estudada. Nos estudos de correlações, em 70% dos casos, a correlação fenotípica foi superior à genotípica, mostrando maior influência dos fatores ambientais em relação aos genotípicos e condições propícias ao melhoramento dos diferentes caracteres. No estudo de divergência genética, observou-se que pelo agrupamento de genótipos, pela técnica de Tocher, indicou que os genótipos foram distribuídos em três grupos.
A variabilidade natural dos solos torna complexo o conhecimento de suas propriedades na elaboração de projetos geotécnicos, sendo a determinação da resistência ao cisalhamento não drenada um parâmetro importante nas análises de estabilidade de solos moles. Os ensaios de laboratório de cone e palheta, não convencionais, os ensaios de campo de palheta e piezocone e os ensaios de compressão simples e triaxial não adensado e não drenado foram utilizados para mensurar a resistência não drenada de uma camada de argila marinha mole localizada na planície costeira central brasileira. Os ensaios de laboratório foram realizados em amostras indeformadas coletadas com amostradores de pistão estacionário em vertical próxima à realização dos ensaios de campo. O sítio foi investigado preliminarmente por sondagens de simples reconhecimento, sendo apresentado o perfil estratigráfico por meio de modelagem computacional. Foram também realizados ensaios para caracterização física (análise granulométrica, teor de umidade, limites de liquidez e plasticidade, densidade real dos grãos) e mineralógica (difração de raios X), e ensaios de adensamento para obtenção do histórico de tensões e classificação de qualidade das amostras indeformadas. Os valores de resistência não drenada obtidos pelos ensaios de laboratório foram comparados ao perfil contínuo de resistência determinado empiricamente pelo ensaio de piezocone, com fator de cone Nkt calibrado pelo ensaio de palheta de campo, apresentando boa concordância, com a variabilidade natural do solo influenciando de forma preponderante a qualidade das amostras na variação entre os resultados. Os valores de resistência obtidos pelos ensaios de laboratório de cone e palheta foram comparados entre si, apresentando boa compatibilidade. Ambos, quando comparados ao ensaio de palheta de campo, não apresentaram boa concordância. Os resultados de resistência obtidos pelos ensaios de compressão simples e triaxial apresentaram boa compatibilidade com os resultados do ensaio de laboratório de cone, o que não ocorreu com os resultados do ensaio de laboratório de palheta. Na comparação entre a resistência normalizada pela tensão de sobreadensamento obtida pelos diversos métodos e algumas correlações empíricas da literatura internacional, foi observado para as amostras de solo com índice de plasticidade superior a 60% boa concordância com as correlações de Mesri (1975) e Jamiolkowski et al (1985). Os ensaios não convencionais apresentaram boa confiabilidade, que aliado a simplicidade e agilidade de execução, justificam a difusão destes na prática da investigação geotécnica brasileira como método alternativo para complementar e dar suporte às estimativas de resistência não drenada de solos moles.
Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de desenvolver um modelo computacional para simular a secagem de frutos café em um secador intermitente de fluxos contracorrente, empregando a linguagem de simulação EXTEND™ e o Modelo de Thompson (THOMPSON; PEART; FOSTER, 1968). Para validação do modelo desenvolvido foram utilizados dados experimentais obtidos por Silva (1991), em que foram empregados três níveis de temperatura do ar de secagem de 60, 80 e 100 °C. O modelo desenvolvido foi validado, sendo constatados desvios absolutos de 1,8% b.u e 1,1 kg e erros relativos de 11% e 1,6% na previsão dos parâmetros teor de água final e consumo de lenha, respectivamente. O modelo validado foi empregado na condução de experimentos tipo comparação de cenários. O primeiro experimento refere a alterações do ciclo operacional em que foram alterados os tempos de movimentação e de parada do fluxo da massa de grãos. E o segundo refere à alteração da configuração do secador quanto às alturas das câmaras de secagem e descanso. O ciclo operacional com os tempos de movimentação de um minuto e de parada de dezesseis minutos, para a temperatura do ar de secagem de 100 °C, proporcionou o melhor desempenho, sendo constatado tempo secagem de 12,3 h, consumo de lenha de 109,5 kg, consumo específico de energia de 7660 kJ.kg-1 de água evaporada, e capacidade de secagem de 87,86 kg.h-1. Quanto à configuração do secador, o melhor desempenho ocorreu para altura da câmara de secagem de 2,3 m usando a temperatura do ar de secagem de 100 °C, em que foram simulados tempo de secagem de 12,0 h, consumo de lenha de 106,5 kg, consumo específico de energia, de 7433 kJ.kg-1 de água evaporada, e capacidade de secagem de 90 kg.h-1. Desse modo, na condução da secagem de frutos de café em um secador intermitente de fluxos contracorrentes é recomendado o ciclo operacional com tempos de movimentação de um minuto e o de parada de dezesseis minutos, e não empregar a câmara de descanso. Essa conclusão está fundamentada em índices de desempenho do secador. Ressalta-se que não foram simulados os impactos nos parâmetros de qualidade.
