994 resultados para Gradient environmental
This article discusses the development of an Intelligent Distributed Environmental Decision Support System, built upon the association of a Multi-agent Belief Revision System with a Geographical Information System (GIS). The inherent multidisciplinary features of the involved expertises in the field of environmental management, the need to define clear policies that allow the synthesis of divergent perspectives, its systematic application, and the reduction of the costs and time that result from this integration, are the main reasons that motivate the proposal of this project. This paper is organised in two parts: in the first part we present and discuss the developed Distributed Belief Revision Test-bed — DiBeRT; in the second part we analyse its application to the environmental decision support domain, with special emphasis on the interface with a GIS.
Decision making in any environmental domain is a complex and demanding activity, justifying the development of dedicated decision support systems. Every decision is confronted with a large variety and amount of constraints to satisfy as well as contradictory interests that must be sensibly accommodated. The first stage of a project evaluation is its submission to the relevant group of public (and private) agencies. The individual role of each agency is to verify, within its domain of competence, the fulfilment of the set of applicable regulations. The scope of the involved agencies is wide and ranges from evaluation abilities on the technical or economical domains to evaluation competences on the environmental or social areas. The second project evaluation stage involves the gathering of the recommendations of the individual agencies and their justified merge to produce the final conclusion. The incorporation and accommodation of the consulted agencies opinions is of extreme importance: opinions may not only differ, but can be interdependent, complementary, irreconcilable or, simply, independent. The definition of adequate methodologies to sensibly merge, whenever possible, the existing perspectives while preserving the overall legality of the system, will lead to the making of sound justified decisions. The proposed Environmental Decision Support System models the project evaluation activity and aims to assist developers in the selection of adequate locations for their projects, guaranteeing their compliance with the applicable regulations.
Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, vol. 22, n.1, March 2004, p. 47–62
Climatic reconstructions based on palynological data from Aquitaine outcrops emphasize an important degradation phase during the Lower Serravallian. Climatic and environmental changes can be related to sea-level variations (Bur 5 / Lan 1, Lan 2 / Ser 1 and Ser 2 cycles). Transgressive phases feature warmer conditions and more open environments whereas regressive phases are marked by a cooler climate and an extent of the forest cover. From Langhian to Middle Serravallian, a general cooling is highlighted, with disappearance of most megathermic taxa and a transition from warm and dry climate to warm-temperate and much more humid conditions. Conclusions are consistent with studies on bordering areas and place the major degradation phase around 14 My. The palynologic data allow filling a gap in the climatic evolution of Southern France, as a connection between Lower and Upper Miocene, both well recorded. These results document, on Western Europe scale, latitudinal climatic gradient across Northern hemisphere while featuring a transition between Mediterranean area and northeastern Atlantic frontage.
Comunicação apresentada na 9th European Sociological Association Conference - European Society or European Societies, no ISCTE, de 2 a 5 de Setembro de 2009.
Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation: International and Comparative Perspectives: Volume VI, 699-715
We study the effects of environmental and trade policies in an international duopoly serving two countries, with pollution abatement. This analysis is done in both mixed and privatized markets. The model has two stages: First, governments choose environmental taxes and import tariffs, simultaneously; then, the firms compete in the market by choosing output levels for the domestic market and to export and also abatement levels.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management in the Atlantic and Mediterranean, p. 91-98
Environmental Training in Engineering Education (ENTREE 2001) - integrated green policies: progress for progress, p. 329-339 (Florence, 14-17 November 2001; proceedings published as book)
Progress in Industrial Ecology, An International Journal, nº 4(5), p. 363-381
Business Strategy and the Environment nº 15, p. 71–86
Journal of Cleaner Production, nº 17, p. 36-52
Journal of Cleaner Production, nº 16, p. 639-645
Journal of Environmental Management, nº 82 p. 410–432
The recent changes on power systems paradigm requires the active participation of small and medium players in energy management. With an electricity price fluctuation these players must manage the consumption. Lowering costs and ensuring adequate user comfort levels. Demand response can improve the power system management and bring benefits for the small and medium players. The work presented in this paper, which is developed aiming the smart grid context, can also be used in the current power system paradigm. The proposed system is the combination of several fields of research, namely multi-agent systems and artificial neural networks. This system is physically implemented in our laboratories and it is used daily by researchers. The physical implementation gives the system an improvement in the proof of concept, distancing itself from the conventional systems. This paper presents a case study illustrating the simulation of real-time pricing in a laboratory.