999 resultados para Gentile, Giovanni
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la figura del artista a comienzos del siglo XX a través de los textos y las ideas del poeta italiano Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. Partiendo sus teorías de las bases del decadentismo, Marinetti genera un modelo de artista en el que ejercen gran influencia conceptos como el genio y la libertad artística, muy asociados al Romanticismo, pero al que añade nuevos elementos de gran relevancia para la coyuntura política y social de su época. Entre estos, estarían aquellos que vincularon al artista futurista con la política de su tiempo, con el fascismo y con los modos de comunicación con el cada vez más importante público de grandes masas. Obsesionado con la idea de progreso, Marinetti aspira a crear un nuevo artista capaz de generar un nuevo mundo que introdujera definitivamente a Italia en la modernidad.
This dissertation project comprises three major operatic performances and an accompanying document; a performance study which surveys aspects of sexism and imperialism as represented in three operas written over the last three centuries by examining the implications of prejudice through research as well as through performances of the major roles found in the operas. Mr. Eversole performed the role of Sharpless in the 2014 Castleton Festival production of Madama Butterfly (music by Giacomo Puccini, libretto by Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa), conducted by Bradley Moore. In 2015, Mr. Eversole sang the title role in four performances of Mozart and Da Ponte’s Don Giovanni with the Maryland Opera Studio at the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, conducted by Craig Kier. Also as part of the Maryland Opera Studio 2015-16 season, Mr. Eversole appeared as Oscar Hubbard in four performances of Marc Blitzstein’s Regina, an adaptation of Lillian Hellman’s 1939 play, The Little Foxes. These performances were also conducted by Craig Kier. The accompanying research document discusses significant issues of cultural, geographical, and sexual hegemony as they relate to each opera. It examines the plots and characters of the operas from a postcolonial and feminist perspective, and takes a moral stance against imperialism, sexism, domestic abuse, and in general, the exploitation of women and of the colonized by the socially privileged and powerful. Recordings of all three operas can be accessed at the University of Maryland Hornbake Library. They are: Giacomo Puccini’s Madama Butterfly (the role of Sharpless) July 20, 2014, Castleton Festival production, Bradley Moore, Conductor Castleton, Virginia Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Don Giovanni (title role) November 22nd, 2015, Maryland Opera Studio, Craig Kier, Conductor Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, UMD Marc Blitzstein’s Regina, (Oscar Hubbard) April 8th, 8016, Maryland Opera Studio, Craig Kier, Conductor Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, UMD
Tese para a obtenção do grau de Doutor no Ramo de Arquitectura, na Especialidade de História da Arquitectura, apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.
El joven historiador costarricense Juan José Marín entrevista al DR. Giovanni Levi.
La presente ricerca prende avvio dalla ricostruzione della biografia di Giovanni Giacomo Leonardi (1498-1562), pesarese, architetto militare, ambasciatore e cavaliere al servizio dei duchi d’Urbino Francesco Maria I (1490-1538) e Guidobaldo II (1514-1574) della Rovere. Attraverso lo spoglio delle fonti tra Pesaro, Firenze e Venezia, se ne è fornita una collocazione nel panorama politico-culturale dell’Italia cinquecentesca, al fine di evidenziare l’importanza del suo trattato in trentadue libri, intitolato "Il Principe Cavalliero", dedicato ai precetti dell’arte militare, diplomatica e cavalleresca necessari a formare il perfetto principe del tardo Rinascimento. Dell’opera, rimasta inedita, sono state trascritte e studiate le parti dedicate alla scienza dell’onore e all’arte dell’ambasceria, al fine di dimostrare come i dettami della ‘religione di cavalleria’ influenzassero ogni ambito delle relazioni tra gentiluomini, comprese quelle interstatuali.
L'oggetto del presente elaborato è un confronto tra l'opera Don Giovanni di Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart e il racconto Don Juan di Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann. A una sezione dedicata alla vita dello scrittore e alle sue opere segue un'analisi della figura del Don Giovanni nella storia, in Hoffmann e in Mozart. Un parallelo tra i due capolavori è invece il tema dell'ultimo capitolo, con un focus specifico sui personaggi, i temi, e l'interpretazione.