Cocona (Solanum sessiliflorum Dunal) is an important genetic resource that has been traditionally used for a variety of purposes, including food, medical and cosmetics applications. The objective of this study was evaluated the quality and the period of postharvest shelf life of cocona 'Mosquet", through the physical, chemical and physiological characterization of fruits stored under the ambient conditions. Physiologically mature fruits were harvested from an orchard, washed with tap water and soaked in a solution of the fungicide Prochloraz (49.5 g/100 L of water) for 5 minutes. After air drying, the fruits were packed in plastic containers and stored at 24 ± 2 ºC and relative humidity 60 ± 5% for 15 days. The fruits developed a respiratory climacteric respiratory patern and remained fit for consumption up to day 6 of storage, that is, without visual symptoms of loss of water and firmness. At this stage, the fruits showed firmness of 117,42 kPa, soluble solids of 6.62º Brix and citric acid of 1.22 %.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the quality of fruits and the nutritional status of cucumber CV. Aodai cultivated in nutrient solutions with different N:K ratios. The hydroponic cultivation was initially performed, during the vegetative growth, in nutrient solution with 1:2.0 mmol L-1 N:K, and, later, during fruit setting, in four different nutrient solutions with N:K (w/w) at the ratios 1:1.4, 1:1.7, 1:2.0 and 1:2.5. An additional treatment with a nutrient solution containing the ratio 1:2.2 (w/w) N:K during the vegetative growth and N:K 1:1.4 (w/w) during fruit setting, both with 10% ammonium (NH4+) was included. The treatments were arranged in a randomized design with six replicates. Irrigation was carried out with deionized water until seed germination, and then with nutrient solution until 30 days after germination, when plants were transplanted. Plants in the hydroponic growing beds were irrigated with the solutions for vegetative growth, and, after 21 days, the solutions were replaced by solutions for fruit setting. At 45 and 60 days after transplanting, the fresh weight, length, diameter, volume and firmness of the fruit were evaluated, and, at 45 days after transplanting, the macronutrient concentrations in the leaves were determined. The use of different N:K ratios during fruit setting influenced the cucumber production. The ratio of 1.0:1.7 N: K (w/w), with 10% of N in the form of ammonia, is recommended for the whole cycle.
As with any variety of rice, red rice characteristics are subject to varietal differences, growing conditions, types of processing, and nutritional and rheological properties. This study determined the nutritional characteristics (centesimal composition and minerals) and paste viscosity properties of raw grains of four red rice genotypes (Tradicional MNAPB0405, MNACE0501 and MNACH0501) and the paste viscosity properties of pre-gelatinized flours obtained at different cooking times (20, 30 and 40 min). The main nutritional properties were correlated with the pasting properties of the pre-gelatinized flours. The samples showed differences in nutritional properties and paste viscosity. MNAPB0405 and MNACE0501 showed higher levels of fiber and fat and provided higher caloric energy than Tradicional and MNACH0501, which, in turn, showed higher levels of amylose. MNACH0501 showed higher peak viscosity (2402 cP), higher breakdown viscosity (696 cP) and a greater tendency to retrogradation (1510 cP), while Tradicional, MNAPB0405 and MNACE0501 had pasting profiles with peak viscosities varying between 855 and 1093 cP, breaking viscosity below 85 cP and retrogradation tendency between 376 and 1206 cP. The factors genotype and cooking time influenced the rheological behavior of pre-gelatinized flours, decreasing their pasting properties. The protein and amylose levels are correlated with the pasting properties and can be used as indicators of these properties in different genotypes of red rice, whether raw or processed into pre-gelatinized flours.
