545 resultados para Germania, Enigma, Hollerith
Gruppo mediatico di proprietà della fam. omonima, le cui origini risalgono alla tipografia fondata nel 1833 a Zofingen da Johann Rudolf (1803-1874). Nel 1898 Paul August Ringier, esponente della terza generazione, rilevò l'azienda, che ampliò fino a farne un'impresa tipografica industriale e una delle principali case editrici della Svizzera. Nel 1932 la Ringier fu trasformata in un gruppo, divenne una soc. anonima e fu fondata la holding. Fino al 1938 pubblicò nove riviste illustrate per fam., di intrattenimento e dedicate ai programmi radiofonici, con una tiratura complessiva di 680'000 copie; nel 1959 diede vita al Blick. Dal 1960 con Hans (1906-2003), figlio di Paul August, e dal 1985 con i suoi figli Christoph (nascita 1941; in azienda fino al 1991) e Michael (nascita 1949), l'impresa divenne il più grande gruppo mediatico della Svizzera. Dal 1980 si è espansa in Germania, Asia e negli Stati Uniti e dal 1992 nell'Europa orientale. Nel 2008 impiegava in tutto il mondo 8129 persone e la cifra d'affari ammontava a oltre 1,535 miliardi di frs. Bibliografia – P. Meier, T. Häussler, Zwischen Masse, Markt und Macht, 2009
Lameness in horses due to pain originating from the proximal metacarpal/metatarsal region remains a diagnostic challenge. In cases of obvious lameness the pain can be localised to this region by diagnostic anaesthesia. Because a variety of disorders can cause lameness in this region different imaging modalities including radiography, ultrasonography and scintigraphy should be used to arrive at an accurate diagnosis. Even though a precise anatomic-pathologic diagnosis can still be an enigma, because not only bone and joints, but also soft tissue structures including the proximal suspensory ligament, its origin at the proximal metacarpus/ metatarsus, its fascia, the superficial fascia, as well as the intermetacarpal/metatarsal ligaments, the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon and both digital flexor tendons may be involved. Magnet resonance tomography (MRT) shows a high diagnostic sensitivity in imaging soft tissue structures and bone. In horses MRT is still at the beginning. The MRT appearance of the proximal metacarpal/metatarsal region has not yet been evaluated in detail and there are only few anatomic studies of the origin of the suspensory ligament in horses. The first experiences showed, that more gross and histologic examinations are necessary to fully interpret MRT-images and to differentiate pathologic alterations from clinically not relevant variations.
Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder unique to pregnancy and remains the leading cause of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Despite active research, the etiology of this disease remains still an enigma. There is increasing evidence that a combination of several factors is responsible for the development of preeclampsia. In this review, we discuss the role of aldosterone in the regulation of body fluid in pregnancy and preeclampsia. Aldosterone is produced by the enzyme aldosterone synthase and competes with cortisol and progesterone for the mineralocorticoid receptor, thus affecting sodium reabsorption and maternal volume expansion. Aldosterone seems to play a pivotal role in controlling blood pressure during pregnancy and to contribute to the well-being of the mother-to-be. Novel findings in understanding the underlying causes of preeclampsia provide a rationale for future novel prophylactic and therapeutic interventions in the treatment of this pregnancy-associated disease.
The pathogenesis of Graves' ophthalmopathy has not been yet clarified, and from a therapeutic standpoint Graves' ophthalmopathy remains an enigma. The natural course and effects of different treatment regimens are poorly documented.
OBJECTIVE: The factors that induce remission of RA during pregnancy and the relapse occurring after delivery remain an enigma. In a previous study, we investigated gene-expression profiles of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in patients with RA and healthy women in late pregnancy and postpartum. Profiles of samples from both groups were similar in late pregnancy with elevated monocyte and decreased lymphocyte signatures. Postpartum, in RA PBMC the high level of monocyte transcripts persisted. Further increase was observed in adhesion, migration and signalling processes related to monocytes but also in lymphocytes despite similar clinical activity due to intensified drug treatment. This prompted us to investigate correlations between clinical parameters of disease activity and gene profiles. METHODS: Transcriptome data were correlated with RADAI, CRP, monocyte and lymphocyte counts. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway annotations, monocytes and lymphocytes signatures were used as reference information. RESULTS: Comparative analysis of PBMC expression profiles from RA patients during and after pregnancy with RADAI and CRP revealed a correlation of these disease activity parameters predominantly with monocyte transcripts. Genes related to cellular programs of adhesion, migration and response to infections were upregulated. Comparing clinically active and not-active RA patients postpartum revealed a cluster of 19 genes that could also identify active disease during pregnancy. CONCLUSION: The data suggest that an increase of the RADAI and an elevation of CRP is a consequence of molecular activation of monocytes. Furthermore, they indicate that molecular activation of T lymphocytes may remain clinically unrecognized postpartum. It is conceivable that a set of 19 genes may qualify as molecular disease activity marker.