Il presente elaborato finale ha lo scopo di illustrare tutti i parametri necessari alla progettazione di un “buon” impianto di illuminazione stradale, dotato di tutte le nuove tecnologie, per un maggior risparmio energetico incentrato alla valorizzazione e riqualificazione urbana. L’illuminazione pubblica negli ultimi decenni ha ricoperto un’importanza sempre maggiore all’interno della città e del territorio aumentando in modo esponenziale la presenza di corpi illuminanti e formando spesso una vera e propria macchia di luce durante la notte. L’implementazione degli apparecchi di illuminazione ha portato ad una maggiore sicurezza e, a volte, un maggiore comfort nelle zone cittadine, ma anche un notevole aumento di costi energetici a carico delle amministrazioni comunali. Pertanto, alla luce degli ultimi mesi, è necessario incrementare i servizi tecnologici basati sull’efficientamento energetico degli impianti, in particolare, adottando sempre di più la sorgente a LED e sistemi di riduzione del flusso luminoso, in sostituzione alle lampade obsolete esistenti con un basso rendimento energetico. Con lo sviluppo del traffico veicolare degli ultimi anni, l’illuminazione urbana ha modificato il suo aspetto nelle città, concentrandosi sul rispetto dei valori prescritti per consentire una maggiore sicurezza e scorrevolezza del traffico motorizzato durante le ore notturne a discapito della valorizzazione urbana. Infatti, le statistiche hanno mostrato che il tasso degli incidenti notturni, ossia il rapporto tra gli incidenti e il numero di veicoli in circolazione, è più elevato rispetto agli incidenti durante le ore diurne.
Sugarcane is a monocot plant that accumulates sucrose to levels of up to 50% of dry weight in the stalk. The mechanisms that are involved in sucrose accumulation in sugarcane are not well understood, and little is known with regard to factors that control the extent of sucrose storage in the stalks. UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (UGPase; EC is an enzyme that produces UDP-glucose, a key precursor for sucrose metabolism and cell wall biosynthesis. The objective of this work was to gain insights into the ScUGPase-1 expression pattern and regulatory mechanisms that control protein activity. ScUGPase-1 expression was negatively correlated with the sucrose content in the internodes during development, and only slight differences in the expression patterns were observed between two cultivars that differ in sucrose content. The intracellular localization of ScUGPase-1 indicated partial membrane association of this soluble protein in both the leaves and internodes. Using a phospho-specific antibody, we observed that ScUGPase-1 was phosphorylated in vivo at the Ser-419 site in the soluble and membrane fractions from the leaves but not from the internodes. The purified recombinant enzyme was kinetically characterized in the direction of UDP-glucose formation, and the enzyme activity was affected by redox modification. Preincubation with H2O2 strongly inhibited this activity, which could be reversed by DTT. Small angle x-ray scattering analysis indicated that the dimer interface is located at the C terminus and provided the first structural model of the dimer of sugarcane UGPase in solution.
Plants are sessile organisms and have evolved to tolerate a constantly changing environment. After the onset of different stress conditions, calcineurin B-like (CBL) proteins can sense calcium signals and activate CBL-interacting protein kinase (CIPK) proteins, which can phosphorylate downstream proteins to reestablish plant homeostasis. Previous studies in the bioenergy crop sugarcane showed that the ScCIPK8 gene is induced by drought stress and is also related to sucrose content. Here, we have characterized the protein-protein interactions of ScCIPK8 with six CBL proteins (ScCBL1, ScCBL2, ScCBL3, ScCBL6, ScCBL9, and ScCBL10). Yeast two-hybrid assays showed that ScCIPK8 interacts with ScCBL1, ScCBL3, and ScCBL6. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays confirmed in planta the interactions that were observed in yeast cells. These findings give insights on the regulatory networks related to sugar accumulation and drought stress responses in sugarcane.
There is a growing demand for renewable energy, and sugarcane is a promising bioenergy crop. In Brazil, the largest sugarcane producer in the world, sugarcane plantations are expanding into areas where severe droughts are common. Recent evidence has highlighted the role of miRNAs in regulating drought responses in several species, including sugarcane. This review summarizes the data from miRNA expression profiles observed in a wide array of experimental conditions using different sugarcane cultivars that differ in their tolerance to drought. We uncovered a complex regulation of sugarcane miRNAs in response to drought and discussed these data with the miRNA profiles observed in other plant species. The predicted miRNA targets revealed different transcription factors, proteins involved in tolerance to oxidative stress, cell modification, as well as hormone signaling. Some of these proteins might regulate sugarcane responses to drought, such as reduction of internode growth and shoot branching and increased leaf senescence. A better understanding on the regulatory network from miRNAs and their targets under drought stress has a great potential to contribute to sugarcane improvement, either as molecular markers as well as by using biotechnological approaches.
The authors present considerations about death and brain death concepts, as well the legal aspects for its diagnosis in Brazil. They also present the UNICAMP Protocol for the Diagnosis of Brain Death, revised and according with the current law, with standard techniques for the diagnostic exam. They emphasize the importance of a mature ethical position for this frequent and challenging situation.