The purpose of this study is to characterize how Portuguese Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) view the Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMSs) certification process, after receiving the Quality Management System (QMS) certification. References were based on the ISO 9001 standard for a QMS and OHSAS 18001 for OHSMS. The method used to evaluate the implemented systems, was by form of questionnaire. Those questioned had to have a certified quality management system, an implemented OHSMS and be a SME. The questionnaire was sent to 300 SMEs; 46 responses were received and validated. Of them, only 12 SMEs had the OHSMS certificate according to OHSAS 18001. Within those 12 companies that participated: 7 SMEs are from the industrial sector; 3 belong to the electricity/telecommunications sector and 2 SMEs are from the trade/services activity sector. The size of the sample was small, but corresponds to Portuguese reality. Moreover, 34 SMEs did not have the OHSMS certificate. The questionnaire requested the main reasons for SMEs to opt for non-certification and it was related with high costs, while the main reasons to certificate were, among others, needed to eliminate or minimize risks to workers. The main benefits that Portuguese SMEs have gained from the referred certifications have been, improved working conditions, ensuring compliance with legislation and better internal communication about risks and hazards. Also presented are the main difficulties in achieving an OHSMS certification including high certification costs, difficulties motivating personnel, difficulties in changing the company’s culture and increased bureaucracy.
Poly(vinylidene fluoride)/Pb(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O3,([PVDF]1−x/[PZT]x) composites of volume fractions x and (0–3) type connectivity were prepared in the form of thin films. PZT powders with average grain sizes of 0.2, 0.84, and 2.35 μm in different volume fraction of PZT up to 40 % were mixed with the polymeric matrix. The influence of the inorganic particle size and its content on the thermal degradation properties of the composites was then investigated by means of thermo-gravimetric analysis. It is observed that filler size affects more than filler concentration the degradation temperature and activation energy of the polymer. In the same way and due to their larger specific area, smaller particles leave larger solid residuals after the polymer degradation. The polymer degradation mechanism is not significantly modified by the presence of the inorganic fillers. On the other hand, an inhibition effect occurs due to the presence of the fillers, affecting particularly the activation energy of the process.
Differences in levels of lignin in the plant between conventional and transgenic cultivars RR has been reported by several authors, however, there are few studies evaluating the influence of spraying of glyphosate on the lignin in the plant and RR soybean seeds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological quality of RR transgenic soybean seeds and the lignin contents of plants sprayed with the herbicide glyphosate. The assays were conducted both in greenhouse and field in the municipality of Lavras, MG, in the agricultural year 2007/08. The experiment was arranged in a splitplot design with four replicates, considering the treatments hand weeding and herbicide glyphosate as plots, and five RR soybean cultivars (BRS 245 RR, BRS 247 RR, Valiosa RR, Silvânia RR and Baliza RR) as splitplots. In the greenhouse, the cultivars tested were BRS 245 RR and Valiosa RR in a randomized block design with four replicates. The sprayings were carried out at stages V3, V7 and early R5 (3L/ha). The 1000 seed weight, mechanical injury, germination and germination velocity index, emergence velocity index, accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and water soaking seed test, lignin content in the seed coat, in the stem and legumes were determined. The spraying of glyphosate herbicide, in greenhouse and field, did not alter the physiological quality of seeds and the lignin contents in the plant.