Background: Aspirin resistance is considered to be an enigma and the data available on aspirin resistance is scarce. This study was initiated to prospectively evaluate the prevalence of aspirin resistance in patients with stable coronary artery disease by using an established method of optical platelet aggregation. Methods and Results: We studied 50 patients who were on 150 mg of aspirin for the previous 7 days. Fasting blood samples were assessed using optical platelet aggregation (Chronolog Corp, USA). The mean platelet aggregation with 10 μm of adenosine diphosphate in our patient group was 49.42 ± 23.29% and with 0.5 mg/ ml of arachidonic acid it was 13.58 ± 21.40%. Aspirin resistance was defined as a mean aggregation of ≥70% with 10 μm of adenosine diphosphate and a mean aggregation of ≥ 20% with 0.5 mg/ml of arachidonic acid. Aspirin semi responders were defined as those meeting only one of the criteria. Based on these criteria, 2.08% patients were found to be aspirin-resistant, 39.58% were aspirin semi responders and 58.33% were aspirin responders. Females tended to be more aspirin semi responsive (p = 0.08). All other parameters tested, namely, age, smoking, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity, lipids, hemoglobin, platelet count, ejection fraction and drug intake did not show any statistically significant difference among the groups. Thus, in our group 41.66% patients showed inadequate response to aspirin. Conclusions: This study shows that aspirin resistance and aspirin semi responsiveness do occur in the Indian patients and there are no reliable clinical predictors for this condition. The diagnosis therefore relies primarily on laboratory tests.
La cultura musicale delle corti dell'Europa centrale nel '700 viene contrassegnata dal successo dell' "Opera seria", un genere musicale e drammatico che nonostante le sue origini italiane si espande e si diffonde rapidamente ovunque in Europa adattandosi da caso a caso ad esigenze e condizioni locali. La relazione prende in esame l'attività della principessa elettrice della Sassonia Maria Antonia Walpurgis di Baviera (1724 – 1780) che a partire dal suo arrivo a Dresda nel 1747 prende una parte assai attiva nella vita musicale della corte che occupava uno dei primi posti in Europa. Grazie alla sua dotazione musicale Maria Antonia stringe rapporti di lavoro con alcuni dei più importanti musicisti d'epoca che erano i suoi maestri e insegnanti, soprattutto con Johann Adolf Hasse formatosi a Venezia che dal 1730 era capo musicista della corte sassone. Hasse che soltanto ora viene riscoperto come compositore assistette la principessa nell'elaborazione delle sue "Opere serie". Essenziali anche i rapporti con Pietro Metastasio che oltre ad essere il più famoso librettista dell'Opera seria di allora era anche legato all'ambiente degli Arcadi che acclamarono socia onoraria la principessa a causa delle sue opere serie "Talestri e Il Trionfo della fedeltà" che segnano l'apice della sua attività da compositrice musicale. Viene sottolineato il ruolo importante della ricerca per il "vero buon gusto“e la preferenza per la semplicità della musica antica intesa come musica italiana in contrasto con la musica di gusto francese. Dopo il 1766 le opere della principessa segnate dall'influenza che ebbe la tradizione veneziana sulla vita musicale alla corte di Dresda venne criticata in Germania per il suo gusto italiano.
erzählt von einem katholischen Christen
von Alfons Steiger
von Alfons Steiger
Boberach: Wiedergegeben sind 216 Texte im Umfang zwischen einem (z.B. "Einigkeit macht stark") und 16 Versen und die Beschreibungen von zugehörigen und von vier nur bildlichen Darstellungen (z.B.: "Eine geharnischte Jungfrau - Germania -, die einen Drachen besiegt."). Die meisten Texte fordern zur Einigkeit auf, einige wenden sich gegen das überwundene System Metternichs. Als Vorkämpfer der liberalen Bewegung werden u.a. Jahn, Arndt, Blum, Gagern genannt, als Aussteller lediglich einmal "Sämtliche Gesellen des Schreinerhandwerks"
von Heinrich Brönnle, Stade
Vorl. des Digitalisats aus dem Besitz d. "Germania Judaica, Kölner Bibl. z. Gesch. d. Judentums"