Besides its importance in the coffee tree nutrition, there is almost no information relating zinc nutrition and bean quality. This work evaluated the effect of zinc on the coffee yield and bean quality. The experiment was conducted with Coffea arabica L. in "Zona da Mata" region, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Twelve plots were established at random with 4 competitive plants each. Treatments included plants supplemented with zinc (eight plots) and control without zinc supplementation (four plots). Plants were subjected to two treatments: zinc supplementation and control. Yield, number of defective beans, beans attacked by berry borers, bean size, cup quality, beans zinc concentration, potassium leaching, electrical conductivity, color index, total tritable acidity, pH, chlorogenic acids contents and ferric-reducing antioxidant activity of beans were evaluated. Zinc positively affected quality of coffee beans, which presented lower percentage of medium and small beans, lower berry borer incidence, lower potassium leaching and electrical conductivity, higher contents of zinc and chlorogenic acids and higher antioxidant activity in comparison with control beans.
Purpose – Castings defects are usually easy to characterize, but to eradicate them can be a difficult task. In many cases, defects are caused by the combined effect of different factors, whose identification is often difficult. Besides, the real non-quality costs are usually unknown, and even neglected. This paper aims to describe the development of a modular tool for quality improvement in foundries, and its main objective is to present the application potential and the foundry process areas that are covered and taken into account. Design/methodology/approach – The integrated model was conceived as an expert system, designated Qualifound, which performs both qualitative and quantitative analyses. For the qualitative analyses mode, the nomenclature and the description of defects are based on the classification suggested by the International Committee of the Foundry Technical Association. Thus, a database of defects was established, enabling one to associate the defects with the relevant process operations and the identification of their possible causes. The quantitative analysis mode deals with the number of produced and rejected castings and includes the calculation of the non-quality costs. Findings – The validation of Qualifound was carried out in a Portuguese foundry, whose quality system had been certified according to the ISO 9000 standards. Qualifound was used in every management area and it was concluded that the application had the required technological requisites to provide the necessary information for the foundry management to improve process quality. Originality/value – The paper presents a successful application of an informatics tool on quality improvement in foundries.
According to Wright [1] certification of products and processes began during the 1960’s in the manufacturing industry, as a tool to control and assure the quality/conformity of products and services provided by suppliers to customers/consumers. Thus, the series of ISO 9000 was published first time, in 1987 and it was been created with a flexible character, to be reviewed periodically. Later, were published others normative references, which highlight the ISO 14001 in 1996 and OHSAS 18001 in 1999. This was also, the natural sequence of the certification processes in the organizations, i.e., began with the certification of quality management systems (QMS) followed by the environmental management systems (EMS) and after for the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS). Hence, a high percentage of organizations with an EMS, in accordance with the ISO 14001, had also implemented, a certified QMS, in accordance with ISO 9001. At first the implementation of a QMS was particularly relevant in high demanding activity sectors, like the automotive and aeronautical industries, but it has rapidly extended to every activity sector, becoming a common requisite of any company worldwide and a factor of competitiveness and survival. Due to the increasingly demanding environmental legislation in developed countries, companies nowadays are required to seriously take into consideration not only environmental aspects associated to the production chain itself, but also to the life cycle of their products.
Soybean genotypes grown in sub-tropical climate may exhibit lodging. The plant lodging is influenced by soil type and fertility level, sowing date, latitude and altitude of the location, plant population and conditions of crop development. Plant regulators and herbicides are able to avoid or reduce plant lodging. This study aimed to verify the effects of the growth regulators TIBA and daminozide on vegetative growth and yield of soybean cultivar CD 214 RR. The experiment was carried out at a field in randomized block design with four replications in a factorial scheme. The A factor was represented by the combination of regulators TIBA and daminozide and its concentrations, and the Factor B was seven times of evaluation of injury and plant height or eight times of evaluation of lodging. In the range of doses used, the application of daminozide resulted in greater injury to soybean plants than TIBA. The smaller plant height was achieved by the application of 6 g ha-1 of TIBA and 1200 g ha-¹ of daminozide. Treatments with daminozide (100 g ha-¹) and TIBA (10 g ha-1) stood out due to the reduced lodging of soybean plants. Grain weight increased linearly when the levels of TIBA increased. There was a negative correlation between lodging and grain yield and a positive correlation between plant height and lodging. There was also a negative correlation between injury caused by the application of plant regulators and lodging.